
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

I am happy to say I am enjoying the weather this weekend, but we really worked for it. Lots and lots and lots of rain. It seemed like every time I stepped outside, the clouds were ready to douse me. I am hoping next week is drier.

Monday was a fun commute day. I got on my train, and after 20 minutes, they announced there was some sort of engine issue they were working on. The conductor was talking about Amtrak telling them to "push through", but he was worried about breaking down. Needless to say, I stepped off and waiting for the next train. Lo and behold! My train switched tacks in-between Princeton and New Brunswick, and we had to do rescue the riders from the disabled train. This was a new experience for me. Interesting to watch, but in the end, my 35 minute train ride ended up taking 85 minutes. What really bugged me about the whole thing was:
  1. My station of origin is the first stop the train made, and where the engine issue was first recognized. 
  2. The 4:09 pm train was the one with the issue. The 4:18 pm train was right behind it. We could have all fit on that second train. 
  3. The higher ups did not listen to the people, who were physically working on the train, and they made the wrong call. 
Good times. 

I had some nice news from the kid. She will be coming for the weekend next month. I think her real motivation is to get a haircut (as if they have no stylists in Chicago), but we also got tickets to a Broadway show. THEN, she was trying to get tickets for a band's reunion show, and they sold out in Chicago in minutes. After which they were on sale for a whopping $6300 on Stub Hub (thank you, no thank you). So what did my little sloth do? She bought tickets for the NJ show, and I am assuming I am invited. Yippee! So many fun things to look forward to. 

Let's Discuss!
  • Nicole wants to know how often you visit new blogs
  • Sim talks about 10 blogging tasks that aren't writing
  • Malka and Chana ask: are you a distracted reader?
On the Blog:
  • Monday: Blog Tour - Risking It All by S.M. Koz
  • Tuesday: TTT - Highly Anticipating 
  • Wednesday: CWW - Don't Give Me Butterflies, The Right Swipe
  • Thursday: Discussion - Required Reading
  • Friday: Blog Tour - Natalie Tan's Book of Luck & Fortune by Roselle Lim


What I Read Last Week

I apparently had a productive reading week. I get more reading done, when I don't write the reviews. I am three in the hole as I write this, but hopefully, I can find the words. My favorite of the week was The Bookish Life of Nina Hill. I liked Waxman's last books, but I ADORED this one. I smiled from beginning to end, because it was just such a delight to read. If you are looking for something on the fun side with charming and quirky characters - look no further.


What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Same here with the rain. It has been SO rainy in June so far! But the last few days have been beautiful- hopefully nice weather is finding you as well. Yikes about the train thing though! That would be frustrating!!

    I can't believe how much concert tickets are now. Or, sadly, how fast they go too.

    Hope your reads are good this weekend. :)

    1. I am happily replying to this comment from in front of my window. It's nice and cool and DRY this morning, but it will be warm later, so I'll enjoy it while I can.

  2. LOL, I sure do hope you're invited to the concert with your daughter... it would be mean of her to go without you!
    We have gotten really hot weather lately, and it's hard to sleep well... even if it has rained a little bit as well, the temps just keep getting higher.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. She responded to my message with, "that's why I bought 2". So sweet of her.

  3. Wow, eventful day on the train. As for the rain, for two nights in a row we've had basically a small storm of 75mph wind. It's insane! I hope you are invited and get to go! That's some expensive tickets! I hope you enjoy The Right Swipe!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Yes, the 2nd ticket was for me. Yeah! Crazy weather systems this week. I am loving the calm of it right now, though.

  4. We had some rain too but it's gone for now. Enough, already! LOL The train incident sounds a mess. They need to communicate better. Sounds like fun is in store when your daughter comes to visit:)

    1. I have a hate-hate relationship with Amtrak, and whoever made that call was a dope. My daughter was always my partner in crime. So, I don't really do much unless she comes to visit. I am hoping her new assignment has her traveling. Then, she could come home more, since her weekend flights would be paid for.

  5. Yes, we've had too much rain here too and finally yesterday and today are rain-free. Back to storms overnight and Monday though. My ARC of Stealing Home arrives late last week, so after my current book The Virtue of Sin, I'll be picking this one up. I hear you about management and not listening to those in the field actually doing to work. I hope you and your daughter have a fun time together!

    1. It seemed to start raining every time I walked outside. I am so happy to have this nice dry weather right now. Stealing Home looks cute. I like that kind of stuff.

