
Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: I'm NOT Avoiding You

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

I'm Not Avoiding You!

This week we are talking about books, that have been on my TBR, but I have yet to read for whatever reason.

Top Reasons I Avoid a Book:
  • I am guilty of avoiding final books in a series. It's a combination of not wanting to say goodbye, but also worry, that the book won't deliver closure or the grand ending I, in my heart, believe the series deserves. 
  • I also tend to constantly bypass books people tell me I "have" to read. I feel so much pressure to read and enjoy these books, that I just can't bring myself to dive in. 
  • I tend to be leery of reading books by favorite authors, that have had a lukewarm reception. I just don't want that book to soil my memories of them in my mind. 
  • If I fear, that a book will be too sad, I will put it off, while I wait to be in the appropriate headspace to read it.  
Below is a sampling of the books I have been "avoiding" for one of the above mentioned reasons, but all of these are still books I WANT to read, I just have to convince myself to do it.
The first five books on this list are all series finales. I avoid them like the plague, but I tend to eventually take the plunge.

  • I'll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios - This book is always spoken up in the best way possible, and many, MANY people have told me that I would love it. I selected this as my book of choice some time ago, but still haven't read it. I fear it won't live up to the hype in my head, and then I will feel like some kind of reader reject, who didn't like this book everyone else did. 
  • What to Say Next by Julie Buxbaum - I adore Buxbaum. I have loved her YA and adult books, but I kept seeing "meh" reviews for this one. This is another book I bought, but have put off, because I fear adding a "meh" book to my Buxbaum history. 
  • The Arsonist by Stephanie Oakes - I read SO many rave reviews for this book, and this is another case of me worrying about being the outlier and not enjoying it, like everyone else did. 
  • Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin - Sad books are sad, and I am a crier. I fear this book will leave me a puddle, though I still want to read it. 
  • I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver - I went as far as checking this out, but then, it went unread, because everyone kept talking about how heartbreaking and soul crushing it was. I have to really be in a special place to knowing tackle a book like that, and I just haven't been, but I am still eager to read this. 

Why do you avoid certain books?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I've always afraid of being that one person who doesn't like a well-loved book!

    I've also been putting off Finale, but because I didn't LOVE the first two books, I'm not sure I want to take the time to finish the series.

    1. My daughter did like Finale, but we are fans of the series.

  2. Queen of Air & Darkness made it to my list. But, SAM!!! I am personally attacked by the presence of IMYT on this list!!!!!!

    1. I know!!! I am a total trash human. Mark my words, I will read that book THIS year

  3. I hope you enjoy these! I was disappointed with the ending of The Arsonist, but I love the characters, and it’s an entertaining story.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. A bad ending makes me want a refund on my time. It's like the biggest crime an author could commit in my opinion.

  4. I totally get wanting to avoid finales! I STILL haven't finished A Conjuring of Light because it's the finale lol. I also worry and put off reading books I'm super excited for because I don't want to hype it up too much and then not enjoy it.

    1. I think it is good to let the hype die down, because having certain expectations has marred many reading experiences for me.

  5. I do think you;ll like I'll Meet You There but it's emotional and a rough ride so be in the right frame of mind.

    I have I Wish You All the Best on my favorites list with Hoopla and am avoiding for the same reason. I just finished Like a Love Story and the Music of What Happens and I'm not sure I can handle one more heartbreaking book right now lol

    Your reasons are the same that mine would be.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Good advice. I do need to have the right mindset for super emotional books. Like a Love Story was a bit tough - I cried buckets for Stephen, but it was very hopeful at the end, and that's what I need, when I read a sad book.

  6. Yeah there are certain things that either for personal/triggering reasons or just personal preference I don’t or can’t read. Sick or dying kids or parents are in that category and there seem to be a fair amount in YA. Life can be depressing enough these days! Then I avoid time travel and epistolary books typically but do make an exception sometimes!

