
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Another week done, and still no closer to knowing when we will return to our regular lives in NJ. I did get a text from my manager, and I will be helping another team (from home). It looks like I will be working again. I am glad they are finding a way to utilize me, which doesn't require me traveling into the office. It will help assuage some of my guilt too.

I did the norm this week - read, blogged, animal crossed. Speaking of Animal Crossing, I had a very nice visit with my daughter the other day. She has a character named Poppy on her island, who is adorable, and Kiersten immortalized her in the dress I am wearing. The kid also redesigned my island flag for me. Look familiar?

Let's Discuss!
  • Carole explains why more free time does not necessarily mean more reading
  • Nicci shares her thoughts on star ratings
  • Amber talks about vetting books by problematic authors

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Last Chance Summer, How to Quit Your Crush
  • Tuesday: TTT - Riot Grrrls!
  • Wednesday: CWW - Again Again, Up to This Pointe
  • Thursday: Nutshells - The How & the Why, This is My Brain in Love
  • Friday: Discussion - Does It Have to Be Heavy?


It was a week of quite a few rejections, but I also got some exciting approvals. So, I guess it's the universe's way of balancing things out.


What I Read Last Week

Wow! What a reading week, or should I say month? I just keep seeing stars, and though I was a bit let down by one of my anticipated releases, many others more than made up for it. I would say my favorite of the week was The Happy Ever After Playlist.



What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm glad your work is finding a way for you to work from home while keeping you safe! I hope everyone else in your family is safe and healthy as well, and will continue to be so. Cute photos from Animal Crossing; although I don't have one, I'm loving that everyone is having fun with the game.

    1. I am interested in seeing what I will doing. I think they are worried that NJ won't be opening up until June. It's really not looking good here. I am at a more casual point in my ACNH journey, but I enjoy going on for short periods of time each day, and accomplishing something.

  2. Animal Crossing looks so fun, and honestly... just so relaxing. It's nice that you and your daughter are able to connect through it as well!

    I'm looking forward to Hunting November and I started All Your Twisted Secrets but I'm only 2 chapters in... I'll have to check your thoughts.

    1. I was very satisfied with the ending of the Killing November duet. I thought the book was great. Lots of action, and it went further into the world of the Strategia, which is quite a fascinating world.

    2. Oh I didn't realize it was just two! So this is the conclusion then! Ooh now I'm even more anxious!! :)

  3. I am glad that you are going to be able to start doing some work from home. Hopefully, they will let you work from home until things are completely safe. I love that you and your daughter play Animal Crossing together. I love that dog with the helicopter tail. My sweet Hershey always wagged her tail like it was a propeller. I see you read The Happily Ever After Playlist and gave it 5 stars. I do want to read that one! Thanks for the shout out! Enjoy all of your new books and have a great week!

    1. I have never seen a dog wag their tail like that. You're so lucky to get to see that all the time. You read The Friend Zone, right? I think you did, and Playlist makes all the tears I shed as I read that book worth it. It was still emotional, at times, but no ugly crying like Friend Zone. And, the ending was so wonderful! I loved every second of it.

  4. Glad you're work is using from home! At least you know they appreciate what you do and still have a place for you! I think it's kind of funny how Animal Crossing suddenly got really popular again! I never played it the first go-around and since my time is mostly spent at work, I find if I have free time I'm either blogging or reading. I've totally ignore my instagram account for the past month and feel bad about that...but I'm really enjoying getting TBR books reads, especially ones that are my series finales!

    Nice new reads! Those are all entirely new to me! I hope you enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I have been home for a month, but at least now they will utilize me in some capacity, right? I think with every new release of a game it has a surge in popularity. When Pocket Camp came out, it was everywhere, and I think I was playing City Folk before I was really involved in social media, but I was all about that game. I farmed like a beast back in the day too. I like games like this. Instagram was too much work for me, and I wasn't very good at it. I think if you enjoy it, you should do it, though. Way to finish some series. I have quite a few I need to finsih.

  5. It's good that companies are figuring out ways to get more people to work from home, but yeah, it makes me wonder how long we're going to be at home! I still can't believe the numbers that are coming out every day.

    1. Most of my company is working from home. I heard from my teammates that it's a ghost town. My job can only be done in the office, but I think it's good to loan those of us on emergency leave to other groups, where we can work from home. When I was originally told to stay home, they thought it would be two weeks, but NJ is still hot. If I am going to be home another month, might as well get me to work, right?

