
Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Last week was a week. Thursday was my team's Friendsgiving, and I almost didn't make it! There were problems in the tunnel out of NYC, and the trains were delayed. I was walking off the platform to go home, when I saw a woman from my building. She was nice enough to offer me a ride to work, since she had her car in the deck. It really worked out, since they ended up canceling my train, I think one didn't come until about 90 minutes after the one I normally take.

We had so much food at our potluck! We had a HUGE turkey, candied yams, green bean casserole, asparagus, butternut squash, mashed potatoes, home baked biscuits, stuffing, gravy, empanadas, baked mac and cheese, and way too many pies. It was a feast, and a nice warm-up for the main event this Thursday.

To all who celebrate

My daughter is flying in today, and will be home for a whole week. I was lucky enough to have my name pulled in the lottery, so I have actually have Friday off this week too. Yay! for a three day work week.

Let's Discuss!
  • Nicole ponders the fate of Bloglovin'
  • Sophie talks about plagiarism 
  • Margaret wants to know what makes a book YA
  • Andi is organizing a Back List Blog Tour if you're interested. 

On the Blog:
  • Monday: CWW - Layoverland, A Matter of Heart
  • Tuesday: TTT - Then and Now
  • Wednesday: Blog Tour - A Constellation of Roses by Miranda Asebedo
  • Thursday: Blog Tour - Crying Laughing by Lance Rubin
  • Friday: Discussion - What Took You So Long



What I Read Last Week

I had a really good reading week. No DNFs and two almost 5-star reads. No too bad. Jackpot had the potential to be 5-stars, and I would have done it, had the ending been more definitive. I was way too invested in these characters for that ending. It wasn't the worst, but I needed more, you know?



What I Am Currently Reading

I have a little bit of a book hangover from We Used to Be Friends. It was sort of sad, and I cried quite a bit, so, I really need a happy sure-thing read. Emma Mills never fails to make me smile, so I am sure she will help me overcome the pain I experienced in my last read.

When it comes to cute romances, Madsen never let's me down. Cinderella is a lot of fun, so far, and I am really enjoying it.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Ooh three days weeks are nice. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm looking forward to stuffing myself lol.

    That first cat video killed me. So true! My cat likes to attack the broom when I sweep. Apparently it's fun? Also that second one haha- protecting the tree. with that many cats, I can see why they put it in a cage! :)

    Lucky Caller looks fun!

    1. The tree in the crate was hilarious. I guess we were lucky that our pets never attacked our trees, though I know it is an issue for many. Lucky Caller is wonderful! I am almost do. An Emma Mills book never fails to make me smile. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that there is extra stuffing for you

  2. Friendsgiving sounded amazing! And I'm glad your daughter is staying for a week! Gotta love working less days in a week lol I only have a teacher conference on Monday and I'm off for the week.

    1. It was a really impressive turnout by my team. We even had bagels and donuts with DD coffee for breakfast. Like a warm up. You will with the one-day work week. I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing week.

  3. That's so great that you'll get that extra day to spend with your daughter! Hope you get to do something fun!

    1. I have not had the day after Thanksgiving off since I left teacher, so I am excited not to feel rushed during the meal. Not sure if we will do anything, but at least I don't have to go to work

  4. I was bracing myself for another bad commute day LOL. Lucky for you to find a lift! And yay for Kiersten visiting!

    Thanks for those discussion links! And those vids, of course. The cat one made me laugh out loud.

    1. I was so lucky on Thursday. The chances of me bumping into the woman and her offering a ride. I like so much cat stuff, that things about cat owners start appearing as sponsored posts on my feeds. Yeah, I haven't had a cat in like 30 years, though.

  5. Yay for friendsgiving! I hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    1. Friendsgiving was a definite success. I hope you and your have an amazing Thanksgiving as well

  6. That Friendsgiving sounds yummy. Enjoy your short workweek and the time with your daughter!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. The best part about this time of year are all the short work weeks. We have three major holidays, and I am usually burning my vacation days by now. Like, I had Friday off to do nothing, and I think I am only working one full week in December. Love it!

  7. Yay for the friendsgiving at work and double yay for being off Friday! I envy that! The new company that took us over basically bans you from taking off the week of a holiday, which I think sucks big time. I haven't had to work a Black Friday in years and once again, I am not happy. Sadly I had no prospects come in for a new job so I'm stuck.

    Cute new read! Totally new to me but I hope you love it!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. We have black out dates, and Black Friday is among them. They did a lottery for that day and other days abutting holidays. I was one of two people drawn and I was pretty happy about it, because I have had to work Black Friday for many years.

