
Sunday, October 27, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

This past week, fall was in full effect, and I LOVED IT! Crisp morning and perfect afternoons. This was the weather at its best, and therefore, it must be acknowledged.

Monday, my team did a pie cook-off. I, as always, provided plates, forks, etc, as I am not much of a cook, nor do I long to carry food nine blocks to the bus stop, then on the bus, then on the train, then on the shuttle. But, anyhow, I will say that there was a lot of quality eating that day. I wish I had taken pictures, because my co-workers are really fantastic cooks. We had apple, sweet potato, mixed berry, coconut, ambrosia pies, along with peach cobbler, fruit & custard tarts, and apple pie topped cinnamon buns. Another co-worker ordered pizza pies to keep with the theme. Like I said, there was a lot of eating that day.

Living in a diverse neighborhood is really wonderful, but it also made me realize how many firecracker holidays there are. They have been going for the past two nights for Diwali. So, if you celebrate, Happy Diwali!

I am over here cheering for Cinderblock!

Though it's adorable, I always wonder why dogs do this

Seriously, so cute!

Let's Discuss!

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - #ReadForGrace Edition
  • Tuesday: TTT - Thank Goodness for Second Chances!
  • Wednesday: CWW - The Map from Here to There, The Truth About Happily Ever After
  • Thursday: Isn't It Romantic - The Bromance Book Club, The Simple Wild
  • Friday: Discussion - The Inequities of Ebooks



What I Read Last Week

I will be talking about it more, later in the week, but wow! Squashed really took me by surprise. I am happy I picked up this book to satisfy my Iowa requirement for my reading challenge, because I had a wonderful time reading this book. I am also glad to finally understand all the Talia Hibbert love, and I am looking forward to continuing this series.



What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I saw that Cinderblock thing and felt so bad for him. Poor guy- he doesn't understand lol. And I agree about the crisp fall weather- I love it!!

    That third video- so cute!!!

    1. I think it's wonderful that such a big effort is being made to get this cat back into shape. It's awesome that there are people willing to do this

  2. I don't blame you for not wanting to lug foot stuff through all that. Oh yes, the fireworks take me by surprise at times when its not a holiday I celebrate. That is a funny cat vid. Hadn't seen the third one.
    Looks like you read and listened to some good ones. I like seeing your high ratings on a couple that I still want to read.

    Have a great week, Sam!

    1. The good thing is that the fireworks let me know there is a holiday going on. Though, Diwali comes with all the lights and chalking, so I'd have to really not be paying attention to miss this holiday. I have been on a great run of books. I did set one book aside, but I will go back to it. I just wasn't in the mood at the time for it, but it wasn't bad at all.

  3. I like how the cat has to suffer exercise hell bevcause the poor thing was overfed! No wonder it isn't happy! I'll be getting the weekly soup pots started as the weather has definitely gone colder here!

    1. I know, poor kitty, but it's great that this team is helping the cat get back into shape. The cat couldn't even walk when it came to them. That's is it's own sort of abuse.

  4. Yeah I can imagine trying to carry a pie with that kind of commute would be rough. I basically can make only one pie and that's the Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip pie I make every Thanksgiving. Basically a chocolate chip cookie crust with a peanut butter filling topped with melted chocolate! It's super rich and super sweet, but I love it! Mostly because I love peanut butter cups! My niece the sugar fiend loves it to! I had to make 2 last year so she could have one! I think there might have been an event they were going to that they were taking it, but I can't really remember. It really might have been for her to have at her house! Lol.

    Cute new reads! New to me ones but I hope you adore them!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Ok, that pie sounds amazing, and if that's all you have in your arsenal, it's a great one to have. I think my daughter would love that pie too. She has a massive sweet tooth. I am more a salt fiend.

  5. What perfect weather! I would have loved that all week. :) Now that's a wide variety of pies... I would have gone for the pizza pie. Yum. I definitely want to read something by Talia Hibbert. I hear such good things. I hope this week's reads are good ones! :)

    1. I had a little all the pies. We have another pot luck coming up, and yes, I got plates and cutlery. My team will always have something to eat off and eat with as long as I am around. Chloe Brown was great. I adored it.

  6. There's nothing wrong with providing the cutlery when it comes to eating rather bringing food. Also, with you commute I could imagine nothing worse than being stuck carrying food with you. Glad you had some good reading, I still need to understand why everyone is raving about Talia Hibbert. Hopefully I'll get to read Get A Life Chloe Brown soon.

    1. I am the only person, who uses mass transit, so they let me do plates and whatnot every time. Yes! Read Chloe Brown. It was good. Red was amazing, and it was all sorts of hilarious and touching and I am smiling just thinking about it.

  7. Sam I would have been the one doing the baking and carrying all through train and bus LOL Now I have a dog and I can't tell you why they run after their tail but yes it's funny!

    1. I just say not to trudging with too much stuff. It takes two hours to get to work, and I refuse to carry anything more than my backpack. You're a better person than me.

  8. Yay for perfect Fall weather! I enjoy cooking, but I wouldn't want to drag a pie nine blocks and then on the train and bus either!

