
Friday, June 14, 2019

Discussion: What Type of Reader Are You?

This Week’s Topic: What Type of Reader Are You?

I would say that most of you, who visit are serious readers, and we share a love for lots of different kinds of books. After reading many Top Ten Tuesday posts this past week, I started wondering about the type of reader I am. Like, if I had to commit to one type of book, what would I pick?

I am sure this will come of no surprise to you all, but if I have to define myself, I would say I am a romance reader.

I will say it loud and proud! I am not ashamed to say I adore reading romance novels, but it's not easy being a romance reader. We are often dismissed as unintelligent, and we have to deal with commentary like this...

I commend Alex's response to this blurb from Cosmo, and add my own opinion, that what they wrote was very obnoxious.
It's attitudes like that of Cosmo, which give romance a bad name. I don't think genre or age range determine the quality of the writing, and it's unfair to judge an entire genre of books this way. But, I digress....

I love romance. Getting to see two people feel those first stirrings of affection and attraction is something I live for. When I see people say they were happy there was no romance in a book, I am always taken by surprise.

I always welcome a romantic plot or subplot in each and every book I read. I seek it out, and look forward to seeing the characters fall in love.

If the answer is "yes", I want to read it

I will probably never find my epic love or get married, but I will always have romance to keep me believing in the possibility of the HEA, and I find a lot of comfort in that.

Now it's your turn!

What kind of reader are you? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Ooooh I love this Sam!! I too love romance in books I read and only rarely enjoy a book without it. But if I had to choose a genre I'd go with Fantasy! I live for magic of any kind and love worlds filled with it or only slightly touched by it. I love it all. Of course, I want romance, but I feel like that's part of life so shouldn't it be in most books anyway?! Loved this!! ❤️

    1. I would have pegged you for fantasy as well, though you are quite a mixer. I like the way you think about romance. A lot of people do experience it or want to experience it, so it seems natural to have its place in a story. Yes, I like that.

  2. I don't read romance-in fact I try to avoid it in the books I read-but I get really annoyed by the attitude of some sites or readers who think romance is just a genre of stupid fluff with dumb readers. It's really insulting to judge readers like that. Reading is about enjoyment and I hate seeing people being put down because they love a particular genre!

    My genre would certainly be horror as I can never get enough of it! I used to get comments that hinted there was something unhinged about my interest in horror so I know what you mean about being judged!

    1. I appreciate that romance isn't for everyone, but people can stop belittling the genre and the readers, please. A lot of people like horror, books and movies. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. There are people, who enjoy reading about serial killers too. Are they unhinged? Too many judgey people out there. Yeesh!

    2. Totally agree! These snotty people need to get a life and stop being critical of what others enjoy!

  3. I'm a romance reader all the way. People need to get over their thoughts on romance.

    1. Seriously. I don't book shame anyone. Read what you want. The only important thing is that you enjoy it.

  4. Quote: "When I see people say they were happy there was no romance in a book, I am always taken by surprise."
    Ha! I know, we are an odd bunch LOL. I actually go out of my way to avoid books with romance in them. (*Here is where Sam chokes on her coffee or whatever her beverage of choice* 😱 πŸ˜‚). I can occasionally enjoy a book where romance is minimal/not integral to the plot, but I don't want to read about other people's sex life for sure if I can avoid it (and avoid I try).

    My thing would be afterlife. Dead/undead characters, whether in a post-dead world or still lingering on Earth/getting a new chance to touch the living, are my kryptonite.

    1. I didn't choke, but I laughed. I know there are a lot of readers out there, who are NOT looking for romance in books. I am not sure if it's because they are not fans of romance OR are tired of seeing it so much in books outside the romance genre. Now you can laugh, the first book that popped into my head, when you said undead characters was Warm Bodies, which is sort of a Romeo and Juliet story. I just can't think outside the romance!

    2. LOL, of course I haven't read that one πŸ˜‚.

    3. Romance is what I know. I just can't help myself.

  5. I guess I would say I'm a historical fiction reader, but I also really like contemporary novels/women's fiction! But I agree, we shouldn't continue to keep having these stereotypes about people based on what types of books they like.