  8. I hope you enjoy your time with your daughter! I'm also looking forward to hearing your thoughts on First & Then. That's one of my backlist reads that I'm hoping to squeeze in before the end of the year.

    1. I don't know, it's Emma Mills, so I feel like I will love it.

  9. That's so great that you were able to get a ride with the train debacle! And yay for 4 day weekend plus spending it with your daughter! Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving!

    The first cat video: Lol! :)

    1. Right? I don't usually get that lucky, and it was so nice of the woman to drive me. I always had older cats, so I never saw them in their youth. Thank goodness, I can now enjoy the young and reckless cats via internet videos.

  10. I always have lots of issues with transportation (train/bus always late), but nothing compares to your train problems. I'm glad you were able to make to Friendsgiving - so much yummy food.

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. In all fairness, I have not had a major problem in quite a while, but the tunnel out of New York is a huge issue, and New Jersey and New York cannot come to an agreement about who should pay to update it.

  11. love the videos. christmas comes early for the kitties and the tree in the cage. love to dog video. amazing.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  12. It seems to me that we both had fun at work Sam! And that's so great that your daughter will be home! Thank you for sharing my blog post!

    1. Sometimes work can be fun, right? And, my team loves food events.

  13. Ooh a three day work week followed by a four day weekend sounds amazing! Enjoy!!

    1. I cannot remember the last time I had that many days off in a row with nothing to do

  14. I'm so glad you made it to the Friendsgiving! And yay for your daughter being home for a week - that's great, and I'm glad you only have to work three of those days!


    1. It was almost the Friendsgiving that Almost Wasn't for me. Counting down the short week, will probably make this week feel really L O N G.

  15. What a hassle with the train! I am glad a ride worked out for you. Your Friendsgiving sounds wonderful. I guess we are hosting one on Tuesday. Or my daughter is hosting one at our house. We will see what these kids come up with.

    I am so glad that you have your daughter home for a week and you have a short week at work. Have a great Thanksgiving, Sam!

    1. I should have expected it, because there haven't been too many issues with the train in a while. *sigh* I found it stressful just being a passenger during the drive to my job though. There is no way I could do it. How fun that your daughter is hosting a Friendsgiving. Ah, those first holidays after HS graduation were a time for catching up with old friends.

  16. Enjoy your time with your daughter!! Glad you caught your ride for the Friendsgiving.

    1. I always do, and I am glad I got to work Thursday as well. I would have missed the empanadas, which were exquisite.

  17. I feel your train pain. It's the worst when you really actually want to be at work. I'm glad you managed to get a lift off of someone at least. And yay for a shorter working week. Something good had to happen and it's great that it means more time spent with your daughter. Hope you have a great thanksgiving.

    1. I was SO lucky that day. I heard my fellow train riders got to our campus after 9 am (which is over an hour late for us).

  18. It sounds like a wonderful Friendsgiving! Yay for the 3 day work week, and time with your daughter :). It looks like you got a lot of wonderful looking reads! Happy Thanksgiving Sam :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. It was a great Friendsgiving, and we have two eating events next week. My team is always good with these types of events.

  19. Ohh all that food sounds amazing! And hurray for family time! My family is flying in for Christmas and I can't wait! I hope you enjoy your upcoming reads. The reviews for First & Then are amazing!

    1. My daughter is really the only member of the immediate family, who lives far away, so it's not too hard to rally the troops. That's awesome that your family will be able to fly in for the holidays. I cannot go wrong with Emma Mills. Her books are always hits for me.

  20. How wonderful that you were offered the ride and I hope you have a great time with your daughter. Loved all of those videos too. Those cats are hilarious.

    1. I never expected the ride, and I heard from someone that the people, who waited for the train were over an hour late. Cats are buttheads, but also, hilarious.

  21. I love the cover for Cinderella screwed me over!

    Glad to hear of the turn of luck with your neighbour getting you to work in time for your Friendsgiving! Hope your actual Thanksgiving was as nice.

    1. I actually have an ebook of Cinderella, but never read it, and I am kicking myself, because I LOVED it!

  22. I am glad you managed to make it to the friendsgiving in the end! And I am glad you were able to have such a brilliant time together and got to eat all of the good food! It sounds absolutely delicious :3

    1. I was so lucky that morning, because I would have really been mad had I missed out on those empanadas. They were incredible.

  23. Your Friendsgiving feast sounds absolutely delicious! I'm so glad you were able to make it, thank goodness. And yay for only having a three day work week! Oooh that kitty video?! With the tree in the cage lol, oh my gosh I can't stop laughing!
    Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog

    1. I work with some people, who can really cook. It's good that my job is to bring the plates. Those cats were so savage.
