
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Spring TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Spring TBR!

I am a HUGE fan of spring. It's a season of renewal and more moderate temperatures. It's also a season of a BILLION book releases. Seriously, look at the number of books coming out between March and June. I could never read them all, but I still want to. I have a pretty packed list of review books for those months, and I am very excited about many of them.

What's on your spring TBR?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm absolutely dying to get my hands on a copy of Chasing Lucky, I love Jenn Bennett and could use a few heartwarming romances on my shelves to pick up over the next few weeks. Hope you're keeping well darling.

    1. I actually already finished Chasing Lucky. I liked it. It was a bit different from the previous book, but still had all the fabulously flawed characters and a sweet romance.

  2. Oh my goodness, I'm a Kit Sweetly fan just from the blurb alone! #TeamKit for sure!

    1. Doesn't it sound good? I am all about Kit Sweetly

  3. I have been loving Jenn Bennett's books, so I'm really excited about Chasing Lucky!

    1. It's getting mixed reviews, but I liked it. Great romance, messy family, but enjoyable for me

  4. I love spring too! There’s still snow, but there’s usually less of it. I hope you enjoy all these books.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. We had a great winter. Not too cold, no real snowfall. I was happy

  5. I’m excited for Chasing Lucky. The synopsis of Admission doesn’t do much for me but it is Julie Buxbaum so it has that going for it. :)

    1. I will read any book written by a fave author, unless outside my genre. I will admit, I didn't read the last Bennett or Kemmerer book. I am just not into fantasy these days.

  6. The covers for your Spring TBR are so color coordinated!

    I've read and enjoyed a Julie Buxbaum book before, so I'm interested in Admission. I love the cover for Chasing Lucky!

    1. The covers do seem to have a lot of hues that work well together. I love Buxbaum's book. Have read them all, even the adult. I am interested to get her take on the admission scandal

  7. I love spring for the same reasons! So excited for new books and more sunshine!

    1. I am really wanting for more sunshine in the morning. Soon, soon

  8. I'm so excited to get my hands on so many of these pretties! Love all the pastels!

  9. I've been reading Chasing Lucky after winning an arc copy on Goodreads; it's been a bit slow going at first but I think it's going to pick up.

    1. I felt it was different from the previous Bennett books, but the signature elements are all still there. I ended up liking it a lot (I actually finished it the other day)

  10. Looking forward to Chasing Lucky. I like spring better than winter too, because summer is my favorite season.

    1. I am not really a person of extremes. So, summer and winter are out for me. But, I did enjoy Chasing Lucky, and I hope you do too

  11. Admission is one that I've been curious about. Wasn't so sure I liked the premise, so I'm awaiting reviews. Can't wait to read yours!

    1. It's timely, and I am curious to get Buxbaum's take on the whole mess

  12. I’m pretty excite for Chasing Lucky and Not Another Love Song!

    1. Bennett is always good, and I enjoyed Chasing Lucky. Love Song is just screaming my name. You don't get too many real romance books in YA, but I think this might be one

  13. Oh I love that cover for Hello Spring! How adorable. Anyways these all look nice- I keep seeing it, seems like, but I really want to try Jenn Bennett at some point.

    Hope you're having a good Tuesday!!

    1. If I were you, I would start with Starry Eyes. That is my favorite Bennett book

    2. It's funny, that's the one I was gravitating towards the most! that's the one with the camping theme, right?

    3. It starts with glamping, and then some camping. I loved the trek we took with these two as well. Definitely my favorite of her books, though, I enjoyed them all

  14. I'm looking forward to The Life and (Medieval) Times of Kit Sweetly too. Happy reading!

    1. It looks so fun, and I am hoping for some Well Met vibes

  15. These are all new to me but they look super cute! I've seen some hype for Chasing Lucky. I hope you get to read them all soon!

    1. Bennett is fairly well loved, and I was not disappointed with Chasing Lucky (which I finished the other day)

  16. Admission and Chasing Lucky are two I plan to read this Spring as well. :)

  17. Nice bunch. Most of these are new to me and there are some fun titles and covers.

    1. You know, always shouting about YA contemporaries here

  18. If YOU can't read all the books between March and June what about me? It's a lost battle LOL. Now Chasing Lucky is one that I am interetsed. If I have time what between ALL the books LOL

    1. I have so many May and June releases to read. This happens every year to me. But, like Tim Gunn says, make it work

  19. Ah this is such a good TBR! I can't wait to read What I Like About You and By The Book, both sound SO good. I'm currently reading Chasing Lucky and loving it. Jenn Bennett never disappoints <3

    1. Truth! I was happy with Chasing Lucky. The romance was wonderful, and I loved the characters too

  20. Looks like a great spring line up!

  21. So many good titles and so many pretty covers here! March alone had my TBR piling up A LOT. It also sent me into a book-buying-spree and surprisingly I am in the mood to read whether it's fantasy or contemporary or thriller/mystery so I guess it's worth it. Chasing Lucky's one of the books I'm eager to read.

    1. I liked Chasing Lucky, though reviews have been mixed. It about people with communication issues, and I have seen many put off by the miscommunication, but I was ok with it. The characters were great, and Bennett gave me yet another winning romance

  22. The covers of your TBR are pretty fabulous! I am excited to read (and will be reading soon!) Clap When You Land, Chasing Lucky, and Kit Sweetly, so hopefully we both enjoy them! There are quite a few on your list that I am on the fence about too, so I'll be looking forward to your thoughts!

    1. I have read Chasing Lucky so far, and I liked it. For me, a Bennett book is all about her characters and the romance, which I thought was great in this book.

  23. I've been running around like an idiot for three weeks-getting deliveries, shopping, dealing with my stubborn uncle refusing to believe the pandemic is bad, gathering medicine, preparing for lockdown...I haven't had a chance to really read or plan a spring tbr but I plan to do both at the weekend!!!

    1. It's good that you are getting prepared. It's still business as usual for me, since I have to continue reporting to work. The trains are really empty though. I am trying to get my mom not to be wasteful. I am getting paranoid, that we are going to end up with no food.

  24. I nabbed a copy of Chasing Lucky! It was free at one point on Netgalley and I fell in love with the cover and the blurb and couldn't resist! Everyone seems to say good things about Jenn Bennett books so I'm looking forward to it!

    1. I got it Read Now too. This was a bit different for a Bennett book, but not. It had great characters and a charming romance, and I did enjoy it a lot.

  25. Looking forward to all your reviews for these books! They look so light and lovely and perfect for spring. I so want to read Chasing Lucky and Clap When You Land so I am especially going to look forward to your thoughts on those two ^.^

    1. Reviews are mixed for Lucky, but I enjoyed it. I pick up a Bennett book knowing I will find great characters and an adorable romance, and I found both in Chasing Lucky.