  6. It’s been raining pretty much nonstop for 2 days here. It’s a little depressing. That’s great news from the kid. I hope you both have tons of fun!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I don't mind weather, if I have no where to go, and it could rain all day while I am sitting at my desk, no problem, but I hate being wet. It rains on the way to work. I get wet, and then I have to sit in the ice cold a/c all day being grumpier than normal. Not a fan.

  7. At least the weekends have had nice weather, unlike in May! Fingers crossed I don't have to drive home in the rain multiple times like last week.

    1. I don't do much on the weekends, but I have to walk outside to the bus and train, so I would rather it rain on the weekends. I know! I am odd.

  8. I don't mind rain, but I hate that it seems that is always starts raining when I'm outside and/or don't have an umbrella.

    Those were some serious train issues. I also have some train adventures of my own (as staying forty minutes in the middle of nowhere at night while someone fixed the train and waiting for the police to arrive because someone jumped in front of the train).

    I will take a look at Beau and Bett. How haven't I heard of this retelling of Beauty and the Beast?!

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. It was really windy on Thursday, and one of the ribs in my umbrella snapped. I have to replace it. I always carry my umbrella, because I have to be outside during my commute. Ugh! I have never been on the train, when there was a passenger strike, but it really snarls up the commute. Beau & Bett is a gender swap, subtle retelling. All the themes are there and the connections are easy to see, if you are looking.

  9. It's been super rainy here too. Yikes those train issues. I can't believe they forced the conductor to continue on even though he wasn't comfortable with it! -_-
    I hope you have fun with your daughter!

    1. Right! Listen to the people, who are on the train. Curse you, Amtrak!

  10. Sounds like the perfect weather for reading! And look you had a really solid reading week with all those 4 stars. I hope you enjoy your time and show with your daughter. ❤️

    1. It was a good reading week. Not as good as last week, but still good. This time next month my little sloth will be home. Yippee!

  11. Ugh I'm so sorry about the train issues you've had, I get what that's like, commuting to work can be so, so complicated with my trains here, too, it's always so annoying :(
    I can't wait to hear what you think of Truly, Madly, Royally, it sounds like such a great read!
    I hope you'll have a fantastic time with your daughter! <3

    1. I am about 25% into Royally and it's pretty cute. Zora is fabulous, but I am waiting for the prince to have a bigger presence.

  12. That's so obnoxious about the trains. I'm glad you got some good news from your daughter. Sounds like you two should have an entertaining visit!

    And yay for Nina Hill being your favorite read of the week. I'm hoping to start it this week and really can't wait. I really want to read The Lemon Sisters too. I've not tried one of Shalvis' books yet but that one has really caught my attention.

    1. I really, really adored Nina Hill. Seriously I am wearing a big, stupid grin just thinking about it. I have read quite a few of Shalvis' books (29). They are always on the lighter side, and the settings and friends groups never fail to delight me.

  13. Ugh on the commute issues. I so do not envy you that. Which reunion show are you going to see? I have tickets for the Mixtape tour next month. I don't care one bit about NKOTB but I want to see Debbie Gibson. LOL :) I'm excited for The Bookish Life of Nina Hill!

    1. We are going to see Motion City Soundtrack - at the same place we saw their farewell tour. Wow! Debbie Gibson is touring. The last time I saw her was in a Hallmark movie.

  14. Good luck with the rain! I love a good summer storm, but it's so miserable when it feels like it's never going to stop.

    1. I love a good summer storm, when I can watch it from inside, but I hate being wet all day at work.

  15. some nice looks books. hope you enjoy your time with the kiddo. :-)
    sherry @ Sunday Memes

    1. I have to wait a month to see her, but I am excited.

  16. It's storming here right now. I really thought once the heat moved in it would stop raining, but NOPE.

    1. Sorry it's still raining by you. It was hotter today, but dry all weekend *knock on wood*

  17. $6300 for tickets?! That's insane. I'd totally do what your daughter has done and come home to catch their other show.

    I don't know how you survive your commute. The train company seems like the biggest bunch of incompetents ever let loose on a business... At least you get reading time!

    1. It's way cheaper to fly here AND we let her stay for free. My commute isn't terrible every day, but that thing on Monday was so frustrating. I will be back to really complaining, when my lovely friend goes out on maternity leave, and I no longer have a ride to the station to catch that early train.

