
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: All the Stars

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

All the Stars!

Once again, I was not really feeling the topic, but you all know, I love making lists. I have read over 170 books so far, and many were great, but not too many earned the full 5-stars from me. Below, are the 8 books, which have earned 5-stars from me, and two others that were so, so close, and I want to show them more love.

What were some of your 5-star reads this year?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I will have to check these out!

    Lotte |

  2. I have not read any of these! I'll have to write some down to check them out.
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. They are mostly YA contemporaries. So, if you like to dabble in that, you might want to check a few out.

  3. Very happy to see Two Can Keep A Secret on this list, as I have it to read.

    1. I liked it. I like McManus' writing and storytelling. She surprised me a few times in that book, but mostly, I loved the relationship dynamics.

  4. I've only read My Oxford Year and I didn't care for that one unfortunately. I need to read Two Can Keep A Secret! I liked her debut!

    1. NOOOO! I have zero expectations for Oxford, and I just found myself so wrapped up in that story. I loved the whole idea of living in the now and enjoying what you have at the moment. It touched me.

  5. I loved One of Us is Lying but was a little let down by Two Can Keep a Secret.
    I’m really stingy with 5 star ratings - I don’t typically do star ratings anyway and a book has to be 100% perfection for that and I’m not even sure I had one this year!

    1. My star ratings come from my gut and the emotional impact it had on me. With McManus, I just found myself so entertained, and I liked the way she blended different elements into the story. It was just the right combination and worked for me.

  6. I gave Rayne and Delilah 5 stars too. I have a lot of these on my TBR!!

    1. R&D was such a delight! But honestly, all Zentner's books have been hits for me.

  7. I haven’t had too many five star reads this year have to look. These are mine: Only three for 2019 so far Parkland Speaks, When We Left Cuba and The Hate U Give.

    1. I was really impressed with Cleeton's book. It was so different from her previous books, and was really well done.

  8. I haven’t read any of these (boo) but I’m excited to pick up Hope and Other Punchlines. I loved Buxbaum’s Tell Me Three Things and was kind of surprised at the depth and emotion it had. I’m guessing HAOP is just as good if not better.

    1. I have read 4 books by Buxbaum, and all were hits. Her YA books are a special delight for me. Her characters and her storytelling always leave a mark on me.

  9. First, congratulations on reading 170 books (so far). You've to tell me your secret. =P I really need read Maurene Goo's books. They seem to fluffy.

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. I have read 3 books by Goo, and this was my favorite. She writes fun books with some depth, and I enjoy them.

  10. Great list!! I'm hoping to read Goo's book soon.

    1. Her second and current release are my personal faves.

  11. Nice topic twist! Yeah...I honestly would never loan my books out, but I guess I made this into what I would really really never even consider loaning out! Lol.

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I give the books I have away, since most of them were free.

  12. I haven't read any of these yet, but I would like to read The Opposite of Always and Somewhere Only We Know.

    1. Both was excellent. I loved the way Reynolds did the time loop in Opposite of Always. One of the best I have read.

  13. How have you read 170 books already? Wow! That's amazing. I haven't read any of these books, but I'm glad you loved them.

    Happy TTT!

    1. Long commute, don't sleep much = lots of time to read.

  14. I really need to get to Opposite of Always soon. I think I've only had 1 5-star book this year so far!

    1. It was soooooooo good! AND, they are making it into a movie. When I do the math, only 4.5% of my books read have earned the full 5 stars, which is a small fraction. I have ton of 4 star reads though.

  15. This makes me have high hopes for Somewhere Only We Know. I'm so excited to read it!

    1. It's my favorite of Goo's books. It was fun seeing Tokyo and I loved the characters.

  16. 170 books and it's May???? Wow! I love seeing Opposite of Always on here - I agree it deserves so much more love. Somewhere Only We Know also deserves more love than it is getting, though I can see where some people are coming from reviews (I wasn't a huge fan of that one, though I enjoyed it overall).

    1. OoA was such a wonderful book! I am glad you agree with me. I have seen some reviewers say they were uncomfortable with the situation, that it was dangerous, but I guess I suspend all real world stuff when I read fiction, and that stuff doesn't bother me.

  17. I'm so happy to see Rayne & Delilah's Midnite Matinee by Jeff Zentner on your list - it was excellent!

    1. All Zentner's books would be on my list if I included all my 5-star reads. I adore his books.

  18. Hahaha rebel much Sam? I want to read Julie Buxbaum's and two Can Keep a Secret was excellent! I was just disappointed in Rayne and Delila's as I did not truly get into the story. Thanks for sharing your best reads with us! And 170 so far?????? I just fell from my chair.

    1. I get not having money to buy all the books. If I cannot get an ARC or get the book from the library, the chances of me reading a book are slim. I buy very few, but I am lucky to have a great electronic library to borrow from.

  19. A few of these are on my TBR list, so I’m glad you liked them!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I hope you get to them at some point. They were all so good

  20. This is a great idea for a post! It's nice to occasionally do a check-in and let people know about the best of the best of what we've read!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I feel like I tend to like a lot of books, that don't get a lot of buzz. It was a way for me to buzz about them.

  21. I like the sound of How Not To Ask A Boy To Prom.

    I've had a few 5 stars this year... My latest was an UF called Grave Destiny by Kalanya Price. :)

    1. Goslee's books were both great for me. They are funny with great family interactions and a very honest feel to them. At least you have had a few 5-stars, right? That's better than none

  22. I wasn't feeling this week's topic either so I love what you've done here instead. There are so many on your list that I'm planning to read this year, especially Two Can Keep a Secret, Hope and Other Punchlines, and Opposite of Always.

    1. I am by no reads a mystery reader, but I love McManus' book. She does such a great job with her characters and their relationships. I was throughly entertained by both her books. Buxbaum has yet to disappoint me, and I am 4 books into her catalog. I would love for Reynolds to write another book, soon, because Opposite of Always was amazing for me.

  23. There are a few on there that I definitely need to get to sooner rather than later!! Great list!!

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

  24. How (Not) to Ask a Boy to Prom was adorable. I started Reyne & Delilah on audio but wasn't feeling it so I]m going to switch to e-book & I have Somewhere Only We Know coming up.

    The Poet X would be my 5 star read for this year. I haven't read much though because of the move.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  25. Out of 170 only 8 had 5 stars. WOW, ok let me get over the 170. I think this year I am up to 14 so far....=( I love that you can read this much. It gives me hope that someday I can.


    1. I am not working on a degree and I have an empty nest. I have a lot more time than you to read.

  26. I feel like five stars can be so tricky! Sometimes I have months with no five stars, sometimes I have months with quite a lot of them. I really had quite a lot of them this year so I am happy! Hopefully you will find more five stars soon. And yay for Jeff Zenter earning it. I need to read that author and stop saying I will ;.;

    1. I read all three of Zentner's books - 2 were 5-stars, one 4.5-stars, all wonderful! R&D was his lightest book. TSK had sad moments, but I thought Goodbye Days was the saddest, how could it not be.
