
Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blog Tour: The Opposite of Falling Apart - Micah Good

The Opposite of Falling Apart
Micah Good
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Publisher: Wattpad
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
After losing his leg in a terrible car accident, Jonas Avery can’t wait to start over and go to college.

Brennan Davis would like nothing more than to stay home and go to school, so she can keep her anxiety in check.

When the two accidentally meet the summer before they move away, they’ll push each other to come to terms with what’s holding them back, even as they’re pulled closer to taking the biggest leap of all—falling in love.

A year after losing his leg in a car accident, Jonas got into a little fender bender, which was the start of something great, for both him and the girl whose car he hit.

Both Jonas and Brennan were supposed to be getting ready to leave for college, but they were "stuck" for different reasons.

Brennan was dealing with severe anxiety. Fear and racing thoughts were keeping her from moving forward, and she didn't seem to have a lot of support at home. While Jonas was making no progress on accepting his new normal since losing his leg. He refused therapy, would not use his prosthesis, and choose to mope around, taking out his frustrations on his family.

What I Liked...

The friendship between Brennan and Jonas was the standout element for me. Though their circumstances were different, they could relate to what the other was going through. Their relationship did not start out on solid ground. It was not an instant friendship, but because of that, it felt like a reward, when it finally formed and began to grow.

I was totally rooting for this friendship to turn into a romance, and I don't care if it's a predictable thing, because these two was too cute together. The stirrings of first love in all its glory was right there for me to enjoy, and I loved every second of it.

I also appreciated how much both Jonas and Brennan grew. Brennan gained confidence, as Jonas came to terms with his situation. It was a treat, that we got to spend such a long period of time with these two, as well as getting to tag along to college with them. The change of scenery came with new challenges for both of them, but along the way, they realized their most important resources were themselves and each other.

Good really took a lot of time to explore both Jonas' and Brennan's issues. After spending copious amounts of time in the characters' heads, I felt like I really understood what they were going through. Their struggles were palpable, and came across as authentic.

What I Wish...

This book had a LOT of introspection, and I do believe it was an important part of the story. However, I wish I had spent a little less time in the characters' heads. For me, it hampered the pacing a bit, but I would have also loved some of that page time to be allotted to seeing more of the romance play out, as I absolutely adored these two together. They were precious and adorable, and I wanted more of those heart eyes time with them.


Despite the pacing issues, I enjoyed this book very much. I found that I cared about the fate of Jonas and Brennan. It was heartwarming and touching watching these two fight to overcome some big obstacles, and work to achieve the things they wanted. I was glad to be a part of their journey.

* ARC received in exchange for an honest review.


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Micah Good has been writing since middle school. She’s been writing stories on Wattpad since the summer before her freshman year of college. Her stories have been featured, won a Watty, and she was invited to participate in Wattpad’s Paid Stories program. She currently lives in the midwestern United States, where she is pursuing a career in nursing. She loves dogs, naps and getting lost in a book.

Favorite cheese?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I think predictability can feel so good too -- especially if the cutness is just right! I like it when abook can sweep you up in that and you're rooting for the two crazy kids to get together, issues and all.

    1. I did love this couple, and I appreciated their struggles so much. The romance was all the cuteness, and I just wanted more of it.

  2. i find when i really become enamored with a character, i get very involved, no matter the storyline. predictable can be good and i don't mind it
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. True, and as a character driven reader, this describes me to a tee

  3. It is hard to truly love a book if the pacing is off, still, this sounds like it was a good read and I'm glad you did enjoy it. Wonderful review!

    1. The pacing issue was only in parts of the book. So, it would happen, and then some great part would happen, and I would let it go. But, overall, I do think it kept me from reaching that full level of adoration, that I think I could have gotten to given the premise and characters.

  4. Jonas and Brennan both sound like such likable characters. And the romance sounds so sweet! Too bad the inner dialogue wasn’t shared in other way (or in smaller chunks) but it still sounds worthwhile.

    1. Jonas was tough to like in the beginning. His transformation was a lot more dramatic than Brennan's, but I did like both of them very much, and was fully invested in them both.