  6. Seeing all this stuff about Animal Crossing almost makes me want to buy a copy. :)

  7. I started facilitating training for work this week, and it has been a huge boost to my morale. For starters, it forced me to maintain a more regular schedule. It also has given me more purposeful interactions with people. I love my boyfriend to death, but it is nice to have conversations with different people!

    1. I have stuck to my schedule, at least for sleeping/waking. I need that, because I have such a hard time sleeping. That's good that you are getting to have some rewarding interactions. Every little bit helps, right?

  8. So, I had no clue what Animal Crossing was... and then I looked it up. Goodness, how did I now know about this. It's like a chibi version of the Sims but mixed in with old school chat room. I'm gonna have to see if my family/friends have this game. LoL

    1. This is my 3rd version I am playing. I love it. Sim type games are the only ones I am any good at, because they don't require any hand eye coordination. Be careful if you try it, it's addicting.

  9. That's so amazing that your daughter visits in a game Sam! And is it a trend these cats and dogs going through a "mine field"? Plus the hopping dog is amazing!!!!!! I am also very happy that you can work from afar and feel useful again. That's great! Stay inside and safe.

    1. The cat-dog thing was some sort of challenge. I saw a whole lot of them on Twitter, but this one cracked me up. That dog's vertical was amazing. To be honest, I don't actually need to feel useful, but at least I won't feel like I am mooching off my company.

  10. I really need to get Animal Crossing. My poor kids are so anxious to get back out and see their friends... We've always homeschooled but they got out a lot for playdates and whatnot. Not they're just stuck playing outside until they get tired and then video games. I think adding Animal Crossing would help break up some of the monotony. :)
    I'm glad to hear they're able to use you at work! What good news! Hoping things get back to normal before too long. :)

    1. I consider myself lucky, that my daughter is grown, and I don't have to be inside with her. Though, she is doing quite well on her own. NJ is still hot. The gov might have actually been on the nose, when he estimated June for when we might be able to loosen restrictions.

  11. That's great you're able to help out at work more! Try not to feel guilty though - easier said than done, I know, but we're all doing the best we can!!


    1. It's weird to get paid for not working, when my other co-workers are working. At least I will be earning my keep this way.

  12. Glad to see you're still getting some Animal Crossing visits in with your daughter. How fun! Hopefully it won't be toooo much longer before you'll be able to visit in person.

    1. I was supposed to go see my daughter on Friday, but alas, I will not be flying anywhere.

    2. Total bummer! I'm sorry. I do hope you'll get to be together soon!

    3. I try to be optimistic, but I am not getting my hopes up too high for any of our plans for 2020 to come to fruition

  13. That's great that your work is finding a way for you to contribute! And I love that you and your daughter are enjoying AC together. I'm loving the game. Its keeping me sane!

    1. The game is something I am enjoying. A good way to pass the time, and my daughter and I are always messaging each other about it.

  14. I’m glad you’re able to work! I also feel guilty for not working, even though it’s not really my fault. It feels like my fault! I hope you have a good week.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Now I can actually earn my paycheck. So, good for me mentally, and I sort of felt like it was my fault too, though HR made the determination to put me on leave.

  15. That's great that you'll be able to help your teammates from home this week. Loving all of those 4 and 5 star reads on your list this week. Time of Our Lives is one I'd really like to read.

    1. I won't actually be helping my team, but another one with some sort of processing (I guess). I know what their team does, but I never worked with them. It's all good though. April was a really good month for me, reading wise. I had a lot of 5 stars this month.

  16. I'm curious as to your thoughts on Just a Boy and a Girl in a Little Canoe; I heard it had gotten mixed reviews but it sounds like an interesting book.

    1. I delayed reading the book, because of those reviews, but I am not sure if their issue will be my issue. I remember all the low ratings for 99 Days, because of "cheating". In reality, the couple were broken up, when the "cheating" occurred. So, it wasn't cheating for me, and I am curios about how it plays out in this story. I was interested in this book, because of the teaser from I See London. I am keeping an open mind.

  17. It's great that you'll be back working from home, I wish I had a little more structure during the day too. I just bought an Xbox One for the husband and I to pass the time on the weekends, so have been getting into gaming as well. Those look like some incredible reads you nabbed this week! I've been terrible with keeping up with new releases so super keen on checking these out!

    1. I had structure, it was just rotating between reading, computing, and gaming. I think it will be good to get back into the swing of things slowly, though. My daughter had so many gaming systems (still does), but I never really played with them. I did Cooking Mama, Animal Crossing, and some of the Wii Fit games back in the day. What are you playing? Hope you're having fun, and beating your husband.

