
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: What I Like About You

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

What I Like About You!
I read a lot of books, and meet a lot of characters, but there are some that win a foothold in my heart, because there is just something special about them. Thinking back to all these characters I loved, I have identified certain types of characters, which endeared themselves to me. That is what we are talking about this Top Ten Tuesday. As always, I will feature YA books I have read and enjoyed, and will give an example of a character, who fits the description from a recent read.
  • Sensitive Males - I love seeing all these wonderful, sensitive male characters. A real man can be caring and sensitive, and I am glad to see so many authors challenging the common male stereotype.  See: Tucker - Our Year in Love and Parties by Karen Hattrup 
  • People with Passion - I always lamented my lack of passion, and therefore, am utterly enchanted by characters, who are passionate about something. I just love seeing someone with such a drive and strong interest, and I find it somewhat inspiring. See: Ryan - Stealing Home by Becky Wallace
  • Talented Beings - I guess I am pretty good at math, but I have no real talent, at least not in anything that matters. I am always in awe of those, who can create and be so good at things, and enjoy learning more about that thing that drives them. See: Oscar - Night Music by Jean Marie Thorne
  • Community Supporters - It's fantastic to do a good turn daily, and we are seeing lots of characters, who actively give back to their communities, which I think is a vital and beautiful thing. See: Zora - Truly Madly Royally by Debbie Riguard
  • Disciplined Individuals - They sometimes call me regimented, but I look at it as having some self discipline, which I believe is an integral part for attaining one's goals. See: Paige - Risking It All by S.M. Koz
  • Forgiving Folks - "To err is human, to forgive divine." Forgiveness can be a difficult thing to grant someone, but it's important, and therefore, something I value. See: Auggie - Wonder by R.J. Palacio
  • Persistent People - Failure is never fun, but to be able to dust yourself off, and try again is a quality that sets you apart. People, who don't give up, when the deck is stacked against them, are people I love to cheer for. See: Michigan - Michigan vs the Boys by Carrie S. Allen
  • Loyal Friends - It's easy to be on someone's side when all is going well, but it's a stupendous person, who stays loyal to you when the chips are down. They are also those people, who will support you, and do something that is difficult for them. See: Paul - Have a Little Faith in Me by Sonia Hartl
  • Brave Souls - Bravery is something I wish I had a lot more of. I get stuck in situations, because of fear, and hold a lot of admiration for those, who don't let fear rule them. See: Ava - Scars Like Wings by Erin Stewart
  • Funny Humans - I love to laugh, and am always looking for someone, who can lighten my mental load with some humor. A character with a great sense of humor will always own me. See: Aphra - We Are the Perfect Girl by Ariel Kaplan

What are some traits you admire in characters?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Okay your post title made me think of that song by the Romantics. It was the romantics, right? lol Anyway I had trouble with this one but you identified some good ones! I always like reading about loyal friendships as well, and well done humor is always appreciated too. :)

    1. The Romantics, yep. Funny story, I originally had the video embedded, but than switched it out for the Wordle. I thought it was going to be really hard, but then I started scanning my read shelf, and once I started, I was able to come up with a bunch of traits I liked.

  2. I thought you were writing a post about me! :P
    I love a good sensitive male hero too! And also I'm totally 100% a sucker for a loyal friend groups!

    1. You slay me, but seriously, you have many, many good qualities. I say, bring on the soft boys. Love them!

  3. Some of these are my favorite types of characters; like the sensitive male, persistent people and of course, funny humans. What a great list, I wish I would have particpated in it. Too lazy to do it now. Lol.

    1. I thought this was going to be such a hard topic, but once I got started, it was easy to find those qualities in the characters I loved. You can always do it next week. I go off script with this meme every once in a while.

  4. I like Forgiving Folks and Persisent People.

  5. I agree with all of these! Characters who can make me laugh will always be my favorites.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Funny people will always be welcomed in my tribe. Laughter really is the best medicine for me.

  6. Replies
    1. Absolutely. That's why the funny sidekick is such a popular trope

  7. I love the characteristics you chose! Unfortunately I haven't read any of these books yet, but several are on my TBR, so hopefully soon!!

    1. I hope you get to a few of the books, because they were all winners for me

  8. I love characters that strive to be better. And if they can make me laugh - even better.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Absolutely. Seeing a character trying to improve is motivating for me.

  9. All of us of a certain age will be humming that song all day. Great list!

    1. I originally had that video embedded in the post, but switched it out for the Wordle.

  10. Those are some great character traits, Sam. And I think maybe we're drawn to characters who embody characteristics that we wish we had. I like witty heroines with independent streaks. :) Thanks for sharing the books - I'd only heard of two of them so my TBR will be growing. :)

    1. I KNOW that is the case for me. These are qualities I admire in real and fiction people. I adore people, who are witty, and I agree a witty, wise, intelligent, and independent heroine is always a plus.

  11. Loyal friends are the best - it's nice to see characters truly being there for each other.

    1. Loyalty isn't as common as some may think, and that is why I value it so much.

  12. What an awesome list. I love the loyalty value and people with a passion. So many great books up there!

    1. Having even a small number of loyal people in my life is a gift

  13. GAH I love ALL OF THESE which means that I clearly need to read more of them! You already had me interested in Michigan from your 5 star post, but now I am strongly considering Scars Like Wings, too!

    1. Both were emotional, but survival stories, which always leave me feeling good. I found myself inhaling both books, and was so invested in the fate of these characters.

  14. I enjoyed looking at your list-good choices!

  15. Oh I definitely second your point on humour: I am a fan for life when a character just makes me laugh out loud. And I second Persistent People as well -- I am their one-woman cheering squad!

    1. It's always so gratifying cheering for those characters, who never give up

  16. I really like sensitive male characters as well! And I absolutely love disciplined people, passionate characters, forgiveness, persistence and loyal friends as well. Wonderful list!

    1. Thanks. I hope we can normalize the sensitive male, because they really are wonderful.

  17. All of these rate high with me too, especially sensitive males and forgiving folks. Great list!

    1. I love that authors are trying to battle toxic masculinity in subtle and overt ways.

  18. Loyal, Brave, Funny... Yep, yep, yep.
    Passion, talent and discipline are also good. I also like some sensitivity but didn't think to add that.
    Great list Sam! I like how you've linked each trait to a character and their book too. :)

    1. There are so many qualities, that I admire in people/characters, so I tried to focus on specific characters I loved and what made me love them.

  19. Fun topic - but when I think about it, the characteristics I look for in a character are pretty different than in a real person. Am I a weirdo???

    1. It is fiction, so anything goes. I usually look for people different from myself or who possess qualities I wish I had.

  20. We have a lot of similarities! I love me a sensitive male character, or a person with a passion (extra points if the passions are hobbies that we don't get to see much in books! We don't all have the stereotypical hobbies.) I also really like loyal characters - I think that is my favourite thing! And forgiving folk and also and humor also get to me.

    1. YES! I love when the character has a unique passion. It allows me to learn a little bit about something that might not have been on my radar. I read a book this past weekend and the MC did collage art, but it was bigger than my base knowledge of collage, and I loved reading all those parts.
