
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Another week, and the changes to our daily way of life continue to come at a rapid pace. It's encouraging, that more and more is being learned about this virus, but it's not always easy for me to roll with it all that quickly.

I did my first official line-up during my weekly trip to the supermarket. It was a decent day, so I was alright about standing outside waiting. Unfortunately, I was right in front of a woman, who complained THE ENTIRE TIME. We're all in this together, and complaining isn't going to make it go away any sooner. I wish she, and many other people, would harness all that negative energy for something more positive. I don't know, finger pointing and the blame game seem counter-productive, when we are still in the midst of this crisis. Put a pin in it, and deal with that later. There are SO many more important and timely issues at hand right now. I'm just saying....

Anyhow, some fun stuff. My neighbor made us some face coverings, and when I saw the mustache print, it had to be mine. And, after a few rainy/crummy days, the sun came out, and so did the active seniors in my complex. I heard Latin music, and when I looked out the window, there they were, working out. I appreciate their motivation. All I am doing in here is catching virtual fish on my virtual island.

Nick made this amazing thread of books covers as cakes. I am stunned by how closely these cakes and covers match.

Too adorbs!!!

Some of you may be able to relate....

Let's Discuss!
  • Tânia let's us know why she loves her eReader (I love mine too!)
  • Jackie shares some tips on hosting remote book club meetings
  • Sabrina shares what she would like to read less of

On the Blog:
  • Monday: One Old, One New - Moment of Truth, Under Rose-Tainted Skies
  • Tuesday: TTT - Readers Gonna Read
  • Wednesday: CWW - Six Angry Girls, Defending Taylor
  • Thursday: Nutshells - Summer of Supernovas, The Summer I Became a Nerd
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - March 2020


ARC approvals have been so slow. I think they are pushing a lot of release dates. I just got an email about how Berkley pulled Jen Frederick's new book, Heart and Seoul, for now, and I was really looking forward to that. Makes me sad, even if I understand why.

I made use of an Amazon offer (spend $20, get $5 credit), and I got one approval for an Australian book, that is getting a US release. I was really excited about that, because I love Cath Crowley so much, and she is one of the authors.



What I Read Last Week

It was a rather wonderful week of reading here. It started strong, and ended strong, with no real stinkers. The audiobooks I listened to did not blow me away, but they were entertaining.



What I Am Currently Reading

Both of these book are excellent.

I love Emma and Jo, and am anticipating the moment they final get together. While, my heart was breaking for Laurie, but I think the tide is turning for her.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. People need to stop complaining and just do their part. Where I live, people keep leaving home at all time and some families go to the supermarket together (mother, father and kids! Can't just someone stay at home? Or at least inside the car?). I guess some people still believe nothing can happen to them...

    Awww, thank you for sharing my post. <3

    I noticed that lots of books are getting new release dates.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. WHY can't people just stay inside!! I had to battle with my mother about me only going out to the market once a week. My first week home, she had me out three times. I was ok with the first two, because one trip was for my mother's medication, the other for my father, who fell ill, but she cannot have me shopping like she normally does - every day. I enjoyed your post and was happy to share. XOXO

  2. I so agree - the complaining just isn't helping. We're all in the same boat (mostly) so suck it up and realize you're not the only one affected. I like the way you put it: put a pin in it and deal with it later. LOL I love the seniors that are having their outdoor exercise! Good for them. My husband goes for 2-3 walks a day. I typically stay in and I've started doing Richard Simmons videos on YouTube. LOL Such a throwback but I also loved him. :) That's lame about Jen Frederick's book getting pushed back but I guess it's going to happen more frequently with books and movies. Sign of the times.

    1. You cannot do a post mortem, when you are still in an active conflict. We have no time machines, but we have a lot of stuff happening around us, which needs to be handled. People need to focus. I love that Richard Simmons is making such a comeback. My mom had those videos, when I was a kid, and they were pretty fun. They are pushing back a lot of books, though they pushed up Rachel Lynn Solomon's book (not buy much, but the date changed). I am trying to stay on top of the changes, because I have so many May/June ARCs, but I will probably read them before publication anyhow, as I am not getting many new ARCs. It is what it is.

