
Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Readers Gonna Read

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Readers Gonna Read!

This week's topic is 10 signs your a book lover. Hmmmm, I am not sure if these signal a book lover, but these are some book quirks I have with respects to my reading obsession habit.
  1. First thing, every Tuesday, I hop on the eLibrary to see if they have any of the new releases.

  2. I check the books on my Amazon wish list to see if they are any price drops. Every. Day. 

  3. NetGalley and Edelweiss get a visit daily, as well, because I would like to believe I have a better chance of approval, if I request the book right away.

  4. When people talk about places and things, I usually respond by saying, "The character in this book I read went there/did that."

  5. When people talk about movies, I most likely haven't seen them, but I have read the book.

  6. I have pulled muscles and strained my eyes trying to see what someone was reading, when out and about in public.

  7. When I see people looking at the books at Target, I slowly walk past, and must resist discussing each and every book on the shelf with them.

  8. I cannot resist a book recommendation thread on social media. I comb through the list, and "like" every rec I agree with.

  9. My Kindle is always with me, and I whisper sync it with my Kindle app on my phone. You know, so I can discretely read, if necessary.

  10. I am always trying to get people to get a library card.

What are your book lover traits?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. #2, I mean, you gotta - you never know when a good deal is gonna pop up! And when my sister-in-law told me that she got library cards for my nephew, I was inordinately excited!

    1. I was so mad, when they stopped allowing me to filter by "price drop". That was an important filter for me. I keep trying to tell people how awesome the library is. How we have reciporcal lending in NJ, as well as the eLibrary and Hoopla. You can borrow without leaving home, which is the best for me.

  2. I love this list so much and it shows your true bookworm colours. I love how much you check about what books you could possibly be getting on basically every website ever! Oh yes, when I am in abook shop or book section I just want to discuss all the ones I have read with someone and share all the opinions, hehe. It could be endless.

    1. After I shower in the morning, I rotate through NG, EW, eLibrary, Hoopla, and Amazon. I have a system, so it doesn't take me too long, but I will admit, it's not normal. Books stores are the hardest, especially when I see someone passing over an amazing book for something meh.

  3. Haha. I’ve thought about making an Amazon wish list, but I know I’d stalk it obsessively to look for price drops.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. They got rid of the price drop filter, but I just go in, set lowest to highest, and see if any sales are on. I get emails about sales, when I follow an author too (I think that's why I get it)

  4. I'm the same with many of these. LOL Especially #2!

    1. Good to see I am not the only price monitor around here.

  5. I always have my kindle or the book I'm reading loaded on my phone, and I'm more likely to have read the book than watched the movie as well. I don't check Netgalley or Edelweiss every day, though. I find myself trying to see what others read, especially if I'm on vacation and sitting by a pool. I'm usually a little disappointed to mostly see people reading only the hyped up titles that a lot of times end up disappointing reads to me. I'm happy they're reading, though. Great post, Sam! :)

    1. I mean, I am happy people are reading in general, but it seems they have to adapt a book to get people to read it. My daughter does a book club, and she said they always want to read the adapted books or Reese's book club picks. I think we both rolled our eyes at that.

  6. Oh my goodness, I do a daily Amazon price check, too! Every. Single. Day. For my Kindle wish list and my physical book wish list. I love that we both do that. :) And I'm forever trying to see what other people are reading when I'm out and about. And while my Kindle isn't with me 24/7, I do always, always have my current read with me. Whether it's a physical book, on my Kindle, or just on my Kindle app on my phone. Never without my current read.

    1. This, this is why I count you among my people. I was a Girl Scout, and I believe in always being prepared. That means, being ready to read at any moment.

  7. OOoh nice ones! I do the scope out what people are reading in public too! 9/10 it's one I haven't read but I like seeing other people read regardless! Lol!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I like knowing what other people are reading, because, I never know, it could be something I might be interested in.

  8. I check my amazon wishlist for price drops daily too and always have my kindle and phone synced. It just needs to be done. :)
    I also love trying to sneak a peek at what people are reading when out and about... It's gotten me some funny looks in the past! lol

    1. I have learned from my "peeking", that I would make a terrible spy.

  9. I love that Arthur GIF! That's the one t.v. show my kids watched over and over that I never found annoying. Also, I know all the words to that library card song :)

    Happy TTT, Sam!

    1. Arthur was a favorite of my daughter's too. I loved that guy! We should duet some time. =)

  10. #6! If I know the person, though, I'll run over and check the title of the book.

