
Sunday, September 1, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I had to say goodbye to my darling daughter this morning, but was so happy to have her here for the past few days. I think I will be devastated, when her project in NJ wraps, because I am being spoiled with all these visits.

I am happy to be enjoying a three-day weekend. I don't usually like that many days in a row off, but with the unexpected visit from the kid, I am a bit behind.

I think my neighbor has a rooster. I walk to the bus stop at 5.55 am, and with fall approaching, it's now closer to daybreak than it has been all summer, and each day this week, as I approached the corner of my street, I heard the call of the rooster, over and over again. Now, I am wondering if that rooster has any friends.

Cat has more skills than me.....

It really is all about the simple things....

Hedgie's face is fantastic in this....

Let's Discuss!
  • Jen told us why she sometimes "takes a break" from an author (insert Ross & Rachel gif here)
  • The Captain continues to share amazing travel photos from Norway (I'm jealous!)
  • Tracy wonders why more people don't read indie?

On the Blog:
  • Monday: Review - On the Come Up by Angie Thomas
  • Tuesday: TTT - Not for Review
  • Wednesday: CWW - Look Both Ways, The Accidentals
  • Thursday: One Old, One New - American Royals, The Heir and the Spare
  • Friday: Book Tag - It's Magic Time!



What I Read Last Week

My reading week ended up being pretty great, though I did DNF two books. My mood can be a real problem sometimes. My standouts came in the form of my adult reads. Both Well Met and How to Walk Away were fantastic for me. The mix of humor and heartfelt emotion is something I love, and I know I will be reading more from both these authors.



What I Am Currently Reading

I started the Heartbreakers series, because I needed a book that fit my keyword challenge. I saw the word "paper" and Paper Hearts seemed like it would be fun and cute, and so far, it really is everything I expected.

I kept seeing people raving about Remy Cameron, so I had to get my hands on the book, and I am in love with this kid. His inner monologues keep making me smile.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh I love that dog one! Talk about enthusiasm! :)

    A rooster?!? Yikes. That would be interesting!

    Don't You Forget About Me (reminds me of the song) was on my radar a while back, but I never did get to it. I've been wanting to read Mhairi McFarland. Queens of Geek I thought was pretty good.

    Enjoy the long weekend!

    1. Yes! I sing that Simple Minds song every time I see a mention fo the book. I bought Queens of Geek because I saw a lot of positive reviews. I thought it would pair well with Remy Cameron, so, why not read it now.

  2. I suppose at least the rooster is crowing while you're headed to work rather than waking you up-for the moment at least. Might be worrying on the darker winter mornings!

    1. There is like zero farmland in this area. It's odd hearing the rooster in the morning.

  3. I'm glad you had a good time with your daughter!
    Does the rooster ever wake you up? I think that would really mess me up.
    The covers for your new books are awesome, I love them all. Hopefully, the story inside is good, too.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. I have only heard the rooster when I walk to the bus stop. My daughter's theory is that it's a really loud alarm clock. I don't know, because they have a really high fence, that I cannot see behind.

  4. I'm glad you're enjoying that time with your daughter!

    Open House sounds really good! How to Walk Away sounds awesome and you rated it almost 5 stars! I remember reading Ali Novak's work on Wattpad and loving her books!
    I'm pretty sure I read Heartbreakers on Wattpad. But PH was in the works of getting written and HB was close to being published so I never continued. I'll have to pick them up!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Now that she is working in Newark, I get to see my daughter a lot more, and I don't cry when I drop her at the airport, because I know she will be back soon.

      I had read the Walter Boys by Novak ages ago, and when I saw the Heartbreaker audiobooks, I thought, why not. So far, they are really cute.

  5. Quote: "I am happy to be enjoying a three-day weekend. I don't usually like that many days in a row off".
    You...don't? 😲

    Great vids as usual! Now I want to see that rooster though LOL. "Now, I am wondering if that rooster has any friends." LOL, why did you think of that?

    On a side note, I thought you were joking about your GR challenge the other day, but then I happened to glance at your sidebar and...HOW HAVE YOU MANAGED TO READ/LISTEN TO MORE THAN ONE BOOK A DAY?

