
Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

This was a week. On Monday, I walked in the thunder, lightning and pouring rain to catch my bus, and then my train was quite delayed, because two trucks hit the signal or something. I am really starting to believe this stuff is made up. Then, on Thursday, we were waiting and waiting for the train home. One didn't come. The second one didn't come, and then I caught an announcement about cancellation and the next eastbound train arriving in TWO MINUTES on the OTHER side of the track. I yelled something to the people I was waiting with, and took off up the stairs, across the overpass, and down the other stairs. I did make the train, but it was packed like an NYC bound train during the holidays. Needless to say, I eagerly welcomed the weekend.

I am looking forward to having Thursday off for Independence Day. I am going to my sister's for a late Father's Day/late birthday celebration for my niece/holiday barbecue. I love cooking out, and having had any grilled meat in a while, so, I'm excited. Fingers crossed the weather cooperates.

This got me excited....
This cracked me up....
And, now for something cute...

Let's Discuss!
  • The Orangutan Librarian talks about genre snobbery 
  • Crystal wonders if book format influences your ratings (I think it does)
  • Angela shares six things that make her want to read a blog

On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Aurora Rising, Finale
  • Tuesday: TTT - Life's a Beach
  • Wednesday: CWW - All the Bad Apples, Fan the Fame
  • Thursday: #AmReading - Call It What You Want, This Time Will Be Different
  • Friday: Discussion - No Love for the Middle


What I Read Last Week

Lots of good reading this week. My favorite of the week was probably Stealing Home. I am such trash for sports romances, and it was just one of those feel-good books. I inhaled it, and loved every second of it.



What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh that would be so frustrating about the train snafu! And I can't believe the 4th is this week! Wow that crept up on me. But yes grilling out is the best. :)

    Oh that poor dog with the cone lol. The indignity... :)

    I remember thinking Wanderlost sounded pretty good. I still might read that one at some point.

    1. Time files! It doesn't feel like a year since my daughter moved out west. Crazy. Should I feel guilty, that I kept watching that video, over and over again. 😂

  2. I hope you enjoy your 4th of July celebrations!
    Your hedgehog picture made me smile. I don't know why but I'm find it more adorable than usual and it's really cheered me up this morning. :)

    I love the upcoming Jenn Bennett cover. It's in keeping with the Starry Eyes/Serious Moonlight covers... Similar vibes. I need to read these at some point.

    1. Hedgehog of the day is one of the high points of each day for me. I love that they actually smile, and if you put a little hat on the. Forget about it! I am sad, because this is the last contracted contemporary for Bennett. I hope she has more in her, because I adore her contemporaries.

  3. Whoa, that sounds frustrating like crazy. The weather these days is just terrible and unpredictable. I hope you have fun at your sister's!
    I love Bennett's cover so much! Technically, You Started It has such a cute cover. I hope it's a good read. I'm glad you liked Eulberg's novel and The Right Swipe!
    have a lovely week!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I got approved for Technically the day before it was released, so I am working on getting it into a weekly TBR, but I have heard it is quite fun, which is my desired vibe.

  4. Yeah, I think that kind of transportation chaos would give me even more anxiety than driving in the city! But yay for the holiday break. I asked to take Friday off because I am getting so stressed out at my job and luckily I am "unimportant" enough that it was okay to take that day off. I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that. Lol.

    Nice new reads! New to me ones as usual, but I hope you will positively love them all!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. They limit how many people can have off on "blackout days", and we put our name in for a lottery to try and get the day off. I did not win, though, I got the day after Thanksgiving off.

  5. Oh man! Your commuting misadventures don't sound like any kind of fun. I'd be so frustrated and anxious! Ooh I see two of my favorite Trish Doller books in your haul! I loved both of those so much, especially Something Like Normal. I saw that cat video earlier and it is so funny!

    1. But, my commute has been generally better since I switched buses. I had seen a tweet from Doller, that some of her books were on sale at B&N, so I grabbed the ones they didn't have at the library. I actually read your review for Something Like Normal before I purchased.

