
Friday, June 12, 2020

Discussion: TBR Trials and Tribulations

This Week’s Topic:

This past week's Top Ten Tuesday focused on those books we added to our TBR, and forgot about. While I was reading the comments, I noticed many talking about the how and the why of their TBR troubles, and I thought I would let us gather, and really discuss it this week. 
I don't know if you are like me, but I am always adding books to my TBR. I will see a cover reveal on Twitter, spot something while scanning NetGalley, or read a review of a book that sounds like a me-book. Whatever the reason, I tend to have an ever growing TBR. 

When I started reading A LOT again, I wanted to utilize the "Want to Read" shelf on my Goodreads account. Therefore, I added all my unread physical book and ebooks, and WOW! It was quite a massive list. But, I left it, and then added all those books I didn't own, but would like to read. Soon after, I went through the eLibrary and Hoopla, and I added those books too. And, well, obviously, my TBR was out of control. 

QUESTION 1: Do you add every book you own to your TBR?
It took a lot of culling, bargaining, and tears, but I was able to cut out many books. I decided to get rid of most of the books I owned. I know, that sounds crazy, but listen to me. That list is used more to help me remember books. If I own the book, I can find it on my kindle or in the stack on my floor, I don't need it to be on the list. 

I also started getting ruthless with older books. These books tend to have a lot of ratings and reviews, and I felt I could make a decision about keep or toss from all that information. I know some of you don't believe in ratings, but I use them to inform my decision to read books I am on the fence about. If the book's average rating is under 3.5 stars, I start looking at it a bit harder. I weigh other factors, but it makes me re-evaluate the book's place on my TBR. 

QUESTION 2: What factors help you decide to keep or cut a book from your TBR?
Now, I make a regular habit of cleaning out the Want-To-Read shelf every quarter or so. I pretty much leave new or future releases, and spend time evaluating older books. Availability has started figuring into the formula for me. If I can get the book from the eLibrary or Hoopla, I will usually leave it. However, if it's an older title, and still hasn't been purchased by my library, off it comes. I do add that book to my Amazon wishlist. There, I can watch the price, and decide if I want to buy it or not. 

My TBR is a complicated beast, and honestly, it's become more of a "wishlist" for me. These are books I would love to read. My actual TBR is set weekly, and kept on my spreadsheet. It is made up of books I have, and not books I hope to have someday. 

QUESTION 3: Do you have one or several TBRs?

Hope your heads aren't spinning from trying to follow my process, but hey! It works for me. 

Now it's your turn!

Do you have any TBR trials or tribulations? 
Let us know in the comments!

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