
Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

To those, who celebrate...

I FINALLY RATED A BOOK 5-STARS! I was getting really worried, that my 5-Star Friday post would turn into a sad sort of discussion, but now I have at least one book to feature.

I was sort of sad this weekend, seeing all the ALA posts. Philly is really close to me. I could have day tripped to the convention each day. I think it would be fun to mingle with the bookish people, and some of the titles dropping there are ones I know I would never get approved for, but I still couldn't bring myself to spend the money. Let's be honest, you, me, and everyone knows I would most likely not read the physical ARCs. Still, a small part of me wanted to be there. Did anyone attend the convention? If so, I hope you had an incredible time.

BUT, it's all good. The kid will be back in NJ for work, and she is coming in early to spend the weekend. I am sort of excited, because I have not celebrated my daughter's birthday with her since 2013. We'll do dinner my parents, and we have tickets for the current show at Paper Mill. I will be leaving the house for something besides work, so, that's exciting.

Did anyone else see this graphic?

So, yeah, I live in the state, that hates everyone. 🤦🏻‍♀️ Sort of surprised to hear that.

This was a fun quiz. I never realized how many things I have actually done. Only one was a never for me - glamour shots. File that under "never ever".

Determined to have a good time

I want him as my workout buddy

This is what people have to do to get me to pose for a picture

Let's Discuss!
  • Chana warns us to not trust her ratings
  • Carole asks if ARCs are worth it
  • Carrie asks if you can separate the art from the artist

On the Blog:
  • Monday: Blog Tour - Tweet Cute by Emma Lord
  • Tuesday: TTT - Recently Added
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Year After You, Between the Notes
  • Thursday: Blog Tour - The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson
  • Friday: Blog Tour - Echoes Between Us by Katie McGarry



What I Read Last Week

My quest to read my backlist has been quite wonderful. I am shocked by how many gems have been sitting on my shelves. My highest rated book of the week, and my FIRST 5-star rated book of 2020 has been festering on my shelf. I absolutely adored Between the Notes, and am so glad I picked it for my weekly backlog book.



What I Am Currently Reading

I just finished Only Mostly Devastated, so I thought it would be great to pair it with another M/M romance. I heard good things about The Music of What Happens, and think it will be a good fit for me.

I have been listening to Who Do You Love. I have only read a few books by Weiner, and women's fiction can be hit of miss for me, but stories that span long time periods are my catnip. So far, I am very invested in Andy, and super curious to find out if their romance turned into marriage, as right now, in the college years, I think Andy is seeing Rachel a bit differently.

What I Plan to Read

Look, I am struggling right now, and I need a lot of romance to help me cope. I think these books may help.
How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. YAY for finally reading a 5-star book! That's awesome. I'm going to have to check out Between the Notes.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. It was a really thoughtful look at the different ways one's economic situation can change, and the biased misconceptions that exist regarding those, who are not as economically advantaged.

  2. Happy birthday to your daughter! I hope you have a wonderful time at dinner and your show.

    The cover for Between The Notes is awesome so I'm so happy to hear it was a 5-star read for you! I like the sound of it even more now. :)

    I wish you lots of lovely romance reads to help you through your struggles! I'm still trying to find the genre that's going to get me through mine... All my usuals are failing but I've read a couple of historical romance novellas this week and they seem to be hitting the spot quite nicely!

    1. I am not a huge historical fan, but I know there are some out there, that get a lot of love. Keep reading whatever makes you happy!

  3. "I FINALLY RATED A BOOK 5-STARS! I was getting really worried, that my 5-Star Friday post would turn into a sad sort of discussion, but now I have at least one book to feature."
    LOL, that was lucky.

    Apparently, I never did most of the things 🙄...I only shot with a (makeshift) bow as a kid and learned a different language - obviously.

    Those vids 😂. I had seen the "I don't know what I'm doing" one before, but it never fails to make me laugh.

    Yay for another mother/daughter theater date! Plus you get the chance to celebrate her birthday with her after SEVEN years?!? That calls for an unforgettable day!

    1. I guess this is sort of what a reading slump would be for me? I usually have 4 or so 5-star reads. I was getting a bit worried about 2020, but thank goodness, a book published 5 years ago came through for me.

      We used to do archery in phys ed, when I was in high school. They would mount pictures of all the PE teachers on the targets to motivate us. 😂 I went to German school, and studied German, Latin, and Spanish through high school and college. My German is really rusty, as it's been a really long time since I have used it, though.

