
Friday, November 1, 2019

Five Star Friday: October 2019

On the first Friday of each month, I will share my five-star reads from the previous month. Fingers crossed, I have lots of books to tell you about.

The month of October was very good for me. I read 33 books, and had FOUR earn the full 5-stars, but I had quite a few that were *this* close.

I have loudly declared my love for Emery Lord, and once again, she delighted me, while hitting me in the feels. The characters, the family focus, the adorable romance, the fierce friendships, and all the feels were everything I wanted and needed and couldn't get enough of. It's taking a LOT of self-restraint to not jump on the next book, because I am beyond excited to continue this story.

The Simple Wild
K.A. Tucker

This book was a PPP - peer pressure purchase, but gosh darn it! I am glad you guys pushed this one on me, because it was simply wonderful. I not only loved learning more about what it's like to live in Alaska, but the exploration of connection and forgiveness was really beautiful too. BTW, the tears are falling as I think about this book. Yet another book with a sequel in the works for which, I am grateful.

I have nothing but love for Paula Stokes. I had no doubt I would enjoy this book, which is why I actually purchased it, but she really knocked me out with this story. The pain and the loss was gut wrenching, but it was the healing that took place over the course of the story, that really touched my heart. I will never stop wanting to read books that can make me laugh, cry, and feel the way this book made me feel.

I had such a lovely time reading this book. I cried for the demise of one relationship, but I shed some happy tears and was fully onboard with some of the other outcomes. This was a delightful read, which (unfortunately) stuck to the source material (I am a selfish person!), that I simply inhaled.

Did you have any five-star reads last month? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I loved The Simple Wild!!! And I loved The Start of Me and You back when I read it I'm excited to read the sequel!

    1. I am excited about the sequels for both these books. The romances just seemed to be beginning and I want more of that.

  2. I was so excited to see you give The Simple Wild 5 stars. That book made such an impact on me. It was so much more than a romance. There was real growth in Calla, there was her relationship with her father, friendships and connections formed... loved it! And now we have more to look forward to. :)

    1. For me, The Simple Wild was the perfect blend of women's fiction and romance, but I do hope there is more focus on the romance in the sequel.

  3. That's awesome that you had four five-star books on November, Sam! Way to go. And I absolutely love KA Tucker, so I'm glad you caved in to peer pressure and got The Simple Wild :)
    Have a fantastic Friday!Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Less 5-stars than last month, but I did have a LOT of 4.5 star books. I can't complain. I DNFed some books, but not that many either. It was good month. I do give into the hype every now and again, but The Simple Wild was so highly rated by many people I trust. I had to read it.

  4. I've been a bit strict with myself on five star reads more than I used to. I really need to look at ALL my star ratings on Goodreads but it's such a big job!

    1. I don't give out a love of 5-star ratings, but sometimes, I finish a book and 5 stars just pop into my head. That's what it was like for me with these books.

  5. You read 33 books in a month! Wow. I think my eyeballs would fall out of my head if I tried to do that. I’m glad you found some good ones. Happy November!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Well, 9 were audiobooks, so I only read 24 books. Reading is a great way to pass my long commute.

  6. I read The Simple Wild and gave it 5 stars this month, too!!!

    1. And, it so deserved all the stars. Glad you loved it too!

  7. I've wanted to try Paula Stokes for the longest time, so I'm happy to see you mention not just this book - which does sound fantastic - but that you love her books in general. Will have to purchase something by her soon! Which novel is your favorite by her?

    1. This is the only one that got all 5 stars, but three earned 4.5 and another, 4 stars. All were good though.

  8. they're all new to me and i love this feature
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. I like the idea of highlighting my Best of the Bunch. If I liked it, I will hype it - that's my motto

  9. Wow, 33 books is amazing! You have read some really good ones too. I love the sounds of Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things. And I adored The Simple Wild too. Have a great weekend.

    1. The Simple Wild really was as good as everyone said it was, and HS&OBT was so fun and heartwarming and I thought the author did a good job with the source material in this retelling.

  10. I didn't read much in October but The Bromance Book Club was very close to a 5 star read for me.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I gave Bromance 4.5 stars. I am not sure what kept me from giving it the full 5-stars, though I feel it was maybe Thea. I still loved it.

  11. So happy there were so many 5 star reads for October and The Simple Wild is there. You know I loved that book so I'm always happy when I see others loving it too. And in time for the sequel (which I am so very excited for).

    1. Two things helped push The Simple Wild up my TBR. One, was #ReadForGrace, but the second thing was when Tucker announced the sequel. I am really happy I am ready to read it, when it is published.

  12. I have not read any of these but they all sound great! I definitely want to read more from K.A. Tucker. I had several 5 star reads last month. It is great when you have a month with so many great books!

    1. I love when I can find a book that makes me give it all the stars, and the Tucker book was as fantastic as everyone said it was

  13. I've been seeing The Simple Wild everywhere and everyone seems to love it! I haven't read K.A. Tucker yet, so this might be a good place to start!

    1. This was my second book by her, and I am so glad I bought it. It was fantastic!

  14. 33 books? That's more than one book a day Sam!!!!

  15. Woman, 33 books?? Explain your magic to me!

  16. 33 books is amazing! And yay that so many of them were 5 stars. All 4 of these are on my TBR too. I'm probably most excited to read the Emery Lord and the K.A. Tucker books but they all really sound wonderful.

    1. I had more 5-stars last month, but I had a lot that were close. It was a good month. The Tucker book was as good as everyone said it would be, and I love Emery Lord, and this was a wonderful example of her work.

  17. I absolutely loved Girl Against the Universe!! Now I also want to read Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I am such a fan of HS&OBT. Lots of feels were felt and I smiled a ton

  18. Ahh I loved Girl Against The Universe SO MUCH, I'm so happy you did too <3 I really want to read some Emery Lord books, I've heard so many great things about her stories :)
    And 33 BOOKS? HOW. That's amazing haha :D

    1. Paula Stokes is so good, and GATU was probably one of my favorites by here. Emery Lord is wonderful! I rank her with Emma Mills in terms of my enjoyment.

  19. All of these 5 star reads sound fantastic! It sounds like all of these stories hit you in the feels and made you cry. Those are my favorite type of books as well. Wonderful mini reviews Sam :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I am a terrible crier. I was just crying this morning as I read the wedding scene in a book. What can I say, I always cry at weddings.

  20. How have I read NONE of these!? I have failed. Well- if it helps, I have Girl Against the Universe and The Start of Me and You on my bookshelf. But I actually just removed Hearts, Strings from my TBR so now I guess it's going to have to go back! My TBR curses you, Sam! Glad these were all such wins for you though!

    1. I am surprised to hear you have not read GATU. I think you would appreciate it. I LOVED HS&OBT. You are probably familiar with the source material, and I will say, I was a bit disappointed by how closely she stuck to it in one certain circumstance, but I still couldn't erase what a good time I had reading the book. It was very "me". I like fluff and romance and there was tons of that in there.

  21. I also had four five stars in the month of October, so we are matching! I didn't manage to read quite as many books though, hehe ;) I so need to try an Emery Lord novel already, and get to Girl Against the Universe!

    1. Whoo hoo! I am always excited when some one "rings" the 5-star bell. That's wonderful! And, I adore Lord. Her books never disappoint me.
