
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Dog-Gone Good!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Dog-Gone Good!

Hey, what do you know! I twisted the topic again. We were supposed to talk about character names that would be good for a pet (I think), but I was inspired by the pet part of the topic. I have read a LOT of book, which included a furry friend, and many of these pets captured my heart. In my opinion, they made the story better, and I want to honor some of them here today. 
  • The Happy Ever After Playlist by Abby Jimenez - The dog brought this couple together. What's not to love?
  • The Tourist Attraction by Sarah Morganthaler - EVERYONE in Moose Springs loved Graham's fur baby. Who wouldn't be charmed by a well dressed companion? 
  • Playing for Keeps by Jill Shalvis - Shalvis always features furry friends in her books, but this one was precious. The three legged dog hobbled its way into my heart. 
  • The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez - This pup was too cute and I loved hearing all about the clothing and accessory line. 
  • Puppy Love by Lucy Gilmore - Harrison tried to resist this little puff of fluff, but he fell in love with Bubbles (and her trainer), and it was cool learning how service dogs can be trained to sniff out illnesses. 
  • Headliners by Lucy Parker - One of the things that made me fall in love with Nick was how sweet he was with his pup. Dogs can always find the good ones. 
  • Love Your Life by Sophie Kinsella - Harold was such a little scene stealer and a hero to boot. 
  • You Lucky Dog by Julia London - There were so much cute scenes with these hounds, and it was so sweet the way they bonded with each other. 
  • Must Love Dogs.. and Hockey by Kelly Jamieson - I loved how Otis stole Easton's heart.  
  • Crazy Stupid Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams - So, no dog in this one, but I had to mention Beefcake. This cat was a kindred spirit, and I just adored him. 

Do you have a favorite book-pet?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. The only book I have read from this list is Playing for Keeps.

    1. Shalvis' books are always great, and I love how she works a dog into just about every story

  2. I haven't read the but I need I to just for the furry goodness! Love it when they are integral. To the story!

  3. Cute list! I have to admit, I'm not much of an animal person, so I don't always take huge notice of pets in books!

    1. They add such a fun element to the story. I always adore seeing them

  4. Okay, I am fully prepared to have rotten tomatoes thrown at me, but I've never been an "animal person" and I tend to avoid books that I know prominently feature an animal or pet. Like, a dog on the cover or mentioned in the synopsis... that one of my "key words" that will probably make me set the book aside and move on. But I think I'm very much in the minority!

    1. Wow! Even if you know they won't die?

    2. LOL That aspect never even enters my mind. It's not concern for the animal that turns me away, it's that I just have zero interest in reading about them. So if they're part of the story... nope. I always joke that I was born without the gene that makes a person go gooey over babies and animals. ;-)

    3. Babies too!! I love both, but I especially like giving them back to their owners.

  5. I love your tweak, Sam! Animals add that something special to a story for me, too. I did love Beefcake, too, no brainer there since I love cats, but Randy the Rooster made me laugh so much! Jill Shalvis always adds a pet to love, too. I think the book that had the best animals that made me laugh out loud through the entire book was Tessa Dare's The Wallflower Wager. Soooo funny!

    1. Randy is definitely another favorite of mine. That whole storyline had me in stitches. I don't read historical romances, but I do love that pets were involved there.

  6. Aw! I love a good pet in a romance. Otis is a great inclusion in this list.

  7. Oh, I WISH I'd thought of this twist! I went with an old topic instead, but I would have enjoyed this take on it. Very fun!

  8. I adored Puppy Love and I agree about animal characters sometimes making a book. I've got Crazy STupid Bromance on the pile for some point. Great topic twist, Sam!

    1. I thought the Puppy series was good. I loved all the dog parts in each of the books. Hope you love Bromance. It was a fun addition to the series.

  9. Why do I feel that I have not read dogs on books and now I feel like I'm missing out. Or maybe I'm overlooking them. I have not read any of these though. But I think I have The Friend Zone on my wishlist aside from Crazy Stupid Bromance, of course.

    1. I adored both the books from Jimenez. Just be prepared to ugly cry during The Friend Zone. I was a hot mess.

  10. Cute topic! I don’t remember the last book I read where an animal played a major role. If I ever put myself on a dating website, my profile would say “Must love dogs and hockey.” I can’t live without those things!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  11. Aw, there are some in here that I haven't heard of before. And some that are fabulous books! I love the direction you took this week's topic!

    1. I guess I come from the school of any name could be a name for a pet, but I wanted to honor the theme in some way.

  12. A million times yes to Playing for Keeps by Jill Shalvis! I absolutely loved Lollipop and all the warmth she brought to the pages. She made me smile so much!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

  13. Who doesn’t love a book with pets? I feel like romances always used to have a good pet in it and that fell by the wayside a little. I am now adding every single one of these books to my TBR because how can I not?

    1. Becky, I did discover there are some people who do not appreciate pets in books, but I'm not one of them. Whoo hoo! I hope you get to some of these. I really liked them all.

  14. Well I would have chosen Atticus crazy dog by Sawyer Bennett Sam! LOL

    1. I have not read that book yet. It's on my backlist though.

  15. I haven't read any of these, but I agree that pets definitely improve a book. I always fall in love with them!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I think it's fun to get a bit of the pet action in books. I am reading the new Shalvis and there are TWO baby pugs in it. I love them already

  16. Oh, I love this twist!! I've only read The Tourist Attraction, but all the animals in those books are so fun. :)

    1. Each of the Moose Springs books have great animals. I am starting book 3 soon, and I can't wait to meet some new furry friends.

  17. This is such a fun topic! I'm such a fan of pets in books. They're such scene stealers and it always makes me smile. Beefcake is definitely a favorite of mine. He was hilarious!

    1. Adams does a nice job incorporating fun animals into her stories. I am good with animals as long as they don't die. I hate that
