
Sunday, July 7, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Let's hope this summer doesn't get any worse for me, but there was actually a train on fire at my station on Monday, and they closed the track for over three hours. NO trains in or out of NY or Trenton. So, my week didn't start off well, but at least it was short.

I am finally going to see the doctor about my hand. I really need to ditch the mouse at work, and we cannot get any accommodations without a doctor's note. Hopefully, it doesn't take long to get that done at work, because my hand really hurts.

I love this, because the cat looks like Lil Bub and the dog looks like Buddy

This was one of the cutest things I saw last week

Cats continue to amuse me with what jerks they can be

Let's Discuss!
  • Alex wonders how you deal with reader burnout
  • Xandra asks what makes a novel "young adult"
  • Tracy wants to know how often you read outside of your comfort zone
On the Blog:
  • Monday: Nutshells - The Last Word, Beau & Bett
  • Tuesday: TTT - Childhood Favorites
  • Wednesday: CWW - We Are the Ghosts, She's the Worst
  • Thursday: #AmReading - Symptoms of a Heartbreak, Past Perfect Life
  • Friday: Discussion - Secondary Character Deaths

So, I already own a hardcover of Prom, which I won last year, but I KNOW I will read the ebook. It was on sale, so I said - what the heck. I forgot to check the publisher on NG, and requested some S&S books by accident. I really want to read the books, but UGH! They are PDFs, and I know this about that publisher. I really need to be more vigilant when requesting.


What I Read Last Week

I have been having so much luck with my backlist. Why haven't I read these books sooner?

I did have a really ugly cry the other day, but thankfully I got a lot of emotional support from Shannon via DMs. Thank you!



What I Am Currently Reading

That one book really did me in. I had to abandon my TBR, and get some guaranteed HEAs in there. I was pretty excited to find audiobooks based on Hallmark movies. You know I love those Hallmark films, and they never fail to put a smile on my face.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Wow a train on fire? That's not good! I imagine that screwed up a lot of peoples commutes...

    Oh my gosh that cat video! That poor cat lol- they must have been shocked, and to be submerged like that- I imagine they were NOT happy haha! Little stinkers.

    Hope you're having a great holiday weekend!

    1. Yep. Amtrak regularly ruins my life. It was one of their maintenance trains, but did the fire really have to start right before the afternoon commute? Very bad timing. There were up to 90 min delays until 11:30 at night. Cats really are stinkers, but I always laugh at their acts of terror.

  2. How? How do you end up with these train dramas? I mean, fire is a new one at least. And Love that cat video. I saw it on twitter and was full on cackling when I watched it. Cat's can be so mean like that.

    And look at all your reading! I have Whatever Life Throws At You on my Kindle, I got it free literally years ago and have forgotten about it until I saw the cover on your blog. Maybe I'll get to reading it. You also reminded me I really want to read Wanderlost.

    1. Not only was the train on fire at my station, but there was a car fire holding up traffic on the highway I would need to take home. Cats are mean, but I still laugh every time. My backlist has been really rewarding. How have I been sitting on all these great books! I am doing a hard push on shelf reads, and really finding some gems. See, I knew I would like them, that's why I bought them.

  3. Do you read on a Kindle? I convert all my PDFs so I can read them on my Kindle. I just attach the PDF to an email with the subject 'Convert' and send it along to my device library. Cats get away with too much.

    1. Unfortunately that doesn't work with the protected files. Boo!

  4. Haha, cats are jerks. My sister’s cat liked to attack people for no reason. Sorry about your hand. I hope it gets fixed quickly!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. At least cats are up front about it. I can appreciate that

  5. I hope the doctor gives you a note! And wow, that's not a good way to start the week at all. I want to read Wanderlost and Julie Cross's book! I hope you're enjoying How to Hack a Heartbreak! I want to read it!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I have an old diagnosis for this, but I could not find the old EMG results. Maybe I can get a new appliance too, because it is such a problem for me. My backlist is delivering the hits for me. I knew there was a reason I actually bought these books!

  6. That's really ...the badest luck ever with teh train Sam!!! OMG I really hop you've "eaten all your dark bread" like we say in French meaning you'ge got your fill of bad news and now the good will happen!
    About the mouse ...have you tried changing hand? I am not kidding as some years ago I had pin in my neck, shoulder and arm due to the mouse and my ostheopath told me to handle the house with my left hand (I am right handed) and it worked! It was a bit tricky in the beginning but in no time I could handle it like a pro.
    Thanks for that cat video I laughed so hard!!!!
    Have a wonderfum Sunday!

