
Friday, January 8, 2021

Discussion: Challenge Accepted 2021

This Week’s Topic:

With the new year comes my time to declare my challenges, but first, let's see how I did last year. 

Goodreads Reading Challenge 

For the record, I actually increased my challenge, and read more books in 2020 than I did in 2019. I read 462 total, but I attribute my increase to being able to listen to more audiobooks while working from home. 

2020 Discussion Challenge

I signed up for  Terrifically Talkative (31 - 40 posts). I really was doing well until the pandemic hit. I just started feeling like I was screaming into the void and sort of gave up on discussions. I posted 22 discussions, and therefore FAILED this challenge. 

2020 Literary Escapes Challenge

If you ever visit me, you know I am constantly lamenting the lack of books set in the middle of the country. I had to listen to some books I didn't really love, but HECK YEAH! I read all 50 states.   

A to Z Reading Challenge

I sort of went against my own no-rereading rule for this one. I was one away from completing this challenge, and I just could not find a Z book that sounded interesting to me. I cast my rules aside, and re-listened to Zac and Mia which was still sad and beautiful. 

Diversity Reading Challenge 2020 

Another success with this challenge. I think reading a lot of YA lends itself to diverse books in general, but I love the extra challenge I get from the monthly prompts. 

Monthly Keyword Challenge

Monthly Motif

While I Was Reading Challenge

I gave up on this challenge. There were a few prompts I just could not find anything that fit and interested me. I think I did all but two prompts, which isn't terrible, but I don't usually give up. So, I FAILED this challenge. 


I am, more or less, sticking with the challenges I did last year. I hope to throw in some seasonal bingos to spice things up, but I feel these push me the right amount, while still keeping my reading enjoyable. 

I am keeping my GoodReads challenge the same, because I have no idea what changes I will experience in my life, when (if?) I return to work. I have also put in applications for new jobs, and once never knows what demands will await me. Staying safe with 365 for the year, since I always seem to be able to do this. 

I will once again participate in the Discussion Challenge. I am hoping to be a Creative Conversationalist with 11- 20 discussions.

In addition, I will also be doing:

Now it's your turn!

What do you look for in a reading challenge? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love seeing what you were able to accomplish in 2020. I wish I could have stayed at home for my job, but am a front line worker so not plausible but I am envious. Audiobooks really help in increasing your numbers of book reading. I only did Romanceopoly last year and did okay with it, but my reading suffered but am making a goal to read as much as I can this year.

    Hope you have great successes in 2021!

    1. I was lucky my job found a WFH position for me. I function is actually essential, and half my team is in office. I think riding the trains and buses would have been really stressful for me. Good luck with your reading!

  2. You did awesome on your 2020 challenges, even the ones you "failed." 22 discussion posts is probably more than I've done my entire blogging career! I might unofficially do the Literary Escapes Challenge, just to see where I read. Good luck with your 2021 goals!

    1. I sort of lost my discussion mojo at one point, but I am ok with that. At least my reading didn't suffer. The only challenge I actually join is the Discussion Challenge. I just do the others "unofficially".

  3. I don't really do a bunch of challenges. I do the GR one and a couple that are in a group on there. I used to do the New Adult challenge, but the person who ran that one stopped blogging. This year I'm making it a point to read more books hidden in the depths of my kindle. Good luck on all of your challenges.

    1. I like more focused challenges, prompts and stuff like that. I find it sort of fun to find a book to fit each requirement.

  4. Wow first kudos to you for your excellent tracking, I always forget.


    1. Empty nester moms have a lot more free time, you know.

  5. You really crushed your Goodreads goal! 462 books is just... wow! And I'm impressed you managed to complete books for all 50 states, too. Way to go!

    1. It's those audiobooks. I love listening to them all day as I work, and it really adds up. The 50 states was so hard. I had to choke down some books I was not that keen on, but I did it. Here's hoping we get some great books for the "middle" this year.

  6. Yay! What you did do in 2020 was amazing and you read a phenomenal amount of books! Here's wishing you all the luck on completing your 2021 challenges!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. Thanks! I probably read some great books I otherwise wouldn't have because of these challenges.

  7. Great job on all of your reading challenges in 2020. You did fantastic. And you might not have gotten as many discussion posts as you wanted, but 22 is still pretty fantastic. I still need to sign up for that one, and hopefully I'll actually do more bookish discussion posts this year. I have good intentions! LOL


    1. I look forward to you joining us in the discussion challenge!

  8. You did really well! This is my first year actually embracing challenges other than Goodreads. I’m joining you on the Literary Escapes one!

