
Sunday, October 13, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Being back to the grind was such a struggle. I missed having Disney music playing 24/7 and enjoying elegant meals every night, but I guess vacation wouldn't be so special, if that was my everyday experience.

Last Sunday, my daughter treated me to seeing Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief on Broadway. We had seen it several years ago off-broadway, but they reworked it a bit for this production. Kiersten was able to find her Playbill and compared the shows. Changes or no changes, it was fabulous. The cast the was great, the songs were great, our seats were great, the people behind us - not so much, but we still loved it.

Originally, the CANgineering event at my job was supposed to be when I was on vacation, but it had been postponed due to weather. They rescheduled it for this past Thursday. I was a little mad, because I the team was formed based on me being out *sad face*, but I was glad that I got to go and cheer them on and see everyone's structures. They made it very festive with Pretzel Time and a DJ, and I was awed by the sheer number of donations people got for the food bank. I didn't get pictures of all the structures, but a few are below. The pirate ship was the overall winner, as well it should have been, because it was amazing.

Let's Discuss!
  • Tracy wonders why it's so hard to lock down the horror genre
  • Tânia is happy to see a resurgence of vampire in YA
  • Sha and Mandy discuss YA book adaptations

On the Blog:
  • Monday: In a Nutshell Reviews - The Paris Project, Friend or Fiction
  • Tuesday: TTT - What I Like About You
  • Wednesday: CWW - Only Love Can Break Your Heart, I'll Meet You There
  • Thursday: Blog Tour - The Library of Lost Things by Laura Taylor Namey




What I Read Last Week

I made a minor change in my TBR this past week, because I had to see what everyone was talking about. I HAD to read Bromance Book Club, and boy, was it wonderful!

Though I Glines' new book came in below my expectations and I DNFed a book for the second time (I tried), I ending up with with a pretty incredible reading week. I had four book *this* close to earning five stars, and if you pressed me, I think I would say my favorite was Sick Kids in Love. I was utterly captivated by this book.



What I Am Currently Reading

I started my #ReadForGrace TBR with I'll Meet You There, and all the books on this week's TBR were all culled from Grace's read shelf. I picked from her 5-star reads, and got a double delight, as they were all shelf books for me.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Happy Sunday! Percy Jackson on Broadway sounds so fun. And thanks for sharing the Playbills- that's neat.

    Your video selections are the best this week. That dog and the little kitty- oh my gosh adorable. And the big cat one is priceless. Also, Band Practice :) His tail's just wagging away!!

  2. I can't believe they made The Lightning Thief into a Broadway show, that's so cool! I'm looking forward to A Constellation of Roses. Happy reading!

    1. LT translated well. I am always impressed how much they can do with so little in terms of props. The best part is the big was, which spewed toilet paper on the audience

  3. Quote: "I missed having Disney music playing 24/7 and enjoying elegant meals every night".
    Ha! Go figure LOL. Well, at least you got the chance to treat yourself.

    The CANgineering structures are interesting, but I don't understand what the 3rd one is supposed to represent?

    I had already seen the "band practice" video, but it's so cute and funny it's worth being watched again and again! And that dog petting the tiny cat? Cuteness overload!

    1. The third one was my team's. It's a slice of pumpkin pie.

    2. Oops LOL. In my defense, pumpkin pie isn't a thing here...I wasn't supposed to recognise it!

  4. I'm excited for you reading The Simple Wild because that because is amazing! But I'm even more excited that you read I'll Meet You (I went and read the acknowledgements and I'm not crying you are). Glad you had a good week and love how you read so many books for #readforgrace.

    1. This is the second time The Simple Wild made one of my weekly TBRs, but it's a book for Grace, so I am very motivated. I have NO review books scheduled this week. It's completely insane.

  5. Glad your trip went well! The coming home part is always the hardest to get used to! Lol.

    Nice new reads too! New to me ones, but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Band practice is hilarious! I'm so happy to see you are going to read Girl Against the Universe--I loved this book. CANgineering is an awesome idea. I wonder if I could propose this idea to get one started here too. You are right about vacations--we need lows to appreciate the highs on life.

