
Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Winter TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Winter TBR!

I have a lot of theme reading plans for this winter, but since those details are not totally hammered out, I will be sharing some of the review books I have that are being published in February and March, because I know I will definitely be reading them, AND I am also very excited about them all.

What's on your winter TBR?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. You've got some great looking books here! Several are on my wishlist, others I need to check out.

  2. I'm having to re-do my post at the last minute because I've already read seven of my Winter TBR! I'm pleased to have read them but it means doing the post again!

  3. I forgot to put it on my list this week but I'll be reading that Katie McGarry book this winter too. It will be my first book from her and I'm pretty excited for it.

    1. Well, I hope your first foray into Katie McG's books is a good one. I love her books, and have read them all.

  4. I hope you enjoy them all! I keep telling myself that I’m going to pick up a Maureen Johnson book, but that hasn’t happened yet.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I think you would appreciate Johnson's sense of humor, and I am really enjoying the Truly Devious series.

  5. I'm not sure any of these are on my list so I'll be excited to see what you think of them!

    1. This is my YA list. I also plan to read a LOT of adult contemporaries.

  6. the hand on the wall has me curious. hope you enjoy them all
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. It's the finale for the series, so I am eager to FINALLY get all the answers.

  7. The Hand on the Wall is one I'm super interested in! I guess I should read part two first. Haha!

    1. Have you read the other books? I am excited because it's the final book, and I have a lot of questions.

  8. I haven't read any of these but I've heard that Tweet Cute is a fun read :)

    1. Tweet Cute looks adorable, which is absolutely what I look for in a book

  9. Enjoy your winter reads! Starsight by Brandon Sanderson and The Secret Commonwealth by Philip Pullman are two books on my Winter TBR!

    1. Some powerhouses there! I hope their books are amazing for you

  10. You know I'm excited for Echoes Between Us! Katie McGarry is so dependable and I've never been disappointed by one of hers.

    1. She is a solid author for me as well. I have honestly enjoyed all of her books

  11. These are pretty much all new to me - thanks for the additions to my TBR!

  12. The Hand On The Wall... I never got to book two of that series and I really need to!

    1. I am a fan, and I think Johnson pushed the story forward in book two, but I am still eager to get all the answers.

  13. The Hand On the Wall is also on my list this week! I also just recently added Tweet Cute to my TBR so I am looking forward to that as well! I hope you enjoy your Winter reading!

    1. Tweet Cute took me only a heartbeat to add to my TBR. I love everything about it. The early reviews have been positive too.

  14. I've got quite a few of these on my TBR as well Sam, especially excited for Tweet Cute though. I love books where characters fall in love in unconventional ways like via email, text or tweets even.

    1. Whoo hoo! I hope our shared picks are all hits for us. I tend to enjoy books with mixed formats. I am thinking Tweet Cute has a bunch of tweets in it (right), and even if it doesn't, the story sounds super cute and that's very much my thing

  15. I totally did next week's TTT this week, and didn't realize it until I started reading everyone else's. Whoops! At any rate, I also am waiting eagerly for Hand on the Wall, and Only Mostly Devastated and Every Reason We Shouldn't both sound delightful.

    1. Just do this week's topic NEXT week. I am always off topic anyhow.

  16. I see 3 books that I have on my tbr list. I can't wait to start Tweet Cute, Echoes Between Us, and Anna K!

    1. I hope we read them around the same time so we can compare notes

  17. All of these are in my tbr too! Excited for these releases!

  18. Tweet Cute just makes me so gleeful! I want it so much! Off to check out the rest of your links now!

    1. I am super excited about that one. It screams adorable, which is essentially my siren's call

  19. I need to go back and read TRULY DEVIOUS again, then read THE VANISHING STAIR, and then THE HAND ON THE WALL! I should really just wait a little bit and read them back to back. I liked TRULY DEVIOUS a lot, but now I can't remember anything about it. My memory is TERRIBLE!

    1. I re-read the last few chapters of The Vanishing Stair the other day, because I plan on reading Hand on the Wall next week. It's been a while, and I had listened to that on audio. It was a good refresher.

  20. TWEET CUTE!! I'm so excited to read this because it sounds really.. well, cute. I feel like this is going to be a perfect read for me after reading a book that's angsty or something.

    1. It has cute in the title, and I am always looking for the fun, cute books. I also usually need something fluffy after reading an angsty book.

  21. All of these are new to me and are ones I have never read or heard of them before! But it's good because you get to introduce me to them when I read your reviews. Hope you get to read all of these (and knowing you, you probably will!)

    1. These are my definite reads. If you don't hear about them in the next month or so, that means I DNFed, and I hope that doesn't happen

  22. I'm tempted by Throw Like A Girl. I've seen that one mentioned a lot - including by yourself - and I love a good sports romance.

    I know little to nothing about the others but I love the title of Only Mostly Devastated. Sums up how I've been feeling for the past week...

    1. I just started Throw Like a Girl this morning. I am about 20% in, and I can already tell I am going to love this. OH, NO! That is definitely not a book title I would want anyone to use to describe their week. ((HUGS))