      Isn't it crazy, that I have not spent a birthday with my daughter since she turned 18? I am glad she is scheduled to be out here the week of her birthday. Here's hoping the snow in the forecast doesn't hamper her air travel.

  4. ALA sounds like a lot of fun- being around other bookish people and all the buzz about new books- I've never been but I'd like to go one of these years maybe. I imagine if you've been there before it's hard not to go, too, especially when you're close.

    Love the state graphic- that one seems true at least for my state (or at least from a college football point of view haha).

    That dog and cat video is hilarious. My cats would never put up with that lol.

    1. I have never been to ALA either. I would love to mingle with bookish people, but the cost would only be worth it, if I was going to read the books. The state graphic cracked me up. I can understand football rivalries being a thing, and also what AJ said, about the mass migration of people from CA to TX and CO.

  5. LOL, I love the map. I think people in Colorado hate California and Texas because all their people are here. When I walk through the campground at work, I see a billion RVs from those states. Congrats on finding a 5-star read. I hope you have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. CA people are mass migrating to TX too. They are all trying to escape the astronomical costs of living in CA, but then they go to other states, and all of a sudden, costs rise in those states. Correlation or causation?

  6. I've been doing my best not to look at the convention pics. For me having to fly everywhere to an event, pay for the event, pay for a hotel stay...just adds up to too much. Especially since I can't always find a roommate to share a hotel with. Though I still try to find 1 big event to go to. Usually a non-ARC handout one since I rather get a finished copy signed than an ARC.

    Nice new reads! Totally new to me ones. I hope you enjoy them both!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    Nice new reads

    1. I am about 40 mins from Philly (I live between Philly and NYC), but I am poor, and couldn't see spending the money, when I tend to ignore physical books. It looked fun.

  7. I love the idea of bookish conferences, but I rarely actually make the effort to go to them! I'm not a crowds person, even if it's a bookish crowd :)

    1. When my daughter was living home, we would go to one or two a year. It was fun, but like I said, I don't really read the books, and I am saving for my BIG European vacation in October.

  8. Someday I want to go to a book convention just for the experience. I also would be in bookish heaven, but my local library is like that for me already, without the crowds. The dog fetching the cat is hilarious, although I'm pretty sure the cat has other thoughts.

    1. I live equidistant from NYC and Philly, so there are opportunities. I haven't attended a convention since my daughter moved to Chicago, since it was something we did together. We would have a good time, but I don't want to go alone.

  9. The ALA is great if you read physical ARCs, but it is pricey to go if you don't live close. I haven't gone to one in a few years, but I always ended up with more books than I could read. Plus, I met several authors which was nice. I live in California, which is seems a large part of the country hates. Oh well, what can you do?

    I can't wait to read Undercover Bromance and I'm debating on whether to pick up the new Lauren Layne. Hope the romances brighten your days! :)

    1. I never say no to a Lauren Layne book. They always hit the spot. Even if they don't blow me away, they leave me satisfied.

  10. The quiz made me smile as I have nearly all the same answers as the majority. But Sam, what is bubble tea???? I just read it in a book today and maybe it's fate that I must try it! Oh and I love that "fetch your brother" video! Have a wonderful Sunday!

    1. Bubble tea is tea + milk + tapioca pearls. It's delicious. My daughter and I used to go to the next town for some all the time, when she lived here. Go try some! I think you would like it.

  11. Yay for finally reading a 5 star read. And it was for Between The Notes! I can't wait for you review. I hope you enjoy you're planned reads and enjoy all of the romance.

    1. It's a shame I let this book fester for so many years, because it got me out my 5-star drought. I hope Roat will write some more books.

  12. Yay for a 5 star read!!! My reading is so slow this year; I haven't had a 5 star, but I haven't had a DNF either so I'm feeling good about it.
    Yay for romance reading!!!
    I get why we (Ohio) hate michigan and they hate us, but why does SC hate Ohio????

    1. I have DNFed like 5 or 6 books so far. My tolerance is low for anything that gets too political and isn't about politics, and there seems to be a lot of preachy YA books happening lately.

      I got nothing for you about that map, considering I live in the state that hates everyone, including ourselves. It's well known that south Jersey want to be separate from North Jersey, and the rest of the state fails to acknowledge where I live, Central Jersey.

