
Friday, May 24, 2019

Discussion Post: Review Books - Yours, Mine, Ours?

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post on Rainy Day Ramblings where we discuss a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

This Week’s Topic: Are most of your review books from publishers or are you reviewing books of your choice?

Let's be clear - all of the books I review were my choice. I am not at the level, where I am sent unsolicited ARCs. I go through the books on NetGalley and Edelweiss, and I request each and every one. 

The better question for me is ARCs versus my own books.  

Almost all of my review books are from ARCs. Every year, I SWEAR I am going to review more of my own books, but I tend to over-request, and I don't have the time to read anything but the eGalleys I requested. Review books tend to slow down in the last quarter of the year, and I will definitely do more "One Old, One New" features then. It's hard not to get distracted by the new and shiny books, but I am really committed to showing some love to those I own. 

Now it's your turn!
Where are your review books from? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. I don't review any ARCs as I don't want to read unfinished books. All the books I read are ones I have bought or downloaded and actually own, except when I get the odd review request. I used to do tons of review books but that meant my TBR was constantly out of control and I had to scale back. Now I'm finally getting control of the TBR again.

    1. That's great that you found what works for you. I admire your ability to resist free books.

  2. They’re all my books! (Or the library’s books.) I don’t request ARCs because I don’t need more deadlines in my life. Since I got a new job, I’ve barely been reading at all. I’d feel bad if I had a ton of ARCs lying around that I didn’t have time to read.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I hope the new job is going well, even if it is killing your reading game. I feel like one of the few, that doesn't' feel too bad about unread ARCs, but I do read a lot, and get to about 90% of them. I am requesting less though, so I can do more features - like theme reading and whatnot.

  3. I mostly review books from publishers because I feel obligated and somehow I have so many, but I try to squeeze in at least one review for a book from my shelf.

    1. I feel a little obligated, but when I am reading books closer to publication, and I see tons of bad reviews, I may pass on the book. I like working in my own books, because they are breather books. I don't have to write full-on reviews, if I don't want to.

  4. I review a mixture of them all, and library books too. It is lovely to sometimes read a book too and not feel the need the write a review, so when I'm in that mood I just read my own books.

    1. Yes! That is one of the reasons I like reading a library book or a one of my own books. Just being able to write a few lines, and not being obligated to a full, well thought out review. I also want to do some theme reading, and publication dates don't always correlate with my whims.

  5. Oh this is an interesting discussion! I feel like I have been reviewing a lot of books I've received from publishers lately because I went a little bit overboard and managed to get lucky, too, but I really want to try and review my own books more, too. It's hard to juggle them both, because we can't do it all though haha. I'm trying to do my best though :)
    Lovely post! :)

    1. It IS hard to juggle, and it's also hard to resist requesting a book you think you will love. That's my problem. My willpower is getting stronger though, and I have resisted that "request" button many times this week.

  6. Pretty much 100% of my reviews are books I own or get from the library. Every once in awhile I'll win a book. It would be nice to read books early, from Netgalley or something, but it's also nice not feeling obligated to write a review.

    1. I think there are pros and cons to requesting ARCs, but I find it really difficult to get new releases from my eLibrary and I have told you all, that I am poor, therefore, I buy very few of my own books. ARCs fill that void between what I have/can get and what I want.

  7. I really want the books that I read to be my choice, not something pushed on my nose by someone else. Being a small international book blogger can be a blessing sometimes because I don't get unsolicited books. Downside is I don't get physical ARCs but I am gratefule for eARCs from Netgalley. I gave up on Edelweiss a long time ago because I never got approved there except for a couple of blog tours. I go through the available for request books in NG and request for those that REALLY interests me. I don't request as much and as often so I also get to read from my own books from time to time. For my own books that I've read, I put up mini blog posts reviews about them sometimes. But mostly, I just leave my rating and a haphazard review on Goodreads. :)

    1. I also do not tend to feature my own books, UNLESS it blew me away, and I really wanted to scream about it on my blog. Those are normally my "breather" books, but now I want to do more theme reading and need a bit of freedom from the release calendar. I admire your restraint. I am terrible, when I get on NG/EW, BUT I am getting better.