    1. Literary Escapes has proven to be quite a challenge. Sometimes I find great books for those middle states, but sometimes it's really hard. Good luck!

  9. Wow, 365 books and you read 462 last year! I'm happy if I'm able to read 150. I don't usually join challenges other than the Goodreads and Audiobook challenge Kimberly hosts. I just can't keep tract. I barely have enough time to read and blog with my schedule. Good luck with all your new challenges!

    1. Being able to listen to audiobooks as I work really pump my numbers up. I can knock out 4-5 per week. The only challenges I officially join are GR and the discussion challenge. The others, I simple track. I like having some guidelines, and I have definitely read books I wouldn't have otherwise due to challenges, finding some gems along the way.

  10. Holy cow! When did you sleep in 2020?? I'm super impressed with the goals you met!

    1. I don't watch TV. I have set reading times in the morning and evening, and I get to listen to audiobooks as I work. I was keeping a 9-10 book per week pace (5 books, 4-5 audiobooks)

  11. Wow, you did so well with your 2020 goals! Good luck with your 2021 challenges!

  12. You still did great at the discussions! Also there was a pandemic, so I'd think in the circumstances it's still a success - you tried your best, and I think you did well overall! Good luck in the challenges in 2021!

    1. In all honesty, I actually gave up on discussions. Traffic was down so much with so many bloggers disappearing. It just didn't seem worth the struggle. I already scream into the void with my reviews. Discussion posts were worth it, because of the interaction. With that almost gone, I just lost my motivation. Thanks! Good luck to you in everything you do too!

  13. 462 books?! That's amazing, Sam! =D I also failed the 2020 Discussion Challenge (I'm too scared to see how much I failed).

    Good luck with your 2021 challenges.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? 2021 is a new year for us to try and hit our discussion challenge goals.

  14. You had an amazing year of reading! I am always amazed by how many books you are able to read. Good luck with all of your 2021 challenges!

    1. I have no kids or husband. I don't watch TV and I listen to audiobooks as I work. You can knock out a lot of books that way.

  15. I wanted to try more audiobooks since I enjoyed them when I tried Scribd last year. So I'm really considering officially subscribing to it.
    Congrats on all your reading challenges!! The amount of reading challenges you list looks quite overwhelming and somehow I'm just amazed by that.

    Good luck with your 2021 challeges!

    1. I am so lucky that my library has a great selection of audiobooks. They are really expensive and every time I do a subscription plan, I find I never use it (RIP KU). Many of those challenges are one per month, so they are not that overwhelming. The state and AtoZ have overlap. It gets tough towards the end of those two, but it's so satisfying when I complete them.

  16. I really have no idea how you can read more books than days in the year Sam! Now I have halved my challenge on Goodreads this year to 50 as I want zero pressure ;-)

    1. I told you - audiobooks! My reading time is separate from my listening time. I usually listen as I work, shop, drive, do chores. Reading is after I wake up early in the morning and before I go to sleep. I think it's important to set your challenge to something doable, that's why I kept mine the same. Never know what the year will bring.

  17. I think you did better than most of us with the Discussion Challenge. 2020 was just... yeah. Hopefully 2021 will be better (though we haven't gotten off to a good start. Yikes!).

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  18. I think you did great on all of your challenges, even the ones you deemed as fails. Even though I saw lots of great ones out there, including the ones you're doing, I decided to go the no-challenge route this year, aside from Goodreads. I have some personal reading goals I want to achieve though so I'm counting those as challenges.

    1. I have a bit of a competitive nature and the challenges have been fun. I had done Popsugar before, and that one was no fun for me. It was challenging, but a bit too challenging and it felt stressful. Needless to say, these are all manageable for me.

  19. Wow such an impressive amount of books and challenges! I too failed at the Discussion Challenge, if it helps you at all. I wrote two discussion posts. TWO. I shouldn't even be allowed to co-host, sigh. I am gonna try for 3 this year bwhahah. Also reading 50 states is HUGELY impressive, I cannot believe you found them all, let alone read them all! Good luck with your 2021 challenges, but I am certain you'll do awesome!

    1. You really only wrote two discussion posts? Huh, seemed like more. The 50 states is such a struggle sometimes, and you know I am cheap, and have to find the book on my shelf or in the library, which makes it a bit more challenging, but what a rush when I did it.

  20. Oh my! I'm so impressed with your accomplishments, as well as your organizational skills! ;) Even your fails don't really seem like fails. I'm sure you'll crush it in 2021! <3

  21. Well done with last years reading! Seriously, that's an extraordinary number of books. Wishing you lots of luck with this year but I'm sure you'll boss it. :)

    1. Thanks, Nicci! It's about all I accomplished last year. LOL
