
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Falling for Fall!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Falling for Fall!
I am always declaring my unending love for fall. The crisp, cool days, the beautiful shade of nature, the sweater weather, and the availability of all things pumpkin spice are just some of the things that endear this season to my heart. For this TTT, I scanned my read-shelf for those books that "felt" fall-ish to me, mostly due to the cover art and colors, but some had strong fall elements in the story, as well.  I have read and enjoyed each book featured on this list.

What do you look forward to in the fall?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I can see why these remind you of fall -- the colours are just lovely! All the Bad Apples sticks out to me -- the title AND the cover!

    1. That's the UK cover for Apples. It reads more fall to me, and I liked that it captured various elements from the story as well.

  2. They’re so pretty! I can see why they’d be perfect for fall.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I love a fall palette and miss wearing those colors, but I feel obligated to wear dark colors in my new work environment.

  3. oh my goodness i loved all the bad apples - i didn't know much about ireland's history before and i was so glad i picked it up and read about it :D
    this time will be different was amazing too, and the cover is just gorgeous.
    my favorite thing about autumn is the cool and dry weather it brings! i live in hong kong where it's extremely hot and humid in the summer, and we'd gotten a large drop in temperature in the past few weeks, which i was overjoyed about 😂 || chloe @ marshmallow pudding

    1. Wasn't it so eye opening? I wasn't shocked that things like that took place in the past. I know stuff like that happened in the US back in the day, but to find out how recently some of these things ended left me stunned. I love Fowley-Doyle's books, and will read everything she writes. I wish more people were talking about This Time Will Be Different. I thought the book was incredible, and it sadly has not gotten much attention. I live in the NE of the US, and we have oppressive summers and pretty cold winters. I am all about those in-between seasons.

  4. fall is all about colors for me, but here in florida we don't get much
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I definitely missed fall, when I lived in FL, though, I appreciated that there was no snow.

  5. Beautiful fall colors! I love books with those tones.

    I enjoyed my first real fall in WA. I did grow in NE though so I've had them but it's been awhile.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I was just saying to Sherry, I missed fall when I lived in FL. It has always been my favorite, and this year, we have been gifted with a really lovely fall. Glad you are enjoying the season this year.

  6. Fall is my favorite!! Your book choices really hit the mark!

    1. Thank you! It's probably my favorite of all color palettes out there.

  7. OOh nice list! These looks very fallsy! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  8. Ooh Killing November! Love that cover and loved the book too!

    1. Did you see the cover for the next book? It looks amazing!

  9. I love everything about fall, especially the weather and changing leaves! I'm so tickled by the Squashed cover every time I see it, I love the pumpkin!

    1. The cover of Squashed matched the whole vibe of the book. It was about a girl's love for her pumpkin. It was sweet and touching and I loved that book. I love pumpkins too. They look good. They taste good. What more could I ask for?

  10. So. Many. Pretty. Covers! I really like The Year They Fell. Everything about that cover is appealing to me. And All he Bad Apples. And the typography on The Wrong Side of Right is totally giving me joy! :)

    1. The Year They Fell captured the sky at such a beautiful time of day, and I used the UK cover for All the Bad Apples, because it included more elements of the story than the US cover.

  11. One of these days I'm going to pick up Suggested Reading. :)

    1. I adored that book. I loved that MC was such a bibliophile and I thought she was witty and funny and I liked just about everything about that book.

  12. The banner is so cute!! <3 All The Bad Apples is on my tbr!!

    1. Thank you! All the Bad Apples is pretty heavy, taking on atrocities committed against women, children, and the LGBT community throughout Ireland's history, but it was also hopeful. I enjoyed it very much. I hope you get to read it at some point.

  13. I think I love Our Year in Love and Parties the best. Such a pretty, Fall colored cover! Hope the insides lived up to the outsides. :)

    1. I liked, when I took a closer look at Our Year in Love and Parties, and you can see the photos meant to captured those pivotal moments the main characters shared during that year. The book was fantastic for me! My only complaint was that I wanted more.

  14. I love Fall, too! Unfortunately, I live in the hot, dry desert and we don't really have a traditional Fall season :( I miss it. These book covers help me feel the vibe, though!

    1. I missed fall when I lived down south, though, I never missed winter. Glad the covers gave you all the fall vibes.

  15. Oh my gosh! I love that Squashed title and cover! SO perfect for fall!

    1. It also takes place in the fall, and the big event is at the fall festival. It's very fall-ish

  16. Definitely some strong Fall vibes here Sam!

  17. Lovely covers - I've seen 'All the Bad apples' on a couple of lists - going to have to look that out :)

    1. It's a pretty powerful story, and you can tell how much the subject matter means to Fowley-Doyle.

  18. Pretty covers! I haven't read any of them nor have I heard of most!
    I love this time of year too. It'll always be my favourite.

    1. You lean more UF/paranormal - these are ALL contemporary

  19. I love all of these colors and I especially love that you actually have a cover with a pumpkin on it. So perfect!

    1. I definitely score bonus points for Squashed - features a pumpkin, set in the fall, and stays with the color palette.

  20. These are all new to me, but Killing November is one I DEFINITELY want to read!

    1. Killing November was so good. I loved the whole idea of the Strategia and how these families had been shaping history for centuries.

  21. Killing November is so one I want to read and I love that it is on this list! I remember your review for Sorry for Your Loss and I am surprised that just by looking at the cover it makes me feel emotional and I haven't even read it! All the Bad Apples definitely has the autumny vibe to it from that synopsis!

    1. Apples takes place in the fall, and there are lots of scenes in the forests and whatnot, but the subject matter was quite heavy.

  22. We don't really do Halloween here but I enjoy the change of weather from the hotter days we're getting more of. It means morning hot chocolate, home made soup for lunch, hot dinners and a warm duvet!

    1. I love soup so much, and am happy when I can comfortably eat it

  23. Autumn is one of my favourite seasons and I love that you've not just chosen covers with autumn looking pictures on but you've got the autumn colour palate in these covers.

    1. I used to wear an autumn palette all the time, but now that I am back in a corporate environment, I feel like I have to wear dark colors. No lie, I have 9 pairs of black dress pants.