    1. I am loving this discussion, because I have done so well predicting what most of you would pick. But, yeah, I feel like my reading tastes are always being belittle because I am all about the romance, but I am also an adult YA reader. These are two reading groups that seem to be constantly under fire. Why can't we just live and let be. --sigh--

  6. While I appreciate a well-done romance, I'm definitely more of a fantasy reader. I especially enjoy a well-done high or epic fantasy, but I'll read pretty much any fantasy sub-genre :)

    1. I used to read a lot more fantasy, but they always seem to be series. Is there such a thing as a standalone fantasy? I can appreciate a high fantasy, but am more apt to pick something more on the fantasy-light side, with magical realism being my favorite type of story that would fit in that genre.

  7. I don't know that I could pick just one genre/type of book to read. Maybe mysteries? I do like romance! I don't think it should be in every book because sometimes it really seems forced and doesn't add anything to the story. But if it works, then it works. I do like a good HEA.


    1. With each of these replies, I tried to guess what you were going to declare, and you were more difficult. Now that you say mystery, I am not shocked, but you are a true mixer, and the books you have featured have been all over the place. Sometimes, I am glad that I don't read a lot of mysteries, because I never seem disappointed in the ones I read. Whereas, many hardcore mystery readers tend to find the books perdictatble.

  8. Ug, I hate when people are judgmental about book genres. Just let people read what they want! I don’t think I could commit to one genre forever. I like most things! I guess I’d pick adult literary fiction. That’s a pretty broad genre.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Your reviews definitely span a great many different genres. It's funny, in grade school, I read a lot of fantasy type books and classics. As as teen, I was all about the contemporary romance (in between all the school reading), and I find I always come back to romance.

  9. Hahaha you already know that I am a romance reader too Sam! Then it can be adult or YA, contemporary or fantasy etc. And yes I got that comment too when I said I was a romance reader. Yet romance is the most sold has to say something right?

    1. I read an article a while ago, and they talked about how big a market share romance owns. Maybe people knock it, because they are just jealous of how many readers want to read romance. I do stick to contemporary romance, but I like a bit of it in any book I read.

  10. Ugh, I hate how judgey people get about romance. Romance should not be sneered at or looked down and it's actually crazy. I am totally a romance reader, like I can't even try and hide it. I love books from other genres but if I could only read one type of book you know it would be romance because I need me my happy ever afters (don't even get me started on whether or not romance needs a HEA).

    1. And you shouldn't have to hide. This is a no book shaming zone. Any and all readers are welcome. I love the escapism of the type of romances I choose. I more often than not reach for the lighter ones, and as with all the romances I read, I get that HEA. So, at the end, if even I had cried at some point (I'm looking at you, The Friend Zone), I know it will end on a high note.

  11. Yes Sam!! Romance is my love. My first and committed book love. I'll never not be a romance reader. I NEED it. I need romance front and centre or as a sub-plot otherwise my enjoyment is severely limited. If someone says there's no romance in something (and no hint of it building for future books in a series, for example) then 9/10, I'm out and I'm not sorry.

    1. *high five* I am so happy to find so many romance readers. And, I am with you. I don't care how much of the romance there is, I just know I need some of it in the book. I mean, I give more leeway when I read middle grades, but I like romance in my YA/NA/adult books.

  12. I enjoy many genres: mystery, thriller, fantasy, but I always want romance in it. It's a little disappointing when it's not there. I think it's a missed opportunity if it's not included, like The Martian. I thought it was a great story but there was a character that I think would've been perfect for the main guy who got left on Mars. It would've made the story about a 100 times better for me. I love straight contemporary romance as well. And yes, I don't like being judged for my love of romance, as this somehow makes me a less intelligent/serious reader. Great post, Sam! :)

    1. I feel like something is missing, when there is zero romance. Good point about a missed opportunity too. Your example is perfect for showing, where a little bit of romance would have been ok (and better in my opinion, as well)

  13. I definitely come to your blog for romance reads! So I would agree with that. I am not sure what kind of reader I am? Can I say I am a Divergent reader? I kind of read everything, from YA to adult books, from modern reads to classics, and from every genre... I go through genre phases where one genre is a favourite for a month but then the next month I need something entirely different. So I don't know!