  6. I laughed so hard at the cat batting the cone of shame this week when I saw it on twitter too. I hope you have awesome BBQ weather for the 4th. We have one too, but it's a whole subdivision party with hundreds of people. Snow cones that we get to flavor ourselves too!

    1. I cannot believe we had any amusement in our lives before all these cat videos. Your 4th party sounds like fun. I grew up in Brooklyn, and we used to close the street for a block party on the 4th. Hope your party is a great success!

  7. Ugh! All your train trouble sounds so very frustrating! I used to have to take the train to school and to work when I lived in Norway, and it was almost never on time... then, trains would just not get there at all. Hopefully, next week will be better.
    I hope you'll have a nice Independence Day with your family! It sounds like it's going to be a good one.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. It's still better than driving, which is miserable every single day. All I know is that my sister better have cake at this party. I was really sad after my nephew's party, when all she had was cookies.

  8. And here I thought your commute nightmare had temporarily ended with the advent of summer 😲. Enjoy your day off on Thursday and cook to your heart's content! 😉

    That poor dog LOL.

    I read the Orangutan Librarian's post you linked to, and I'm now following their blog! Great, spirited blogging voice LOL.

    1. As long as I travel the Northeast Corridor, which is owned by Amtrak, there will always be commuting problems. BUT, you don't hear me complain about my bus so much. Making the switch from the 6:35 am to the 6:06 am was the best decision. Orangutan Librarian has some great posts. Glad you enjoyed it!

  9. Made up??? Why did I not think before that that was the reason for all the train delay??? LOL You know this week I took a train way earlier than usual to attend my daughter's graduation. It was around 95° F that day and the train was an old one, without AC. We got stuck for 30 minutes due to a previous train and it was around 115°F inside our train! I had rivulets of sweat between my breasts, in my back ...everywhere!!!! Now let's hope we both have a better week public transportation wise Sam (and that video made me laugh so hard!)

    1. That train ride sounds punishing. As much as I complain, it's still better than driving around here. The traffic is obscene, and I don't have the mental fortitude to deal. At least we have fun cat videos, right?

  10. I read something like normal this year and wasn't sure how i felt about it! Will be interesting to see your thoughts on it :)

    1. It was $1.99 and I have been wanting to read more from the author, so, why not! It sounds like something I would like, though.

  11. After that nightmare with trains I'd be so happy for the weekend too! Hope this next week has them behaving. Hope you enjoy your BBQ. :)

    I want to check out Whatever Life Throws at You by Julie Cross. I just saw your 5 stars on Twitter.

    1. Make no mistake, I am always happy for the weekend. I am too old for all this commuting. Julie Cross writes some fun and fabulous little YA romances. The addition of baseball just made it that much better for me.

  12. Yikes, so much bad luck with the trains. At least you have some celebration to look forward to! I hope you have a great time :-) Aww that poor dog with the cone lol.

    1. I watched that video so many time, I should probably feel guilty, though I don't.

  13. LMAO at the cat smacking the cone! That made my day.

    That's so annoying about the trains. I think that would drive me to drink. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and that you have a week filled with fantastic reads and no train delays.

    1. Cat videos really always do the trick for me. Believe it or not, driving to work is far worse, than the blips on NJT. So, I choose the lesser of two evils.

  14. I love cooking out, too! We're gonna do a brisket for the 4th.

    1. I am jealous of your brisket. We do dogs, burgers, chicken, and sausage -- standard stuff.

  15. That dog with the cone is hilarious! Cats can be such assholes. Hope you enjoy your holiday and there are no more train issues this week!

    1. But, we look at all the amusement the cats give us.

  16. Jenn Bennett has the best covers! I'm so looking forward to the holiday this week!

    1. Her S&S covers have been amazing. I am so hyped about that book

  17. I am back, back, back! I am sorry I am not able to get fully to your blog tonight as I have a big test tomorrow and then some stuff going on at school tomorrow night but Tuesday I should be caught up! I wanted to come over here and say hello and that I missed saying hello!!! Happy almost 4th!