  3. Yeah complaining about a line that is basically in place for your safety and the safety of the employees at the store you're shopping at during this crisis is bad form. I was more upset about seeing small groups in line, like it was a family shopping trip. No kids, but a few unnecessary groups of adults. I feel like at this point, only 1 person needs to do the shopping.

    Yay for the new reads! Though bummer about an anticipated novel being pushed back. I hate when that happens. It's happened too many times to me this year already! And I'm still in limbo about one book's release, which I understand because the last I heard, the author fell ill (prior to COVID19) and I haven't heard anything from her lately which makes me worry for her health during all this too.

    I hope you enjoy all the lovely new reads!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Well, that's terrible to hear about the author. I hope she fairs well during this crisis. I do the shopping for my family, since my mother has limited mobility at the moment, and my dad is immunocompromised. I bet you, that others are joining the weekly shopping trips, because they are tired of being in the house. My mom and dad were talking about just going for a drive in the car to get out, but not actually leaving the car. I know Nicci said only one person per family may shop one time per week, where she lives (England). I can only imagine the uproar, if they tried to impose that on Americans. I know one town near me wanted to implement shopping days based on the first letter of your last name, and lawyers were immediately contacted.

  4. Quokkas are too adorable. Thank you for this little light in my day ahah :)
    I hope you'll enjoy What I Like About You, I'm so so very curious about this book!
    Happy reading and take care <3 <3

    1. One of the cutest things in the whole world!!! People keep commenting on the length of What I Like About You (it's over 400 pages), but they are also saying that it's super cute. So, I have here for that.

  5. I love seeing people make the best of their situation (your neighbors working out) as opposed to just complaining about it all. I know it's hard and we're all sacrificing, but loudly complaining in the grocery store line isn't going to change anything.

    1. It is hard, and it's a big change to our way of life, but it's for the greater good. That's what people need to remember.

  6. I love the moustache mask! I want one. I’ve been getting my groceries delivered, so I haven’t had to stand in line. If I did, I wouldn’t complain about them because that’s stupid and pointless. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Right! I was so delighted she used that print for the mask. I am curious what my daughter is sending, because she likes super cute prints like me.

  7. Yeah, the complaining gets old after a while. I get that the whole situation sucks, but it is what it is so we all just need to deal with it. I LOVE the print on your mask. It's fabulous! I'm also glad to hear that you've had so many good reads. I have Beach Read on my list for this week and am really excited for that one. Stay safe and have a great week!

    1. I expected more of a romance from Beach Read. It was more women's fiction, but still very good. I hope you enjoy it

  8. I love your makeshift mask! And you're totally right about people's negativity... there's no room for it right now. Everyone is trying to do the best with what they have, and some people don't have the luxury of waiting outside for groceries. They've been laid off and can't afford them, or they're stick and stuck in quarantine. We should be doing what we can to help others right now.

    I have Beach Read coming up and Something to Talk About! I hope we love them both. Reading right now has been more of an escape than ever, and I wish I had more time for it. Homeschooling my son has been a huge time suck, and keeping everyone mentally and physically stimulated is exhausting. I always crash as soon as they're asleep. :)

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. My cousin lives in the city, and knows 7 people, who have died from this. I don't personally know anyone, so I am floored that she has so many friends directly affected. I liked Beach Read. It was women's fiction, if you ask me, but the romance element was strong. Something to Talk About is good, but at 75% and still, no kissing or anything. Again, I am not feeling it's a romance, though I think people will like the way the characters take on racism and sexual harassment in Hollywood. It can't be easy to education your son, while have two younger children to entertain.

  9. One of my friends has started making face masks too - the pattern on the one I ended up with is like technology/ video games with the inside being tan and white stripes. :)

    1. I love seeing all the fun prints. I saw one blogger had sloths!!! You know I was jealous.

  10. Queues outside stores stink, but what can we do? Here in Italy, though, only one person per family can enter - which is wise, because seriously, how many electricians do you need to change a bulb? And going outdoors for flimsy reasons is strictly prohibited (though I don't know if anyone has been fined or reported in my area. For sure no one has ever stopped me or my hubs to ask where we were heading so far).