    1. You are a true mixer! I used to think I was, but I then found my niche, and I am not budging. I thought I needed to read more widely for the purposes of the blog, but I wasn't enjoying all the books as much as I like my contemporaries (and especially, my contemporary romances). But, if you enjoy all different types of books, that's fantastic! Though, I couldn't imagine the size my TBR would be, IF I was more open in my reading tastes.

  14. I think it's a tie between Romance and Fantasy for me! I really love watching two people fall in love, and experiencing heartbreak before learning to love. There's also hate-to-love, and the whole pretending-to-date-but-secretly-in-love. Oh! Friends that didn't realize they were in love... there are so many possibilities! I also obsess over a good fantasy, like Julie Kagawa's Shadow of the Fox series, or the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews. I mostly stick to adult books these days, but there are a few YA's I still get excited about.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? πŸ’¬

    1. Within romance, I have many beloved tropes. I sort of love them all, but second chance wins my heart every time. I have enjoyed fantasy books in the past, but I think I easily tire of the violence and hard to pronounce names, and then I have to learn all the ins and outs of the world. Oh! And they are always series. So, then I have to commit to several books. I did love Kagawa's Iron Fey and Talon series, but I think it's because she built an epic romance into both.

  15. I also love romances and most of the books I read have a romance either as main plot or as side plot line. I love seeing the characters fall in love and I think love is such a powerful thing. Although if I had to describe myself I would use the word genre omnivore as I read almost every genre and like to switch things up.

    1. Watching people fall in love just makes me happy, and I like reading books that make me happy. I like that, you should coin the term genre omnivore. It sounds very impressive.

  16. I don't think I could ever narrow down to just one type of book. I'm just all over the place with what I like to read. I guess my top 2 would be historical fiction and fantasy.

    1. From the books you review, I knew you would pick fantasy.

  17. I have to be very careful to not dismiss romance and horror just because they're not my cup of tea. Your blog does a lot to keep my prejudices in control! I like books that include romance (or even that include frightening elements), but just want other aspects as well.
    As for what kind of reader I am--my first thought was "voracious!" I love YA fantasy, adult mystery, some historical fiction, lots of contemporary and "literary" fiction...there's no way to choose.

    1. My philosophy on most things is that they are ok, even if they are not for me. That's why we are so lucky to have such a wide variety of books (and other things) to choose from. I like voracious as your descriptor, because you do read a wide array of books (I would put AJ in there with you too).

  18. I'm definitely a romance reader as well! I'm realized more and more recently how important romance and cuteness are to me in books. And I've realized that I've started reaching for the romance genre more often. I think people don't realize that romance has a lot more to offer than just kissing. And that sometimes reading it just for the kissing is perfectly fine as well!

    1. YES! I like cute and adorable stories too. There's just something so lovely about seeing someone find their "person", and I like that there is such a wide variety of romance novels out there as well.

  19. I love romance books. They are some of my favorite books. I live vicariously through my novels and I feel there's nothing wrong with that. I am all over the place with genres myself. What people don't realize is most books include romance no matter what the genre because love is apart of life.

    1. My biggest draw to romance is knowing there will be an HEA, but I also really enjoy seeing two people find their happy. I totally agree, that romance is a part of many people's lives, and that is why it has its place in so many stories.

  20. I don't think people understand just how difficult it is to write romance. You have to meet, overcome obstacles and get a believable happy ending - all with in 300-ish pages. And to poo poo a human emotion that almost everyone has is just weird.

    the scope of the genre is so vast and varied too - to lump it all together as bad or dumb is ridiculous. If you don't like one romance novel there are dozens of others that you might.

    if it's not for you , fine - don't read it. That's cool but don't knock other people's choices or the authors that write it.