    1. No need to apologize for having a life, Mary. Looks like you were having some fun. Good for you!

  18. Hahaha, poor dog. At least the cat is having fun. Enjoy your day off! I have to work on the 4th. :(

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Cats. They are just endless sources of entertainment. That do had some serious chill, though.

  19. Sorry about all of the train issues lately! Not fun! I hope you have a great 4th of July though and the weather is nice so you can grill out. :)


    1. The good news is, my sister has a nice patio type room, which is indoors, should the weather be uncooperative on Thursday. I am excited about all my grilled meat.

  20. Technically, You Started It is such a great title. I'm already laughing before I've even opened the book! And as we've all said, that cat video--!!! The cat is so cheerfully indifferent to the dog's dignity.

    1. That cat was too much. I am looking forward to Technically, You Started It. The story sounds as fun as the title.

  21. I am so sorry about your commuting nightmares. I get anxiety just reading about them. Yay for time off and celebrations. Your poor dog, ah well at least the cat is happy!

    1. Believe me, my stories would be worse if I was doing the drive every day. That commute home on the roads is so painful.

  22. I love BBQ's on fourth of July, as well as swimming, and then watching fireworks lately. It's nice to get a much needed day off in the middle of the week. I'm crossing my fingers that things get better for you with commuting. Have a great week Sam and Happy 4th of July!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. Well, yesterday was not a good commuting day with the train fire and the tracks being shut down for over 3 hours, but I live to tell the tale. I am probably more excited than I should be about grilled meat, but hey, life's all about the little things.

  23. oooh I'm glad you liked The Smell of Other People's Houses!! I've that on my TBR for this year. And GAHHHH your train nightmare. Thank goodness you made it. And that dog video was so funny... that cat knows how to annoy her foe! ❤️

    1. The Smell of Other People's Houses was really good. Heavy topics, but so well done.

  24. Wow your train experience sounds super frustrating. I'm honestly glad I don't have to deal with that. I'm looking forward to reading The Right Swipe and I loved The Smell of Other People's Houses too! I hope you have a better traveling week and I'm looking forward to having Thursday off too! Have a great week!!

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. It can't always be smooth sailing, but it would be nice if the train disaster was spaced a little further apart. I was really impressed by The Smell of Other People's Houses. It had been on my TBR for years, and I saw a glowing review from AJ and the audiobook was available, and I am glad I checked it out. It can seem really sad at times, but it gets hopeful.

  25. I don't even understand how so many things go wrong with your trains. I mean, mine are always late so it means every day on my way home I miss my connecting train because those couple of minutes delay might as well be 30 because that's the kind of impact it has on my journey home. My issue is usually the ancient train they keep giving us (new ones are coming next year apparently) and the fact that we are packed in like sardines so I'm squeezing past folks to get to the door and get off the train, never fun.

    At least you've read plenty, though. You're making me want to get reading some more with all these high ratings. And I didn't know Jenn Bennett had another book coming out! How does she do it? I am adding that to my list for 2020.

    1. I am lucky that I am considered the "reverse commute". While I am heading towards Trenton, most commuters are heading to NYC. Therefore, the trains to work are not too crowded. The crowds come on the commute home, as people are heading to the city for show/sports/etc or to the airport. I am very excited about Bennett's new book, but nervous too, because she mentioned how it was her last contracted contemporary, and she started with paranormals. I hope she still has contemporaries in her, because I have adored them all.

  26. Oooh I hadn't saw the new Jenn Bennett cover or summary, but I'm really feeling just the little tagline she put. She manages to hook me with a quirky New England town so fast. Wonderful post, Sam! :)

    1. Things I will never say no to - a Jenn Bennett book. They have all been wins for me. I hope she will continue to gift us with contemporary books forever.
