
Sunday, August 18, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

You know what's really disappointing? When the weather report says the temperatures are going to be in the low 80s, but there is 2000% humidity, so it feels really hot anyhow. Yeah, that was this week.

I did get to Newark to see my daughter on Wednesday, however, we didn't realize there was a Kiss concert that night. Yep, victims of poor planning. All the eateries were packed with long waits, and we therefore, got our BBQ to go. The problem was there was nowhere to eat it. We ended up back at the train station, and I guess they keep the a/c low there to discourage lingering. Needless to say, the trip was shorter than I would have liked, and next time, I am suggesting she comes to Iselin for dinner.

I could not get over all the fantastic adaptation news this week.
  • The 2nd TATBILB movie has a release date AND the 3rd movie is confirmed. 
  • There's Someone in Your House is moving forward, full steam 
  • With the Fire on High is coming to your screen
  • Love, Simon is going to be a Disney Channel series
  • A One of Us Is Lying pilot is happening

I am just going to hit you with some cute stuff now

Let's Discuss!
  • Molly shared a How-To post about Feedly, my favorite way to organize blogs. 
  • The above post was spawned by Molly's discussion about how the blogosphere has changed.
  • Deb shared some interesting thoughts about if older books were re-written today. 
  • Pamela wonders about how realistic books need to be. 

On the Blog:
  • Monday: CWW/BFtBL - The Library of Lost Things, Lucky Few
  • Tuesday: TTT - Book Besties!
  • Wednesday: Blog Tour - How the Light Gets In by Katy Upperman
  • Thursday: Blog Tour - We Are the Ghosts by Vicky Skinner
  • Friday: Discussion - #Reviewathon! and Reviewing Books



What I Read Last Week

I had a really great week of romance reads, even if The Day We Met gutted me. Other than THAT one, they were fun, sexy, sweet - essentially, everything I love to see in a romance read.



What I Am Currently Reading

I am so in love with American Royals. It is exactly what I wanted and needed right now, and I am glad that McGee is keeping with her multi-POV, soapy drama type thing, which I really liked in her last series.

I am listening to The Lifeboat Clique for a reading challenge. It's super angsty, but I will credit Parks with coming up with an interesting premise.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Ooh The Lifeboat Clique- I remember when that came out. I thought it looked really fun. If you end up liking it I might give it a try. And sorry to hear about the concert snafu! That can definitely put a dent in plans when everything is jammed.

    I had not seen any of that adaptation news so thanks for sharing. I'm kinda excited about the One Of Us Is Lying pilot.

    1. Yeah. Not easy going out near a big event, but I did get to see some intense fans wearing Kiss-style face makeup. I am hoping, that whoever is involved with the One of Us is Lying adaptation does it justice, because I loved that book.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, I saw a Variety article this week about the casting.

  3. Argh. How dare Kiss disrupt a mother-daughter date? That was...well, a bit sad, to have to eat at the train station. But I'm sure you were elated all the same to see the kid 😉.

    I'm so ready for this summer to go. Sorry everyone who loves the "happy season" or has to go back to school/college/uni, but this one took the hugest toll on me. Perks of old age...

    1. Who knew a bunch of old guys in garish makeup would spoil my dinner. I think I only liked summer, because it always meant vacation and lazy days, but once I was no longer teaching and my daughter was done with school, it just turned into a bunch of hot and oppressive days. I am not a fan of extremes. I fancy fall and spring; not a big fan of summer or winter.

  4. Gah, I hate when things like that get in the way of a good day. At least you got to hang out for a bit but how can you plan for a concert being on when you don't even know about it? And I agree, adaptation news has been strong this week, I feel like there's been news on loads of stuff all at once.

    1. I guess we should have thought to check the events calendar, because the restaurant is RIGHT next to the Prudential Center. It always draws event crowds. When my daughter was in her 2nd year at Syracuse, she lived in the dorm right across the street from the Dome, which was where all the sporting events were held, and I swear! Every time I came to visit, there was an event, and the streets near her dorm were closed. She never checked. This is like a theme for us, I guess.

  5. One of Us is Lying is on my wishlist to maybe read...I don't read that kind of book often but it sounds interesting.

    1. I am not a hard-core mystery reader, but I love YA, and I really enjoyed it. I attribute a lot of that to the mix McManus threw in there of mystery, romance, and friendship.

  6. There's a One of Us Is Lying happening?! That's amazing! And I'm so happy you got to spend time with your daughter despite the short amount of time. I'm so excited for TATBILB! I remember reading The Lifeboat Clique when it came out and it was okay for me. I also got The Upside of Falling!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I am about halfway through Lifeboat, and it's oddly interesting? I feel like the level of angst is just a bit too high for me, but that may come down, as it seems like they are working through some prior issues.

