
Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Top Ten Tuesday: Oldies but Goodies

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Oldies but Goodies!
This week, we are talking about books older than we are. I elected to talk about some of those older works of literature I read, enjoyed, left an impression, and clock in near or over the age of fifty. Mostly what I have here are a lot of books I read in my youth, as I pretty much only read contemporary fiction these days and not even old contemporary fiction, but newer contemporary fiction. Here's my list of oldies but goodies. I tried to find the covers of the versions I read, but I wasn't successful with all. I know that R&J book I read was blue....

Favorite book older than you?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I remember reading Lord of the Flies in school - crazy!

    1. I actually read it twice. Once in 10th grade english and then again for a film elective. We read the book and watched the film (the old one). I thought it was a great book

  2. THE PUG!
    I've only read Animal Farm and Romeo and Juliet from your list. I honestly don't remember much from Animal Farm...

    1. He's cute, right? I remember thinking Animal Farm was brilliant, and I was like 14 when I read it. Orwell was a genius, in my opinion.

  3. I've read most of these too! I remember really enjoying A Separate Peace. I have a cool version of Mixed-Up Files and want to re-read it soon.


    1. A Separate Peace was one of my freshman year books. Mostly everyone hated it, but I liked it. LOVED Mixed-Up Files. Obsessed with the movie, and then I got to revisit when my daughter was in grade school. She was so sad when we went to the Met and the bed was gone

  4. I should have put Lord of the Flies and some of the others here on my list, too! I completely forgot about them. Ugh. My list is so boring. Yours is fun.

    1. My list is almost all required reading. You didn't have to go as far back as me, because you're younger.

  5. Animal Farm I read in school, I’ve never read it again instead I opted for 1984 instead.

    1. I have not revisited any of these books since I first read them, but I don't re-read.

  6. This is a great list. Even though I was never a big fan of required reads in school, your list definitely contains most of my favorites.

    1. I don't really read any books 50 years or older, so I had to dig into my required reading. I liked a lot of the books I read in school, believe it or not.

  7. I’ve read almost all of these! I need to reread Charlotte’s Web. I remember my 3rd grade teacher reading it to us, and I loved it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. That book made me cry. It was sad for my little kid self.

  8. This list definitely brings back memories! I've read half of them. TKAM is my favorite book of all time. I also like A SEPARATE PEACE, which I just re-read last year.

    Happy TTT!

    1. We read A Separate Peace when I was a freshman, and I was one of the few that liked it. Very under appreciated by my peers.

  9. I read Romeo and Juliet in school, and I think I read the Judy Blume book while a young teenager. I definitely read some of her books. All of Agatha Christie's books are older than me, and I've read most of them. Rebecca is also one I can think of offhand that is older than me. I'm sure I've read others, but none are coming to mind this late at night, lol. :)

    1. I definitely read Margaret as a pre-teen, because my sister (slightly older) and her friends were passing the book around, but I read a lot of her other books in my teens and grade school too. She wrote so many! Mostly, any old books I read were for school. That's why my TTT looks like a required reading list.

  10. That cover of Are You There God It's Me Margaret instantly takes me back because that's the exact version I had. That book (and many other Blume books) were such a huge part of my childhood.

    1. That is the one I read. It was passed from girl to girl on my street.

  11. To Kill A Mockingbird one of the two of these I've read and it was the cover version you have here! :)

    1. I couldn't remember what the cover looked like for that one. I was 14 when I read it, and I am very much not 14 now.

  12. Oh, all of these are great! And I love your title. It's perfect! :)

    1. Thanks! Mostly required reading stuff. That's what I get for obsessing about new releases.

  13. I am ashamed to say that I haven't read any of these!

    1. They are mostly required reading in American schools, so I can understand why you haven't

  14. Some of these I'm going to have to add to my own tbr! Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. I am surprised you haven't read them all already.