  18. Oh, wow--that train debacle sounds miserable! It's especially frustrating when you know it could have been prevented. Glad you had good news from your daughter, though!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. You know, higher ups never listen to people, who know what they are talking about. -_-

  19. Your train story sounds like a nightmare! Sorry to hear it was such a disaster. It sounds like your visit with your daughter will be a fun one! :)

    1. At least I had the good sense to wait for the next train, and wasn't stuck on the disabled one.

  20. Ugh yes, it's been the same with rain here as well! And then it's just SUPER humid right after as well, which is annoying - I think I'll take the dry weather with a little humidity rather than feeling as though I got a whole bucket of hot water dumped over me (not the one that makes you feel refreshed either).

    I hope you'll get to go to the concert and enjoy it! Also that is super expensive for tickets - ick.

    1. You would think I would be accustomed to this weather, but I will never adjust to the extremes we experience up here. Just going to have to ride out the summer.

  21. It’s raining here too.
    The bookish Life of Nina is one of my most anticipated books for next month.

    Have a great reading week

    1. I hope you love Nina as much as I did. I like fun and quirky, and it was all in there.

  22. My dad use to ride the metro link to work (in downtown Los Angeles,) and the train was constantly breaking down. I remember how frustrated he'd get, especially because he's miss connecting buses and it threw everything off schedule. I can't wait to read your review on The Lemon Sisters! I love Jill Shelvis! Stealing Home and The Right Swipe look good!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I am surprised to hear your dad took mass transit. My daughter's aunt lived in Santa Monica for many years, and she said everyone drove in LA, when I asked about mass transit options during our visit. I used to have the problem with connecting buses, but now I catch the 6:06 am bus to catch my 6:53 am train. I sit for over a half hour, but I never miss my train.

  23. You read some great books that I'm interested in! I want to read The Bookish Life of Nina Hill and Symptoms of a Heartbreak! You also have some great books on deck to read this week too! Have a great week!!

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. Symptoms was cute and a bit emotional at times. I enjoyed it. Nina was quirky and fantastic!

  24. I requested The Wedding Party so hopefully I'll get it.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Fingers crossed! I am a fan of this series, and look forward to staying in the world.

  25. I'm hoping to pick up Symptoms of a Heartbreak next. I'm glad it ended up getting four stars from you. I've been meaning to try an Alyssa Cole novel for ages. Hope you enjoy your week!

    1. Alyssa Cole's books are so good! Great romance, always a fantastic heroine. I enjoyed them all.

  26. Oh gosh, the rain is just coming and going. I need some nicer weather too...and a pool! That's awesome your daughter is coming to visit and you have some shows to see! I hope you have a blast. I'm glad you loved The Bookish Life of Nina Hill. I NEED THAT BOOK!


    1. Now it's not raining, but it's pretty hot. I mean, you know, summer. Gotta suck it up. Nina Hill was so good. I hope you get a chance to read it.

  27. Train drama! I do hate the big bosses never listen to the folks actually running things, though. They could have stopped the whole drama but oh no they knew best. Yay for the kid coming back. We all know there are hairstylists where she is but don't complain at her coming back. Also, trying a new stylist is scary times because what if they do it wrong?

    1. I just don't understand why they didn't listen to the people working on the actual train in question. I guess I should be happy my daughter is so loyal to her stylist, but I think there may be a few competent stylists in Chicago. It's a major city. I'm just saying. I will go to anyone at my salon. They are all good, but if it doesn't work out, it's just hair. It grows back.

  28. Wow, that train experience definitely sounds like it required a lot of patience, even if it was interesting to observe. It sounds like they need to be more organsied and trust the people who know what they are doing in the first place! It does sound like there are some exciting events ahead, and hopefully sunnier weather too ;)

    1. There are just some days I wish I had stayed home, you know? The sun is here and it is HOT! I am happy it's not raining, though I wouldn't mind some cloud coverage.

  29. We've been getting a lot of rain here too. That train situation sounds like a big mess. I'd be frustrated too since it sounds like it could've pretty easily been avoided. I hope you have fun with your daughter while she's in town!

    1. Amtrak is a mess and it's dragging NJT down with it. I hate that my line depends on them for the tracks.

  30. Awesome that your daughter is coming home for a weekend and that you guys are going to a concert and show! So much fun. 6300 bucks - wow that is crazy. I got to meet Jasmine Guillory at Book Con such a nice woman. Very friendly. I have this one waiting for me to read too! =)


    1. I seem to like The Wedding Party more than others. I enjoyed watching these two fall in love, and it was fun to get to see Alexa get married.
