
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Top Ten Tuesday: Best Debuts of 2019

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Best Debuts of 2019!

Every year, I make an effort to read debuts. I have talked about how I like to say I knew them first, but I also like to expand my list of must-read authors. 2019 was a bonanza for me! I found so many new author to shower with my book-love, and I am eager to read more from each and everyone of these authors. I read about 50 debuts in 2019, and her are 10 of my favorite from YA authors.

Your best debut read of 2019?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I love a good debut. It always amazes me how some of them are so good- you'd never know they were a debut in many cases!

    1. My daughter's theory was that the debut is the book they had the most time to work on. They had all that time before it was sold. She may have that right for some authors.

    2. That's actually a great theory and makes a lot of sense! I wonder how many of these first books were a labor of love they spent YEARS on. Probably true.

    3. You can also argue that the writing can get better with the more books an author writes, but I think there is something to the idea with series, where they rush books, that can be attributed to this

  2. Scars Like Wings and Have a Little Faith are two debut novels which are on my tbr! I don't actually pay much attention to whether what I am reading is a debut novel or not so I couldn't really tell you what the best debut was that I read last year ;.;

    1. Both so different from each other, but equally amazing. I did a debut challenge several years ago, and now it's something I track. It interests me to see how many first time authors I read.

    2. I like your daughter’s theory, Sam. Makes sense!

    3. I mean, it's not that I don't think a writer can get better as they write more and more (Cassandra Clare is a great example), but they tend to be rushed after book 1 as they put out those series

  3. I love debut authors and I've loved some of these as well. I can't wait for all the good reads in 2020 to get here!

    1. I have so many 2020 releases on my TBR, I have no idea how to choose what to read

  4. I haven't read any of these! *cries*
    I do want to read quite a few of these especially the Kristina Forest book!

    1. Forest had tweeted, that her books are about brown girls finding their HEA, and you know I love a good HEA. So, I will be there for all her books.

  5. It’s awesome that you read so many debuts. I think I read one 2019 debut last year? Yeah, I’m bad. I did read a few 2018 ones!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. In all fairness to you, you mostly read backlist, so let's consider earlier debuts for you

  6. i feel the same way greg. i just read a debut book that blew me away...shakespeare burning by charisse moritz.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I have to check that out, but it is wonderful to find someone amazing and I love adding to my must-read list.

  7. I do love to find new authors to read. The only book from your list that I have read is Erin Hahn's book which I really enjoyed. I need to check out a few others from your list.

    1. Hahn's book was a wonderful surprise for me. I expected to like it, but I absolutely loved it!

  8. I read several debuts this year that were real winners for me. Well Met by Jen DeLuca, I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver and Casey McQuiston’s Red, White & Royal Blue were all wonderful!

    1. Well Met and RW&RB were hits for me as well. I didn't highlight my favorite adult debuts, but I definitely would have included those two if I had.

  9. Ooh nice picks! All totally new to me ones as well! Glad you enjoyed so many debuts last year!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  10. Wow, I haven't read any of these. I know I read debuts I loved in 2019, but none of them are popping up in my brain lol

    1. You probably read more adult debuts, these are all YA. Didn't you read Well Met and RW&RB? Both were debuts.

  11. I used to be even more astounded by amazing debuts, but now I understand that "debut" doesn't mean "the first thing they ever tried to write." Still, given how many mediocre books are published, whether as debuts or not, I'm still impressed when someone writes a great book straight out of the gate.

    1. That's a good point. It could be the first ever book or the one that finally sold after many years. I cannot create anything, so I am impressed that someone can write a whole book, even if it doesn't blow me away. Obviously, I am more impressed, when it's amazing, but you know, creating isn't easy

  12. I read a lot of new to me authors in 2019 but I was awful at keeping up with debut authors or even knowing when books were coming out.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I had done a debut challenge a few years back, and now I have it as a column on my spreadsheet. I keep a shelf on GR too. I find it interesting to see how many I read each year.

  13. I don’t remember how many debut authors I read last year, not that many. I will have to try and check out a few on your list.

    1. I track so many things about each book, and why not track debuts, right? I hope you get to read a few. So many gems up there.

  14. Wow, this list is so pretty. I haven't read any of these.

    1. The covers do all look beautiful together. Yeah, no horror up there, but if you are ever looking for a fluffy contemporary.....=)

  15. I have several of these sitting on my shelf so I'm happy to see they made your 'Best of' list. I love reading debut authors. It always impresses me just how good some of them are.

    1. I hope those books get off your shelf and into your hands at some point. These books were wonderful

  16. The only debut I read from your list is You'd Be Mine. Most of the other ones have been in my tbr :)

    1. I adored that book! I loved being on tour and immersed in the world of country music and complicated relationships

  17. I loved You'd Be Mine, too! Fab list here, Sam! :)

    1. It really was a wonderful book! I am glad to see so many of you all read it.

  18. I always make notes on what books you post here for my future TBR (not adding more at the moment because it's beginning to pile up again). I hardly keep track of debut books these days but it's nice to know which ones are good. I do have Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things and You'd Be Mine here.

    1. Having the book on your shelf is half the battle. You'd Be Mine is one that popped up a lot on this post, in a favorable way. I hope you get to it at some point

  19. You read 50 debuts last year?! WOW! How on earth did you pull that off? For me, it's an accessibility thing. Current year releases always have a HUGE wait list at the library, so that has turned me into a backlist reader by default. Oops.

    The Opposite of Always is the only book from this list on my own TBR. After reading some synopses, I'll be checking out You'd Be Mine too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I am pretty sure all of those were ARCs, though, I have had some luck getting new releases from the library, because I stalk the website. I loved Opposite of Always. It was funny and touching, and I heard it is being adapted as well.

  20. I enjoy reading debuts. Found some wonderful new authors and stories. Many read like the author has been writing for a long time:)

    1. I always feel like I am finding something amazing at the ground floor. I have definitely discovered some must-reads via debuts.

  21. I never did get to I WANNA BE WHERE YOU ARE. It looks so cute. I'm definitely going to read it this year. Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. I love Forest's POV. She wants to write HEA stories, and I am there for that. It had substance, but it was on the lighter side, which is my preference.

  22. Ooooh I enjoy this topic! The only one I have read is Have a Little Faith which I wholly agree was amazing! I do want to read several of the others on this list too! I read a lot of great debuts last year as well, glad you were able to too!

    1. Hartl's debut was SO GOOD. I am excited to see what other stories she has for us.

  23. Ohhh, you know what, I am going to enjoy checking these out!

  24. I really liked Opposite of Always - I listened to it on audio and the narrator's voice was great.

    1. I had read it, but am glad to hear the audio did it justice

  25. I wanted to read You'd Be Mine, but I completely forgot about it! Your list reminded me.

    1. Do it! Do it! Do it! Look how many people mentioned liking it in the comments. Seriously, I think you would like it

  26. Say it Sam: you just want to gloat and say you launched a trend LOL

  27. The only one I read from your top ten was You'd Be Mind by Erin Hahn and I loved it :D

    1. That seems to be the most popular book on the list, and I have to say, it earned all the love it's getting.

  28. I'm forever in awe of how many books you manage to read. :)

    You'd Be Mine is one I've been watching for a while. I'm waiting for the kindle price to go to something sensible. It's currently more than a paperback would be. :(

    1. You'd Be Mine seems to be the most popular of the bunch, and it was great. I loved being in the country music world, and watching these two exorcise their demons. I hate when eBooks cost more than a physical book. That is just shenanigans
