
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: When I'm Not Reading...

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...


This week we were supposed to talk about hobbies outside of reading. Well, my friends, I am afraid to say, that anything I used to enjoy doing has fallen to the wayside. I had to give up a lot of things as I aged and due to injury. I used to love knitting and crocheting. It was always sort of painful due to my carpel tunnel, but has become sort of impossible as I know have arthritis in my hands. Same for gaming. We had three game systems and multiple handhelds as well. I liked playing a LOT, but now I just dabble with my Animal Crossing, because I really cannot tolerate the pain. I also loved to scrapbook. I have some beautiful books filled with designs that took me forever, but I could not argue with the fruits of my labor. When we moved, I just didn't have the space for all my equipment, nor the space to really work effectively. Time was huge issue too, back then. So, yeah, I stopped that too. In non-COVID times, I really didn't have a lot of spare time, but at least I adopted some healthy habits as I work from home. I exercise and read every day now. That's a win. 

Anyhow, I am boring, but the characters in the books I read are not. They almost always have a hobby or two. I scanned my read-shelf starting with my most recent reads and came up with this list for you. Skipping sports, I found there were a lot of social media based hobbies, as well as many in the arts. 

Any interesting hobbies?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Aw I'm sorry you've had to give up some of your hobbies. Physical ailments can be such a pain, and not just the physical discomfort but the things that they make it hard for us to do. I like how you did this though. Reminds me I need to get on reading the new Welch one.

    1. Some of the books I read feature really neat hobbies with lots of details. I love learning all about them.

  2. It is so cool that you can knit and crochet. Those are impressive to me and it means you get to create cool things! I used to game a lot more in the past but unfortunately don't anymore, but I love seeing your animal crossing updates. I LOVE when characters have hobbies in books. I liked seeing interior design in Let's talk about love and cooking in with the fire on high.

    1. My Oma taught me knit when I was 6. I liked making stuff. Cooking seems to be really, really popular these days. I read a lot of YA with cooking of baking characters. Love it!

  3. Your ability to recall the smaller things about characters, like hobbies, about the characters you read never fails to impress me!

    1. Notice, these were my more recent reads, but some really left an impression, because they were so interesting.

  4. Urban exploring sounds like a fun hobby!

    1. McCarthy actually did it. In the author's note at the end of the book, they talk about how all the places in the book existed when they were younger. Sounds too dangerous for me, and you know, trespassing.

  5. Go figure, the Tell Me Something Tuesday prompt for today (which I provided a few weeks ago) is "What Do You Do for Fun When You Aren't Blogging?". Such wonderful timing LOL. Well, it would have been worse if we had that scheduled for a date weeks from now...we would have passed for plagiarists! 😲 😂

    I've always been boring - at least you used to do stuff when you could. Right now, blogging is my only outlet...and it's time-consuming enough as it is!

    1. I feel like as you get older your have more responsibilities and there's only so much time. As as kid, I was always doing something (which included lots of reading).

  6. I'm so sorry that you've had to give up so many of your hobbies, Sam. :( That's hard. Especially now when being at home so much means we need those hobbies to keep us sane! Thank goodness for books... and the unique hobbies of the characters. Collages are always so interesting to look at, but I would feel too overwhelmed to create one of my own.

    1. Reading and blogging takes up a lot of time, but I do miss some of my hobbies. The way they describe the collage art in both Girl in Pieces and Love & Olives sounded amazing. Collage is fun. I was not great at it, but I enjoyed it.

  7. I used to scrapbook, too. I loved it, but I got behind and gave up. I also ran out of places to put them all. Lately, I've been walking as my biggest hobby other than reading.

    1. Walking is a great, healthy habit. Good for you! The scrapbooks are so stunning, but expensive, time intensive, and space hogs.

  8. Mt MIL has ad to give up (or adapt) a lot of her hobbies due to rheumatoid arthritis. I'm definitely feeling my age as I try to do what I used to :-(

    I'm glad you still have your reading and Animal Crossing. I do enjoy living vicariously through book character hobbies. I'm too much of an introvert with a lot of phobias to get out there too much. lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Yep. The authors give some of their characters some interesting hobbies. Nobody said getting old was easy

  9. I'm sorry you had to stop doing some of the things you love because of pain. That's too bad :(

    I like your take on the topic and I have to agree that book characters have way more exciting hobbies than I do! It's fun to read about all their different pursuits, especially when it's a past-time I know nothing about.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. It's fun to read about so many different hobbies. They do some incredible research on them too

  10. Little Universes and It Only Happens in the Movies are going on my tbr. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Little Universes was amazing. I don't know why more people weren't talking about this book. My heart! The feels! So good

  11. I should have thought of book characters as well! I don't have ten hobbies that's why I didn't do a post this week!

    1. Some people put things in as hobbies that I didn't consider. You probably have more than you think

  12. Sorry you've had to leave so many hobbies behind but, brightside, you get through a lot more books than anyone else I know! That's a hobby and a superpower.

    My grandmother taught me to knit but I haven't done it in years. I'm sure a lot would come back to me if I picked it up again but there would be a lot of re-learning to do too... As you say, time is at a premium as responsibilities increase and for every new thing, something has to give. :(

    1. My Oma taught me to knit when I was six. It was something we did together. I should have spent more time cooking with her, because she was an amazing cook
