
Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: I'm in the Mood for Love

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

I'm in the Mood for Love!

It's a freebie week, and since Valentine's Day is later this week, we are going with some sort of love theme. I feature mostly YA books on the blog, but I read a LOT of contemporary romance. Yesterday, I reviewed two fantastic romances, and today, I want to share some of my recent favorites. These all had fantastic characters, swoony romance, white hot chemistry, and stupendous HEA endings -- all things I look for in a good romance. They also made me feel a lot of things, and I am pretty sure I cried both happy and sad tears as I read each and every one of these.

Recent favorite romance?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. The Simple Wild looks really familiar to me, I must have seen a good review or two for that one.

    Thank you for the Little Rascals as well. :)

    1. I saw so many good reviews for The Simple Wild, that I sucked it up and actually bought the book. No regrets.

      I am sort of sad that a whole generation will never know the Little Rascals. I used to watch them after school as a kid (in reruns, obviously).

  2. I just don't read romances I'm afraid so no recommendations for you, sorry! Glad you had a good time with your reads!

    1. Romance is not for everyone, but it's definitely for me

  3. *grins* Awk-weird. So damn cute!

    1. And the book was that cute too. All the geeky trivia was fabulous

  4. I really liked that Love Her or Lose Her was about a couple fighting for their marriage - I don't see that a whole lot.

    1. I cannot say I have read a lot of romances featuring married couples, but I am seeing more of them these days. I like that.

  5. Some excellent picks here! I need to pick up Mona Shroff's book ASAP!

    1. I loved that book. I am always down for a second chance romance, and the history between these two had me all in

  6. The Simple Wild... I have so much love for that one. It’s tied to a particular time in my life and I think that combines to make it a powerful reading experience for me. Plus Calla and Jonah made my heart happy. :)

    1. It's awesome that you have such a robust memory for that book. I loved it, and am excited to get more Calla and Jonah

  7. jill's cover catches my eye every time. i do read more romance than i used to, but i prefer a little dangerous suspense along with it.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. She used to write more romantic suspense back in the day. I remember hitting her back catalog, and reading a few.

  8. Most of these are new to me. I do love happy endings though.

  9. HEA's can change my entire mood and leave me bouncing through the week. They're hard to nail (at least the solid ones that I love so much) but they're my favorite type of reads.

    Chloe Brown was great & I have the Shalvis to read soon.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. Same. When I am in a funk, I turn to a romance to help my mood.

  10. Nice topic choice! Pretty much all new to me ones here!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. Great list!! I really hope to read Love Her or Lose Her and The Simple Wild soon.

    1. I gave in and bought The Simple Wild after reading tons of reviews, but then I didn't get to it forEVER, and that was regretful, because it was stupendous. I hope to get to read it soon

  12. I've heard really good things about The Simple Wild! Thanks for sharing :D

    1. All the things you heard were true. It was superb.

  13. I don't read much adult these days, but if I decide to jump into one, I know just where to come for recommendations!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Well, if you want adult romance, I know some, but I hardly read adult outside of that.

  14. The love theme is getting a lot of exposure on this meme. Thanks for the list.

  15. I loved Brooklynaire and The Simple Wild, too! Great choices, Sam! :)

    1. Simple Wild leaned a bit women's fic for me, and therefore, I was surprised by how much I loved it, since it's usually hit or miss for me. Yep, adored every second of it.

  16. It's been awhile since I've read a Jill Shalvis book. I might have to remedy that.

    1. It was love at first book for me and Shalvis. Her books are always satisfying, and they have just the right amount of drama without ever getting too heavy.

  17. I loved many of these, but I just finished listening to Awk-weird. I wasn't expecting to love it as much as I did. It was so adorable!

    1. Same. I liked the previous book but I loved Awk-weird

  18. I'm not much for contemporary romance, but some of these sound fun. Maybe I'll pick one up when I'm in the mood for a light, entertaining read.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!

    1. Contemporary romance is my goto. I am always in a better mood after reading one.

  19. Chloe Brown is a recent favorite for me too. I can't wait to read the second book in the series. The Simple Wild is one I really want to read. I've heard such good things about it.

    1. Read it! You will have no regrets. It is so wonderful

  20. You probably saw on Twitter that Lucy Parker said that the couple pictured on Headliners is a couple in real life. They are so cute in the photo - I love how they are laughing which is something you don't usually see on romance covers...

  21. I'm so happy that I have three of these on my kindle to look forward to!
    Awk-Weird and Get A Life Chloe Brown were two of this week's many acquisitions and Brooklynaire I've had for a while. 😃

    1. Bowen is always good for me, but Brooklyaire was a little bit better than the past few. I really loved the story. Awk-Weird was so fun, and Chloe and Red owned me. I hope you enjoy all these as well

  22. Get a Life Chloe Brown and Beard or Me are both books I have on my tbr and cannot wait to read as I have been hearing such great things about both of these authors! I also have read a KA Tucker before but it was a good thriller of hers. I wonder what her contemporary romance would be like.

    1. I tried one of Tucker's suspense books. It's just not my thing, but I adored The Simple Wild. Penny Reid is always wonderful, and I was really impressed with my first Hibbert book. I love the Brown sisters and cannot wait to get to know them all