    1. The more days I have off, the more time I waste. When I am burning my vacation days towards the end of the year, I usually take Wednesdays off. I like the break in the middle of the week. A three-day weekend is great, if I was going somewhere, but I am poor and mostly just sit at home.

      I listen to audiobooks at work and when I do chores/drive/etc. That allows me to get through 2 -3 a week, and I can usually read 5 books a week. Contemporaries usually clock in under 500 pages, and I read at a rate of 60 pages/hour (according to my Kindle). It's easy to read one a day.

  6. I'm glad for the 3 days weekend this week myself! I plan to stay home tomorrow and read a good chunk of my book! I wish I could say I will finish it, but I've turned into a slow reader somewhere down the line! Lol.

    Hope you enjoy the new to me reads you got this week! Happy Reading!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. It comes in handy this week, since I pushed responsibilities to the side to spend time with my daughter. Now, I have to do all my weekend chores. Boo!

  7. Bwahahahahaha Sam! That dog was so "jumpy" LOL And your caption was totally appropriate. We had a rooster not far from our house some months ago and it was hell! He sang at the crack of dawn waking everyone up!
    On another note: I hope your daughter will visit you back soon!

    1. That's dog is like the embodiment of happiness and joy. I love him! I live in the suburbs, but really far from any farmland. It's odd to have farm animals in these parts. My daughter is coming back next Sunday and staying overnight. Short visit, but it's the most I have seen her in years.

  8. Golden retrievers are my favorite, so thanks for sharing the enthusiastic dog and ocean clip. I loved, loved Queens of Geek and it came into my life at the exact time I needed it.

    1. They are very lovely dogs, and I loved his unbridled joy! I am glad to hear Queens of Geek was a hit for you. Now I am even more excited about it.

  9. Is the rooster neighbor a good thing or a bad thing? Haha! Hopefully, it's not waking you up when you're snoozing!
    Love all the cute animal videos! I love animals so much.

    1. I live nowhere near farmland, and I am not even sure if it's legit to own farm animals in these parts, so, it's a little odd. I don't hear the rooster from my home, only when I am walking to the bus stop. My daughter things it's an alarm clock, but I didn't think the "call" was that uniform. The mystery continues.

  10. Oh my gosh that dog is sheer joy!!!!! A rooster in my neighborhood would not live long for sure. Someone around here would end up having a lovely chicken dinner!
    Hope you have a good week ahead!

    1. Right? I love seeing happiness like that. It always rubs off on me. I have heard that in a town or two over, when you go to the butcher for chicken, he slaughters it right in front of you. My aunt and uncle raised pigs upstate when I was a kid, but I will never get used to that sort of thing.

  11. Hope you enjoy and have a lovely sunday!! :)

  12. Enjoy your day.

  13. A rooster, huh? Not sure I would enjoy that. I'm so glad you've been able to enjoy more visits with your girl. So happy for you. :) The dog at the beach is just priceless. LOL I'm so excited for Blitzed! Alexa Martin is quickly becoming a favorite. Well Met looks so cute and I was glad to see it was a hit for you. Hope you have a great week, Sam!

    1. I am all about the pairing Martin has in store for us in Blitzed. I think it's going to be amazing.

  14. I'm glad you were able to have a visit with your daughter! And yay for a three day weekend, especially since you need it. I hope you enjoy your new reads. I really want to read The Liars of Mariposa Island!

    1. Mariposa was kind of sad, but the historical events she included were very interesting.

  15. I'd like to read Well Met, it sounds like a lot of fun.
    Glad you're getting lots of visits with your daughter! I don't think I'd be too happy about living near a rooster though...

    Each of your video selections made me smile. Animal videos are what the internet is about. The world would be a happier place if more people just sat and watched the animal videos. I once lost about 20 minutes of my life watching a hamster sit and eat a piece of carrot... I kept hitting repeat. It just looked so happy and peaceful, lol.

    1. Well Met was so much fun! I had a great time reading it. I dread when my daughter's project in NJ ends, because I have been so spoiled lately. It's been years since I have seen her this often. I am hoping maybe to spend her birthday with her. She is turning 25, and I have not celebrated with her since she turned 18.

