
Monday, December 28, 2020

Best of 2020: Favorite Throwback Books

It's time to celebrate my year in books. I will be spreading my favorites throughout a bunch of categories, but these are all favorites. For more of my favorites, check out my Five Star Friday posts. Today I will be sharing.....

Favorite Throwback Books!

One of my big initiatives this year was to read backlist books. Though I was a huge reader as a kid, I stopped pleasure reading in college due to scholastic demands. I picked the habit back up in 2013, but I missed out on a lot of books between 1990 and then. I have been finding so many wonderful older books, and I am so glad I am making the time for them. These are a few of the gems I found this year. 

Did you read any fantastic backlist books this year?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I only know of Between The Notes because of you and it's been sitting on my amazon wishlist ever since you reviewed it... I love the cover. 😊

    I've been trying to tackle more backlist too, but this year's reading looks like it has been pretty much 50/50 backlist/new release for me. I want to tip that more towards backlist next year.

    1. I now believe I am missing out on backlist, because I keep finding amazing books collecting dust on my shelves. I have been doing 3/5 ARCs, the other two, non-review books each week. It's been working well for me. Hope you are able to find a balance that works for you

  2. I read way more backlist than new releases, and I agree, it's nice to discover those great books you may have missed before! This Is Our Story was a good read!

    1. It's funny, because my first Elston book was her fluffy contemporary, 10 Blind Dates, but I am enjoying her backlist, which is mostly mysteries.

  3. I've seen so many raves for A Heart in a Body in the World. And I really like the cover of Life After Juliet.

    1. Heart in a Body was such a powerful story and it was done so well. I would love to see Alexander write more books, because that duet was so good.

  4. I need to do something like this for 2021. I have already scheduled in books from my TBR pile. Hopefully I will actually make time and read them like I've planned!

    1. It's nice to have these "breather" books on my TBR. It's helped me avoid burnout, and it's nice to just sit back and read a book without trying to find a review hook. Hope you are able to work more backlist into your reading year.

  5. The How and the Why was one of my favorite books from last year. I'm glad you found it!

    1. That's a book I feel didn't get enough hype either. It was so good.

  6. I have Shuffle, Repeat by Jen Klein on my bookshelf, I'm so excited to hear you loved it! I have it on my list to read next year ♥.
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. It was so fun and cute, and the banter was fantastic. I loved spending time with those two. Very When Harry Met Sally for me

  7. I loved The How & the Why and Under Rose Painted Skies and I really enjoyed This Is Our Story! Glad you found so many backlist favorites :)

    1. I have a bittersweet relationship with Under Rose-Tainted Skies, since we will never get any more books from Gornall. 😢

  8. I really used my time at home to read the books that were already on my shelf. Nature Girl by Carl Hiaasen and Prey by Michael Crichton were both books that I've ignored for far too long. I really enjoyed both!

    1. Sometimes it is hard to ignore the shiny, new releases, but I am happy I did.

  9. Loved Jellicoe Road so I'm thrilled it made your list! :)

    1. I almost quit that book, because it's really weird in the beginning, but then it's brilliant and beautiful and emotional. Loved it!

  10. This Is Our Story is one I want to check out. I remember when it came out I was intrigued, but I never got to it.

  11. You already know I love on the jellicoe road! I also have gotten under a rose tainted sky and between the notes for me to read next year and I hope I will love them as much as you. A lot of my favourites of the year are backlist but I do read a lot of backlist usually! I am always working on reading more new releases.

    1. I hope you get to those books. I really loved them. You're so good reading your backlist. I have to publicly commit in order accomplish it. I am trash for new releases, but I think I have found some balance this year.

  12. I am ashamde to say that Jellicoe Road is on my shelf for two years now!!!

    1. Hey, the book was published in 2006 and I just read it. It's never too late

  13. Jellicoe Road was a great read for me too, as was Under Rose-Tainted Skies. I think my favorite backlist reads this year were The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker and Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. Both were just such beautiful stories.

    1. The Simple Wild won my heart when I read it. The emotional punch surprised me.

  14. The only one I have read, sadly, is The How and the Why. But I have SO many of these on my actual shelves! The ones I am most excited to get to are Under Rose Tainted Skies and This Is Our Story!

    1. I am so sad that Gornall died this year and we won't get any more books from her, because I adored Under Rose-Tainted Skies and I hope you do too

  15. Yes, A Heart in a Body in the World was excellent - I'm so glad I read that for a challenge last year!

    1. So good. I felt that young woman's pain down to my bones.

  16. I'm ashamed to say I haven't read any of these, although I know I had ARCs of a few at one time. Guess I missed out. Thanks for sharing these!

    1. Honestly, these were some of my overall favorites this year. I am glad I found a balance. I rate is 5 books per week, with 2 being backlist/shelf books. It's been wonderful!

  17. Thanks for sharing these. I've found a few new authors to try:)