    1. Same. If I know them, I would not be too shy to ask. When the new hire started, I subtly asked if she was a reader.

  11. It's always a delight to sign up people for a library card when I'm on the desk. :)

    1. You are my hero. Seriously, I wish I had majored in library studies. My cousin is a librarian, and I am jealous she gets to be around books all dy.

  12. Huh. I never thought to check the eLibrary on Tuesdays for new releases. Guess I have a new habit!

    1. I have access to three eLibraries. One only posts new books once a month, the other two are wildcards, but usually close to or on Tuesday.

  13. Ha I love #4! I do that too... and #2 I DON'T do but hey, that's a good idea. :)

    1. I have been so many places, and done so many things via books.

  14. Definitely #2! Usually more than once per day too... I'm obsessed with a good deal! Recently there have been more Kindle books than usual even being free, so I just can't pass it up.

    1. I need to catch the sales. I refuse to pay full price for just about anything (I am cheap). I always click posts about free ebooks, though, I find it tiresome to go through all the ones on Amazon. I like that some people have culled a list for me

  15. These are FABULOUS because they are so true! I do the same thing with the Amazon wishlist, and EW & NG, for the same exact reason! Like "if I wait, they'll have already approved all the people!" 😂 And I do the Kindle-phone sync too, like how the hell else am I supposed to not work at work!?

    1. It's such an interesting fear/idea we have about approvals. My phone-Kindle syncing is more for family functions, but it's good to know it's always there for me

  16. #5 is definitely true for me! I don't check Amazon for sales every day, but I do have a few books inputted over at ereaderIQ that I'm waiting for the price to drop, and I do check the Amazon monthly deals. Then there's Twitter, which tells me about lots of deals too.

    1. I have found a few deals on Twitter. The recent Entangled freebies were found there (though, they were mostly books I have already read/bought).

  17. 4 is definitely me - or I'll be more likely to go somewhere if it's been in a book I love :)

    1. It's a special treat, when I actually visit or have visited a place or tried a food, which I encountered in a story.

  18. LOL! Such a fun list!! And I am definitely guilty of a lot of them!

    1. Aren't we all. I was actually surprised by all the Amazon stalkers out there. I thought I was alone

  19. Bwahahaha the comment about Target is true for me too! I don't have a Target here but whan I seen people perusing the shelves in a book shop I can't resist commenting!

    1. I just want to steer them to the books I love!

  20. Oh I need to get back to Netgalley. I don't even know why I stopped going there in the first place. Oh and GOOD TIP re Amazon!!

    1. I am poor. NetGalley is a fantastic way for me to subsidize my reading. I always write a review anyhow, why not get a free book while I am at it?

  21. Replies
    1. Some call it dedication, others call it obsession....

  22. I never can understand why some people don't use their libraries. It is like one of my favorite places in the world. I might stalk NetGalley and Edelweiss a bit myself :)

    1. My experience has been, that they are not usually readers or they don't have time to go there. That's why I am all about the eLibrary. My sister and my mom claim they could never finish a book in three weeks, nor do they want to wait, that's their excuse.

  23. The Cookie Monster is such a cool guy...I love him! Libraries are great if you get a good one but a poor library like our local one is a waste of time. There are so many charges-a charge yearly for a book ticket, extra charge yearly for the audio department, paying to order or reserve every book, cd or dvd, no audio book section, not enough new books on the shelves, and hopeless staff. The last twice I went, I returned the books I borrowed only to get fines issued because the idiot staff forgot to check the books back in before putting them on the shelves! I haven't been back in about seven years.

    1. Cookie was my favorite. I was very sad, when I heard they changed him into a veggie monster 😑 I am very lucky with my library and the resources they offer. I don't use the physical library, but I borrow often from the electronic library. All my audiobooks are from the library, and though I have a billion books, I still borrow many ebooks per month as well.

  24. Ahhh what a fun post! I can't resist a good recommendation list, on a blog or any social media, either ahah. We always need more books to add to our endless TBRs :)

    1. I wish I was as obsessive about fitness as I am about my TBR. I would be able to wear my clothing from my 20s. LOL!

  25. LOL! All of these are so relatable, especially the one about Target and the one about having your Kindle app synced everywhere. I keep my phone on my desk at work with the Kindle app open so I can sneak a few pages here and there when it's slow.

    1. A page here, a page there -- it helps me maintain my sanity

  26. This is definitely funny and I may or not be doing many of these things and I am not gonna tell. You made me laugh out loud!

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. Glad you enjoyed my list! If you laughed, I accomplished my mission.