      There is so many awful things on the internet, but because the universe believes in balance, there are animal videos.

  16. Dogs are great aren't they. They live in the moment and find joy in the simplest things:)I'm glad you are having time with your daughter. My son is still at home and I often wonder what it will be like when he moves out and starts his own journey.

    1. One of the worst days was dropping my kid at college, who knew she would progressively end up further and further away. It's tough, so I will relish this serendipitous assignment and be happy to have the extra time with her.

  17. I'm glad to hear you had a wonderful visit with your daughter. Hopefully her project in NJ won't wrap up too soon so you can get in a few more visits.

    Well Met was one of my top reads of the week too. I just loved everything about it.

    I'll be looking forward to your review of Queens of Geek. That's one I'm supposed to be reading for my backlist challenge this year but keep pushing aside for whatever reason.

    1. Well Met had everything I love to see in a romance, and it made me really want to run out and find a ren faire, or at least a large turkey leg.

  18. I am so glad that you are getting to spend time with your daughter. I know it is sad to see her go. I am enjoying a 3 day weekend as well and am loving it! You read The Accidentals this week! Yay! I hope you have a great week Sam!

    1. This extra day came in handy, since I wanted to spend as much time as possible with the kid. Now it's the long haul until my vacation at the end of the month. Hope you had a nice and relaxing day.

  19. Ahh yay I'm so happy to hear you got to enjoy your daughter a little more this past week and yay for a long weekend, I can't wait to have one haha :)Really impatient to hear what you think of Queens of Geek, I loved that one so much! :)
    Have a wonderful week! <3

    1. I remember Queens of Geek getting a LOT of great reviews, so I am looking forward to it.

  20. Ooooh I can't wait to see your thoughts on Well Met and Babysitter's Coven. I've been eyeing them quite a lot lately. Wonderful post, Sam, and hope you have a good week! :)

    1. Well Met was fantastic! So much fun. I thought Babysitters was a solid start the series. I found the humor on point and thought the Babysitter lore was quite interesting.

  21. I am so curious about Suggested Reading, so I hope it's a good one. I'm glad you had a nice time visiting with your daughter!


    1. I finished it yesterday and absolutely loved it. It's all about books and the people who read books and how they can impact us differently. I'm a fan.

  22. Glad to hear you had a nice visit with your daughter. A rooster in the city? Kind of odd, lol.

    I got a copy of Love on Lexington Avenue after I heard it was better than the first. Hope we both love it. :)

    1. I don't live in a city, it's still considered the burbs, but there is exactly zero farmland in my area.

      I am reading Lexington right now. I like LL. Even when it's not my favorite, I enjoy it, and I had a good time reading the first book, because I adored Oliver.

  23. Glad you've had a nice visit with your daughter! Let's hope her project gets extended---hmmm... how can we add in a little scope creep (I mean, it's worked for my deck project, so...) :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Her last project lasted for over a year, so maybe this one will too.

  24. Haha, I love that bouncy dog. My dog would probably try to drink the water. She’s never seen the ocean. I hope you’re having a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  25. I've been leaving my window open at night and I hear the geese flying in every morning :-)

    It's nice that you've gotten to spend all that time with your daughter. Where does she live when it's over?

    I saw that dog int eh water video the other day and...pure joy!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. My daughter lives in Chicago (about 700 miles away), therefore, it's such a treat to have her company flying her into NJ so often. It's only supposed to be once a month, but I guess they have needed her more often during this start up period. I would be happy with once a month though.

  26. I can't wait to read The Babysitters Coven. :)

    1. I loved the main character's snark, and thought the idea of the babysitters was interesting. It did take a bit long to get to the reveal of the sitters, but I enjoyed spending time with Esme in the meantime.

  27. You have to make the most of your daughter being around until this project ends, it'll suck when she has to leave but it's great you get to spend so much time with her. And that cat has more skills than me too, it's not hard though.

    1. I know it's not really the project she wanted, but I am glad to have her in NJ so often.