  18. More Than Just a Pretty Face sounds cute!

    1. It sounds really promising. I am excited about it

  19. "I am glad they are finding a way to utilize me, which doesn't require me traveling into the office. It will help assuage some of my guilt too."
    Me too! No commute (which would be a blessing even in safer times) and still being an asset.

    LOL, Kiersten even put a crown on your flag sloth.

    That dog made me laugh out loud. I can't for the life of me understand how he manages to jump so high with next to none run-up. It must be the tail! πŸ˜‚

    1. Not sure if my nerves could take going on the trains right now, and my eyes have been so bad. I don't think I would be able to drive. I requested a tiara for sloth. I wanted us to match. That do is amazing! I kept trying to see a trampoline or something, but it's just doggie legs getting him up that high.

  20. I've been gone too long, I didn't know you were not working for a bit. I'm happy you're able to work with another team! Working from home is weird, but I'm so thankful that it's an option!

    I love your Animal Crossing world and that you and your daughter get to have virtual visits!

    1. I still have a job. I am on paid leave. Don't feel that bad for me. It's just good that they found something for me to do from home, so I am not getting money for nothing. I am such a hermit, this is all working for me. I am worried about how quickly I will be able to process docs from my home, because I only have a laptop. At work, I have two huge monitors, and can position all my windows in an efficient manner. I can't even tab through the windows on my laptop, because I only have the one app to remote into my computer. I have training tomorrow, so I guess I will find out how it will be soon enough.

  21. I already told you, but those Animal Crossing characters are the cutest thing!!

    Kevin had to go into work for 2 days for the first time last week to deal with contractors and it frazzles my nerves but at least they have rules in place and protective equipment.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I have to post some of the pictures my daughter sends me, because her residents are so much cuter than mine, and she's rich, so her island is just nicer too. I know the people going into the office at my job are getting paid more during this time, which I think they deserve. Mentally, it's hard to go out there. With so many people being asymptomatic, it's hard to tell who has what. The good news is, if you are healthy, you should make out ok. I think they said in NYC 99% of the people, who died from the virus had other underlying medical conditions. Those are the people we need to protect.

  22. My daughter just started playing Animal Crossing this week. I don't really get it, but she thought it was fun.

    1. The goals are really loose. You can do as much or as little as you want. That's probably why I like it, because I stink at shooting/fighting/skill type games

  23. It's great that you're able to do some work from home. I still go in every day. I knew the dog would plow through that stuff. LOL And wow, that dog sure cleared the gate!

    1. I won't be doing my job, since that has to be done in the office, but I will be doing something. I find out today. I hope they are keeping you safe at work

  24. Yay for maybe getting to work again (from home) that'll be good, especially if you've been feeling bad about staying home. And glad you're still enjoying Animal Crossing so much, your daughter is awesome you got a new flag and a dress. You really are having an awesome reading time lately, aren't you? So many books rated highly, I am going to have to read your reviews and invest in a few of these, I need me some good reading in my life.

    1. The kid is doing a lot more on AC than I am. That's why she is a billionaire and I am not. I have been connecting with so many fantastic books this month. Not so much my ARCs, but a lot of backlist/library books. I hope some winners come your way

  25. That cat vs. dog challenge made me laugh so hard!!

    I'm glad you're able to help out some with work again. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. There's a bunch of those out on Twitter, and the cat wins every time.

  26. I'm glad you're going to be able to work from the safety of your home and be safe!

    1. It was interesting doing someone else's job this week. The first day was tough, but I sort of got the hang of it quick.

  27. (Super late to comment but...)
    I love your animal crossing flag! I'm glad you're at least getting to spend time with your daughter online. I'm also glad you're getting to do some work from home and not being forced back into commuting!

    1. Better late than never, right? I had a bunch of vacation, that I would have used to avoid going to work or I could have tried to drive. The problem is my vision is wonky. I have been having a lot of double vision. The doctor says it's a side effect of the dry eye, and I just feel safe. I have poor night vision too, so driving in the morning is a bit of an issue. I really don't drive much. The last time I got gas was when my daughter visited at the beginning of Feb

  28. I absolutely adore On the Jellicoe Road so I hope you will love that book too! It's good you have been blogging. I have been slipping on my blogging, on blog hopping and posting and all of it. I am trying to work on getting back on track but honestly I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the sheer amount of what needs doing... sigh...

    1. My experience with Jellicoe was: this is weird, what the heck, and OMG! Once I reached that OMG point, and all the parts starting coming together, and making sense - it was amazing. Hey, sometimes you need to let some things go, and take care of yourself. There are only 24 hours in each day
