
Sunday, July 28, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I feel lucky to have my daughter here with me for the weekend, because it's helping ease the blow of the news we received this week. [Nicole's In Memory post was a beautiful tribute for a wonderful person.] I also like feeling like a mom again, and that I have a purpose. We are going to the salon for haircuts and to Manhattan to see Beautiful on Broadway. Kiersten loves Vanessa Carlton, and we are both pretty excited to see her in the show.

It's nice to have someone home, who understands me. I mean, she was in the city and came back with cupcakes for me. That's love.

And, they were delicious!

I added another Kindle Fire to my Kindle family too. I was tired of struggling with PDFs on my fire, so I got a bigger one. I forgot what a headache it was getting all the apps on there (Nook, Bluefire), but it's done, and the PDFs are actually readable.

There was some drama on the tracks, but I was lucky enough to have passed this station well before this happened.....
Another reason why cats are the best....
It's good to ask for what you want.....
Let's Discuss!
  • Margaret discusses changing trends in YA
  • Kelly debunks some common homeschooling myths found in books
  • Paper Worlds gives their take on the intended audience 
On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Technically, You Started It, The Year They Fell
  • Tuesday: TTT - Baseball's Been Very, Very Good to Me
  • Wednesday: CWW/BFTB - Frankly in Love, Confederates Don't Wear Couture 
  • Thursday: Blog Tour - Notes From a Former Virgin by Emma Chastain
  • Friday: Discussion - Not a Romance!


What I Read Last Week

I read a BUNCH of grief books, and even read two in a row featuring characters, who lost their sibling. So, you know, it was a good reading week. My highest rated was How the Light Gets In by Katy Upperman. It was a little different for her, in that, it featured a ghost, but all her signature elements were still there.



What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I'm glad you've had a lovely time with your daughter! Enjoy your Broadway show and fingers crossed you both like the haircuts!

    The Hard Count is awesome! Nico... He's a good one. I loved it. I know I'm not one who usually reads YA but Ginger Scotts brand of YA/NA I love.

    1. I am looking forward to my first Ginger Scott book. I went and bought a bunch during the Amazon sale, because I feel confident I will enjoy her books.

  2. So glad your daughter is home this weekend. I know I feel like hugging my husband and family extra hard this weekend. Hope you have fun at the show. And hopefully you'll get the new Fire just how you want it quickly. Set-ups can be a pain. I came close to updating my Fire on Prime Day but couldn't convince myself to do it. :) Great to hear the Katy's latest is another hit. I think so highly of her. So excited for your plan to read two by Tucker this week!!! :)

    1. It's always a good idea to buy new electronics with a young person around. I was struggling getting the Nook app on there, but she got it done. I only went the fire for reading my non-Mobi books, and I opened up a PDF in Bluefire on it, and the font looked ok. I may be able to request without reservations again.

  3. I'm glad your daughter is back! Enjoy your time with her :) seems like a great reading week! I can't wait to read QB Bad Boy and Tucker's new release!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I had like two DNFs, but the books I finished were great. I am so ready to do my football book reads. Fingers crossed they are both great.

  4. Glad your daughter is back! Hope you two have a good time together!

    Nice new reads too! New to me ones as usual but I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Of course I have to go to the city when it's really hot, but at least I will see a great show, right?

  5. It's so nice to have your daughter home and to share time together! The groundhog video is so sweet. Based on your reviews, you had an excellent book week too.

    1. Really short visit, but we get to spend the whole weekend together. That groundhog was fabulous!

  6. I hope you and your daughter have tons of fun at the show! I loved Stargirl when I was a kid. That book is probably dated and cliché now, but I read it a bunch of times as a young teen.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I have been wanting to read Stargirl for years. I am pretty sure my daughter read it in middle school (and we own a copy of the book). It's one of those classic YA books people mention, and I am curious. Dated it ok, because I'm dated. I look at it as nostalgia.

  7. Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned with your daughter. Enjoy! And how sweet she brought you those goodies!

    1. It's nice when your kids are grown and have money to shower you with gifts. 😂

  8. Yay to your mommy daughter dates! I hope you have fun with her at the show.

    Gayathri @ Elgee Writes

    1. The show was wonderful! I will be singing the songs all week.

  9. I'm glad to hear you're having a good visit with your daughter. Looks like you have some good reads coming up too. I just read a great review for the Tucker book and am excited because I'm planning to read it this week too.

    1. Tucker is someone I have been wanting to read. I even bought The Simple Wild, but I always ignore my own books. I am excited about it.

  10. Hurray for having your daughter with you! Have a great weekend! I hope you enjoy all your reads! One day I really need to reread Stargirl. I don't remember anything about it.

    1. It's going to be tough dropping her off at the airport tomorrow. I have been curious about Stargirl, because it's one of those older books a lot of people remember fondly. I am pretty daring when it comes to audiobooks, so why not?

  11. hope you enjoy your trip. the cats are funny
    sherry @ Sunday Memes

    1. Cats have provided me with hours of amusement. For this, I am grateful.

  12. I was devastated over the news of Grace! I couldn't stop thinking about it last night. No one should die so young. My heart hurts for her family. Glad to hear your daughter is in town and I hope you enjoy your time together.