  5. I enjoy predictability sometimes. This sounds like a fun one:)

    1. I did a whole blog post about how I find comfort in predictability. I don't mind it at all

  6. I can really relate to anxiety but it does take skill to balance introspection with pacing. This still sounds really great though.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. This is a debut, so it's the author's first effort, and it's pretty solid. A good edit could have made this really fantastic though.

  7. I'm sorry you didn't love this one more! I think I would have struggled with the pacing too though. It still sounds like a lovely read! Thanks for sharing :D

    1. I still liked it a lot, but I always get a bit frustrated, when I think a bit of editing could have brought a book to the next level. This had the premise and the characters, but I needed a bit more in the execution.

  8. A favorite type of cheese?! Ummm, gouda, I guess? :)
    This book sounds great! I'm really hoping I get to read it!

    1. Gouda really is amazing. I feel like that was one of the cheeses Brennan pushed Jonas to try. Yes, the deli counter was where they first started to really connect with each other, and over cheese of all things

  9. Too much inside their heads would be bothersome. I like a faster pace read, so it would probably drive me nuts.

    1. I do like a faster paced read, but I can sit in something a bit slower. It's just that I have a limit, and I think my desire to get more romance won over wanting to rehash a lot of stuff in their heads, you know?

  10. That's a shame about the pacing but it still sounds like a great read, especially the evolving relationship between Jonas and Brennan.

    1. It didn't kill the book for me, as I did finish it, and I really like the ending, but it kept me from loving it. I still did enjoy meeting Jonas and Brennan

  11. It's nice these two found each other, a person to understand and lean on! Glad to hear you enjoyed it despite a pace issue. Sounds like a cute story! :)

    1. And that was the beauty of the story. The idea of connection and someone out there, who could sort of understand you. I appreacitated that

  12. I haven't seen this one around before Sam, so I'm glad you've reviewed it because it sounds like something I'll really enjoy. I love characters that overcome obstacles throughout their lives, it makes for great character building and the diversity of mental health and a physical disability readers can relate to. Would have been great to see more interactions as almost a third perspective for the reader because it sounds a little claustrophobic being in a characters head constantly. So glad you enjoyed this though Sam, brilliant review!

    1. Mental health is my realm, and I thought the way Good depicted it with Brennan rang true, but I really appreciated Jonas' story. Reading about people, who face issues I have not, give me a lot to reflect upon, and his growth was tremendous in this story, which I loved seeing.

  13. That summer before college can be such a stressful time! It's interesting to be able to see two perspectives on it.

    1. I like that we are seeing more of these YA-college transition type books. A lot of young people will go through this experience, and is therefore, very relatable. Seeing these two tackle those changes with their additional challenges was encouraging. I really appreciate their journey

  14. Sounds like an interesting book, thanks for the review!
    And I love having those spreadable cheeses, especially the garlic and herb kind. :)

    1. Spreadable cheese is delish. I remember loving the port wine cheese spread, but seriously, I sort of love all cheese.

  15. A favorite cheese? This question was so unexpected that you made me laugh. I enjoy smoked cheddar cheese.

    1. In the book, Jonas and Brennan connect at the deli counter, and she pushes him to branch out, cheese-wise, so the question just popped into my head. A smoky cheddar is quite yummy.

  16. Great review! Sorry to hear that it didn't quite focus on the romance enough.

    1. This book had a great premise and great characters. A good edit could have made this amazing, but I still don't regret finishing it

  17. Sometimes you know the book is going to end up with them in a romantic situation but you don't even care because they both deserve love and happiness. I am glad that this was such a book of working through things... it must be a big shift to lose your leg and I like that the book takes its time with coming to terms with that. I think I'd like this one and I am always looking for more reads with disabled rep.

    1. Though both characters were dealing with things in their lives, I found myself more drawn to Jonas' journey. He had lost a lot in the accident, as he was a star soccer player, who was popular, and following his amputation, people drifted away. I was so thrilled with where he ended up at the end of the book.
