
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: My Favorite Tropes

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

My Favorite Tropes!

I remember seeing Gayle Forman on a panel, a few years ago, at BookCon, and she was talking about tropes and her love for them. I know I was nodding along with her, because I really don't think there are any bad tropes, and the success of the trope relies on how well the author executes it. Today, I am sharing books, which I loved, that featured some of my favorite tropes:

  • Fauxmance romance
  • Friends-to-More romance


I have no idea why I love this trope so much, but there is just something about fake dating that never gets old. Maybe it's the all the different circumstance under which the fake relationship develops or that fact that I know it will become real. Whatever it is, I'm a fan.


I am all about a relationship that is built on a solid foundation, and when it comes to the friends-to-more trope, we are not only starting with a strong friendship, but usually, lots of history between the characters too.

BONUS: Trope Bingo for all genres
What's your favorite trope?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I think that's true. Any trope is good, if the author does it well and/ or the reader likes it. Both of the tropes you listed are awesome in so many cases. I haven't read To All the Boys but I loved the Netflix version, and I have no doubt from watching that the books are great! So many of these others look fun too. :)

    1. I feel like tropes get a bad rap. Instead of condemning how the trope was executed, we get made at the trope, but I don't agree that tropes are necessarily a bad thing. Keep your eyes open for more TATBILB in the new year!!!

  2. I always enjoy a group of people with different talents working together to defeat evil, especially in UF if there are various creatures and magic users working together in harmony. I like the apocalypse dangerous trip to get home or get to a bug out location, or the horror side with something in the woods!

    1. I don't read a lot of survival/dangerous stories, but there is something fabulous about them. It says a lot about what people are capable of, when pushed.

  3. I do love a good trope, it can't be helped!

    Lotte |

  4. I like the friends to more trope because having a really good friendship first and knowing each other really well can be such a good foundation for a romance!

    1. It gives a good foundation, and we don't have to have those awkward getting to know you parts

  5. Love that fake romance is becoming such a popular trope! I need mooooore!!

    1. I have no idea why I love it so much, but I am glad it is being embraced by so many authors

  6. Friends-to-more is one of the only romance tropes I like. It’s realistic and so sweet!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. It is realistic. You hear about people marrying their childhood friends all the time, and it makes sense. You know them, you like , then you love them.

  7. I do think tropes can be done well, as long as the book isn't full of them! LOL I like both of these tropes. I'm a sucker for friends to more because I do like that connection before falling in love.


    1. I think trope overload can be a bit much, but that's true of anything in a book. I am just a very moderate person, and too much of a good thing does not equal better for me.

  8. I am all about the fake relationship and all the variations on that, I don't know why I love it but I really really do and there are some books on your list I've not read so I'm gonna have to check them out.

    1. Same, don't why, but I adore it. I did all YA, but there are a ton of amazing adult fake dating books out there.

  9. The fake dating is cute. I also adore the friends to lovers romance and I am very fond of the antagonistic love to hate relationships.

    1. Hate to love is usually winning for me as well, as long as they get to the love part sooner than later.

  10. OOh nice ones! I'm not too big on faux romance, though I've been seeing a lot of that one today! Lol. It's popped up occasionally in some of my paranormals, but I definitely enjoy friends to more, more! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I am such a fauxmance fan. I think my love of it relies on the reason behind it.

  11. Friends to more is one of my favorites too. When it's done well, it's a beautiful thing.

    1. I have yet to read a friends-to-more book that was unsuccessful for me.

  12. I love friends to lovers. I am totally digging it lately!

    1. There have been some really great ones lately too. It fun to do the wait and see and try to guess when it will happen.

  13. I do enjoy friends to more. :)

    Thanks for visiting my blog earlier, Sam!

  14. These tropes are some of my favorites too! Fake dating is getting more spotlight and I like that. There's just something between two characters pretending to be all sweet and couple-y while developing feelings for each other yet they're too scared to admit it because the other might not feel the same *smiles through the tears

    1. It's always fun to see when it "clicks" and the act becomes reality.

  15. These are almost all new to me! I haven't read many fake dating romance books, but I've heard great things about To All the Boys (obviously)!

