
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Excuse Me, I'm Hungover

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Excuse Me, I'm Hungover!

Today we are talking about hangovers. Not *those* type of hangovers, but rather, book hangovers.
There seem to be a million different definitions for a book hangover, but for me, there are a few indicators, that I am indeed, experiencing a book hangover.
  1. These books tend to evoked  strong emotional responses from me. Normally, they are of the tears variety, and I can guarantee there will be more tears every time someone mentions this book, but sometimes it can be a book that made me beyond happy or pumped up as well, and then, there will be miles of smiles every time I encounter a mention of the book.  
  2. I can't stop thinking about the book or wondering about the characters. It could be a day, a week, a month since I read the book, and I will still be contemplating the world, its inhabitants, and the stories contained therein. And, although I tend to hate them, there are books that are successful with those open endings, because when I think of them, I think of them fondly. 
  3. I struggle with getting excited about whatever I am reading next. No slight on the next book, but it's hard to follow greatness. 
  4. I feel the need to read more from this author, because all of their books hold the promise of something amazing for me. 
In summary:

I was actually really surprised, when I was going through my read-list, and the books I know have stuck with me, because most made me happy. This is quite a contrast to the books from my whole history, which pop into my head: The Nightingale, TFiOS, Me Before You, All the Bright Places, Second Chance Summer, Champion - which all left me a snotty mess. So, without further ado, here are some recent reads, which I believe left me hungover.

What's one of your hangover books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Great list Sam! I agree with your definition of a book hangover. The books usually make me an emotional mess too. Breathe Annie Breathe, and Tweet Cute gave me book hangovers as well!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I used to always think sad emotions marked my hangovers, therefore, I am so glad to see more and more happy books giving me that same sort of feeling in a different way.

  2. Aww book hangovers are the best and the worst. They do mess you up for a bit so you put off your next book... but how can you not give them the tribute they deserve. I’ve not been reading as many contemporary and I really need to rectify that... starting with Tweet Cute! So many rave about it.

  3. It's interesting because of all my book hangovers, I only have a few and it honestly only happens at the end of a book series where I am fully immersed in the world and characters for a long time and then am let go DD: I think the most recent one was in 2019 (I tend to have just one every year) and that was when I finished bingeing the Chaos Walking trilogy by Patrick Ness.

    1. I don't read as many series any longer, and therefore, don't get those final book hangovers as much, but I used to experience them often. I am well known for avoiding final books, because I cannot bring myself to say goodbye to the world (fact: my final Iron Fey book is signed by Julie Kagawa and says "Never Say Goodbye")

  4. I like your book hangover list -- and it covers all the main book hangovers symptoms I think. YOu have some stellar titles here, and some covers that are enticing me to go look further!

    1. It's interesting how my idea of a book hangover has evolved. I like that happy books make me hungover too

  5. I see some that I really enjoyed too! I have Sick Kids on hold at the library and I can't wait for it to arrive! I love your list of symptoms! :D

    1. I really did adore Sick Kids. I want more of those two. I hope you enjoy it!

  6. I've never had any such thing as this book hangover thing. It just doesn't apply to me. As soon as I read a book, however brilliant it is, I just switch myself to picking out the next book and start reading. I'll talk about the finished book in reviews or with my dad, but it won't stop me reading my next book adventure.

    1. Now I really want some book to find you and make you have a hangover. For me, it's a wonderful thing.

  7. I was also kind of a wreck after reading TFIOS. I couldn’t get interested in another book after flying through that one.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I couldn't even open my eyes, because they were swollen shut. My heart is aching just thinking about Gus

  8. Breathe, Annie, Breathe was one I read 4-5 years ago and made such an impression on me. I think because it was a lot deeper and more emotional than I anticipated.

    1. It really was, but I think that's what so beautiful about that whole series. Kenneally managed to weave in these things, and I think they are so successful, because she has a personal connection to all the stories. I always love reading her Author's Note, because of how she shares her personal connection to the story there

  9. I feel like the books that really leave me with a hangover are the super emotional ones. I don't find it happening with happier reads! lol


    1. They are definitely the ones that first come to mind for me, but when I thought about it, I felt like any book, where the mere mention has me reliving the emotions I felt when I read it, qualifies as a hangover book.

  10. i feel the same way about hangovers. :-) sorry to say, i haven't read any of them
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Well, now you know a few which could possibly give you a hangover

  11. Nice! As expected, these are all totally new to me ones!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. If the day ever come, that you want to read YA contemporaries, you know where to come

  12. Here's some coffee for that hangover. :) Does coffee even work lol? I don't know. Anyway... I totally agree. Of the ones you've listed, they all look great of course but I think Tweet Cute especially looks like a lot of fun.

    1. Well, Greg, coffee is always the answer. So, yes, it could work. Tweet Cute was so much fun, and it really lives up to the hype

  13. Breathe, Annie, Breathe was such a touching book. I can see why it left you hung over.

    1. I think it may have been the most emotional of the Hundred Oaks books I have read so far

  14. As a person about to start When You Were Everything, I am pretty stoked to see it on this list! Totally agree with Sick Kids, too! You know, I usually go with a book I am a bit apathetic about after a hangover book, because if it ends up being ruined, meh, no most-anticiptateds were ruined in the making of this hangover 😂

    1. Those friend breakup books never fail to make me feel, and the way it happened between Cleo and Layla was reminiscent of one of my own. Obviously, I was Cleo. I hope you enjoy it! You are hilarious! I guess it's one way to look at it - you can't ruin a book you had no expectations from

  15. So many of these are on my TBR! But, sadly I haven't gotten to a single one yet. Great list!!

    1. I am sure there are plenty of gems sitting on my TBR too. I hope you get to a few of these at some point

  16. So this is something like your ultimate list here Sam!

    1. It's a recent list. I read all of these in the past year. I have some deep cuts that come to mind too

  17. Yep, I've had similar hangovers. LOL The best cure is some hair of the dog. In other words, another book!

  18. Just goes to prove that a book doesn't have to be a heavy emotional read to leave you hungover. It can be any book that pulls you in with interesting characters, an immersive setting, a propulsive plot, etc. I love that these books left you hungover because they made you happy and you didn't want to stop reading!

    1. I have been revising my idea of a book hangover for a while now, and I love that I can get a happy hangover too.

  19. Oh yes to Emery Lord. I think all of her books I've read have left me with book hangovers.

  20. I'm happy to know that Sick Kids In Love is a happy hangover book! I'm looking forward to reading that one and would hate it if it was an ugly cry hangover... :)

    1. It was such a good book. I am dropping it on another TTT this week. You with think, with me reading over 400 books a year, I would feature different books, and that's something I try to do, but I loved Sick Kids so much. I want to talk about it A LOT.

  21. Tweet Cute fully got me into a book hangover as well. I was just so consumed by it and all the cuteness that I had a hard time getting over it when it was all done. Wonderful post, Sam! :)

    1. I think it kept me smiling for quite a few days. It was YA perfection for me, and I hope Lord has more adorable and sweet stories like that coming our way.
