
Monday, December 30, 2019

Top 10 of 2019: Best of the Best

It's the end of the year, and that means BEST OF lists! I find this task difficult, but I enjoy it so much.

Top 10 of 2019 is a hosted by Kimberly Faye Reads and Ginger. Today's  topic is...

Best of the Best!

This is such a hard category! I feel like I have had an incredible reading year. So far, I have read 430 books, and 32 earned 5-star ratings from me. Therefore, I have elected to focus on my favorite YA reads from this year.

What's one of the best books you read this year?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. The only one of these I've read is Girl Against the Universe, but most of the others are on my TBR. 3 of these are new to me, though, so I'll be checking them out.

    1. I hope you at least get to the books on your TBR, because these books made me so happy. I want you to feel that too.

  2. Sam, 430 books. 430 BOOKS SAM! Oh my goodness, that's absolutely remarkable! I don't know how you managed to narrow it down. I can't wait to read Lucky Caller, your review has made me so incredibly excited to grab a copy.

    1. Picking favorites is my least favorite chore. I just wanted to highlight a few less hyped book, that I loved. If you are in the mood for something on the YA lighter side, you can't go wrong with Emma Mills. Her characters are wonderful, and she always has a great family focus in her story. I am always left with a warm and full heart, when I read one of her books.

  3. I'm on a wait list for American Royals at the library right now and I'm kicking myself for waiting so long to read it!

    1. I hope you like it. It's the guilty pleasure soapy drama I sometimes yearn for, and I am a fan of how McGee does it

  4. The only one from your list I've read so far is The Start of Me and You, which I loved. I know I've added almost all of the others to my TBR though, specifically because of your glowing reviews so I look forward to reading them. :)

    1. Yeah! I love pushing books, and fingers crossed you like the ones you read

  5. Congrats on reading 430 books! When you read that much, it’s probably really hard to pick favorites.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. So hard. I have been really lucky with getting the right book in my hands this year

  6. I can't imagine having to narrow down my favorites from 430!!

    1. And, because I didn't make myself read outside my zone this year, I feel like I have a lot more higher rated reads than I did last year

  7. Hope and Other Punchlines was so, so good. It was so good of you to send me your hard copy (I treasure it!) and it was just such a powerful read. It’s been years since I read Breathe, Annie, Breathe but I still remember being so moved by it.

    1. I am so happy to know that book found a good home, because it would just be in a pile on my bedroom floor, unread, if I hadn't sent it to you. I loved the three Hundred Oaks books I had previously read, and I am so glad I am finally continuing the series. They are all hits for me

  8. I enjoyed SCARS LIKE WINGS, too! I have HOPE AND OTHER PUNCHLINES out from the library right now, but I'm not going to get to it before the end of the year. Hopefully, I'll read it in January, but who knows? We'll see what happens.

    1. I hope you get a chance to read Hope and Other Punchlines. Buxbaum is a favorite of mine. All her book, both YA and adult, have been hits for me.

  9. Congrats on the 430 books! That's incredible! I have seen Lucky Caller and I would really like to pick it up, hopefully my library will carry it soon.

    1. Lucky Caller didn't come out yet, but if you library has other Emma Mills books, they will probably get this one too. That's how it is at my library.

  10. 430 books! I can definitely see how it would be hard to narrow that down to 10! I haven't read these, but I'm glad they were so great :-)

    1. So hard, and I read so many special books this year too.

  11. Scars Like Wings and Hope and Other Punchlines are on my TBR Sam! And today was also my 'best of the bests" plus I also must have posted my best books of the decade ...hrm!

    1. Yeah! Such emotional and stand out books for me. I do hope you have the opportunity and time to read them.

  12. Yay - I read quite a few of these! Looking forward to more reading in 2020!

    1. We will have to compare notes. But, if you hate them, don't tell me

  13. Nice that Michigan vs The Boys made the list. I've been curious about that one. Also Girl Against the Universe- I remember hearing good stuff about that one too and I've liked the Paula Stokes that I've read. another one to add! :)

    1. Stokes writes really wonderful books, and GATU was one of my favorites by her.

  14. I've been excited to read Throw Like a Girl ever since I saw you talk about it. 10 Blind Dates and Michigan vs. the Boys are still on my TBR but I'm determined to read them this year (idk what timezone you're in but it's already 2020 for me here as I'm I'm typing this comment lol)

    1. It's only 8pm in NJ. Still last year 😋 Happy New Year to you, and fingers crossed, you get to read some of these amazing books

  15. I read and loved Throw Like a Girl, 10 Blind Dates, and American Royals too!!

    1. Those were three books I predicted I would love, and I was so happy when they not only lived up to, but exceeded my expectations.

  16. Great list - I want to try Girl Against the Universe and Scars Like Wings.

    1. Both were excellent in different ways, but both were about survivors, and I think that's what made me love them so much.

  17. Girl Against the Universe is a cute read. I also read and loved it in 2019! I also loved The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson, Wicked Fox by Kat Cho, and Shadow of the Fox by Julie Kagawa.

    1. I love Kagawa, but haven't had a chance to read her latest series. I heard a rumor she was revisited the Iron Fey, though, and I would drop everything to read more of those.

  18. I haven't read any of these! I do kind of want to pick up Throw Like a Girl though. One of my favorite books of 2019 is The Line That Held Us by David Joy. I hope to work through the rest of his books in 2020.

    1. I just read the synopsis for Line, sounds like a gripping sort of story. I tend to keep it on the light and fluffy side, myself, but I know finding a good mystery/thriller, which stay in your head days after finishing, is no easy task. It's fabulous you connected so well with the book

  19. I've been meaning to read Girl Against the Universe for ages.
    It sounds so good!

    1. It really was. I have read several of Paula Stokes' books, and it's my favorite.

  20. Yay! For all these new favourites! I am so happy girl against the universe made it as I already own it. And I am fully intending to read Scars Like Wings and American Royals too. Happily surprised to see the backlist book Breathe Annie Breathe also being there ;)

    1. GATU was a backlist book too. I picked some great books from Grace's favorites shelf, when I did my #ReadForGrace. They were all rock solid for me, and I added a few to my own favorites shelf. It was that read-a-thon that got me reading the Hundred Oaks books again.

  21. I really enjoyed 10 Blind Dates! I'm hoping to read Lucky Caller soon. Great list!!

    1. I just loved Blind Dates to shreds. I can't stop screaming about that sweet and charming little book, and I will never stop screaming about Emma Mills, because all her books are so fantastic

  22. I keep seeing that American Royals book everywhere - looks fun!

    1. It's that high drama that you sometimes want, and McGee does it so well.
