
Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I tried to make it through the week, but whatever was working on me won. I progressively got sicker and sicker, and on Thursday, I developed a fever. I stayed home Friday, got some medication, and I can almost talk now. We have a holiday on Monday, President's Day, that gives me a little more time to recuperate, and fingers crossed, I am better by Tuesday.

In Case You Missed It: Nick invited a bunch of us to collaborate on a Valentine's Day post, which was a lot of fun. You can check it out HERE, and even enter the giveaway.

Something pretty great happened on Saturday. I won a giveaway! And, it was for a book I really, really, really want to read. I have enjoyed Sarvenaz Tash's books so much, and am eager to read her adult contemporary romance.

Other than that, it was a normal week. I have been training the new hire, which kept me from listening to my audiobooks at work. That was a bummer, but I do like my new co-worker, so, that's a plus.

Let's Discuss!
  • Here's Malka's take on trigger warnings
  • Jackie talks about why she has so many series in progress
  • AJ shares what she learned from all the Best Books lists she read

On the Blog:

I almost had a romance theme going this week. I probably could have accomplished it had I thought a little further ahead. Maybe next year.
  • Monday: Isn't It Romantic? - Undercover Bromance, Yours in Scandal
  • Tuesday: TTT - I'm in the Mood for Love
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Edge of Anything, My Heart and Other Black Holes
  • Thursday: #AmReading - A Good Girl's Guide to Murder, Little Monsters
  • Friday: Discussion - #AmReadingRomance



What I Read Last Week

It was a really good week. I consider each of the books I read a success, but especially loved When You Were Everything. It was a friend breakup book, which broke my heart. I had read another such book, not too long ago, but I think this one was a bit more successful for me, because the character spends more time on the relationship post mortem, and it was more hopeful at the end too, which we all know is important to me.


What I Am Currently Reading

I am just starting Meet Me at Midnight, but I am well into Guy, and poor Theo! The name of this series is The Underdogs, and I am rooting with all my heart for Theo.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. It stinks that you're sick, but it worked out pretty well that there's a three-day weekend and you get an extra day to recover!

    1. I have done next to nothing since Thursday, but I am happy to say, I am feeling better. I am just mad I had to waste a sick day. I try not to take any within the first quarter

  2. Boo on being sick but congrats on your giveaway!!! And yes Theo was amazing but had no luck!!! We need more heroes like Theo, a jewel under common clothes . Get better soon Sam!

    1. I love that Stewart gave us Theo. It's great to see a fabulous underdog. I know the next book is Troy's, and he's more Big Man on Campus than underdog, but the situation is really interesting.

  3. congrats on your win. love your vids. those dogs are so sweet
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I am amazed at the kinds of things people's pets do. Thank goodness they share with us

  4. Ugh, sorry to hear that you're sick. I hope the extra day off will speed along your recovery. Congrats on winning such a cool giveaway!

    I didn't realize Ashley Woodfolk had another book coming out. I loved her last one so I'm thrilled to see the one is a 5 star for you.

    1. I have not read Woodfolk's debut (though I will now), but her latest really touched me. It was wonderful.

  5. Sorry to hear you got the yuck still. Hope you feel better soon! But congrats on winning the book you were super excited for! That's awesome!

    Nice new reads too! I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I have not won anything in a while, so I was really excited to see that Twitter notification. It made things a bit better. I need those little things

  6. What a bummer about your illness! I hope you sweated it out and are feeling better!

    "I have been training the new hire, which kept me from listening to my audiobooks at work."
    Haha, naughty girl. I hope the new hire learns fast, so you can go back to them!

    1. I had laryngitis all week, so training the new hire was punishing. I am only do one job function with her right now. Once she gets competent, I have to train her in a second function. I can't remember the last time I only listened to one audiobook in a week. Killing my mojo

    2. Laryngitis is exhausting enough without having to train someone...

      I forgot - Congrats on the givvy! I love that it was a book you really wanted.

    3. I actually have gotten really lucky with Twitter giveaways, but the author is someone I love, and her first adult novel is being published by a pub I don't always have good luck with. I will have to read it on a weekend, because it's a physical copy, but I am really looking forward to it

  7. Congrats on the giveaway win! I hope you feel better soon.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thanks! It was a bright spot in a rather bleak week.

  8. Sorry to hear you got sick! I hope you're feeling better before you need to return to work.

    The hedgehog camping trip is the cutest thing ever! 😍

    1. I am feeling much better since I got the antibiotic. I try to wait it out, and I really only had laryngitis, but it turned into an infection. Oh, well. Yes, I adore seeing hedgehogs doing things, while wearing clothes, and using small furniture. It never fails to delight me

  9. Congrats on the giveaway! And hope you're feeling better. Glad you have the long weekend to hopefully recuperate a bit more. Long weekends are good. :)

    LOVE that cat video. That reminds me of a cat we had growing up- she's sit on top of the refrigerator and swipe at people when they opened up. She was a trip.

    Glad to hear When You Were Everything was good! I kinda like those green/ teal covers too. When You Were everything, A Love Hate Thing, The Perfect Escape... I guess I just like that kind of cover design.

    1. My aunt had a cat like that too, but she would sit on chairs, that were pushed under the table, so you wouldn't see her. I had scratches all over me from that cat, who was ironically name Samantha.

      Wow! Didn't realize I had some many covers in the same color family, and they are all illustrated too

  10. I hope you feel all better soon. I lost my voice for several days and then just kept getting sicker. Still not 100 percent yet.