  7. I'm glad you got to see your daughter. I really want to read American Royals now.

    1. I just finished the book. It was even better than I anticipated. I wish I had the sequel right now.

  8. Ack! Sorry about the concert crowds ruining the night out! But glad you had some quality time together! Despite icky weather. Yeah. I hate the heat and humidity too! It wasn't all that nice here either. Upper 90s and humidity, so basically YUCK! I am super excited about the TSIYH Netflix movie! Can't wait til that one premieres!!

    Nice new reads too! New to me ones as usual, but I hope you will enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I expected to hate TSIYH, because people were writing a lot of unflattering reviews, but I didn't. I guess I had more manageable expectations, and I am interested in seeing how they bring it to the screen.

  9. Those fluffy puppies on the moving walkway are the best thing I’ve seen in a while. Eating BBQ at a hot train station sounds disappointing. I guess I’m happy to live where I do because there are lots of parks with benches. I hope you have a great week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Didn't the fluffy pups just make you happy? *heart eyes* Newark is a city, and I think they don't have a lot of free seating to discourage people from loitering. Even to sit in the train station, I had to show my ticket.

  10. The humidity here is out of control as well. I'm over it. UGH. That hedgehog though!!! TOO CUTE!

    1. I wish it would just rain, a lot. Then it could maybe dry up for a day or so.

  11. The humidity has been terrible here as well. I check the temperature before taking the dogs for a walk the other day and it sounded was not great. The puppy videos were adorable, Sam! I am sorry that the crowds interrupted dinner with your daughter. Have a great week and enjoy your new reads!

    1. Same. I am not falling for the it's-70-outside trick again. A puppy pile seems like such a good idea right now. The kid and I just need to plan better for her next trip in. I vote she comes to the burbs.

  12. I am so excited about all the upcoming adaptations! I'm ready for a ton of book movies and shows!!

    1. So many! And, I know the adaptations give the books a boost too, so, it's good all around.

  13. OMG, this weather, I just can't anymore. I need fall to get here like now!

    1. I feel like we always sing this refrain by the time August rolls around. We can count down to fall together.

  14. I'm anxious for the heat to end, but we've got a ways to go unfortunately. Our summers in So California last FOREVER! Why can't fall last forever? Bummer about your dinner with your daughter.

    I can't wait to watch One of Us is Lying! :)

    1. I am seeking out that forever fall/spring place. If you find it, let me know. Yeah, dinner wasn't what I had hoped, but we did get to spend a little bit of time together, and I think she is back the end of the month.

  15. Our nights are in the 80s here and it's so humid it feels like I'm trying to breathe under water! That's August in the south. I still prefer that to freezing. LOL Love those puppies!

    1. See, it's no win weather up here. Icky summer, cold winter -- I see no appeal.

  16.'s all my youth Sam! And Have a Little Faith in Me was on my radar so...enjoy!

    1. There were people with stars over their eyes and everything! Have a Little Faith is hilarious so far. I am definitely into the humor and the friendship.

  17. 2000% humidity, huh? Sounds like Florida. :) Sorry the visit didn't work out better. I blame KISS. ;) Those puppies on the moving walkway... just balls of fluff! :) The Love Simon show will definitely be worth checking out. Picture Us In the Light has been on my TBR for over a year. Obviously I'm not getting to it any time soon so I just found the audio version on Hoopla. I'll get to it much quicker that way. The Day We Met sounds like such a ME book. I found that on Hoopla, too, so hopefully it will happen soon.

    1. We pretty much have the same awful weather that you have, but just for a shorter amount of time. Picture Us in the Light was a really complex, interesting, and heartwarming story. There was a bit of sweet romance, that I wanted more of too. Tanya! I was sobbing at work during The Day We Met. My co-workers were really concerned about me. Just be prepared.

  18. love the vids and pic. mr wonderful and i were cleaning the patio and garage and i know what you mean abou 2000% humidity. 90 degrees. when i am drenched with sweat, we know it's hot! lol
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. More power to you working outside in this weather. That's a hard pass for me.

  19. I nabbed The Day Way Met a while back but I haven't been brave enough to read it yet because I suspected it would gut me and you've just said it gutted you so now I'm even more reluctant to read it even though I really want to, lol.

    I'm sorry to hear that dinner with your daughter was a bit of a bust because of the concert... I didn't even know that Kiss were still a thing! :/

    1. It's so odd to me, how well The Day We Met has been received, because the whole book revolves around this couple, who cheat on their significant others for years. Maybe it's physically only one day a year, but it's always emotionally. There was just something about the way the author did it, that made it sit ok with me.

      Right? All these old bands are touring. It's pretty amazing to think of those old men in the make up and platform boots.

  20. Haha! I'm so glad the heat has given us a TINY break though! I'm sorry your trip was cut short. :( I really need to read American Royals so I'm glad to see you're enjoying it!