    1. If you've seen the movie for TATBILB, you have a good feel for the book. They didn't get EVERYTHING in the film, but it captured the essence well.

  16. You have some great examples and tropes here! I love seeing Kasie West's book on here!

    1. I almost used On the Fence for friends-to-more, but I thought I should show a little love to some other authors.

  17. I have to agree with you. I don't think there are any bad tropes, just bad execution. I'm not a big fan of love triangles but I can think of a couple of really good love triangles (and am writing some myself). I love how you just provided a couple of interesting tropes and gave examples this week.

    1. The only love triangles I struggle with are when they have siblings in there, like in the Summer series by Jenny Han, because I hate to see family blown apart over a girl/guy.

  18. Yass, fake dating is one of my faves too! I especially love it if it's hate to love and fake dating. There's just something so satisfying seeing the characters slowly grow to realize they aren't faking their feelings anymore <3

    1. That's exactly what I think I love most about the trope. They think there's nothing, and then there is this AHA moment, and the characters have to confront themselves about their feelings. It's always good for me.

  19. Two amazing tropes! And I spy a few titles I don't yet have on my TBR... must check those out!

    1. Glad I could introduce you to a few new titles.

  20. Hahaha I did not know it was called fauxmance but it is obvious indeed sam! But I do prefer your second one.

    1. I don't know where I saw that term, but I loved it. I have never been disappointed by a friends-to-more story. They are always so solid.

  21. I'm a sucker for the friends-to-more trope, it's one of my all-time faves that always makes me love a book!

    Steph -

    1. Same. I imagine those romances lasting forever, because they were born from a strong friendship, and usually having seen the best and worst of that person without those love-sick rose colored glasses.

  22. I need to get reading, I've only read two books on your list (To All the Boys and Fill-in Boyfriend).

  23. Ooooh yes. These are two of my favorite ones that I enjoy as well. Fauxmance gets me everytime. Great picks, Sam! :)

  24. I love fake romances that become real romances! It was one of the ones on my list too.

    1. Right? They're the best! I always like seeing what sort of new situations the authors can come up with for forcing the fake romance too.

  25. What a great list of recommendations Sam!! ❤️❤️❤️ For some reason I really love fake dating too! I'm not sure what its allure is but I sign right up if its in a k-drama lol. I don't read it often but I see a book or two I need to look up now.

    1. Do they do a lot of fake dating in k-dramas? All I know about k-drama I have heard second hand, but they sound great.

  26. I'm not a fauxmance fan, but I do like a good friend-to-more romance. I think it's because they happen so often in real life that they feel authentic. I haven't read any of your suggestions in that category, so I'll have to give some of them a go!

    1. True. You would like to think that most strong relationships are built on a foundation of friendship.

  27. Ahh, this is a great recommendations list and I am such a fan of both of these tropes as well, so THANK you so much for this :D I loved so many of these books as well, especially to all the boys and words in deep blue. I have Only a breath apart on my TBR, I can't wait to read it :D

    1. I need more Cath Crowley. She just owned me with Words in Deep Blue.

  28. Friend to more is one of my absolutely favorite tropes. I fall for it every time. And Katie McGarry did it so, so well with Only a Breath Apart. (It helps that I love everything she writes. :)

    1. I am a solid McGarry fangirl. Her new book sounds incredible, and I will cry if my request on NG is not approved.

  29. Fauxromance gets me every time too! I also like enemies to lovers but only if it does well (often it is bullying to romance and I don't stand for that!) I really need to read The Fill in Boyfriend! For fauxromance, I really enjoyed No love Allowed by Kate Evangelista.

    1. I have read a lot of complaints about enemies-to-lovers being more like damaging relationship to lovers. Not my thing either. I have No Love Allowed on my TBR. Maybe I will make it one of my backlist books.