    1. I always cry, when I read a sick kid book, but I keep going back for more. So, I guess I am glutton for punishment. The majority of my books tend to be on the lighter side, because I agree with you, that life is depressing enough. I have not read too many time travel books, but I am fan of epistolary books.

  7. Mostly new to me ones here, except for Finale of course! I adored that one to pieces!!

    Hope you get around to reading all of these one day and love them full-heartedly!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I know you are president to the Caraval fan club. 😁

  8. I came here from Read All The Things and somehow in my head thought I was still reading AJ's post and was so confused by your list. It makes much more sense as a Sam list! LOL!

    I'm another fan of I'll Meet You There, but I didn't LOVE The Arsonist (much preferred Sacred Lies). My 13 year old daughter thinks I Wish You All the Best is the best book ever, and has stolen my classroom copy. There's a lot of cute romance as well as the tough stuff, but as a mom, you're going to be PISSED at those parents. Sheesh.

    1. Agreed. AJ and I have very different reading tastes. As long as I Wish You All the Best ends in a hopeful way, I will enjoy it. I am ok with shedding tears as I read, but I want all happy tears at the end.

  9. I do that with series sometimes. I also put off books that I am looking forward to, thinking I will savor them, and then I don’t get to them. I wasn’t super impressed with I’ll Meet You There. I read all the rave reviews and it read like a typical angsty romance, a lot of drama and all that. It really didn’t wow me.

    1. I have been really excited about books and preordered them and never read them. Maybe it's my sub conscience doing what you say - putting them off, so I can savor them later.

  10. I just recently listened to Finale on audiobook - it's a pretty great finale! I'm also putting off Queen of Air and Darkness - I don't want this part of the series to end!

    1. Funny thing, my daughter read both those books, so I know the endings are satisfying. I am just a trash human. I am glad the Finale audio was good, because I might be listening instead of reading it.

  11. GAHHH! I agree with so many of your reasons but notably I too avoid last books in series. I see so many series enders that disappoint readers. I also sometimes avoid hyped books that I feel meh about. I worry that I'm going to be yet another unpopular opinion. ❤

    1. I was just saying to Lauren, my daughter has read all those finales, so I know the ended well, but that is my fear, for the most part. Hype can be a killer in that it sets my expectations in some outer stratosphere. Not meeting my expectations is a surefire way for me to be really disappointed.

  12. I'm sure I'm guilty of pushing I'll Meet You There. It's one of my all-time favorites. But... no pressure. :) I almost started What To Say Next over the weekend when I was choosing my next book. I didn't realize it had mixed reviews. And I Wish You All the Best... yes, there were sad parts (mainly the very beginning) but it was also hopeful and I loved that about it.

    1. I might make it my backlog book next week. I have been good about actually reading those books. Good to hear that about Wish. I think I could take that.

  13. I'm the same about the ending to a series. Especially one I really love.

    1. Saying goodbye is NOT easy, though, many of the authors seem to be reviving series many years later, so maybe it's more like until we meet again.

  14. I often avoid the final books in series, too. It's hard to say goodbye to beloved characters.

    My TTT.

    1. Truth! You would think my desire to know how it ends would beat out my denial that it's ending, but it doesn't

  15. Damn Saaaaam! I am despairing of you here LOL I understand for the last book of the series but if others who know your taste good enough tell you to read I'LL Meet You There ...just try it! And if you feel better don't tell anyone that you are reading it except when you're finished IF you loved it ;-))))

    1. I just told Tanya, that I am going to make IMYT my backlog book next week. I am on a streak for reading the books I feature.

  16. I'm glad I'm not the only one who avoids the final book in a series. I hate saying goodbye, lol.

    1. Same, like Boyz II Men said, it's so hard to say goodbye. You read that final book, and then it all ends.

  17. I agree with you. I tend to stay away from over hyped books, but sometimes I can't stay away.

    1. If I see enough people, who I tend to agree with about certain books LOVING a particular release, I will eventually read it. I have my name of the wait list for Bringing Down the Duke, and I am not really a historical romance reader, but everyone loved it so much. I need to check it out.