  8. I've been diving myself pretty good. I like to review books that aren't ARCs that I loved so others get interested in them and read them too! I get unsolicited ARCs but if I'm not interested in them, I won't read/review them.
    Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. I do write reviews for all the books I read, I just don't tend to feature them, but I want to, and I am working on more ways to feature them. I guess you don't owe anyone a review just because they sent you a book, but it's nice they send you books.

  9. In the past, I'd say it was more of an even mix between arcs and my own books. But I've been shifting to fewer arcs and more my own books over the last year or so. It's exciting to get copies of books from favorite authors, or discover books that I might not otherwise get to, but it's always at the expense of reading my own books that I truly want to read and experience.

    1. That was one of the reasons I cancelled my KU subscription, but I still tend to avoid my own books. I have no idea why, but I am trying to fix that. I need to do more of those features like Amber and Nicole do - reading my shelf/make me read it. My review books are slowing down and I may try something soon. I tend to need a little shove to make me read my own books.

  10. I definitely review more ARCs than owned books. I request a lot (probably too many lol) review copies, so I focus on reviewing those. Sometimes I post short reviews on my goodreads about books I own that I've read though.

    1. I always like to leave some thoughts on GoodReads, but more for me, than for anyone else.

  11. I don't get unsollicitated books either Sam and I try to review more "my" books than ARCs because I would feel too much pressure otherwise. I also am a moody reader and being forced to read all my books according to a release schedule would be dramatic!

    1. I have passed on books that were "due", because I just wasn't in the mood for that kind of book. So, I can totally relate to you there, and it is definitely a good reason to for me to limit my requests.

  12. Now, that I am caught up on my review book/ARC backlist, I have gotten to almost a 50/40/10 split (the ten is library reads). I feel so much better about getting to some of my own books while still being able to snag the new shinies, too. You're right about different times of the year affecting that balance, though.

    1. I do read a lot of books from the library too, and all my audiobooks are loans. I don't tend to feature those books for review, though, because I am an over-requestor and have too many ACR reviews. I do hope to get to more of a split, like yours.

  13. I'm at the point right now where I'm only writing full-fledged reviews for ARCs but they're almost all ARCs that I've chosen myself. I rarely ever get unsolicited ones either. That all reminds me that I do need to do a recap of the books I've read this year that I actually own though. I don't think I've done that since January, lol.

    1. I use my Sunday Post to feature all the books I read, and just include links to the reviews on GoodReads. Some of the reviews for non-review books are pretty short, but they are thoughts, and if someone wanted to know more from me, they could ask, right?

  14. I've started listening to audio versions of the books on my shelves, so I can simultaneously read from my personal books and ARCs I've requested. It's working so far! Not all of them have audiobooks, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. ;)

    As for where my ARCs come from... mostly NetGalley and blog tours. If it's something I really, really want, I might make a specific request to a publisher, but that rarely works out. I also enter a lot of giveaways, and some ARCs come from there. A few authors have emailed me, but I've been more selective about what I'll take on. I'm trying to lighten my load a little, and it's been working so far. No excessive requesting on NetGalley, reading my backlogged books, accepting fewer blog tour requests... it's been great so far.

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬

    1. I have started listening to audiobooks for past due ARCs. I am the worst! I get lucky with giveaways too, but we all know, my physical books sit and rarely get read. I am terrible! I like blog tours, but have started only joining tours for ARCs I already have (for the most part), since right now, I have so many. The second half of the year is much lighter though, and I have some plans.

  15. I'm like you Sam in that the ARCs I review are chosen by me they are not unsolicited. However, I read far fewer ARCs and prefer to read my own books / KU borrows.

