
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

But, have I told you how much I hate changing the clocks? I have always had sleep issues, and though they are much better now then when I was younger, I still don't sleep much. Where I was normally waking up around 3 am, now I am waking up around 2 am, and friends, that is too early. I hope I can readjust this week, because I need more than four hours of sleep per night.

Tuesday was my dad's 75th birthday, and it's always a gift to celebrate, since three years ago, they told us my father was dying. Knock on wood, he's doing well, and HA! to cancer, who did not win.

Then and Now. We don't have a ton of pictures of my dad from his childhood, 
but this is one of my favorites. 

This is the time of year, where I begin to burn my vacation days, since we cannot carry over. So, at least I had Wednesday off, and you know what I did? Nothing. I didn't even shower and get dressed until about 2 pm, and I never left the house. It was a day of rest.

Let's Discuss!
  • Shealea shares her thoughts on the Goodreads Awards and some links for alternative voting
  • Becky does some bookish home shopping and I fell in love with many of these items
  • Alys tells us how she celebrates halloween in the Philippines

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Off Script, The Taming of the Drew
  • Tuesday: TTT - Falling for Fall
  • Wednesday: CWW - Break In Case of Emergency, Breaking the Rules
  • Friday: Discussion - The Goodreads Choice Awards


I was lucky enough to win Tanya's giveaway, and after I jumped up and down, I picked these four.


What I Read Last Week

My top book of the week was a book I was rejected for TWICE. I did win a copy, but obviously, I read an ebook from the library. No matter, I loved it. It made me happy, and if you want happy holiday feels with some silly mixed in there, 10 Blind Dates will fit the bill.



What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Congrats to your dad (and happy birthday to him as well)! That's awesome. It's always wonderful when someone beats cancer. My mom had a go- around too a few years ago and came out fortunate, it's a great feeling!

    Smart duck! Love it. :)

    The time changes always screw up my internal clock.

    1. Cancer sucks, but I am happy that we both had such good fortune. That duck! Fantastic!

  2. A few people I know are struggling with the clock change at the moment. My dad and I have minor infections at the moment which is causing our insomnia-my dad has a persistant cough and I have an ear infection! I hate disrupted sleep and I hope it gets better for you soon.

    1. Poor dad! Just when he really needs the rest too. Is he a napper? I cannot nap, even if I try, but it's a way for your dad to get a bit more rest. I hope you both are feeling better soon

  3. Your day off sounds amazing. And congrats to your dad! Thankfully, in PR we don't change clocks 💃🏾
    I really enjoyed Moonlighter! Happily Ever After looks cute. And let me know how you like Would You Like to Meet.

    1. I wish we would do away with DST. Two states don't do it, and things seem to be just fine there. *shrug* I feel good about Would Like to Meet. I am almost done with Our Wayward Fate, and will probably start the book later today. So, fingers crossed!

  4. I hate daylight savings time sooo much. At least fall is way better than spring. Spring kills me giving up that hour.

    1. It all messes with me. I have very delicate sleep schedule. It took so many years to work through my insomnia, and I get maybe 5 -6 hours a night, so, THIS is not helping me right now.

  5. Happy birthday to your dad, the survivor! He looks so dapper in that old pic LOL.

    The sleep thing majorly sucks! On average, I go to bed around 23 and don't get up until 8:30 (don't judge me LOL). I do wake up frequently because of various issues, but usually go back to sleep right after that trip to the bathroom or that glass of water. The only thing your insomnia is good for is your managing to accomplish so many things, even if half your day gets eaten up by your job and your commute. Now I could use sleeping less and give some of my sleep to you...

    That duck! Superhero! The poor tiger looks so baffled LOL.

    You've declined the same book twice and then won it? Now that's a sweet revenge!

    1. Not only did I finally get the book from the publisher, but I got a $50 visa gift card too. BOOM!

      That duck video is fantastic, and the little guy won!

      Your sleep schedule would be my daughter's goals. She loves to sleep, and would be over the moon to get that many hours in. I will say, that I get four solid hours of sleep, which is better than the up and down.

    2. It's because now I only work the afternoons that I can sleep more in the morning. But I should wake up earlier to get things done...

    3. Some people do more at night, others in the morning. I am trash after like 2/3 pm. I think it's from all my years teaching, when my day ended around there.

