
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Childhood Favorites

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Childhood Favorites!

Talk about your deep cuts! My childhood was quite a many years ago, and I kept mixing up my childhood faves with those of my daughter, so, I invited Kiersten to share some of her favorites too.

Sam's Childhood Favorites

Kiersten's Childhood Favorites

What are some of your childhood favorites?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Wow, I didn’t realise that Cloudy was published in the 70’s, I hadn’t heard of it til the movie was released.

    1. It was first published in 1978, and I am positive I bought it at a school book fair. Those were the best!

  2. I never read any of these! There was one series I read and loved but I cannot remember the name. I do remember it was about fairies!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Well, I am much older than you, and did you grow up in Puerto Rico? Yes, fairies are wonderful! I read a lot of classic fairytales as a kid too. That stuff never gets old.

  3. I did read Pippi but remember nothing about it now. I might have read something from Little House on the Praire as I loved the TV show.

    1. That show was the best! And, I remember being obsessed with this Swedish dubbed movie version. It was fantastic!

  4. The Nancy Drew series, Little House series, City of Ember, and Ella Enchanted were also some of my childhood reads. In addition, I loved animal stories like the Animal Ark series.

    1. I just looked up the Animal Ark books. They look adorable. They were well after my time, maybe Kiersten knows them? Either way, who could resist those adorable covers.

  5. I really want to read The City Of Ember. I also liked Nancy Drew and The Phantom Tollbooth when I was a kid.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Considering how long ago the Nancy Drew books were written, she was a rather impressive young women. One of my classmates, Sarah Jane, got me into those books in like 3rd grade, and I read them all. Kiersten was definitely read deeper books than I did.

  6. I loved little house on the prairie series too!! I never got into the Nancy Drew series when I was younger!

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. A girl in my class got me into Nancy Drew, and since the books were all in the public and school library, it was easy to read the whole series. I am pretty sure I picked up the Little House books, because of the TV series. It was so good.

  7. I really enjoyed the Little House books growing up too. And I'm pretty sure a teacher read us The Phantom Tollbooth.


    1. I think Kiersten got The Phantom Tollbooth from a classroom library, but she was very excited about it, when she read it. Little House was a series that gave me a look at life on the frontier. I was fascinated by the way they lived.

  8. What a cute idea, inviting your daughter to help!

    1. She started this blog, so I love when she or Noor or Amrutha post. Kiersten was such a voracious reader as kid, too, and I was struggling with the topic, since I am really old. If only I had Goodreads and the internet back then.

  9. The Nancy Drew series and the Little House books are old favorites of mine too. So much nostalgia for those as I look back!

    The thing about the Nancy Drews were the titles and the cover art. Those and the Hardy Boys- i would go through the list of titles and they just set my imagination off and running!

    1. I find the new cover art unsettling. I guess I just can't see Nancy that way, but I love her frozen in time, and those stories were fabulous.

  10. I wish I'd read Ella Enchanted when I was younger, I loved it when I finally got to it!

    1. I have only seen the movie, but I remember Kiersten telling me all about the book, when she read it.

  11. Ella Enchanted is one of my favorite books of all time! I reread it so many times growing up, and I'm definitely needing a reread soon.

    1. I am not a re-reader, but I love that this book is so wonderful, that you want to read it over and over again.

  12. Very nice! I read some Nancy Drew as well for awhile. I think I had 12 books...though not 1-12 because Sam's Club was weird and sold 1-5 and then like 7 and then some other odd pack that skipped numbers too!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  13. Oh wow, don't these bring back some memories! I didn't know Ella Enchanted was a book, I'm on a children's and middle grade binge read at the moment so I'll have to try to track down a copy. What a brilliant list Sam!

  14. I remember loving Encyclopedia Brown. I had forgotten about those books.

    1. I always felt like such a boss, when I solved the mystery.

  15. I LOVED The Phantom Tollbooth when I was a kid! I'm pretty sure I read it more than once. And I loved the Nancy Drew books, too!

    1. I read it, when I was younger, and saw the film, but Kiersten really, really loved it. Nancy was my girl.

  16. I owned a TON of Nancy Drew books but I never read a single one! Haha!

    1. Wait! Did someone get them for you? I used to sit in the library and read them. I loved solving the mysteries.

  17. I never read The Little House books as a kid, so I was surprised how much my sons enjoyed them.

    1. That's great that they appeal to your boys. I guess if someone enjoys history, they could appreciate those stories.

  18. I didn't realize Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was around when we were kids. Fun that you included Kiersten's favorites too. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Yep. The book is old. I was having so much trouble remembering books from my childhood, that I asked her if she wanted to share. She came back with a list super quick too.

  19. I loved Little House on the Prairie. Between the books and the show, I might have been slightly obsessed :)

    1. When we were vacationing, I made my parents buy me a bonnet, which I wore as I watched the show. I liked it a lot too.

  20. Great list Sam and Kierstan! I also loved Little House on the Prairie, Nancy Drew, and Pippi Longstocking. Some of my other favorites included The Boxcar Children, The Babysitter's Club, and the Choose Your Own Adventure Books.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I also loved the Choose Your Own Adventure Books, but it seems Babysitters and Boxcar took off after my time. Most of the people I know, who love those books, are about 10 years or so my junior.

  21. Pippi longstocking! That cover brought back so many memories!

    1. I wanted to be her when I was younger. I thought she was too fabulous.

  22. The Little House series made my list this week too. I really loved that one when I was a kid. Nancy Drew too. And I definitely remember buying most of the others from Sam's list at school book fairs. Great list!

    1. School book fairs were the best! And, those Scholastic book order forms. There were always a lot of great deals, and they kept me stocked with books throughout grade school.

  23. Anna of Green Gables, Little House, and The Choose Your Own Adventure Books. Then it wasn't to many years later I got into reading again. As sad as that is. Than it was Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Nate Kenyon and some others for me. Then I went through a Harlequin Romance period where I read a book a day. I would just devour those up.


    1. I didn't include Choos Your Own Adventure books, but I was obsessed with them.

  24. The Phantom Tollbooth! I only read it once because I never reread books as a kid, but I considered that one my favorite!

    1. Both Kiersten and I read that one (and saw the film). There was just something really special about it.
