
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sunday with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

Another slow week. There was a lot of rain, but it ended well. The highlight was winning book of choice just for commenting. Since I had no idea I was in the running, I was thrilled to receive the notification that I won. Thank you very much, Gigi at Gay Book Reviews.

The low of the week was reading that Grumpy Cat died. First Buddy, then Boo, now Grumpy Cat. All my internet famous cute pets are passing on. I am glad I waited the 3.5 hours in line at BookCon and had the opportunity to meet her.

I had fun messaging with my daughter as she moved. She has been packing and moving every year since 2013, but this is the first time she had professional movers. It was really adorable how impressed she was with them, and how much she enjoyed sitting back and watching.

Yesterday, WLABB turned 6! I am doing a book of choice giveaway on Twitter. Go forth and enter!

Almost as cute as Boo was....
This is hilarious ...
My PSA for today ...

Let's Discuss!
  • Jo wonderful if you have to read the book before watching the movie
  • Sophia helps us identify signs that your blog is evolving
  • Kelly shares why she thinks YA books are so popular
On the Blog:
  • Monday: Blog Tour - Happy Messy Scary Love by Leah Konen
  • Tuesday: TTT - Page to Screen
  • Wednesday: CWW - Better Than the Best Plan, Technically You Started It
  • Thursday: Nutshells - With the Fire on High, There's Something About Sweetie, We Are the Perfect Girl
  • Friday: Discussion - Jump in Someone Else's Train

  • Score by Victoria Denault
  • Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas (free)
What I Read Last Week

I had a few standout reads this week, but Buxbaum's Hope and Other Punch Lines takes the top spot. It was sweet, emotional, touching, and just perfection. I cried the whole time I wrote the review, but it was good, cathartic cry.


What I Am Currently Reading

The first book in Kerr's series was a hit for me, and she is delighting me once again with Sweet Wild of Mine. You had DNFed a book last week, where the author was trying to incorporate animals and animal facts into the story, but Kerr does it so well, and it's one of the things I love about this series.

What I Plan to Read

With this last batch, I am about done with my May review books. Unfortunately, I have 9 books releasing on June 4th in my queue, so I won't read them all before publication. *hangs head in shame*

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I just got 100 Days of Sunlight as well... and I'm currently working on The Rosie Result. I'm also glad to hear you loved the new Julie Buxbaum, it's on my list!

    I was so sad to hear about Tardar Sauce {aka Grumpy Cat} and her passing. She was so young! It's so awesome that you got to meet her!

    1. The Buxbaum book was perfection for me. I adore her books.

  2. Grumpy cat has been a staple of internet life for so long, I can't imagine her not being around, you know? And in other news: happy anniversary!

    1. All the animal stars are passing away, but she was young. It's a shame she got ill like that.

  3. Congratulations for six years of blogging!! Happy bloggerversary <3 I am so glad I get to read your wonderful blog time and time again. And I heard the news about Grumpy Cat which was so sad :(

    1. Thank you. You're too sweet. I had to break the news to my daughter, who is the one in the picture. It was a really sad thing to read about, but we have the memories, and all the memorabilia.

  4. Yes the week ended better weather wise for sure. Sorry about Grumpy Cat. Your PSA is legit! Let me read!!! Lots of great books there. I just won Hope and Other Punch Linesand I'm excited for it. Have a great week!

    1. I hope you love the new Buxbaum. I have quite a few tissue moments, but it lovely.

  5. Happy blogoversary! (And thank you for the giveaway!). Since you're pretty much flying solo at the moment, I think you're doing a tremendous job of keeping WLABB alive!

    Quote: "Unfortunately, I have 9 books releasing on June 4th in my queue, so I won't read them all before publication. *hangs head in shame*"
    No reason for have a lot on your plate, and they will still get reviewed, won't they? Only a little later 😉.

    1. Yep, pretty much solo. Though, Kiersten is reading Caraval and Aurora Rising. I just need to get her to post reviews. She is really good at it. I WILL get the books read. I just got a lot of late approvals in May and ended up with 45 May releases. I am impressed I will have them all read by next week.

  6. Happy Blogoversary! I hope there will be many more years :) And congrats on winning a book by commenting - without even knowing about it.
    Your new books look great - I'm so curious about 100 Days of Sunlight.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. That was the best part of that win. I had no idea, and it's a blog I stumbled upon looking for Red, White & Royal Blue reviews too. Yeah!