    I like light, funny books if I was forced to choose one. And I need a bit of romance no matter what genre I read.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I think there are good and bad books written in all genres. That's my opinion. I there are many authors taking on issues in their books as well. I tend towards m/f romances, and I am finding a lot of them tackling women's issues in a really thoughtful way. I do prefer my romances to be on the lighter side, though I have read plenty of CoHo and Emma Scott, but I have to be in the mood for all that angst and drama.

  21. Oh, that "Is this a kissing book?" GIF brings back such fond memories for me! Totally agree about the insulting Cosmo thing---such nonsense!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. The gif is from a stupendous movie. I don't like, when people try to elevate their thing, but tearing down someone else's thing. Cosmo could have praised that book without insulting romance readers and writers.

  22. Oh, I feel you! I love dystopian and post-apocalyptic stuff and people roll their eyes because it's "overdone". Like okay Susan I don't care, I still like it!

    Also, it's so funny that you mention feeling like you'll never find love as a reason why you DO like romance, because it is the reason I have a hard time with it! It makes me so SAD and like, that I am missing out on this wonderful part of life and it depresses me! Like I guess I am happy for other people finding love but tbh, I'd be far happier for ME haha.

    1. My daughter came back to pleasure reading via dystopians. You know how I feel - you do you.

      I love seeing people find their happy. If it's via romance or the dream job or the perfect home - I always love celebrating with them. There is going to be that little part of me, that wishes the same would happen for me, but if it can't, at least I can watch other people find joy. I think it makes me hopeful.

  23. Ugh, I feel you on that Cosmo crap. Us horror readers get the same crap. I don't get why someone feels the need to poop all over someone else's tastes. I love romance too and I will never be ashamed.

    1. Someone else was saying that, too, about horror. It's as if we should only want to read highbrow literary fiction and classics. I say BOOOOOO. I read for entertainment, and will never shame people for what they want to read.

  24. I don't condemn romances. To each their own, but romance has never really been something that I've found myself attracted to. I suppose that has something to do with my lack of interest in it in general. My own preferred genre if I had to choose just one to read for the rest of ever would likely be fantasy. Preferably high fantasy at that like Game of Thrones (which I haven't actually read yet), Sword of Truth, and Lord of the Rings. Stuff set somewhere very different from where I live.

    1. I have enjoyed many fantasy books and even some high fantasy. I can totally see the appeal of a well thought out world that is well executed by the author. As much as any fiction is a sort of escape, SFF books are escape to the Nth degree, since they are so otherworldly

  25. It's so sad that people condemn a genre because of some black sheep. The same happens with YA fiction... I don't understand why people see romance as a less literary category. Pride and Prejudice is a classic, but it's also a romance.

    If I had to pick one genre to read until the rest of my life, it would be fantasy. I can't resist to magic and supernatural beings. However, I would need some king of romance subplot. I need couples to ship. =P

    Happy readings! ;)
    TΓ’nia @MyLovelySecret

    1. I knew you would pick fantasy. It definitely is the ultimate escape, since you get to travel to other worlds. Yes! Romance just makes a good story better, and maybe you are onto something. Maybe having them to ship, gives me something else to be invested in.

  26. I read science fiction and fantasy - so I have PLENTY of experience of people looking down their noses at my reading habit. It's a shame that there is a slice of the reading community who insist on thinking the books they enjoy are somehow 'better' than the rest... And I generally enjoy a splash of romance in amongst the adventure, too!

    1. It seems like only highbrow fiction gets respect, but a good SFF takes so much to write. You have to develop an entire world, and the science that some scifi writers incorporate can be really complex. All I have for those readers with a superiority complex is an eye roll.

  27. I guess I would say I am a romance reader too. I mostly look for horror or thrillers tho. I don't know. I don't know if I want to be classified as just one type of reader as I want to do more than read one type. If I was just picking one type. I would pick a horror/thriller every time.


    1. I read zero horror and few thrillers. I like fluffy books, and I am not ashamed of it.
