
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Sing a Song

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Sing a Song!

This week's topic is book titles that would be good song titles. I am not *quite* doing that, but I am continuing my a feature I have done in the past. 

There are many titles for books that actually ARE songs, but there are others that make me start singing songs. Maybe the title is close or it's a line from the song. Whatever the reason, they implant in my mind, and I sing them all day. Here are ten inspired by recent books, which I really enjoyed. 

What book titles make you sing?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. "I wish I could find a picture of my fabulous purple costume with its sequins and fringe."
    Please keep looking! LOL.

    "I really can't stand this song, but I also could not stop singing it."
    I hear's been what, 25 years? Commercials and malls, find another one already LOL (though Last Christmas should go on a LONG hiatus too...).

    There's actually a song called You Know I'm No Good by Amy Winehouse! Plus now I'm stuck with Sing a Song by Earth, Wind & Fire all day LOL (remember it?).

    1. The problem with my childhood pictures is that they are all physical. My mom never converted them to digital, while I made an effort to scan a lot of my favorites from when Kiersten was under 8. (I got a digital camera when she was 8) I am not familiar with that Winehouse song. I do know that EW&F song, and now, I will be singing it.

    2. I have such mixed feelings about digital vs physical. My sister and I were going through a box of family photos and I really do love physical photos and albums. Of course, we had to scan and digitize them so we could each have copies.

    3. My mom isn't the type of person who organized and took care of the photos. They are just jammed in boxes, and many of the older ones are fading. We did digitize some old photos, my grandparents' photos, but that's about it. I like having an electronic file, because we seem to lose track of many of the photos with each move.

  2. I started singing The Bear Necessities as soon as I saw the title. Fun way to start the morning. :) And One Way or Another is such a classic one by Blondie. Love it!

    1. Right? I have a love/hate relationship when something triggers a song in my head. I find it fun, especially if it's a song I haven't thought of in eons, but I want it to stop too.

  3. What a fun spin on the topic! :D

  4. Wow! This is so cool! I love how you matched real songs with real book titles. So cool!

    1. It's a thing with me. I get an earwig from a phrase or something. I have done posts like this before. It's fun

  5. Oh, we did the same twist--AND we had completely different books and songs. ;) And now I'm singing "One Way or Another". Ha!

    1. Great minds! Which version of OWOA are you singing? It's funny. Many of these songs have multiple versions out there.

  6. I had no idea these were indeed song titles Sam!

    1. Really? I feel like some of these songs are pretty popular, and I think they all qualify as oldies 🤣

  7. You have me wondering about this now. I'm sure I've started singing songs because of books, but I can't recall any at the moment. I'll have to start paying attention to that!

    1. My old work neighbor would catch a phrase or something you said and break out into song. It was crazy, but I think I do it a lot too.

  8. You did fabulous at the matching. I get songs I'm not fond of stuck in my head now and then, too. Right now I have One Way or Another in my head now, Sam. Haha!

    1. One of my old co-workers was the king of the earworm. This was back when I was teaching, and he would look at me and just start singing some song that would haunt me all day, like Every Rose Has Its Thorn or something like that.

  9. this has been a fun post and i love your choices
    sherry @ fundinmental

  10. Oh wow The Carpenters- nice! I'll have that song in my head all day now. :) And You're No Good made me think of Linda Ronstadt and the later Van Halen cover.

    1. I loved The Carpenters so much, though I was young, but they were one of those bands I remember being played when I was a kid, and their songs were brilliant. I think Linda Ronstadt made that song famous, but I waned to acknowledge how long that song has been around.

  11. Fun twist on the topic Sam!

    There are so many songs I don't like that get stuck in me head anyway lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  12. This is such a fun twist on this week's topic. I can't think of an exact match in terms of book titles that make me sing, but I do sometimes break into "I've Got the Magic in Me" when I come across books with the word Magic in the title.

    1. Nice. On Wednesday, I sing Waiting on Wednesday to the tune of the Lisa Loeb song Waiting for Wednesday, and I mean I sing it every Wed.

  13. How fun! It's really neat how many book titles are already song titles, or close to it! Now when I read One Way Or Another, I'm going to have the Blondie song in my head!

    1. Jill Shalvis has a whole series where every title is a song. It's more common than we think and probably intentional

  14. I know exactly what you mean with All I Want For Christmas Is You.

  15. I actually kind of hate it when a book title is also a song title or close to one because then I can't get the song out of my head! I sing it every time I pick up the book :)

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. That is the honest truth, but I do that when people are talking. I will grasp onto something they say and start singing a song in my head.

  16. Brilliant list and straight away you’ve put Sure Shot in to my head but my version is by the Beastie Boys!

    1. I didn't even think of that one. You would have thought the song I danced to at 40 years ago would be buried deeper, but it was the first song that popped into my head

  17. Blondie! I love that song and have it on several of my girl power playlists on Spotify. How didn't I know that John Denver and the Muppets were a thing? I still get teary every time I come across The Rainbow Connection. I can imagine most of the young bloggers not only scratching their head asking what The Rainbow Connection is but also what a Muppet is 😂

    1. Growing up, my sister and I were obsessed with the muppets. We watched it every night at 7:30 pm and we even had hand puppets (I had Animal, my sister had Miss Piggy). They had a little comeback not too long ago, so maybe some younger people know them, and they made a billion movies too. I actually got to visit Henson's studio in California, and it was amazing.

  18. Now I have Bear Neccessities running thorugh my head! You have such a talent for remembering details of all the books you've read -- I'm jealous

    1. My job it done if you're singing. Oh, no. I often have to check GR for details of books I read or to reactivate my memory

  19. This is so cool! I love that you found actual books and songs that match up. You're always so creative.

    1. Thanks! This is all from my reading history, and I am always breaking into song
