
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Family Ties

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Family Ties!

This week, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the US, and one of the reasons I appreciate this holiday is because it's not about gifts, but rather, it's about spending time with our loved ones. Because of this, I chose to feature books with a family focus. The stories featured wonderful siblings and present parents. They are all books I have recently read, adored, and featured families I wish I could join.

Do you have a favorite fictional family?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Ha so true about the voting! That cracked me up... :)

    I love it when a book has a wonderful family you just wish you could burrow into!

    1. People are really too extreme about politics these days. I have been meeting more and more families I love in YA lately, and I am happy to see this being the norm these days.

  2. HA! The voting image is hilarious! I like your take on the TTT this week, in particular the families that you'd like to be part of -- I love it when YA gives life to the families around the YA characters, they're so often just not treated properly or indepth.

    1. That pic is 100% true. Not so bad with my immediate family, but there are wars between my mom and her siblings due to politics. Crazy! YA families have always had a bad rep, but every year, I see more and more amazing families in YA books.

  3. Great graphic. :) Someone at the office yesterday was telling me about the political arguments he expected over Thanksgiving. Sheesh.

    I know how much you love Emma Mills so I'm not surprised to see of hers included. I'm interested in Michigan vs the Boys but I'll have to wait until I'm ready for a heavier read.

    1. I think my daughter is the only one with very different opinions from the rest of the family, but we don't let politics overrun our lives. You know, Michigan has heavier bits, but it's also about falling in love and family ties and finding success. There are a lot of light and happy moments, which keep the book from getting too heavy.

  4. The only one I've read from these is Foolish Hearts, but I always appreciate a good strong family presence in YA books.

    1. I can tell you that Emma Mills only writes fabulous families. I just finished her newest book, and I adored the sisters in it.

  5. Aww, I love your idea of sharing books with great fams!

    1. We used to spend a lot of time decrying YA families, so, now that they are so great, I need to praise them.

  6. Haha, my family didn’t all vote for the same person, so . . . awkward Thanksgiving silence. I like that YA is focusing on families. It’s not realistic for every YA character to have dead parents. :)

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It's unbelievable how people let politics rule their lives that much. Sheesh! I guess that's why they tell us never to discuss politics, religion, and money. It is unrealistic to think all children have lost a parent, but absentation of a parent is a huge theme that goes back to fairytales.

  7. I'd have to say my favorite fictional family is one I'm reading about now, the Winston Brothers by Penny Reid! Great picks!
    Check out my Top 10

    1. Yes! If I did families from adult books, I would have included the Winstons.

  8. That picture is hilarious! And true lol

    Happy Thanksgiving Sam!

    Karen @ For What It's worth

  9. I loved the family from The Rest of the Story! Also in My Life Next Door
    by Huntley Fitzpatrick

    1. I did more recent reads, but if I did deep cuts, the Garretts would have made the list. I adored that big chaotic family, because they had so much love in their lives. I am going to be reading the other two books in the series soon. I am excited to get back to that world.

  10. I haven't read any of these yet but I love family-oriented books so definitely appreciate all of the recs. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. I love a good family, because they guarantee some warm-fuzzies for me.

  11. I think a lot of families and friends are falling out over politics-in the US over Trump, in the UK over Brexit! I'm glad I have the same political views as my dad so we can rant at the TV together!

    1. I am a moderate, for the most part, but things are out of control in these parts,

  12. I love families in all their crazy, complicated glory! Finding strong, nurturing families who love and support each other despite differences in opinion, lifestyle, etc. in fiction is always nice. I haven't read any of the books you listed, but a number of them are on my TBR list. Hopefully I'll get to them someday :)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Sam!

    1. I hope you get to knock a few of these off your TBR, because all were winners for me.

  13. I like this trend of supportive, loving families in YA now. It seems like only yesterday it was all about emotionally distant or absent parents. I'll take loving families any day.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Sam!

    1. There has definitely been a positive trend in way authors are writing YA families. I think I see more fab families, because I am all about the fluffy books.

  14. I like family oriented days too. I think Boxing Day over here is the family oriented festive day as Christmas tends to be more about gifts and the meal... Or maybe that's just the way it is with my family! lol

    10 Blind Dates has been on my radar since you first mentioned it. I like the sound of that one very much.

    1. I have been telling anyone, who would listen, that 10 Blind Dates is perfect for when you want something light, fun, and to feel warm and fuzzy. I have days, when I really need that. I grew up with Christmas being a whole season of visiting friends and family, and we got gifts, but it was more about the visits and the visiting. It was also more religious. Now, it's super commercial, and I think it's wonderful, that people of all cultures and religions enjoy the holiday, but I do wish the focus would stay on family and friends, instead of things and sales. It ruins the holiday for me.

  15. Yes to you choice of topic. I love a book with some strong family ties. I want present parents and some strong sibling bonds (with maybe a touch of sibling rivalry and arguments). I know not everyone is lucky enough to have good parents but it's always nice to a family which kind of is similar to mine in a book. I'll be sure to add the books on here I've not read to the ol' TBR.

    1. Obviously, there has to be a bit of conflict between siblings. We want it to be realistic. All these books were so wonderful! I hope you get to read one or two of them (and you like Mills, so any of there books belong on this list)

  16. I really want to read Scars Like Wings and now I am more and more curious about 10 Blind Dates as well. I love a good family dynamic. Hmm... recently I read Call down the hawk and I wish I could make all the people in the raven cycle world a family group I could join in with too ^.^

    1. Call Down the Hawk is about Ronan's family, right? That's a bit of twisted family from what I saw in the Raven Cycle books.

  17. hahaha love that meme! Also want to check out foolish hearts! :D

    1. Foolish Hearts was my first Mills book, and it was so wonderful. The family dynamic in that book is one to envy
