
Sunday, September 15, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Happy Sunday! I hope everyone had a great week. Mine was filled with all my online shopping orders coming in and a few surprises.

Look at my new Tom's! I wasn't going to get them, but Kiersten talked me into it. I think I squealed, when I opened they, because they looked even better in person than in the picture.

On Wednesday, my company held a really beautiful ceremony to honor all those we lost on 9/11. I guess about seven years ago, we had been selected to display a piece of the World Trade Center, and we were lucky enough to be chosen again. Seeing the long line of first responder vehicles escorting the beam down our courtyard took my breath away. They then paused in front of the tree, which was planted for the six people my company lost, and then proceeded to the final display site. Along the way they stopped to ring the bell marking the falling of the first tower. There were some speeches, and again, the bell rang for the second tower. It was really moving, and I felt lucky to be a part of it.

On Thursday, I got the best surprise of the week. My daughter was supposed to be flying back to Chicago, but her flight was canceled, so she came home for the evening. Not the longest visit. She had to get back to Chicago Friday, because she had tickets to Riotfest (I am insanely jealous), but I will take what I can get.

Let's Discuss!
  • Amber asked WTF is YA?
  • Caitlin shared her thoughts on blog hopping
  • Chai told us why she loves reading romance

On the Blog:
  • Monday: Nutshells - The Silence Between Us, The Liars of Mariposa Island
  • Tuesday: TTT - I'm NOT Avoiding You
  • Wednesday: CWW/BFTBL - The How & The Why, Golden
  • Thursday: #AmReading - How to Be Remy Cameron, Suggested Reading
  • Friday: Discussion - NOT a Fangirl



I also got some swag for The Babysitters Coven as a thank you for being part of the tour. It was lovely of Kate Williams to send it.

What I Read Last Week

I went hard on the middle grades books this past week, and they did not disappoint. Whenever I need a little pick-me-up, a middle grades book always does the trick. Even when they deal with serious issues, it is always done in such a lovely way, and I am left with a bursting heart.

I was blessed with two five star reads as well. I am happy I invested in Kirby's backlist, because I am a fan of her books, and Golden was full of great surprises. I also really loved Michigan vs. the Boys. I keep seeing people name dropping Moxie, when talking about the book, but it's really a look at toxic male culture, as well as the bias and double standard for women. I felt all sorts of emotions reading this book, and was very happy with the way Allen let the story play out.



What I Am Currently Reading

Eliza and Her Monsters was such a hit for me, and I am excited to be reading another Zappia book. I will probably be done, by the time you read this post, but so far, I am enjoying this paranormal story.

Getting Schooled is a fun contemporary romance. I had seen Nick talking about it, and it was on Hoopla, so I thought, why not. I prefer my audiobooks to be on the fun side, and contemporary romances always work well for me in that format.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Love those videos! And that's nice that 9/11 was honored that way.

    Michigan vs the Boys has me curious! Glad it was good. I've gotten away from middle grade the last few years, I reviewed more of it when I first started blogging, but there's so much good stuff out there. I should dip my toe back in those waters I guess.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I once said I would never read middle grades, but I have been so impressed with the work those authors are putting out there. If you decide to try one (or two), I would start with Wonder, Percy Jackson, or Flipped. Those three really stand out.

  2. Love the Tom's!! And I'm glad your daughter stayed another night with you :)
    I'm glad you liked The Survival List. I'm intrigued by that one. I need to check if Getting Schooled is on Libby. How does Hoopla work?? Gahhh lucky for having Faker! I want it so bad!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. You cannot even see how pretty the Tom's are though. The front are velvet and the sides are sparkly. I love them! Libby is the app you use to access the books from your public library. Hoopla is also linked to my library card (my township pays for the service), but is different because it is transaction based, meaning, I never have to wait to check a book out. I found out about my access via my library website. Check to see if this is something offered where you live.

  3. You shoes are adorable! I can see why I couldn't resist them:) Looks like I missed a few of your book posts this week. Sorry I've not been by more. And I enjoy the middle grade stories too:)

    1. Come by when you can, read the posts you want. It's all good. I have been so impressed with the middle grades books I have read, and they always leave me in such a good mood.

