
Sunday, December 8, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Winter arrived in the northeast this week. We had a bit of snow on Monday into Tuesday. Schools were closed and whatnot, but I wasn't really affected, which was a good thing. On Wednesday, we had our team holiday luncheon. It was catered by this place we all love, and the food was delish. Then, we continued eating on Thursday at a surprise baby shower for one of my teammates. I wish I had taken some pictures, because the planners did a such a wonderful job. The mom-to-be loved Chick-Fil-A, so we got food from there, and then other people made the most adorable sweet treats. Someone made sleeping babies out of Nutter Butters! They were the cutest things!

Friend, not food!

Doesn't it look like the butterfly are carrying the universe on their back?

I have read all the books featuring these characters, and I LOVED these pictures!

Let's Discuss!
  • Wordy and Whimsical wonder if you give authors second chances? 
  • Tânia shared a decade of dystopians with us (and I have actually read a few)
  • BooksTune helps us out with this list of bookish terms

On the Blog:
  • Monday: One Old, One New - Just Breathe, A Matter of Heart
  • Tuesday: TTT - Tis the Season
  • Wednesday: CWW - Of Curses and Kisses, Brave Enough
  • Thursday: #AmReading - We Used to Be Friends, Something Like Normal
  • Friday: Five Star Friday - November 2019




Blog Tour/Publisher

What I Read Last Week

I think I DNFed two books, but all the rest were really wonderful! I was especially lucky with all the contemporary romances I read this week. They really surprised me.



What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh that butterfly... what an amazing sight when it unfurls its wings! Beautiful.

    What I Like about Me looks fun!

    1. Absolutely exquisite! I was excited to see What I Like About Me on EW, because I saw good reviews from Australian bloggers.

  2. Those lunches seem to have been so much fun. My friends are planning a Christmas lunch in the next weeks. We still haven't picked a place, but delicious food is all I need. :) Aww, thank you for sharing my post, Sam. <3 Loveboat, Taipei caught my attention. I quite liked its summary.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. My team loves food, but the baby shower was definitely the highlight, because my co-workers was adorably surprised. Loveboat, Taipei was very good. I am excited that it is a series, because I am all for more of that.

  3. That was really sweet of you guys to throw your co-worker a baby shower!

    You have so many cute covers up there!

    1. My team loves parties, and we all win when there's one, right?

  4. This week has been about waiting for the last Black Friday packages from Amazon and staying out of the stormy weather we are having right now! The winds are howling and the rain is lashing down! Makes me glad for my nice warm house...

    1. I am always trying to get warm. I love getting packages, but I prefer, when someone else paid for the stuff.

  5. Cool butterfly. It sounds like you got to eat a lot of yummy things last week. That must make work more tolerable. Have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Isn't that butterfly amazing? Food is fun, but honestly, the worse thing about my job is the commute. I would love to wear jeans every day too, but you know, it's one of the better jobs I have had.

  6. That sounds like a nice week! I wish I can find a place to work at that has a good team like this! My current one isn't so much like that unfortunately. Just one of the reasons why I am looking for a new place among many other reasons!

    Nice new reads! Those are new to me ones! I still need to start Maureen's latest series! I'm pretty much waiting...I think I decided that when I read that book 1 had a cliffhanger of sorts! Lol.

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It always makes it easier to be at work, when you like the people you are spending so much time with. I can't say that has always been my situation, but I have been pretty lucky with this position. It's a good time to start Truly Devious, since the final book will be out soon. I am a fan, and super excited to be on the tour, even if I have to read a PDF.

  7. I wish we had food at my work. We do every once in a while but with a 4 person office, it doesn't come up often. Nice new reads this week. I hope you enjoy them all and have a great week!

    1. I guess it's harder with so few people. My team is about 23, so there always seems to be something to celebrate.

  8. That butterfly is amazing! And yay for work events and parties that feature delicious food. That's one of my favorite things about this time of the year. The Map from Here to There is on my reading agenda for this week too. I can't wait to continue Paige's story.

    1. Map has me getting all emotional. It's one of those senior-year-worrying-about-the-future type books. Paige's stress is at an all time high. I am almost finished, and I am sure Paige will get it together, but my goodness! I am working hard for this.

  9. WHAT I LIKE ABOUT ME looks really promising! I'm definitely going to try to read it in the new year.

    1. I was over the moon to see it on EW. There are so many Australian authors I want to read, but many of their books never get US publication. It was a great treat to get this one.