  7. Congrats on the win! That's awesome! I always feel like on I'm on cloud 9 when I win a contest! Lol!

    Hope you enjoy all of your lovely new reads!

    Here's my StS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. My eLibrary doesn't have that book either, and I really wanted to read it, but I am cheap. So, the win was great all around.

  8. Sysco looks so adorable!
    happy blogoversary! That's so awesome!
    Aww that's sad about the cats. They look adorable. Every cat looks adorable. Punk 57 and Passion on Park Avenue are both amazing! I love them!
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I have not read a Penelope Douglas book in a long time, and free books are always great.

  9. Congrats on winning a giveaway without knowing you were on the run. It must have been an amazing feeling to receive such a notification, especially when you were not aware of the giveaway. =P Learning about Grumpy Cat's dead was so sad. She was so young! It broke my heart...

    Happy belated blog anniversary!

    A Little Something Different is such a cute book. It's my favourite Sandy Hall book!

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. I think Grumpy Cat's death hit me harder than Boo's, because she was really young. So sad. Sandy Hall is hilarious and her book was a ton of fun. I am working through all her books.

  10. Happy bloggoversary Sam!!!!!! And as usual you have so many books read that I wonder when you sleep/eat etc. Have a wonderful Sunday! Oh and by the way I don't know why but your comments ended up in my spams! That's why I was so slow to answer them but everything seems fine now.

    1. Relegated to spam. How odd, since I have commented on your blog a whole lot, but I have seen that happen here too. No worries about the lag.

  11. I am so sad about Grumpy Cat! That cat brought so much joy to everyone on the internet with her grumpy face. :(
    Happy Blogging Anniversary! 6 years is very impressive! :)
    I'm glad to see that I Love You So Mochi was a good read! I look forward to that one!

    1. I am happy for all the joy and humor she put out in the universe. I am doing a re-read of her book as a tribute. Mochi was awesome. Aside from how well the author pulled us into Japan, it was also a lovely story of finding your passion and mother-daughter relationships.

  12. Thanks for sharing the fluffy pup photos--so adorable. I didn't even know Grumpy Cat's age, so this news was a shock when I saw it. The toy store video made me smile too. Happy 6 years!

    1. I will forever love cute animals. That Toy Story video was so on point. So fun!

  13. congrats on the win. funny vid and cute dog
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  14. Aw, I hadn't heard about Grumpy the Cat. I still miss Boo. :(
    Happy blogoversary! Six years is awesome. You're twice my age! LOL
    I've had Punk 57 for quite a while and still haven't got to it. The cover is so gorgeous! I totally want to read The Flatshare. It sounds so, so good!

    1. Boo. *sad face* Everyone is raving about The Flatshare, and I am super happy it's finally time to read it.

  15. AHH happy 6 years of blogging, this is amazing, what an incredible accomplishment. To many more years of blogging and fun <3
    Fake It 'Til You Break It and I love You So Mochi both sound amazing, I can't wait to read them both, so happy you liked them :) And ROSA SANTOS! So excited for this one, hope you will love it :)
    Happy reading and have a lovely week! <3

    1. Both Fake It and Mochi were great. Fun and cute, but with some substance. Mochi had more than Fake It, but both were worth my time. Rosa is wonderful so far. I am almost done at this point, and I think I have reached the major conflict part. The family and friendships and history and community aspects are all great.

  16. I didn't know that Grumpy Cat made an appearance at BookCon? I love that the kitty had a 3 hour wait!

    I've never had professional movers, that is the absolute dream.

    This is Amber btw.

    1. Yep. It was maybe 2015. She was promoting her book. Professional movers are always great and especially when you live in a 3rd floor walkup like my daughter does

  17. I was so sad about Grumpy Cat! What a sweet, grumpy kitty she was. Great haul this week! Hot Dog Girl looks adorable. I hope you enjoy all your upcoming reads!

    1. I almost feel like I need a bereavement day from work for Grumpy Cat's passing. I have wanted to get a copy of Hot Dog Girl since I added it to my TBR last year. I heard great things and know this will be a hit for me.

