
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Let's Cook!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Let's Cook!

Well, actually, the topic is what you like to eat or drink while reading, but since I do most of my reading during my commute, I am not usually eating or drinking. However, I still wanted to stay close to the theme, and though I would feature some of the YA books with teen chefs. All of these books included scenes featuring food and left my mouth watering.

Do you like to cook?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I like food in books! Although then I go off in search of snacks lol so maybe that's not always a good thing! Love a la Mode has a neat cover (they all do, really) and makes me want ice cream. Speaking of, that reminds me of the cover for Love & Gelato. That's what I should have done- food covers.

    1. Good thing I tend to read on the run, because the food in books makes me hungry too. Gelato, yum! There are some really great food covers out there. I bet you could have come up with a great list.

  2. Oooh! Yummy! I definitely love the cover for The Art of French Kissing. I hadn't seen it before. I'll have to check it out!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

  3. I always enjoy a character who is a foodie. The first one that came to mind was Jill from Katy Upperman's Kissing Max Holden. She baked up a storm and had plans for culinary school.

    1. Doh! I wish I had remembered that book. She did cook a lot in the book. I usually work backwards from newest to oldest on my read shelf, when I make these lists. So, that book would be far back, but still a great one.

  4. Love your take on the topic! In my head I love to cook, but in real life, I'm not very good! OMG, all that ice cream in Stay Sweet, yum!

    1. I hate to cook, which is why I miss my kid so much. And, yes! All that ice cream talk and tasting had me salivating as I read Stay Sweet

  5. Cool spin on the topic. I think the only book I’ve read that stars a teen chef is The Doughnut Fix. It was cute and funny.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I have The Doughnut Fix on my TBR. It sounds great! I saw it had a sequel too.

  6. I hope to read With the Fire on High this week! If I had done this TTT I would have added my all-time fav about food, Like Water for Chocolate! Love this list Sam! I'll have to check a few of them!

    1. I hope you read With the Fire on High, because Emoni was such a fantastic protagonist. I never read Like Water for Chocolate, because I had seen the film, and I don't usually read the book after seeing the adaptation, though I will watch the film after reading the book. Look, I'm odd like that.

  7. i binge read books i may not review when on vacation or traveling. at least then i'm not binging on (junk) food. lol
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Yep, books have never been blamed for weight gain.

  8. I've not read any of these yet, but TALBILB is really high on my list!

    Steph -

    1. Lara Jean is one of my all-time favorite characters. I fell in love with her and her family, when I read that series. I hope you get to at some point, though, the film did a good job capturing the spirit of the books.

  9. I love how you switched the theme up! I recently read Small Town Hearts and really enjoyed it. The Art of French Kissing is one of my favorite books, and so underrated!

    1. I was surprised by many of the reviews I read after I finished French Kissing. I liked it.

  10. Oh fun topic twist! I can't remember if any of the characters I read had a knack for cooking. I'm sure someone did...but since in my reads, they have so little time to cook, it doesn't get mentioned but once or twice! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It's hard working on your culinary skills, while you are saving the world.

  11. I love the twist you put on this theme Sam! And my kids had to learn to cook since they were around 6 years old. Now they are self sufficient and good to marry LOL

    1. My daughter fell in love with cooking, when she took the class in middle school. She is a really cook too. It's good, because our kids can cook for us.

  12. Replies
    1. Both Acevedo's books were so good. I heard the audiobooks are great too.

  13. I like what you did with this week's topic. I don't eat while I read in most cases either. I haven't read any of the books on this list but I do love books that feature food or cooks.

    1. Books featuring food make me want to eat, but I don't keep anything good in the house. It keeps me honest.

  14. Such a fun spin on this week's topic. With the Fire On High is one I've really been wanting to read and I didn't even realize several of the others featured cooking.

    1. I hope you get to read or listen to With the Fire on High, because Acevedo's books are fantastic.

  15. I love books that include cooking. Especially the cozies. I've found some delicious recipes!

    1. I think it's fabulous, when they include the recipes. The last book I read, which did that, was Natalie Tan's Book of Good Fortune.

  16. I don't think I've ever read a book with a teen chef. I need to give one of these a try!

    1. I feel like they are getting more and more popular these days.

  17. I like how you creatively tweaked the topic! I don't really eat or drink when I'm reading because all of my attention is on the story, unless it's slower paced then coffee or tea is nice to sip on. My minds blanking and any books I've read that featured food or chefs!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I love making lists, and I like to try and work with the topic. Yes! I find it very distracting to eat as I read. I don't even drink much, just some sips every now and then of my water.

  18. The Taming Demons For Beginners book I read recently was full of baking and sweet treats! I could barely stand to read the delicious descriptions as it make me want all the cakes! I think I'd have to avoid these while hungry, lol.

    1. It's good to see our paranormal friends enjoying food too. I am not a big sweets eater, but cake is my downfall. I would have been salivating right there with you.

  19. I don't really cook other than follow instructions on the back of meals! I do make decent soups and the odd casserole but I'm not a brilliant cook!

    1. I can cook ok, but it's so much work for like 10 minutes of eating, and I don't really enjoy the cooking part.

  20. With the Fire On High is one eating and cooking book which I want to try. I also enjoyed all the food in Pride by Ibi Zoboi. I love food mentioned in books because well, I love to eat.

    1. Pride did have amazing food. I wanted to go to one of her neighborhood parties so badly. I grew up in East Flatbush, which I believe is still considered a Caribbean neighborhood, and the food was incredible.

  21. Thank you for this post. I adore books with food *immediately adds these to the TBR* and since I have Small Town Hearts here, I'd put that one high up on my TBR tower.

    1. Small Town Hearts was a happy/kinda sad book. The romance was wonderful and the way the main character grew was fantastic, but it also takes on growing apart and toxic friendships, which was little sad for me. I hope you get to it, because I really enjoyed it.