    Hope you enjoy The Simple Wild. Is that a re-read for you? I thought you read it. If not, it's gotta be one of my favorite K.A. Tucker so you're in for a treat. :)

    1. I have been crying on and off. I can't believe she's gone.
      I bought The Simple Wild a while back, but never read it. I am pretty excited though, because Tucker has a great reputation.

  13. P.S. Love the cat and groundhog video! :)

  14. Aww, have a wonderful visit and enjoy Broadway! Sounds exciting.

    Wow- that train/ car thing would be scary. Definitely glad no one was hurt. I love that cat one too!

    Just Breathe looks interesting. Hope you have a great reading week! :)

    1. I love King's music, and the play was excellent. I will be singing those songs all week. I read an article about the car/train incident. Three trains had to drive backwards to switch tracks, and there were delays for several hours. I was shocked when I saw that picture. It's always something on the NEC.

  15. I didn't know RebelMommy, but I read Nicole's post, and her untimely death was so tragic. At least you have you kid around these days - it's amazing how you enjoy doing all the things together. And heck, you deserved a break from train trouble! As usual, your videos are awesome. Those cats 😍.

    1. Grace was one the first bloggers I really connected with when I joined WLABB. She was wonderful! I love doing stuff with my daughter, but I also like that we can sit in companionable silence. There's very few people I can do that with.

  16. Enjoy your time with your daughter! I'm sure you both are just soaking up your time together!

    1. There will be tears tomorrow, when I drop her at the airport with her dozen bagels, but she will be back once a month for work, and I may be able to meet her for dinner or something.

  17. Grace's passing hit hard, I had a good cry the night the news broke. She will be missed. <3 I am happy that you got some quality time with your daughter though!

    (Amber @ Du Livre)

    1. I woke up to a DM from Lindsi on Saturday, and I bawled. Part of me wants to go to the wake tomorrow, because I live nearby, but I feel like I am intruding.

  18. It's so sad to hear about Grace missing. She was way too young, and I'm just heartbroken for her family. I think Nicole's post was lovely though and such a nice tribute.

    I'm glad your daughter's visit is going well! Sounds like a lot of fun.


    1. I elected to take the whole weekend "off" - no chores, just spending time with my daughter. It was really nice to just be together.

  19. Grace didn't live that far from me, either, and I was always hoping that one day we'd get to meet up in "real" life! I couldn't sleep on Friday night after I heard the news.

    1. It's sad and tragic and heartbreaking. The outpouring of the community has been lovely though, and I am getting a lot of comfort from it.

  20. Glad you got to spend time with your daughter!! That picture of the train is crazy! How did that car get there?!?!

    1. The parking lot at that stop, runs along side the platform on the westbound side. Apparently the driver drove through the fence and got stuck under the platform. It was a hot mess.

  21. Ooooh have fun seeing Vanessa Carlton! I heard about the news this week as well; it was devastating. Hope you enjoy your time with your daughter while she's home!

    1. The show was fantastic. Vanessa Carlton was wonderful. I am glad I got to see the show before it closed.

  22. That groundhog is just so adorable! Animals are just so amazing for keeping us amused and entertained!

  23. Replies
    1. I am tired, because I never go anywhere, but it was so nice to spend time together.

  24. Aww your daughter coming home and bringing you cupcakes is just so sweet. I'm happy for you to be able to spend time with her.

    THAT is one of my favorite cat videos. Like, you'll never know what goes on in their heads. One moment they're *lovelovelove* then the next they go "WHAT LOVE" LMAO I love cats.

    I haven't read the Shopaholic Series but I did enjoy the movie. Now, I have no idea that it's actually quite a long series. I love the blurb of the Christmas Shopaholic though. I mean shopping AND Christmas? Yes please.

    1. I am so thankful for animal videos. They keep me from dwelling on the bad parts of life, and those cats were fabulous. The Shopaholic movie was very good, but weird for me, because it was Americanized. The books are very English, as Kinsella is English.

  25. I love spending time with my mom. too! We're going to get our hair done this upcoming weekend! How wonderful that your daughter got to come and spend quality time with you and brought you yummy cupcakes! I can't wait to see what you end up thinking of The QB Badboy! That book caught my attention on Netgalley. I love Emma Chase and am so happy you got to enjoy her books on audio. K.A. Tucker is a favorite of mine also. Happy Reading all of your awesome books Sam!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I won't lie, I like Emma Chase's books, they are fun, but I was all about the audio because Sebastian York as Drew is perfection. Hope the hair appointment goes well.

  26. I'm so relieved you enjoyed 100 Days of Sunlight Sam!! And it sounds like you had a most excellent time with your daughter. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. I was worried about Sunlight, because I read a not very stellar review, but I found it really hopeful and positive. I enjoyed it.

  27. Wow, you got SO MUCH reading done! I'm also about to start Say You Still Love Me! I'm obsessed with K.A. Tucker and am super excited to read this new book!

    1. Some of the books were short, but all were good. I am FINALLY reading a KA Tucker book. I have been talking about doing it for years, and now, it's in writing. It's happening.