  18. I always worry that the finale will be a damp squib! I've had it happen to a few series and I hate it when it happens! I am reluctant to say goodbye to series I really love so I often delay the last few as I know it'll be YEARS before I can revisit the books for a reread!

    1. I haven't read too many duds, but the possibility is always there, and it stresses me out. I think I had the final Iron Fey book for 2 or more years before I finally read it, and now she is writing more books. Go figure!

  19. I really loved What to Say Next---I appreciated a fresh POV. Hope you end up reading it eventually and enjoying it! (And I am completely guilty of the series ender thing---SO many final books to read!)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It's high on my list, and I actually bought that book (which is rare). I am trash. I keep you all.

  20. I'm with you on all your reasons for putting off reading books that you want to read. I've been avoiding Kingdom of Ash and Queen of Air and Darkness (not to mention books one and two in that series despite me owning all three!) because I'm too nervous to read them. I just keep saying one day and feeling nervous/guilty every time I see them all sitting on my bookshelf, lol.

    1. The funny part about almost all the series enders I mentioned is that my daughter read them, and she approved, and she is much tougher on books than I am, especially SFF books. You would think that would make me feel better, but it doesn't

  21. I put off reading books for many of the same reasons. I also tend to "save" a few books from my favorite authors so that I have a guaranteed good read when I really need it. Two of these are on my bookshelf but I haven't read them yet. I'll Meet You There and What to Say Next will make it to the top of my tbr someday.

    1. I am determined to read both those books before we enter 2020. The idea that we are so excited about a release that we "save" it is odd, but I am so guilty of that.

  22. Ah yes, the pressure of reading books people tell you to read. I always say I might read them soon because they do sound interesting but at the same time I'm worried I won't like it especially if that book is a favorite of the person who told me to read it.

    I don't really have any book I'm avoiding in my TBR anymore but I'm taking my time not reading Lord of Shadows and Queen of Air and Darkness not because I'm avoiding them but because I don't have the energy to read that many pages yet.

    1. YES! The bigger the book, the longer it will take me to read it. I think part of my love of contemporaries is strongly linked to how much shorter they are. I get that gratification of blazing through a book and checking it off my list.

  23. I Wish You All the Best IS heartbreaking at parts, but it also has great friendships, cute romance, and how Ben develops their relationship with their sister, Hannah, was also exceptional. So yes, it has painful moments, but it's also beautiful, lovely and uplifting, and Nathan is easily the sunniest, loveliest character I've read about this year - or ever, tbh.

    I'll Meet You There is INCREDIBLE, but I understand being scared of the hype. I need to read The Arsonist - my friends sent my an ARC from YALC, and it's my biggest shame that I never got to it despite loving the author's debut.

    Hope you'll love all these books, Sam!

    1. That's good to know about I Wish You All the Best. I remember having it downloaded to listen to, and I saw a review about how heartbreaking it was, and I just wasn't in the headspace. However, it sounds like there are more good/happy/great things than sad things. I can do that

  24. You've not read I'll meet You There? What?! Even I've read it and I almost never read the books folks like. I adore that book and I will be one of many people hyping it up and telling you to read.

    1. I had planned on making it my Book from the Backlog for next week, but then, I had another backlog book that would pair well with one of my review books. I will read it though. I really feel like it's going to happen in 2019

  25. I Wish You All The Best sounds so good! I'm hoping to read it at some point soon :)

    1. I have heard a lot of good things. I think I am going to bite the bullet and check the audiobook out, after I finish the four I have right now.

  26. I also tend to delay finales of books I really love. Like, it took me two years to get to Winter by Marissa Meyer because I didn't want it to end! I Wish You All the Best is so hyped so I can see why you might be delaying that one. I also really need to read I'll Meet You There...

    1. I finally put I'll Meet You There in my spreadsheet, so chances are good I will read it.