  10. We are still waiting for the snow Sam! And it seems to me that you had a good time with your colleagues that's great! Now I am also curious to read your thoughts on The Guy on the Right!!!!

    1. I am never waiting for snow. The winter weather stresses me out, because I am always worried I am going to get stuck down where I work. I am excited to read The Guy on the Right. It might end up a mood read, but I am first trying to read more Jan releases.

  11. Glad you really liked Love Her or Lose Her! I'm hoping to read it soon. I hope you enjoy The Guy on the Right. I loved that one!

    1. I really, really enjoyed Love Her or Lose Her. It was full of humor, but also lots very heartwarming moments.

  12. Glad the storm didn't mess things up for you and you could do both parties, Sam. Wow on that butterfly.

    Oh bummer about the two DNFs, but glad the rest worked out. You've got some in your haul that I need to inspect more closely. :)

    Have a good week!

    1. I read a massive amount of books, so I don't get too sad about a DNF. I do wish I had quit one of the books sooner, but I really thought it would get better. It could have been me, because the review were favorable for it.

  13. Several days of yummy food and celebrations must help make up for cold, snowy weather. :) Totally love all the art from Liz Parkes! Gave me all the feels remembering the characters and their relationships. I have The Guy on the Right and want to read it soon. And I'm excited for the new one by Katie Cotugno!

    1. I love seeing if I was imaging the characters in a similar way in my mind, and her artwork is phenomenal. I have a bunch of Jan review books to get through, but I feel like Guy on the Right will end up a mood read, like how I ended up reading Brooklynaire this week. Contemporary romance is my goto, when I need a boost. I have two Katie C ARCs, the one above and the cowrite with Candace Bushnell, and I am excited about both. Love her!

  14. Glad the parties went well, and those nutter butter babies sound adorable. Yay for a pretty good reading week!


    1. I have to see if I can get any of the shower pictures, because they really did a beautiful job.

  15. The Summer I Became a Nerd!! I'm so excited for it. That is one of my favorites of all time. You're going to love so much - so much cuteness and fluff and cheese and everything. Hope you have a great week of reads! :)

    1. You guys are always talking about that book, so when I got the $5 off if I spend $20, I bought it. I love fluff and cheese (though, not together on a sandwich <- dad joke!). I am excited to finally read it.

  16. I love the drawings! Especially the one of Josh & Hazel, it's perfect! Thanks for sharing them.

  17. Mmmm food! I really need to continue the Truly Devious series. I loved the first book! I hope you enjoy all your new reads and have a great week!

    1. I actually checked the second book out from the library, just to re-read the ending, because I had listened to the audio, and I tend to lose some details that way. Can't wait to dive in to the finale.

  18. Yay for enjoying most of the books you read last week!

    1. I am usually pretty good at picking books for myself, but sometimes I get tricked by a great cover or a snappy description

  19. How come your coworkers are always eating and throwing parties? LOL. It must be a daunting task not to grow a size a month! 😉

    "Friend, not food" was adorable. And I've seen that butterfly vid before, but one never tires of it!

    1. I had seen two of the "Friend, not food" picture in my local paper, and I looked for them online. I couldn't find the one where the mouse is petting the frog, but that kiss might have been even better.

  20. Aww, the thought of sleeping babies made out of nutter butters sounds adorably cute! I'm glad you had a good time and thankfully winter didn't impact you all too much! (It's been weirdly up and down here for me, one day it's a little chilly, and then it's 65 degrees.)

    I'm curious to hear what you think of The Sound of Us! I heard about it when it first came out and then it kind of just disappeared into the wild.

    1. It's warm here today, but that usually comes with the rain, which is fine by me, because if it was colder, this would all be snow. EWWW! I have had good luck with Hammerle's books, so I feel good about The Sound of Us. I guess we should know how it goes by Thursday or so.

  21. I am glad the snow didn't bother you too much! And I love that you got to enjoy so much good food recently :) It all sounds delicious. Baby showers are always so fun ^>^

    1. It's snowing again right now. I hate winter. I love the mommy-to-be so it was fun to shower her

  22. It's been freezing where I live and the snow is on the mountains over where I live too! It looks like you got a lot of wonderful looking books. I'm glad you enjoyed Awkward, because I was eyeing that book when I saw it on Netgalley :). Have a great week Sam!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I think the Flynn series is fun so far. I read both books. I liked the second one better, but both kept me entertained. They are rom-com-ish and I laughed a bunch.

  23. Hand on the Wall sounds good! I hope you love it and the butterfly is indeed so beautiful! :)

    1. It's the finale, so I hope the series ends on a strong note