    1. It wasn't the end of the world, but it really made Monday the Monday-ist Monday ever. And, it was hot and stressful, and everyone else's anxiety was making me anxious. I was just done.

      I am not ambidextrous, but I do have carpel in both wrists with arthritis worse in the left than in my dominate hand. I have less pain on the weekend, when I use no mouse. It's such a small accommodation, I can easily get it. We have people with standing/convertible desks, stability balls to swap out with their chairs, and lots of other equipment needs. I just want an alternative to the mouse.

  7. OMG! There was a train on fire?!!! =O I hope no one got hurt... Hope the doctor appointment goes well and that accommodations can be done at work. Hopefully, your hand will hurt a less.

    I hate when books are in PDF format. They are so hard to read!!!

    Happy readings & wishes of a week without train incidents.
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. It wasn't a passenger train. It was some Amtrak maintenance train. I know they will give me the modifications my doctor suggests. It was just about me finally making an appointment and getting the documentation. I should have done it years ago.

  8. Ugh I'm so sorry about that train on fire, that must have been so annoying, sometimes having to take the commute is terrible. I hope you'll have a more peaceful week next week! <3
    I can't wait to hear what you think of Permanent Record, can't wait to read that one! <3

    1. People were talking about it all week, because not only were trains not running where I was, they weren't going in or out of NY either, and people were stuck on trains too. It was a hot mess. I have another short week, so I hope I can successfully get to and from work each day.

      Permanent Record sounds really good, and Choi's previous book was solid for me, so I feel good about it.

  9. Your luck with trains recently could seriously be the premise of a movie or TV show, lol. And ugh, I hear you on ARC .pdfs. They are just such a pain to deal with. I accidentally requested one of those last week and was a little bummed when I got approved, lol.

    1. I would rather not have this many stories to tell, but the train chronicles is a real thing for me. I feel guilty about being sad I got approved for a book that sounds great, but PDFs - UGH!!!!!

  10. That is not a good way to start your week! I am so glad that I do not have to deal with a commute to work every day. I hope your appointment goes well and you get the accommodations you need quickly. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. Yeah, I am hoping today goes better. Ha! It's not like that everyday, but it seems to be happening more often lately.

  11. You truly have the worst luck with trains! I hope things improve for you. Also, that you get your hand issue sorted so you're not in pain.

    I requested the Kate Meader today. Didn't even know she had a new series coming but I'm excited! Happy reading, Sam! :)

    1. NJT has not been kind to me lately, but while they are working without a contract, it will probably get worse. Ugh! I remember Meader mentioning a new hockey series, when I lamenting the end of her last one. I love hockey romances, and her books have been successful for me, so I am all in.

  12. A Prom to Remember was such a cute book - I read it during my lunch break at work and just couldn't stop smiling!

    1. I have had a copy of it, but I take forever to pick up a physical book. Thank goodness for Kindle deals. I won a twitter giveaway of Hall's new boos, so I am going to read them both in a row, and am looking forward to it. Her books are always cute and fun.

  13. I hope you can get whatever you need from your doctor and stop this pain in your hand <3 I love all the tweets, especially the jerk cat. Why are cats like that, haha.

    1. Yeah. I gave up gaming, knitting, crocheting, but I have to go to work. I know they can do something that will help a little. Sometimes I feel a little guilty for how much I enjoy jerk cat vids.

  14. Scary about the train own fire!!! Hopefully you get the doctor accommodation for work, so your hand can heal. I've read a few books by Kate Meader and really e enjoyed them! Congrats on making progress on your backlist. Which publisher uses PDF's regularly? PDF's are such a pain! I hope the rest of your summer improvers Sam :)

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. It was not a passenger train, but it was really close to the station. It's frustrating, when rush hour travel is disrupted. There are so many people trying to get in and out of the city. I have found that Simon & Schuster always seems to be PDFs on Netgalley, but not on Edelweiss. I really need to be more careful when I click. They have so many awesome titles, but it's not worth struggling with the pdf. I can just wait and read it at some point from the library.