    My region wants to make masks mandatory, but only after they are distributed to everyone by the single municipalities. We'll see how this works out.

    Have a safe week!

    1. They did a time interval thing, and I went in the late afternoon, on a very nice day, so the wait wasn't too bad (other than the harpy behind me). Masks are not mandatory, but recommended for when you cannot maintain the 6 feet. I am wearing it to shop, pick up food, but not when I run out alone, where there is ample space. I am carrying it on my person though, just in case.

  11. P.S.: that dog is priceless LOL.

    1. I know quite a few people who could relate to him

  12. I have had to block so many people on social media (like, people I know IRL) because they are so self centered. They bitch about how all these restrictions are hurting our "freedom" and that they government can't do this...I am like, well, I think you'd feel different if you got sick and the hospital couldn't take care of you because they were full. But some people will never understand the importance of all these precautions. I have to just walk away from people like that!

    That lab is hilarious!!! It made me think of my coworker. She is going nuts during this because she is so energetic and social and I tell her all the time she is a labrador -full of energy and little crazy!

    1. That's what I'm saying. When A, B, or C points out how other countries are battling the virus, I laugh, because Americans would NEVER do some of the things China or Korea are doing. I know so many extroverts that are going bananas (my mother). I told her I would push her in her wheelchair outside, but she wants to go places, which is a NOPE

  13. Since I'm living in the US epicenter of coronavirus I have been ordering groceries. It's been going okay so far. I used to shop nearly every day and I appreciate that this is forcing me to be more disciplined and use what I have rather than just run out and buy something.
    My parents also love to go out and shop - I think once you are retired, errands become your daily activity. I am always scolding them to cancel unnecessary medical appointments and eat out of their pantry and freezer.
    I'm lucky - I was able to gather a fairly good assortment of supplies (as I've been worrying about coronavirus since January) so I am happy that I can share with neighbors. I have Purell, I have Tylenol, I have (a little) yeast and plenty of flour. I am making pizza tonight!

    1. My cousin lives in the city and already counts 7 lost to the virus. That's crazy! I only ever shopped once a week, because I was gone 12+ hours a day for work, so this is easy for me. But, I acknowledge it's an adjustment for many, and it's stressful. I hope you are having success with your grocery delivery. I have heard not everyone is having an easy time with it. You have to post a picture of your pizza. I am enjoying seeing everyone's food experiments.

  14. I so love your mask Sam! LOL And that dog made me laugh!! Now about pushing the release dates I think you are right! Stays safe.

    1. I am delighted to have such a snazzy mask. It's very on brand for me.

  15. Replies
    1. We joke about what that dog is doing, and then, there is a dog really doing it. Made me laugh

  16. I'm definitely finding it harder to be in the general public, not from fear of the virus, but just the negativity some people have. We are in this together, so complaining isn't helping anything!

    Reading and connecting with all of my blogging buddies has been a huge form of solace in this time.

    1. Truth! I am not all unicorns and rainbows, but I am also not complaining about all the things we have to do in order to try and get through this. I find blogging has been a godsend for me. It's a way to stay in touch, which hasn't been changed due to the state of the world.

  17. This is such scary times that we all can count someone we know as one of the patients. Sad reality.

    1. That terrible. I have not had anyone I really know catch the virus, so my heart goes out to you

    2. I was giddy when I saw that print

  18. It's hard to listen to negatively for any length of time. I think people should be trying to life each other up right now. Look for the positives in life. I still have to go to work while others get to stay home and work from home, but I'm thankful to still have a job and be able to pay the bills, and traffic is a dream! See, positive thinking! Happy reading, Sam! :)

    1. When I was still going to work, and people were complaining about working from home, I was furious! There are so many people, who HAVE to go out in this mess, and you are complaining about being safe in your home? What happened to thinking before you spoke? Sending vibes of safety to you!