    1. That one ended up in my Twitter feed a whole bunch over the last few weeks. Too cute not to share. I adore Stokes, and I have owned the book for several years. I was glad to see it get 5-stars from Grace. I am pretty sure CANgineering is a widespread movement. We partner with a local food bank, and I think that's all you really have to set up. It's a fun event, and I like supporting all the drives that benefit the local communities near our campus.

  7. Well that CAN event is amazing Sam!!! And the dog playing the piano while "singing" is priceless!!!! Now I am so happy that you liked I'll Meet You THere! And now I want to read the Bromance Book Club LOL

    1. I went out to the event when my co-worker texted me, but not all the teams were finished. I wish I had pictures of all the structures, because they were amazing. Bromance was such a great fight-for-your-marriage type story. I have read a few, but I wouldn't say the romance genre is saturated with them. I loved it.

  8. I TOO MISS HAVING DISINEY MUSIC PLAYING IN THE BACKGROUND AT ALL TIMES. I'm lowkey planning my next Disney trip even though I know it won't be for another 2 years, bleh.

    Those cans are AMAZING.

    (Amber Elise @ Du Livre)

    1. After our WDW trip last year in the oppressive heat, we are sticking to non-park trips for a while. The cruise and the adventures give you the Disney magic without the park chaos. I tried to talk the kid into a short cruise out of CA and then go to Disneyland (which has better weather), but she wanted to do an Adventure by Disney. The decision was supposed to be given to me today, but since she didn't answer my text, I assume she is avoiding me.

  9. I'm loving these pictures with the little sloth haha :)
    I'm so happy you enjoyed I'll Meet You There, it's one of my favorite books <3
    Hope you will have a wonderful week x

    1. It's good to see Sloth going places again. LOL

      I am glad I finally read I'll Meet You There. No regrets.

  10. Oh goodness! That first video is so adorable!

    I've had my eye on the The Bromance Book Club, glad to know that it's good. :)

    Hope you have a great week!

    1. I never thought a big dog like that could be so gentle. Bromance was SO GOOD, and I know I am not alone in that. I really enjoyed it.

  11. We should all have a Disney soundtrack playing around us in our day to day lives. Glad you enjoyed the show, even if the people behind you weren’t so great. Love th pics of the CANgineering event. I’m excited to read your review of I’ll Meet You There (I’m behind, obviously), and thrilled that you’ll be reading The Simple Wild!

    1. Yes! Grace had so many 5-star reads, that I have been meaning to read, and I am excited about finally reading all these books.

  12. Oh Percy Jackson is a musical! I loved the book and then the RUINED it with the movie. Glad you enjoyed Parental Guidance-I just got it in the mail!

    1. The play follows the book more closely. My daughter approved and she is a big PJ fan.

  13. I didn't know there was a Percy Jackson musical. =O I'd love to watch it. It seems brilliant I'm now a lot more excited about Lifestyles of Gods and Monsters after seeing that you gave it four stars.

    Awww, thank you for sharing my post. <3 <3 <3

    Happy readings!
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. We saw it years ago, and were excited to catch the limited run on Broadway. Lifestyles was fun, and I was impressed with how much of the original myth was contained therein. At first I was skeptical about the ending, but it makes sense.

  14. The pirate ship was awesome!

    I had no idea there was a Percy Jackson musical until you mentioned it in previous posts and I'm glad to hear it's still a good one even if it's been reworked a little. I love the Percy Jackson series so if I ever get a chance to see this I'd definitely jump on it. :)

    I think I'm going to read A Curse So Dark and Lonely for the Read For Grace event. It was on her TBR and is the one that is closest to my current mood.

    1. I heard A Curse So Dark and Lonely was great. I love Kemmerer, but I prefer her contemporaries.

      The pirate ship was amazing. The team that built it was massive and did an amazing job collecting food items.

  15. Getting back to work after vacation is a struggle! I'm doing that tomorrow and I'm not looking forward to it.

    I loved The Simple Wild! The audio was fantastic! I want to read Kate Meader's fire house books. Thanks for the remind. :)

    1. Good luck going back to the grind! The work part was easy, it was all the catching up at home that was tough. I like Meader, and these books are pretty fun.

  16. I had no idea The Lightning Thief had been made into a musical. I hope I can get up there to see that before its run ends. I'm thrilled to hear that the Bromance Book Club was such a good read for you. I'm hoping to start that this week if I finish Twice in a Blue Moon.

