
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: Highly Anticipating!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

Highly Anticipating - YA Releases!

This year has been packed with amazing releases, and there are a TON I am still looking forward to. I like to keep track of these lists, and so far, I have read 9/10 books from my previous YA anticipating post and 6/10 from my adult anticipating post. Today, I will be sharing ten YA releases I am looking forward to reading in the second half of this year. December is sort of slim pickings, but I do have a book, which I will feature in an upcoming Can't Wait Wednesday post.

What releases are you excited about?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Great list Sam! I'm with you on Maybe this Time, Start Here, and American Royals! I think it's wonderful that you've been reading most of the books on your anticipated list!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I always try to read the books I highlight, but I am poor, and if I cannot get an ARC or a copy from the library, they usually just linger on my TBR. I have two of the above books, so that's a good start.

  2. You've really killed it with your earlier anticipated YA list! Go you! I might check out the new Kasie West when it comes out. I've enjoyed most of hers that I've read. P.S. I Like You is still my favorite. :)

    1. These posts are like wishes I make, and a lot of times, I get lucky, and am able to get ARCs. I firmly believe it happens, because I have made my wishes publicly known. PS I Like You was very good. I feel like my enjoyment suffered a little, because I did that book via audio, back before I was pretty good at listening to books, but I still really liked it.

  3. I need to pay more attention to YA releases. I think I've only seen only one of those covers lol The covers are stunning! I need to check some of these out.
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I am an age group mixer, and try to keep on top of all contemporary releases.

  4. Match Made in Mehendi looks so cute! I love that cover! I'm excited for the Doller book too!

    1. It sounds really fun. I have been wanting to read something by Doller, and this sounds like a great place to start.

  5. I don't read many contemporary YA books but this is a good list and I may have to pick up a few.

    1. Contemporary is pretty much my main genre, but there are some fantasy books I hope to read later in the year too, because I am so deep into the series. Hint: they are all really popular series.

  6. SOOOOO out of the loop! I haven't heard of any of these lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Glad I could shed some light on these books for you

  7. Start Here looks pretty good - I hope so, since Netgalley approved me for an ARC! For me the biggest months this last half of the year are October and November.

    1. I got rejected for Start Here. Lucky you! Hope you like it.

  8. American Royals sounds so fun! I mean, anything having to do with royalty will make me want to read it!

    1. I am so odd, because I am so NOT a royal watcher, but I love royalty in books.

  9. I'm always looking forward to Kasie West's books. And I didn't know Gloria Chao has a new one coming out. Thanks for the heads-up!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. The new Chao sounds SO GOOD, too. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us

  10. I love that song. :)

    You always have the best contemps. Love that cover of Crying Laughing- that's cute. :)

    1. I thought Rubin's Denton Little series was fabulous. So, I am curious to see what he does here. Carly Simon songs are so good.

  11. CRYING LAUGHING. So much. Definitely American Royals! And I read The Arrival of Someday, and I mostly liked it but I had some mixed feelings? And Start Here looks good too, I will probably need to read that one at some point!

    1. Denton was great for me, so I have high hopes for Rubin's new book. American Royals is screaming my name. I am sad it's not being published by Harper. I have good luck getting approvals from them, not so much from RH. =| I tend to like Malone's books, even when other people don't XD

  12. I've seen SO MUCH hype for American Royals! I kind of feel like maybe I should venture out of fantasy to check it out. I hope you love all of these!

    1. McGee's last series was a futuristic type deal, but I really enjoyed it, and could see her doing really well in contemporary

  13. Wow, I'm impressed that you've read so many of the books from your Highly Anticipating lists. I love making these kinds of lists, but I don't always actually read the books! I'll have to check out your other Highly Anticipating lists now.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I try to prioritize books. My biggest obstacle is access to the books. If I can get my hands on it, I will usually read it. The success rate has been high too, which is a plus.

  14. American Royals is one I keep eyeing. I'm not usually much into royals but something about the synopsis for this book really appeals to me.

    1. Royals and romance and McGee - I feel like it will all work for me

  15. Color Me In sounds like it's going to be a great read. Match Made in Mehendi looks so cute. I definitely need to be on the lookout for that one.

    1. I actually have Color Me In, so that's a sure thing for me. Sounds like a solid debut too

  16. I haven’t seen any of those covers except American Royals. I hope you enjoy them all!!

    1. I am surprised. You usually know the books of which I speak. Now I really feel like I am the obscure book lady.

  17. Of course you had to have a Kasie West here LOL

    1. If Kasie West has a book coming out, it will always be included in my anticipating list.

  18. Great list. I've only heard of a few books on this list, but the Kasie West book is on my watch list!

  19. Man, we definitely are living in a golden age of cover art. Those all look delicious!

    1. Too many dazzling covers these days, and you know I'm a cover-ho

  20. You've got quite the blue and purple covers aesthetic going on here. I haven't got any of these books on my wishlist as I didn't know any of them! But I just got a bunch of romance ebooks thanks to your blog and good reviews so I'll be busy reading those until these come out with your reviews for them as well x

    1. Maybe you just spotted a cover trend there. I will be looking out for your thoughts on those romance books. Fingers crossed you like them too.

  21. I am looking forward to some of these. I would really like to read The Arrival of Someday. This is a great lineup. I am sure I will have most if not all on my list as well.


    1. The Arrival of Someday was quite an emotional read. I mean, sick kids. Gets me every time.

  22. Oooooh I'm so excited for quite a few of these. I would say the most was Our Wayward Fate. I loved American Panda so much, so I'm super excited to see what she does next. :)

    1. American Panda was a really strong debut, and this story sounds even better