  4. LOL I meant to say why you couldn't resist them. Must have been thinking how much "I" wanted them.

    1. You know you want some cat shoes. You NEED some cat shoes 😊

  5. The Toms are really cute! I could never wear those as I've realllllly flat feet and need a more supportive shoe. But I always love seeing the cute patterns they have!

    Nice new reads too! All totally new to me ones but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I actually have orthotics for my flat feet, and I love my Tom's. They feel like slippers, and they have a lot give on the side, which alleviates the pain I have due to a huge bunion.

  6. Ok, I need those Tom's. They would drive my coworker absolutely. It's and that's what I live for these days.

    1. I wasn't going to get them, but my daughter talked me into them. Obviously, I bought her a pair too, but she has a solid cat clothing fetish. As for your co-worker, you know, you gotta live for something, right?

  7. Those Tom's are seriously the cutest things!

    That's such a nice 9/11 tribute to honor your fallen coworkers. It's hard to believe it has already been 18 years. Still seems like yesterday.

    1. Tom's keeps making cute shoes, and my daughter keeps convincing me I need them, though I don't. I remember 9/11 so vividly, and I thought it was really beautiful what they did at our campus.

  8. Everyone deserves some online shopping from time to time and I love those Toms! They're a purchase I'd probably have to be talked into and would have no regrets once I actually owned them. And what a beautiful ceremony your company put on for 9/11 as well.

    I am insanely jealous you have Francesca Zappia's newest book, I really want to read so can't wait to see what you think. Also keep dithering over borrowing Made You Up from the library so can't wait to see your thoughts on that too.

    1. It's like the only kind of shopping I do. I really hate going out. In public. Zappia's new book was interesting. It's a paranormal. I enjoyed it a lots, and actually hope there will be a sequel, because that ending SCREAMED sequel to me.

  9. That sounds like such a moving 9/11 ceremony. It's so hard to read the stories and see the photos (even now) but then it feels so wrong to *not* look and read and remember.

    Love your new Tom's! So adorable. And hooray for your visit getting extended unexpectedly. :) Despite swearing off ARCs I make an exception for Katie McGarry. I requested her latest about 3 weeks ago and haven't heart anything so I guess it's not looking good. *sigh* Oh well, no harm in waiting for release date like everyone else. :)

    1. I requested McGarry's book a while ago, and just this week, I got a bunch of approvals from Tor. I am sure they are slowly working their way through the requests. There's always a tour too.

  10. That 9/11 ceremony looks so emotional and moving. It is amazing that 18 years have gone by but it still hurts so much. Even though I didn’t want Risa to be born on 9/11, in away it is a good thing because her bday reminds us that life is a gift and I appreciate that we have joy on a dark day.

    1. It really was beautiful, and there was a man from the PA, who when he was told by his superiors to evacuate, went and told others in the north tower to leave. He's credited with saving some lives that day, and seeing his reaction was really emotional. I didn't know your daughter's birthday was 9/11, but she really is a gift to celebrate on that day.

  11. Those Toms are adorable! I've never owned a pair! I hope you enjoy your new reads. Echoes Between Us looks really good. It looks like you had a wonderful reading week too! I wish I'd had that many high star reads back to back!

    1. I didn't *need* them, but the kid talked me into it. We are going to wear them with cat ears on our halloween cruise. It's funny, I only really had high expectations for the Kirby book, but I was thrilled that Murphy's middle grades debut was so good, and the other two, were pleasant surprises. Then again, there is something about the way middle grades authors approach topics that is always great, and I am never left without a full heart after reading a mg book.

  12. OMG Sam once again your videos with animals are so funny!!! And tell me with your new shoes do you attend ...catwalks ? Bwahahahahaha sorry it was too easy! They are Uber cool!

    1. Ha! Seriously, I laughed out loud. I liked the shoes when I ordered them, but I LOVED them in person. The velvet and the sparkly sides - they are lovely.

  13. The 9/11 ceremony sounds so well done. Just thinking about the things that happened that day makes me really emotional. I am happy that your daughter got to hang out with you a bit this week. My daughter stayed the night last night and visited for a couple of hours before heading back to school. Short visits can be nice :) It looks like you added some great books this week - I hope you enjoy them all. Have a great week!

