
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Recommended for You

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Recommended for You!

This week, we are supposed to be talking about books I read, because they were recommended by someone. There are bloggers out there, who share these great posts of books they added to their TBR. They tell you about the book and where they saw it. I love the feature, but I am not great at keeping track of stuff like that. I am sure there are books out there, which I have picked up because some one raved about it and convinced me that I HAD to read the book. Though, to be honest, it usually is a cumulative effect for me, where many people mention it, and I finally cave. 

Needless to say, I could not pull of this week's topic due to my poor memory. However, I have seen others analyze recommendations from book sellers and whatnot and have always wanted to do that. Every time I pull up Amazon, I take a look at their "suggestions". You would think they would know my reading, right? I read almost exclusively on my kindle, I buy all my ebooks via Amazon, my library is on their cloud, they run Goodreads, and all my book wishlists are there too. So, I decided to take a look at the last ten books recommended to me and share my thoughts. 

"Based on my reading" Amazon recommended the books below. 
  1. I have read ALL of these books. 
  2. I read them all as ARCs except Amelia Westlake, which I borrowed from the library. 
  3. All were 4 stars or higher except What I Like About You.
Overall, I would say Amazon did a great job recommending books for me, assuming that they were not privy to the documents on my Kindle. These are all contemporaries with some romance and lean to the lighter side, which is sort of my brand. 

What book would you recommend to me?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Ah this is a great twist on the topic! I have to say, it's the same way for me, I ultimately cave after a few people recommend a book to me, but my memory sucks at remembering who started mentioning it ahah :)
    I love your selection here, I really want to read the falling in love montage! <3

    1. I need to start tracking that better. There's a blogger I follow who does a post every Friday with books she added to her TBR and the bloggers who inspired her to do it. I love the feature.