    1. Yep. The virus turned to an infection. Boo! The fever is gone and I don't have any nasty stuff coming up from my throat, but now I am dealing with the drip. This always happens too. This lingering drip, which makes me cough, because of the tickle. I am essentially as annoying as Felix from the Odd Couple. Hope you can shake your illness soon.

  11. So sorry you're sick! Hope it finally goes away. Congrats on your bookish win, though!!

    Oh, and I'm adding your Valentine's Giveaway to my Sunday Post since I'd missed it earlier!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. My cold/etc tend to linger, but at least I can talk and don't feel like death any longer.

      Thanks for sharing Nick's giveaway. It was nice to be part of it.

  12. Go, Theo!! LOL! Sorry you got so sick. Hope you're feeling better and were able to get some rest this weekend!

    1. Theo owned me in this book. Simply loved him. I can talk again, so that's good. No fever or phlegm. Just a bit of a tickle that make me constantly clear my throat (seriously, I am annoying myself), but definitely feeling better.

    2. Glad you're feeling better!! So glad you enjoyed Theo!!

  13. Oh no! I hope you're starting to feel better by now and make a full recovery by Tuesday.

    1. Me too. The antibiotic knocked out the infection and I can mostly talk now. I have a little tickle in my throat, which has me coughing a bit, but I am a LOT better.

  14. Ahh sorry to hear you've been ill! That is absolutely no fun :(
    But, looks like you had an amazing reading week, so that's something! How awesome to have so many 4+ star books. I'm really looking forward to getting to When You Were Everything, so it's great to hear how much you enjoyed it.
    Glad to hear you are getting better, and I hope that this week is a better one for your health :)

    1. I had no idea what to expect from Woodfolk, but really loved the story she put together. The way the friendship unraveled was very real. This month is already a far superior reading month than Jan was

  15. I loved the post you all collaborated on with Nick! I actually shared it on my Sunday Post! Hopefully you are back to 100% by Tuesday!

    1. It was flattering to be asked, since I am not a romance blogger, per se, but I am a lover of romance. The whole thing turned out great, too. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I purchased My Heart and Other Black Holes right before the move, so it's around here somewhere... haha. You've recently read a lot of the books I'm about to read, so I hope I enjoy them as much as you did! I'm particularly interested in What I Like About Me.

    I'm sorry you've been sick! That's never fun or convenient. It's pretty great that you typically get to listen to audiobooks at work, but it's also great that you like your new hire. Hopefully you're healed and functioning at 100% on Tuesday!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. Both the Australian books were great. They had a similar theme of loving yourself/self esteem, were both very funny, and extremely honest. I was a fan

  17. Sorry to hear you got sicker :( Hopw ypu are feeling better now :) Congrats on winning the giveaway! Looking forward to your review of Rules for Being a Girl

    1. I am on the mend. Just dealing with the residual post nasal drip now, which is annoying, but I am more functional. I am already 45% through Rules and it's really good

  18. Ugh, being sick is just the worst. I hope you are feeling better though! I had some sort of stomach bug happening over the weekend, but it seems to be better so *fingers crossed* It seems like everyone around me is getting sick.

    Congrats on the giveaway win!!


    1. I think a stomach bug is worse than what I have/had. Those can get messy. Hope you are back to 100%. The win was a nice surprise and made my miserable week a bit better.

  19. Sorry that the sickness got the better of you. And hopefully the long weekend gave you plenty of time to rest and take it easy. I got an offer of an ARC for I Hate You, Fuller James but decided against it. There are just too many of my own books that I want to read. The Guy on the Right is so high on my TBR. It’s just one of those that I feel like I’m going to love.

    1. Fuller James sounded cute. Entangled books are usually fun and quick, so I was willing to take a try. I am already on my April ARCs too, so it seemed like an OK choice. My infection is gone and my voice is almost all the way back, but the drip is killing me. I am the most annoying person, clearing my throat a LOT. HATE IT! I challenge you not to love Theo in The Guy on the Right. He was a great hero

  20. Bummer about being sick! Hope you're on the mend, Sam!

    The Guy on the Right looks good, I do love to see an underdog win! I've never tried Kate Stewart, but she's been on my radar. Feel better! :)

    1. Getting there. Now, if I could do something about my nasal drip.

      I had not read anything from Stewart either, but I caved and bought the first two Underdog books, because of all the raves. I really enjoyed it.

  21. I hope you’re feeling better Sam! Congrats on the giveaway :) It looks like you got some great books! Happy Reading and enjoy :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I love winning stuff, and when it's something I really want, even better.

  22. Oh no, I am so sorry to hear that you only got worse :( I hope this week you start to recover bit by bit, or even better all at once! I find it so cool that you managed to get a copy of Clap When You Land! I so want to read that one :)

    1. Yeah, can't get out of the winter without at least one round of antibiotics. I know it's because I am not getting enough sleep, because of the schedule change. I need to work on getting my sleep schedule back on track. I am very lucky with Harper. They usually approve me for everything I request, and I loved both of Acevedo's previous books, and expect Clap to be another hit

  23. I'm glad you're on the mend Sam! There are various bugs doing the round here at the moment and I'm trying to fight one off. Mind you, I always seem to catch colds and viruses all year round!

    1. I can talk, and now I am just dealing with a nasal drip. So, a LOT better than I was last week. Good luck keeping the bug away. I should have started the zinc tablets sooner.