    1. When I had KU subscription, I was reading so many of those books, that I was not reading my own. So, basically, I replaced KU with NG/EW/Library books. I am trying to read more of my own books though.

  16. This is pretty much me. That's why I created the Make Me Read It Giveaway---that way I'm at least reading ONE older book I own every month. Otherwise I'd probably read none. Sigh.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I was thinking of You and Amber, and I feel like I want to come up with something like that. It's not that I don't want to read, but I need that accountability to push me to read one book over another. I more or less let the publication calendar drive my reading, but I can knock out 5 - 6 books a week, and by requesting less, can slot in non review books. That is where I need the push.

    2. If you want to co-host my Make Me Read It Giveaway with me every other month, you'd be welcome to join me. ;-)

      Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    3. I have no idea how you all do all those giveaways. That stuff adds up. I only do a few a year, because - poor.

    4. Yeah, and I remembered that you read all of your books on the Kindle, so the giveaway thing wouldn't work that well for you. I'm generally only giving away the books I have on my shelves for this one (unless I REALLY love the book and want to keep it), so it only costs me a few bucks for shipping. Wouldn't work that way with Kindle books!

    5. I have a lot of older ARCS (2017 and earlier, a few recent ones), but I don't tend to read them because I am all about the 3000 ebooks I have. *laughing*

  17. I'm trying to curb my book requests, because I find that I may be in the mood to read a certain book when I request it, but then my mood may change by the time I receive the book or need to time it with publication. I don't feel obligated to review unsolicited books, just the ones that I request. Good Topic Sam!

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. My mood is definitely a problem when it comes to reading what I plan to read. I am reading a book right now that was not on my weekly TBR. I agree with all the people, who do not feel obligated to read unsolicited ARCs. They were just sent to you, and if you read them great, but you shouldn't feel like you have to.

  18. I ONLY review ARCs at this point because I am exhausted hah. It's funny, when I started blogging, I swore I'd never be one of "those" people, and here we are. I read so few books that aren't for review though, that I generally am able to give them a super quick review- I actually think I will have time to do one of those next month, and those are fun, because there's absolutely no pressure!

    1. I wrote 4 reviews on Friday, 4 on Saturday, and 3 yesterday. My non-review books are wonderful, because they allow me to take a breath. This is a mess of my own making, but I usually am really happy with the books I finish. Not that I feel an immense amount of pressure, when it comes to reviews books, but I do feel a bit obligated.

  19. Hi Sam! I save Fridays for ARC reviews and post non ARC reviews on Wednesdays hahaha unless I over requested. I don't do that often as I'm trying to read backlist books on my TBR but sometimes I'm blessed and get more than I anticipated. ❤️ Love this prompt. I agree about the end of the year. I try to take a whole month off ARCs and catch up on things I wanted to read but didn't.

    1. Well, I will never be totally off the ARCs (I already have a few Jan 2020 titles), but it gets much slower, and I am excited to read more backlist. I already feel like I can breathe a little better, because May books are done and June are almost done. I didn't think I would survive the crush of books I had for May.

  20. I usually mix them up. I do some review books along with my own. Sometimes, I just want to read what I want to read. I have totally cut off asking for any Netgalleys or Edelweiss. I don't want to take them and promise to read them and then don't get a chance to read them - which is usually the case. I do occasionally get a book for review for a tour but that is it now. I just want to read what I want, when I want. No more galleys for me.


    1. It's good to not over commit yourself, and it's great that you can resist requesting book. Alas, I am weak.

  21. They are all ones I choose as well. I don't go unsolicited and all the time I either request or accept by interest. I don't really overcommit myself, but I do want to have time to read my backlist books and am trying to focus on keeping up that balance. I think my reading and reviewing is 50/50 for review copies and backlist books which makes me happy!

    1. I say I will be 50/50 every year, and it never happens. Even when they are not ARCs, they are new releases from the library. I am slowly trying to fix that.