  15. Oh my goodness! Your public transport seems to have all sorts of issues! Good thing you weren't on the train, though. Sorry you had a rough week emotionally, but I'm glad Shannon was there for you. That's so sweet!

    Oh, and those mouse pics are adorable and the cat video made me laugh so hard! I love that you always share those sorts of things!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. It's usually just the train being a little late, but recently, things seem to be sort of disastrous. Everyone needs to read a good cry book every now and again, and I am glad Shannon could talk me through it too.

  16. Oh no, I hope no one was injured in the fire. Hopefully it wont take too long at the doctors, they're usually pretty good at writing recommendations to make it a little easier at work, sounds painful.

    What a bunch of awesome looking reads! I enjoyed Mary H.K. Choi's Emergency Contact so really looking forward to seeing what you think of her new one. Have a wonderful week of reading Sam!

    1. It was not a passenger train, and the employees on the train were ok. I liked Emergency Contact too, and the synopsis for Choi's new book sounds even better.

  17. I can't believe the amount of travel bs you've had to deal with. It has to get better, right?

    I think I missed what happened with your hand, is it carpel tunnel? I hope the doc's note will help!

    1. Some have been really out of nowhere, like this fire, but the cancellations are due NJT not having settled the workers' contracts. Maybe that could get better. I have had carpel tunnel for years and years. I stopped using a mouse at home over a decade ago, and want the one at work GONE.

  18. ooooh I hope you get those doctor notes so your hand can heal! That's really tough. And I really dislike when I get pdfs too... I got two of those by accident. Oh well... And I didn't notice that the Emergency Contact author had a new book!

    1. Doctor's always write me notes. I just had to actually make the time and the appointment.

  19. That cat video made me grin! I had to use my other hand for a while when using the mouse and I got good at it fairly quickly. I like to alternate hands now to keep the muscle memory.

    1. Cat vids never fail to make me smile. They are the best! I have problems in both hands and wrists, so even if I could adapt, I don't think it would really be the best situation for me.

  20. Oh my goodness you have the worst travel luck!!! Hopefully nothing catches on fire this week!

    1. Fingers crossed. I only need the trains to cooperate four days this week. I hope they can live up to this challenge.

  21. Wow you and your train travels! LOL!! That's crazy!! I hope you enjoy Night Music it looks really good and I have it stacked on my TBR pile. Have a great week!

    ~ Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. Night Music was great, and I enjoyed Thorne's debut book as well. She does good YA, and the family drama in both the books was interesting.

  22. I already knew about the train incident from Twitter of course. It was just the ice on the cake that your commute already is! You should write a book about your adventures in transportation...

    The hand pain is just unfortunate. I hope they find an alternative to the mouse for you (though I know I personally would be lost without a mouse).

    1. The train chronicles would be a horror series or maybe psychological thriller?

      I still have carpel tunnel and telndenoitis and now, arthritis too. Yeah for old people! I went home with three splits - 2 for the evening, one for the day, and a script for PT. Hopefully it helps.

    2. Hah, both! plus a study in human misery 😉.

      What are splits and PT?

    3. Nice typo by me - splints, and this one on my right hand is making typing really awkward. PT = physical therapy, which should be pretty interesting for my hand. I did it for my toes many years ago, and remember thinking how silly it was that they had me warm up on an exercise bike, which doesn't really make your toes move.

  23. I've no idea how you stay sane with your commute trains... They seem to be a nightmare!

    I hope you get the accommodations you need to help your hand. It sucks that you need to see the doctor for your employer to do something as simple as change a mouse!

    How To Hack A Heartbreak is one I want to read.

    1. There really isn't usually so much train drama, and since I switched my bus, it's been better too. I have no idea what's going on lately. How to Hack a Heartbreak was fun, and I think many women will relate to the workplace abuse.

  24. Reason #4,692 why I’m so thankful I don’t depend on public transportation for my daily commute. Gah! What is your alternative to using a mouse? Using a tracker ball? Would that be any benefit? My boss uses one and any time I have to use his computer I cringe. I hate the tracker balls! LOL

    1. Traveling up here is a struggle no matter how you do it. The traffic in NJ is insane, so I think sitting on the train, reading, is better for me. I use a track at home. Today was my first day with my splint, and everything was hard. You really need your thumbs to do a lot of stuff.