    1. LT is a short run - 16 weeks. That's why my daughter jumped on it, when I told her about it. Fingers crossed you enjoy both Blue Moon and Bromance. I thought both were great.

  17. The Broadway show sounds so cool! Glad you enjoyed it! And the CANgeneering sounds fun!
    I can't wait to read Sick Kids in Love and Bromance! I'm glad you loved I'll Meet You There! Such a great and beautiful novel.
    I hope you love The Simple Wild! Get the audiobook for it! It's so good!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I actually bought the ebook of The Simple Wild back in January, so I will be reading the book, but I have heard great things about the audio

  18. I had no idea that Percy Jackson was a musical! That's so awesome, and I'm glad you enjoyed it! So glad to read that you really enjoyed The Bromance Bookclub, I have a copy of it but I've hyped it up so much for myself that I'm worried it won't live up to my expectations. I can't wait to read your thoughts on The Simple Wild, that's one of my favorite books OF ALL TIMES!

    1. I heard so many good things about The Simple Wild, that I actually bought the book at FULL PRICE. I almost never do that, but I need to read it for myself. I am excited.

  19. The musical sounds exciting. How fun you got to see it. And those videos. Too fun. That dog with the kitty is precious:)

    1. It was Percy Jackson and it followed the book really closely, which was awesome.

  20. Love those can designs! So creative.

    And the dog patting the kitten - awwwww

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Some of the stuff people built with the cans were incredible. I wish I had gotten a picture of the lightbulb. It was really good.

  21. I think that it is great that you are able to participate in #ReadforGrace for a whole week. I know that she told me that I should read several different books and I plan to do so soon. It is really hard to come back from vacation but that just means you had a great time. Have a great week, Sam!

    1. I love that Lauren put together ReadForGrace, and I get a little misty just thinking about her as I read these books, but I think of her fondly.

  22. The Cangineering looks like fun! Hope you enjoy your current reads.

    1. It's such an awesome event, and I hope scheduling allows me to participate next year.

  23. It looks like your furry friend had a great time at the musical-I love those pics! My monkeys go everywhere with me and I like taking their photo at the places they visit!

    1. I didn't know you take pictures of your monkeys. You need to post those

  24. Awww, that dog petting the kitten is the cutest thing ever. I hope you’re having a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Seriously, who taught that dog how to be so gentle!

  25. Awww you are so right, we can't vacation everyday. But how neat you got to see The Lightning Thief again!! And that dog petting the cat has to be staged?! Either way it warmed my heart. ❤️

    1. It was fun to see that show again, and they made it longer and added songs, so it was a new experience. Even if it's staged, that dog had such a soft touch.

  26. I am glad you're relishing in the memories of your holiday and that Percy Jackson on broadway was such a fantastic experience! I am so sorry the people behind you were annoying >> We can never choose who ends up around us in those situations. Happy to see you loved I'll Meet You There and enjoyed Four Day Fling :D

    1. It astounds me, that these parents paid $140+ per ticket for their small children to attend this show, which was not a show for small children, just to be miserable the entire performance. You gotta know your kids' limits.

  27. The Lightning Thief Musical sounds like so much fun---I hope I manage to see it someday! And that can art is amazing!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. My daughter thinks LT is doing a limited run so it is eligible for award season. She is probably right. Either way, I am happy we got to see the new and longer version, because it was wonderful. I know it toured at one point. Maybe it will again at the end of this run.

  28. What a fun vacation, and I'm glad you loved the Percy Jackson musical. That CANgineering event at your work is awesome - people did a great job.


    1. CANgineering is probably my favorite event we do at work. I am always amazed by everyone's creativity.

  29. It sounds like you had such a. wonderful vacation Sam! I want to check out Penny Reid. I can't wait to see what you end up thinking of Dr. Strange Beard. I'm so glad to hear that The Bromance Book Club and Sick Kids in Love were great reads, since I have both for review as well :). The CANengineering event looks like so much fun!!!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Penny Reid books are so funny and smart. Her books are always a good time for me. Fingers crossed you love Bromance and Sick Kids as much as I did. I thought they were near perfect.