  19. Love you mustache mask! Yeah, complaining while in line, esp when the line is in order to keep the store from being too crowded (right?), doesn't help. I hope you're staying safe <3

    1. Keeping us and the workers safe. I read something about them wanting us to even forego the market/pharmacy for two weeks. I will wait in line if it makes us all safer. Most people don't have much to do right now anyhow. I do wish they advised some people to spread out. I kept trying to get some space around me on line, but I guess that line-cutting suspicion kicks in every time people line up

  20. Bless the people who do things to help. That mask is so cute though! I really hope people would get the grasp on how serious this pandemic is. I mean... it's not called a PANDEMIC for nothing! That lady should be thankful she still gets to go outside and buy some food/whatever.

    Oh you got Yours to Keep!! I really enjoyed Yours in Scandal and hopefully this will be as enjoyable as the first one.

  21. Your way of looking at this situation it quite refreshing, I know I’ve done my share of complaining lately... although I reserve doing mine in the comfort of my own home when I’m complaining about not getting to see friends and family. I’ve not had to do any queueing for the supermarket, but I also don’t go to a big one since I can’t drive and I’m avoiding public transport.

    I saw Nick’s cake thread and it made me so hungry, but it also made an excellent change to my twitter feed and I loved it for that.

    I’ve had The Chai Factor on my TBR ever since I saw Nick mention it so I hope you enjoy. And you’re reading If I Never Met You? I can’t wait to see your thoughts on that one.

    Have a good week and stay safe.

    1. I know. I so wanted cake after Nick put that thread out. I love cake! If my daughter was quarantined with me, I know there would be baked goods. I LOVED If I Never Met You. My heart broke, left and right, for Laurie, but she gained so much from that slub leaving her. So good. The audio was great too.

  22. The whingers are getting on my nerves. In Italy, people have been dying at a scary rate but they line up spaced apart to shop and just get on with it. People are losing their loved ones all around the world too. I would've been tempted to run her over with my trolley!

    1. I kept side-eying her, but she just didn't get it. She was one of those people, who complain, and then kept saying, "not that I'm complaining". Uhhh, she actually was. I have no patience for that normally and even less now

  23. Complaining doesn't help anything does it. I didn't want to wait in a line so I told my husband we would get a few things if there wasn't a line but we would just deal with what we have if there was. I hope to stay away from stores for a couple of weeks now. I do like your mask :) I wonder why the publisher pulled the book instead of just pushing it back. Hmmm. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. I do think it's the new norm now, but I'll line up. My mother was one of those daily shoppers. So, making a list and waiting a week for me to shop is killing her. Frederick's book is published by Berkley. It does sound like it will be released, they are just not giving a date yet. Some of the changes are crazy too. Jenn Bennett's next book moved from May to Nov. Oh, well, I already published my review, as I am moving on to June releases soon.

  24. I love how motivated the seniors were working out!

    I have Bryson keller coming up - if I can make myself read.

    My MIL made us a few masks and they are on their way.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Good for your MIL. Did you see the no-sew video from the SG? Very ingenious. Hope you get to read Bryson Keller. It was lovely!

  25. I can definitely see how it would be frustrating to stand behind the complainer. That doesn't help anyone!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Truth! It never helps at any time, but especially not now

  26. The dog gave me the giggles. Everyone could do with some more giggles at the moment. I agree with people needing to stop with the complaining... It doesn't help. Everyone is just doing their best. :(

    1. I am always about the giggles, but I agree, we need them more now than ever. It's a time to support each other and do what we have to in order to survive. I am known as Sam Black Cloud in my family, and I'm even trying to not complain

  27. There are definitely bigger problems in the world at the moment and a shame that the person in front of you was complaining all the time and you had to hear it ;.; Loving your mask so much! Looks beautiful. Ooh, and yay for getting The Chai Factor! I have heard cute things about that one. I loved the Kelly Oram I have read so far and need to read more of them as well.

    1. I have read two or three Oram books, and you know, I like those sports books, so, why not? I had to jump on Chai Factor. It's been on my TBR so long, and the ebook was usually $13.99. Seeing for a $1.99 was an omen, that I had to buy it