  6. i love coming over and seeing what great videos you find to share. i wanted to reach in and help the fur ball. LOL
    sherry @ fundinmental

  7. Ugh, up at 2 AM sounds miserable. I hope it gets a little better as we settle into the time change. Happy birthday to your dad! Love the pic of him as a child. Your day off sounds like my kind of day off. I could so easily become a hermit. I still haven't read anything by Mila Gray or Karina Halle. But they're on the list. I'm excited to start Blitzed soon!

    1. Yep. I get up early, like when other people are going to sleep. My dad was adorable, and he still wears that wicked little grin when he's up to no good. If I had one of those telecommuting jobs, I would never leave my house. I just don't feel up to people-ing very often. Like, I walk faster to avoid having to hold the door and make small talk. I really should be a hermit. Really? You haven't read either of them? Huh. Hoopla has a lot of Halle's books, so I listen to them often. They can be a bit like Emma Scott books. I usually cry at some point.

    2. And, get to Blitzed so we can talk about it.

  8. Bwahahahah that duck is smart indeed and I love the sound of the Fast and Furriest LOL Now Sam every week when I visit your Sunday Post I am AMAZED at all the books that you get to read in one week!!!!

    1. Right? The duck was fantastic! You shouldn't be amazed at how much I read. I mean, I just told you how I had a day off and never left my house. I actually wrote reviews and read a whole book. It was a good day.

  9. Happy birthday to your dad! Definitely a reason to celebrate! The time change is still impacting me, but slowly getting better. I never like it either. The videos are awesome! I just got 10 Blind Dates and can't wait as you are the only one who has loved it. I'm looking forward to reading your review of Our Wayward Fate--this is a must read for me too.

    1. We should get together and lobby to stop DST. I am not a fan. 10 Blind Dates was so fun and cute. I smiled so much, my face hurt. I cried too, because there are some really moving family moments in there. I finished Wayward Fate the morning. Loved it! It's along the lines of American Panda - funny, but lots of serious moments as well.

  10. Happy birthday to your dad! What an adorable picture. I don't like the time change because it gets dark so early and I just want to go to bed when I get home from work.

    1. I don't mind it getting dark earlier, because I have a ride home after work. I have to walk 9 blocks in the morning, and it's really, really dark. Now I get a tiny bit of light as the sun is just peeking out when I make my way to the bus stop.

  11. Oh man, the time change is ROUGH! My dogs are all out of whack! XD I hope you love all your new reads. The Midnight Lie is one I am DYING to read!

    1. Wow! I didn't think it would affect pets. I got the Midnight Lie for Kiersten. She loves books like that.

  12. The time change is a little dreary. I come home and it's dark, which is kind of depressing and makes me feel like I have no life outside of work sometimes.

    Yay for your dad kicking cancer's butt! Love his t-shirt! :)

    1. My sister always gets my dad snarky t-shirts. He loves them, and they suit him to a tee. HA! I don't have a life outside work, because I am traveling at work for about 12 hours of the day. Next year, it will be even more time. I just don't like how DST messes with my delicate sleep patterns.

  13. Happy Birthday to your father and you all have such a big reason to celebrate! I don't sleep much more than 4 hours myself and the time change is harder than ever now that I"m not a spring chicken anymore. LOL

    1. So, we can chat with each other when we are getting no sleep. LOL. I have never slept well, but I have been sleeping better. I hope we both adjust soon.

  14. The time change is messing with me too and I'm so over it. Happy Birthday to your dad! And your staycation day sounds wonderful. I love relaxing days like that and especially the staying in PJs until the afternoon part, lol.

    1. I love a day off with no appointments, which is usually not the case. I am a lazy sloth, and live for not having to do mass transit or deal with any people. I do like to get dressed though. It forces me to do something productive.

  15. A day of rest sounds awesome! Definitely use up those vacay days! I don't like the time change either - it makes me feel like I should be sleeping earlier. I hope your body adjusts soon and you get more/better sleep.


    1. I will never allow a vacation day to go unused. Now that I know we can roll over sick days, those, I am ok with not burning. A lot of people say they are going to sleep earlier, since the sun is going down earlier, but I am settling in around the same time.

  16. Thats awesome news about your dad and an extra special happy birthday! I wish we would just pick a time and stick with it. Change doesn't work for anyone. My dogs are all confused too.

    1. Why can't we be Arizona? Why can't we skip DST? *sigh* Your and Tracy's dogs are having issues with the change. Look at that!

  17. Yeah, I totally hate the time change. Every fall I curse it. The sun is now setting at 4:45 and it is pitch dark by 5:15 and it’s only going to get worse. Happy Birthday to your dad. I am happy you were able to celebrate another year with him. I am going to go look up Ten Blind Dates!

