
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Life's a Beach

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Life's a Beach!

We recently celebrated (or mourned, in my case) the first day of summer, and when one thing I associate with summer is beach reads. Now, I am not a beach fan, but I love beach reads, or at least my idea of what a beach read should be. For me, they are books that lean towards the lighter side. They are generally fun and uplifting, and leave me with a smile on my face. Basically, I am describing the type of books I like to read all the time, but tend to be associated with those carefree summer days. The following are a list of YA books, some old, some new, which I plan to read this summer.

What do you look for in a beach read?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. That image haha! Cute! I think what To Say Next looks like a lot of fun. :)

    1. I couldn't resist that gif. It really spoke to me. XD

  2. The QB Bad Boy and Me is a book I'd love to read! I never read Wanderlost but I'm guessing it's time I give it a try. I loooooove the cover for Always Never Yours!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I adore sports romances. I am reading one right. now, and I forgot how much they delight me.

  3. Wow, so many cutesy (looking) reads here! I've only read Let's Talk About Love, but that one was so fluffy (in a good way) and soft. I hope you'll get to all of these, and enjoy them all. :)

    My TTT

    1. I just finished Let's Talk About Love. Fun and fluffy, but really touches upon some real issues. I enjoyed it.

  4. I love the cover of Hot Dog Girl. I’m tempted to read that book just for the cover.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. That was what made me add it to my TBR. I also like the whole set in a theme park thing. Sounds like a winner.

  5. Wanderlost and Whatever Life Throws At You are two books I adored. You're going to love them. I need to pick up Let's Talk About Love and the new Dessen!

    1. Wanderlost I have had for eons. I am ashamed that it has not been read yet, but I just recently bought WLTAY, and Cross' books have been solid reads for me, and with a sports involved, I feel like I will love it.

  6. I really need to get to What to Say Next soon. Maybe I’ll have a little Buxbaum binge with that and Hope and Other Punchlines. :) And I’ve been meaning to read Whatever Life Throws at You for ages. I even have a physical copy ready and waiting for me. Fingers crossed we both get to these over the summer!

    1. I have two words for you - buddy read

    2. I’d love to do a buddy read! Would we just both read at our own pace, or set up a certain # of chapters per day in order to discuss as we go? I’m up for it!

    3. Read at own pace, but by a certain date. You know I plow through books, but we can update our status, and chat at any point. Maybe do a buddy review?

    4. That sounds great! Want to plan on July or August? Like you said, you fly through them, but maybe set a one week period to account for my slow self? LOL And a buddy review would be fun! I’ve never done one of those.

    5. Message me a good time for you, and I will add the book to my TBR for that week. It's flexible since pub dates don't matter

  7. that gif cracked me up. thanks so much for sharing it
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. I agree with you! Beach reads are definitely lighter reads. I always pick up more romances during the summer and more mysteries and thrillers in the fall.

    1. Yeah. I read like that most of the time, that's why my life is a beach. :)

  9. I'm hoping to get to a few of these myself!

  10. ROFL! That gif is the story of my life. :D I do like the lighter reads although I still tend toward darker "beach" reads than most. Good list!

    1. It's amazing, when I can find my romantic life wrapped up so nicely in one gif. I am a light side reader. Those dark ones, though usually good, just don't satisfy me the way the light and fluffy do.

  11. I love you title. I want to get to Let's Talk About Love as well. It's not on my list, but definitely high on the TBR. Hope you enjoy all these and happy summer!

    1. I enjoyed Let's Talk About Love (listened to it yesterday). Alice was great, and Kann touched upon a lot of different topics. Lots of food for thought in there

  12. I'm listening to The Rest of the Story right now and adoring it. I also loved Whatever Life Throws at You. I hope you get to read them both soon!

    1. I am probably starting the Dessen tomorrow, and I am SO excited!!!! Glad you are enjoying it

  13. Bwahahaha I love your wordplay Sam!! Enjoy these beach reads LOL

  14. Cute picks! I hope you get to read and enjoy all of these this summer!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I already listened to one on audio yesterday, so I am off to a good start

  15. I love all those summery covers!

    1. Same. They all have that feel, which makes me want to read them

  16. These all look like fun summery, beach-y reads. Most of them are on my TBR somewhere, although I doubt I'll get to them this summer. Soon (ish), though!

    Happy TTT!

    1. I am really impressed with myself, because I have already read one of these

  17. I down to about a 2 week wait for the Dessen. I used to read her books a lot on the summer - although I'm not much of a seasonal kind of reader other than Christmas novellas.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I think my library just purchased it, and because I recommend the title, it automatically was loaned to me, because I didn't have a hold for it. But, I was really excited to see it on my shelf in Libby

  18. That Dessen book sounds great and all of these do sound like wonderful beach reads. Hope you enjoy them all!

    1. My library loan came through yesterday, and I am almost done with my current read, so, it's next.

  19. I don't go for things like beach reads. I just go through my books in the order I want regardless of season, weather or anything else!

    1. I am not a seasonal reader, but books they consider beach reads are my favorites

  20. This is seriously a great list. There are soo many of these on my TBR too! Night Music is definitely at the top of my TBR.

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. I am hoping my library hold comes through soon. It was one of my anticipated books for this year

  21. I loved Wanderlost and What to Say Next. And I can't wait to read The Silence Between Us!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I am really trying to incorporate my backlist and these are two titles I have been itching to read. WTSN is the last Buxbaum book I have to read, too.

  22. I hope you love "let's talk about Love"! I always wanted to read it too :)

    1. It was good. Kann touched upon a lot of things. Some were sort of shocking to me, but I am sure she based them on personal experience. And, it was very informative with respect to asexuality. Alice and Takumi were super likable too, and any time they were on page was a good part.

  23. I've seen Dessen around a lot... I hope you enjoy your list! I always associate summer reads with light/sunny/smiley, fun and uplifting too. :)

    1. I just started the Dessen a little bit ago. She just knows how to get me right in the feels. Love her books.

  24. I think people tend to agree that light books should be beach reads! I finished In Search of Us on the beach which was nice as the finale scene is also beach related! I really loved Let's Talk About Love <3 And Night Music is on my wishlist! Great selections x

    1. I LOVED In Search of Us. Marilyn's story was so painfully beautiful.

  25. I love light and uplifting type books also. Life can be heavy enough, it's nice to be able to escape in to a feel good story! All of your picks look good! I've enjoyed Julie Cross before, and have heard great things about Sarah Dessen!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Truth! I think that is exactly why I gravitate towards the light and feel good stuff. I am a Dessen fangirl. I just started her new book yesterday, and as always, it's wonderful to be back in the Dessenverse.

  26. I like some light and fluffy books but like my horror/thriller type of reading too. I do like to read a romances and see myself more and more being attracted to them so...maybe I might switch my genre to romance instead. I don't know.


    1. Romance never fails to leave me in a good mood. I had a bad book hangover yesterday and immediately picked up a sports romance. I knew it would keep me from wallowing in my sadness.

  27. I don;t know what it is but beach reads are always contemporary reads for me and often they're YA or romance (which is basically my usual reading at the moment). They're just easier to get sucked into when you're lounging around. I have The Rest of the Story currently sat on my shelf. I'm thinking of taking it with me when I have a trip to the beach next month. I might have to include a couple of the books on your list for the trip too.

    1. I feel like I have to work a little harder with other types of books, for different reasons, but contemporaries tend to be so familiar. It's easy to slide into the world. I think The Rest of the Story would be a great beach read. Dessen knows how to do family drama-lite. There are serious issues in the book, but she knows how to keep it on the lighter side.