  18. The Flatshare and Passion on Park Avenue are both ones I want to read! If we ever move again, I'm getting professional movers, I don't care how much it costs.

    1. I always want to read Lauren Layne. Her books just work for me. The Flatshare sounded great and so far, it's raves from everyone I know. I wish you could have read the thread between my daughter and I as she went on and on about professional movers. It was adorable.

  19. I had no idea about Grumpy Cat but was sad to hear the news!

    Professional movers are the best! At a certain point you have to let other people do the work haha- I learned that after moving approximately 137 times (seemed like!) during college!

    Those cones are hilarious. It cracked me up at the beginning how people seemed to not even notice they were moving. :)

    Hope your week is awesome :)

    1. Because my daughter has moved every year since 2013, I think having someone else carry it all and put it all together was a nice treat. You know you've made it when you can afford professional movers. =P

  20. I'm waiting for my copy of the newest Julie Buxbaum from the library so I'm happy to hear you loved it. I still have 4 books to get through before I'm done with my May review books and I have several for June 4th too! So many good things are all coming out at the same time I couldn't resist, but it does put the pressure on, right?

    Poor Grumpy Cat! She gave me so many laughs! Nice you got to meet her! :)

    1. I have now only have one Julie Buxbaum book to read (the last one, which I own). I have read her other 4, and each was a delight for me. I have 19 review books for June, which is an improvement over the 45 I had for May. I actually didn't think I would survive, but I only have 5 more to read. And, why is every book coming out on June 4th?

  21. Looks like lots of fun reads. I haven't read any of them, although a number of them are on my TBR list. Glad you found some good ones!

    1. I have been getting pretty lucky with my picks, and I am really excited about some of my new approvals.

  22. That's so sad about Grumpy Cat, especially since she was only 7. I'm so happy to see that 5 star rating for Buxbaum's latest. I have high hopes for that one. Hope you have a great week!

    1. I think Buxbaum is fabulous and this book was so touching and well balanced

  23. I was sad about Grumpy cat too!! =( Punk 57 is soo good, it was one of the first books that got me into the romance genre. I have my eye on Fake It Till You Break It, glad you gave it 4 stars! I hope you have a great week!

    ~Kendra @ Kendra Loves Books

    1. Nguyen's books are always adorbs, and Fake It was lots of fun.

  24. It's sad about grumpy cat but at least you got to meet grumpy cat just once. That's more than most of us. And professional movers is a dream. Moving is a breeze when you have good movers doing the work for you. But when it goes wrong it can go very wrong. I'm excited for you to read both Teach me and The Flatshare can't wait to see your thoughts on both.

    1. I am loving The Flatshare. I could have done without the political pandering (I hate when politics sneak into places, where I don't expect to find them), but I let it go, because the story is really charming.

  25. It's sad that Grumpy Cat died...she wasn't that old either!
    I've had Punk 57 on my list of books to read for awhile now. I need to get on that!


  26. Thanks for sharing my post, Sam! I'm loving the pic of Sysco; I actually thought it was Boo for a moment but then realized about the news and now I'm sad. Boo and Grumpy Cat, along with all the other pets I can't remember have played a huge role in social media over the years. Congratulations on reaching 6 years on WLABB - here's to many more years of blogging and books!

    1. I loved sharing your post. It made me think a bit. It is really sad to see all the internet sensations passing away, but I will always keep them in my heart.

  27. Congrats on your Blogoversary and winning the commenting giveaway! How sad about Grumpy Cat dying! I love Penelope Douglas! I hope you enjoy her book! I want to read No Place Like Here and check out Maureen Goo! I Hope you have a great week Sam!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. I have not read any Douglas in a long while, and I have always heard good things about Punk 57. What do I have to lose? It was free. Christina June always writes very sweet stories, and No Place Like Here ran along those lines. I have read 3 out of 4 of Maurene Goo's book (I still have to read her debut). The most recent was by far my favorite.

  28. I just had a bookstagram tour for No Place Like Here. I hope you enjoy it and I hope to read it soon myself. Happy Blogaversary. How do they spell that? Happy 6th! I was sad about grumpy cat too. It is very nice having movers!


    1. I did enjoy No Place Like Here. June's books are always good for me. My daughter does the version of blogiversary with "give" in it.