    1. I don't do much after work, since by then, I have been up for over 15 hours, so, the dark doesn't bother me, but I hate anything that disrupts my sleep schedule. I love cute, fluffy, family tales, and 10 Blind Dates did it so well. I could see it as a Netflix movie

  18. I am not doing well with the time change. I am blaming the puppy even though it may not be her fault :) Happy birthday to your dad! I am so glad that he has beat cancer. It is such an ugly disease. Your day off sounds perfect, Sam! Have a great week!

    1. I haven't had a pet in quite a while, and now I am racking my brain trying to figure out if any of them struggled with the time change. I am so surprised to hear many of your pets even noticing.

  19. Ugh I know what you mean about the clocks changing. I think ours changed In the UK earlier than your guys but it threw me completely off for about a week. It took a couple of weeks to adjust and now I'm just sad as it's dark as I leave for work and dark when I leave to go home. I miss daylight hours. Your dad is amazing three years and going strong when you've been told he's sitting. Amazing. And I'm jealous I live those days off where you do nothing. They are the most relaxing.

    And I just noticed in on this post! Oh yay thank you.

    How you have a good week and hopefully you're getting a bit more sleep.

    1. I think you were a week or so ahead of us. At some point, the US decided to extend DST, because of all the power savings. Yipee! The chemo and radiation hadn't worked, and the immunotherapy, we late found out, put him in the hospital for over 2 months. That's when they told us he wasn't going to make it, then they told us the cancer would never go away, then they told us he would be oxygen dependent for the rest of his life. But, here he his, no cancer, no oxygen, and still with us. I love when the doctors are wrong.

  20. The time change has been tough on my sleep too! Happy 75th birthday to your dad. What great pictures! Congrats on winning Tanya's giveaway. It looks like you read a lot of awesome looking books last week! I can't wait to read your reviews on When the Stars Lead to You, 10 Blind Dates, and Racing Savannah, (I loved that book!). Happy Reading all of your new books!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I so love Keneally's books. They are like Sarah Dessen's for me, just enough drama with a great romance and lots of friendship. They hit the spot. I am so happy I decided to continue the series.

  21. Go dad!!!

    I was looking through old pictures while looking for Veteran's Day photos for my husband and found quite a few of my dad as a teen or maybe younger man in his 20's? It's hard to tell but now you made me realize I don't have any of my mother or father as children.

    I do have quite a few of Kevin's mom though.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I am grateful, that we have digital photos now and can have them out on a server somewhere for posterity. My mother's family moved around a lot, so they lost many of the old photos, and my father was born in Germany during WWII, so times were tough. I don't think we have any baby pictures. I try to scan them and save them on my portable hard drive, when I find older pictures, because I want to have them to pass on.

  22. So glad to hear your dad is kicking cancer's butt!!

  23. EFF U TO CANCER!!! AND YAY TO YOUR DAD FOR BEATING IT!! I hope you'd get more hours of sleep, Sam. Whenever I only sleep for 4 hours or less, I always tend to act like a zombie - so slow and out of life. It really sucks too because you're usually tired to do anything.

    1. I have never gotten much sleep, so it's my norm, but I feel really good when I can grab 6 hours, uninterrupted.

  24. Oh I get that, the time change always messes me up as well, I hate it with a passion haha. I'm glad you got a day to rest this past week and do nothing at home, sometimes we need these days :)
    I'm happy you loved When The Stars Lead To You, I can't wait to read that one :D
    Happy reading and have a lovely week <3

    1. I really think we should lobby for a 4-day work week and an end to DST. Those two things would definitely improve my life.

  25. I have seen that a lot of American friends are struggling with the time difference. I hope your body will adapt to it soon :( And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your dad. He's a survivor and looking well! I also spy a lot of new adult romance in that haul ;)

    1. My first love is romance, and I will always read them. They are my #1 escape.

  26. I just finished 10 Blind Dates, and it was adorable - THE FAMILY! It was so great. I'm super intrigued to see what you think of Our Wayward Fate. I enjoyed American Panda so much last year. Great post, and hope you have/had a great week of reading! :)

    1. Right? The family was so fabulous in that book. I had a great time. Wayward Fate was a 5 for me. It's a lot like Panda, in that it's a mix of light and heavy, but the ending was so, so hopeful. Good stuff for me.

  27. I love that picture of your dad as a kid! It's so lovely. Happy belated birthday to him!

    1. He was adorable. I think that's the youngest we have of him. They were dropping bombs around him, when he was born, so, uh, no baby pictures.