  13. Thanks for the shout out, Sam! If I lived close, I would love to go to the ALA or really any big bookish event. How exciting that your daughter will be home for her birthday! Yay for your first 5 star read in 2020! I hope you have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. I live halfway between NYC and Philly, so there are events in my area, but I cannot justify the cost, when I know I won't read the books. I have stacks and stacks of unread books from events. It's disgraceful. I was glad I was able to donate a whole bunch to the library and send some to other bloggers. I won't see my daughter on her actual birthday, since it's next Tuesday, and we are both working, but I am glad I will have the chance to celebrate with her the weekend before.

  14. Hooray for a 5 star read! And much love for the Shirley Temple gif. I had quite a fascination with Shirley Temple as a kid. No idea why but it lasted for years and I watched all her movies again and again. Apparently Florida hates Florida? That made me laugh. :) Who Do You Love is one of my favorites. I have so much love for that book! Can't wait to see what you think of it.

    1. I was so obsessed with Shirley Temple as a kid. I used to watch massive amounts of old movie musicals and I wanted to be the next ST. Who Do You Love is breaking my heart. The push and pull and the way they keep crossing paths is both cool and painful. I am sneaking bits and pieces here and there to get more of the story.

  15. Apparently my state hates California, which is funny considering so many people her moved from California; or maybe not so funny and that's the reason why... we've been there lol.

    1. I wonder if the mass exoduses from CA have a lot to do with some of the "feelings" expressed on that map

  16. Yay for 5 stars!! I hate going on a streak with no 5-stars. I start to think I'm broken!

    1. OMG, yes! I was getting worried, like, I lost my book-selector-mojo or something

  17. Hurray for a 5 star read! It has been a little while since I read one of those too. :/ I love that map! XD Enjoy your new reads and have a great week!

    1. I usually have 4 or so 5-star reads each month. I feel like it's partly me, but glad I found a book that made me want to give all the stars.

  18. I'm glad you were able to get your five star read in Sam :) . Interesting about the map,! I've never been one for glamour shots either. Hopefully, one or a few of those romance reads will be what you need. I'm looking forward to The Bromance Book Club, so I'm hoping it ends up being a good read! Have a great week Sam :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I remember when glamour shots were really popular. They even had a place at the mall, but I have never been a fan of photos. I have family photos, where you can tell my mother is physically holding me in place.

  19. I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I didn't even realize ALA was going on until late yesterday. I used to be able to go to everything so I get a slight pang now. Not about the books really but not seeing my friends. And I'm weird - but I just like the energy of book conferences.

    I neeeeeeed a few good romances too. The current crop just isn't wowing me so I'm going to try to dig up some old ones. I do have Undercover Bromance though and I'm looking forward to it!

    I remember glamour shots and noooooooooooo lol
    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. It was a hard decision not to go to ALA, since it was so close, but I really have to save for the trip my daughter talked me into, and it was a lot of money to go hangout and get books I won't read.

      Lauren Layne always works for me. So, I am excited about that, and well, I cannot wait to catch up with the Bromance boys. If you are looking for a romance that leans fun, I read Cinderella Screwed Me Over and loved it. I though Roman Crazy was great too. Did you read Evvie Drake or Nina Hill? They are probably more women's fiction, but lots of romance, and I adored both.

  20. I hope you enjoy your current and upcoming reads!

  21. Yay for your first 5-star read of the year! I hope you have a wonderful time with your daughter. Happy early birthday to her. :)

    1. I hope the weather works out. I saw snow in the forecast for the weekend. Fingers crossed, the kid's plane gets here without a hitch

  22. Hurrah for a five star read! I'm hoping for a few this year and have one already.

    1. I usually have several per month. I am worried about 2020 right now

  23. never enough five star reads. love the exercising dog and the vids put a smile on my face.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I never knew a dog could do lunges. Now, that 's a good boy

  24. Sometimes I wish I could go to some of the big conventions in America but it is way too far away for me. And yes of course, if you don't read physical copies then no worries about not being able to go! It would be money better spent elsewhere but I understand your feelings. Maybe one year you could ask the bookish people going if they want to spend a day hanging out after the convention at a cafe or somewhere and meet up with some bookish people that way? Have fun celebrating the birthday together for the first time in a long time!

    1. I did have some opportunities to attend smaller bookish events in NYC, but they tend to attract more local people than anything, since the scale is not as grand. Still fun though.