    1. That day will forever be engrained in my memory. We used to be able to see the top of the towers from my Main Street, and after the attacks, we could the smoke for days and days. It's always such a treat when the kids come home, right? I am being spoiled right now because of her assignment here in NJ. I know I will be sad, when the contract ends.

  14. Those are the cutest shows I have ever seen! 😍 And the 9/11 ceremony sounds amazing! πŸ’— I also got the cute swag from Kate Williams! Isn't she the sweetest? Plus, I loved the book too! Such a fun read!

    1. I thought Babysitters was a lot of fun, and it was very nice of the author to send the swag. I am so happy with my cat shoes. No regrets.

  15. I am totally obsessed with Toms shoes! Seriously, they are pretty much the only thing I wear. Glad you got a little extra time with your daughter!

    1. It's not the best thing, that I get all those early notification emails from Tom's. I keep acquiring more and more shoes because of it.

  16. Wow, what a beautiful ceremony. I'm glad you were able to be a part of that.

    1. It was so lovely, and we had a great day for it too.

  17. Those shoes are absolutely adorable!! And I love the Babysitter's Coven patch too---super cute!

    Glad you got to experience the 9/11 ceremony. Sounds like it was really powerful.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. The swag was cute, even if I am not a swag person. It was super nice of Williams to send it.

  18. Looks like you had a great reading week! I love those cat shoes.

    1. It was good. I don't even think I DNFed anything last week.

  19. The Toms are so cute! Sounds like a moving 9/11 ceremony. I didn't know your company suffered loss.

    It's been a long time since I read a Katie McGarry. Enjoy, Sam! :)

    1. My company is huge and we had a presence in NYC. My mother, who worked for my company for 30 years, was actually supposed to be in a meeting at the towers, but it was pushed to after lunch (thank goodness!) I adore Katie McG! Even when I thought I wouldn't (me and MC books?), I did.

  20. Nothing like the arrival of online shopping orders! LOVE your new Tom's! That 9/11 ceremony looks so beautiful and moving!

    1. Packages are cool, bills are not, but I do love my shoes.

  21. What a lovely ceremony for 9/11, and that's really sad that your company lost people in the attack.

    Those shoes are adorable. OMG. I don't have any Tom's, but I've thought about it! I just love fun shoes.

    Yay for a little impromptu visit from your daughter. :)


    1. There are so many companies with a presence in NYC, who lost people. I am glad we do something to honor them. I have way too many pairs of Tom's. I used to wear them a lot when I was teaching, but they are not really office wear. I still buy them.

  22. It looks like you had a great week! Those Toms are super cute, and I'm a little jealous lol. I'm also planning on reading Royal Holiday soon (hopefully this next week)!

    1. I couldn't resist the siren's call of the cat shoes.

  23. Your company is involved in so many great things - volunteering, 9/11 celebrations...does it happen with other companies as well, or are they more socially aware?

    You always find the best animal videos LOL. And yay for the impromptu visit from your kid!

    1. I think a lot of big companies in the US encourage these kinds of things. It's good PR, and the new generation of workers prioritize company "culture". I am happy to be part of these things though.

  24. What an honor to be chosen to be a part of the 9/11 ceremony. I bet it was an emotional experience. I love your new Toms! They are very cute! Happy Reading all of your awesome new books, especially Katie McGarry's new book! I just love her :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I am always excited about a Katie McGarry book and cannot wait to read it.

  25. I love the shoes! They're awesome.
    The cat and dog video is adorable.
    What a nice way to pay remembrance on 9/11... I think everyone who was alive then remembers that day but it must be so much more to you having such a personal connection to it.

    Hope this week is going well, Sam!

    1. Proximity made 9/11 so real to me as well. We could see the smoke from the towers from my town, and my dad lost 46 friends. It was tough, but I felt blessed to be at that beautiful ceremony and glad my company gives some time to those we lost.

  26. Oh no, I am sorry about the flight getting cancelled and the time being limited because of that :/ That's a bit frustrating but I like your outlook of trying to make the most of it! Also, I really love those shoes :D

    1. The flight being cancelled was why I actually got to see her. So, it was a good-bad thing. Those shoes make me happy every time I wear them, therefore, a fantastic purchase.