    1. Every now and then, I love a good, soapy drama, and McGee does it so well

  21. Hope your week ahead treats you well!!!

    Also, OH MY GOD, I can't believe I missed out on the fact that There's Someone Inside Your House cast Sydney Park. I love her. (I say that like I'm a huge fan when the reality is I've only seen her in the Pretty Little Liars spin-off, The Perfectionists, but that TOTALLY counts, okay? Haha!) I'm really hyped for that one. And you've got me double hyped for American Royals, which I was already looking forward to. Ahh!

    Also, not to be shallow, but the covers on all the books you've accumulated via Edelweiss and NetGalley have me SWOONING. No joke, I'm swooning. So. Pretty.

    1. I will never call you shallow for cover-loving, because I am a cover-ho. It takes a lot, like someone making me take a closer look, to give my attention to a book with a bad cover. I know, it's terrible, but it is something that shapes my thinking about a book.

  22. It has been SO HOT HERE. It's miserable outside, and even the dogs look at me like I'm crazy when I make them go out to potty. Like you, it's been super humid, so it's hard to even breathe when you're out there.

    Sorry about the Kiss concert making your visit difficult! I'm sure that was a bummer. :(

    So many books!! A lot of these are new to me, so I'm sure I'll be adding them to my TBR!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. I am in solid count down to fall mode, and I am dreaming about my Canadian cruise. I am hoping the weather treats me kindly on that one.

  23. The Lifeboat Clique!!! I loved that book!!! I have NO idea what it would be like on audio, but I loved the dark humor of it.

    1. The narrator is good. I actually love the way she reads Abigail. That girl knows how to turn a phrase. It's sad watching their friendship dissolve under the weight of someone else's crimes, but I am still hoping they can come to some kind of understanding, as they try to survive together.

  24. I'm glad you got to have dinner with your daughter :) It looks like you got a lot of great books last week Sam! I can't wait to see what you think of American Royals! It looks so good :) I read the synopsis for Have a Little Faith in Me and it sounds really good! Have a wonderful week, and hopefully you get low heat/low humidity:)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. American Royals was all the drama I was hoping for. I devoured that book. Two words: soapy and fabulous. I finished Have a Little Faith in Me this morning, and I am so impressed with this book. It was super humorous, but also took such an honest look at teen relationships, and the sort of expectations young women should have. She takes on the emotional side of relationships along with the sexual side. Near perfect book for me.

  25. You should come to Portland, we have had a lovely mild summer. Hardly any 90 degree days. Right now it is 75 out there and perfect. Looks like you had a great reading week. Sorry your trip to see your daughter wasn’t everything you were hoping, but at least you got to be together.

    1. I love the weather out by you, but I could never bring myself to live on the west coast.

  26. I hope you'll get another visit with your daughter soon. That's such a bummer about the Kiss concert getting in the way of your plans. Awww, the golden puppies chasing the little boy makes me smile especially since it reminds me of my Winston. Glad to hear American Royals was a wonderful read. It's one I've had my eye on.

    1. Nothing like a puppy to make you feel happiness and joy. I was there for the soapy drama, and American Royals brought it. It hits a lot of the same notes The Thousandth Floor books did.

  27. I'm glad you could see your daughter, but sorry plans didn't work out so well. Dang concerts! LOL I hope you two can get together again soon. I'm super excited about There's Someone in Your House and One of Us is Lying adaptations.


    1. We are the queens of poor planning, and it's not even the first time that has happened to us. I have been really impressed with many of the newer adaptations, and I can see those two being really entertaining.

  28. How did I miss that about Love, Simon? I had totally missed out that it was being adapted into a show... Why can't they do Leah on the Offbeat?

    1. Don't you think they would continue through the Creekwood books, if the series is successful?

  29. I hate humidity, it’s far worse than just straight out heat.
    Lots of fun books on your lists this week, my daughter is really excited about the One of Us is Lying show, she has loved the books.

    Have a great reading week, and stay cool.

    1. I am a solid Karen McManus fan, and with how well YA books have been adapted lately, I am looking forward to seeing her's on the screen.

  30. I am so hyped that there's more TATBILB films coming out! Honestly can't wait to see how they're done

    Steph -

    1. I am nervous about the last one, because it was so emotionally difficult for me, and the open-ended-ness of the ending was tough for me, but I am still excited.

  31. Ooooh you added two new books to my TBR. Loveboat and the Lightness of Hands are officially added. I hadn't heard about them, but they seem so good. Great post! :)

    1. Don't they look so good? My reading outlook for 2020 is very optimistic, because the number of amazing sounding books coming out is unreal.

  32. Oh, I am so sorry that your trip to Newark didn't work out as planned :( Hopefully next time it will go better! I was so happy to see all this brilliant adaption news coming out. And I hope you like Loveboat, Tapei. That's one of my anticipated reads!

    1. She's coming to me next time. I am excited about Loveboat, even more so, that is will be a series.