    I'm cheering Cinderblock, too!

    I need to check out that Ella Maise!

    1. I can cook, however, I am always wanting for time, and when I think about cooking, you spend all this time, preparing the dish, just to have it all done and over with in like 10 mins. Not a good ROI in my opinion. I think you have to really enjoy it, like a labor of love.

  9. I'm loving all this wonderful Fall weather. It's the best!!! Your work sounds awesome when it comes to group activities, etc. like the pie-off. How fun!


    1. I spoke too soon. It's a bit humid out today, but I am hoping it moves out quickly. My team has many, many women on it. I think that's why we always have so many events.

  10. Poor Cinderblock, that conky boi is all of us who hate exercising. I seen him on Twitter the other day and in the update, he's on the water treadmill now but still not enjoying it. I love autumn too, we're heading towards summer here and it's already too damn hot. I hope you have a fabulous week of reading Sam!

    1. Cinderblock is a true chonk, but it's criminal that the cat got so big, it couldn't even walk. Happy there are people in this world willing to get the cat back into shape. EEEK! I am not sad that summer is over, but it does tend to linger forever in the states.

  11. Oh gosh, a pie cookoff just sounds heavenly! And yes, I'm totally cheering for Cinderblock too. Poor baby. I'm also really loving the fall weather. It has made my son's soccer games and practices so much more enjoyable.

    1. I don't know, the fall sports season has the promise of nice weather, but I remember my bottom being frozen to the bleachers back when I had to watch those games. It is a treat that it is cool, but not cold for all you parents with kids in sports.

  12. I am loving the fall colors and the weather here as well. If only it could stay this way for a bit. Wow! That is a lot of food for your work event. I guess you have quite a few co-workers? I work in a small 4 person office so it would take us weeks to eat all of that food. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. I happened to look out the window the other day during my ride home, and the Northeast Corridor has some beautiful foliage along it. My team at work has about 23 people on it, and we all love food, and hardly need any excuse to celebrate something.

  13. I saw Cinderblock this week and...we are all Cinderblock lol

    I think our fall is ending :-( We're about to get a cold snap and most of the leaves have fallen and been cleaned up. But it's still beautiful and sunny so I'll take it.

    Karen @ For What It's worth

    1. I think fall is sticking around in NJ. It's actually pretty warm today - 70°C and really sunny. The afternoons have been glorious, but it's in the 40s, when I leave for work. Lot of layering going on.

  14. I empathise with the cat and the treadmill. That cat is me, lol.
    And all the pie talk has made me hungry. I'd have been in food heaven!

    1. Funny thing, I am not that big a pie eater, but it was all really fantastic, and pumpkin is one of my favorites.

  15. We used to have a weekly Pie Day at my work and each week someone brought in a pie. It was so awesome!

    1. Wow! That pretty awesome. My company used to do more food things, but not so much any more. However, my team lives for this stuff, and we get a team luncheon each quarter too.

  16. Haha, I think ordering a pizza pie would be about as much as I could contribute to a pie cook-off! I am so bad at baking!

    1. The pizza was contributed by one of our few men-folk, but it was a fantastic treat, as pizza is one of my favorite foods.

  17. Oooh, a pie cook-off sounds so fun and tasty! It looks like you had a good reading week! I'm hoping to get to Chloe Brown soon!

    1. I hope you get to meet Chloe, because she was fabulous

  18. Haha, that cat is basically me. Mmmm, pie. I would happily go to work on pie day. I hope you’re having a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  19. We're experiencing some fall weather here too. Cool evenings and warm days. I'm loving it. And I love pie. I always try something new when I can:)

    1. It's interesting to see what someone will bake in a pie. I watch so many cooking shows, where I wish I could taste some of their creations.

  20. hahah I love all those animal vidoes :) And yay for fall finally being in the air!

    Happy Reading!

    Michelle @ Book Briefs

    Here's my Weekly Wrap Up

  21. Commuting while bringing loads of things is hard. But commuting with food? A CHALLENGE. The risk of dropping the food or spilling it in a public transportation... the True Horror Story.

    1. A challenge I am not willing to take, but hey, we need something to eat with and eat off. At least I fill a need

  22. Pie cook off sounds amazing! I need Tourist Attraction and Great Escape!!! I wasn't a big fan of Never Always Sometimes.

    1. I had conflicted feelings about Never Always Sometimes. I was onboard for most of the story, but after what happened on the beach, I couldn't handle the ending. If THAT hadn't happened, I probably would have be not enthusiastic, but OK with the ending. But, um, nope. No. I could not accept that ending.

  23. All of those pies sound delicious! I'm not much of a baker, but I do enjoy it! Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things sounds like such a cute story :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. HS&OBT was so wonderful! I loved it! I read some meh reviews on GR, but it worked for me.

  24. Yay for having wonderful autumn weather to enjoy! And I think you have a valid reason for not bringing food. But you do supply all the necessary utensils for eating which are equally important ;) The food all sounds so delicious :3

    1. Right? You can't eat everything with your hands.
