
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday: I Choose You!

Top Ten Tuesday is a meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week's topic is...

I Choose You!

I am constantly lamenting, too many books, too little time, and because of that I am forced to carefully pick and choose each book I read. This week, I was challenged to put into words what makes me choose a book. I don't think I every really verbalized it before, but here we go.
  1. Go-to Author - I have a list of go-to authors, who never disappoint me, and I will always run to read their books. 

  2. Genre - There are genres I enjoy and ones I don't. I tend to love contemporaries, and will pick one up without hesitation, but I definitely think on it a little longer before picking up something other than contemporary. 

  3. Romance - I love romances. I am sad, when a book is without some romance. I love reading about love, and knowing the book has an HEA romance is motivation for me to pick it up. 

  4. Reading Challenges - I can be competitive, and read a bunch of books, because they fit one of my challenges. Sometimes, it's a really good thing, because challenges tend to push me outside of my comfort zone, and I have read quite a few great books this way. 

  5. The Cover - I have confessed, that I am a total cover-ho, and a pretty cover can be the siren's call for me. 

  6. Companion or Sequel - If a new book comes out in a series, that I am enjoying, I will readily snatch it up. Most of the time, I enjoy the next book as much or more than the previous one, so it's always a good bet. 

  7. The Premise - I have read some synopses, which dazzled me and made me want to know more. So, even if the book doesn't meet my other criteria, I will still grab it, because it sounds so interesting. 

  8. Via Recommendations - There are a few people in this world, who really understand what I like to read, and if they read and like a book, and then recommend it to me, I will probably read it, because I trust them. 

  9. Debuts - I love supporting debut authors. I want to support them in their early career, and then I can look back when they blow up and say I read them first. 

  10. Hype - I hate to admit to this one, but there are books on my read shelf, that I only picked up, because everyone was raving about them. A lot of them DID live up to the hype and some didn't, but I have no regrets. 

What makes you pick up a book?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. *hands up* TOTALLY a cover ho as well. Not even shy about it naymore after seeing how mnay people are the same on this week's TTT! Also your GIF use is spot on this week!

    1. I have no shame, when it comes to my adoration of the pretty cover, but I do feel bad for not even looking twice at a book with a hideous cover. I need a strong recommendation to look a little closer.

  2. Go-to-authors and romance are definitely what sucks me into a book. I try not to rely too much on hype but it's unavoidable sometimes!

    1. I am not a huge hype person, but sometimes the FOMO sets in and I cave. Most of the time it has worked in my favor, because I still only read the hyped book, when it hits a few of my preferences

  3. Yes to these! Challenges have definitely made me pick up a book. And the hype for sure!

    1. That's one of the reason I love challenges. They push me...a little, though I try really hard to make all my own books work.

  4. The hype gets me too. If everybody is reading something, I want to know what’s so great about it. I don’t want to be left out!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Exactly. I mean, sometimes I sit back and thank my high school English teachers for making me read all those books, because so many other people have read them too, and I feel like I am part of the collective.

  5. I've done reading challenges before and sometimes they do make me pick up a book I hadn't been planning on. That's kind of fun! Great list!

    1. I definitely need a good push out of my comfort zone and challenges are a fun way to do it.

  6. Yep, I pretty much have picked up books for all those reasons. These days, I try to be more discerning. I pick up books based on recommendations, or author or series. I really am trying to not do impulse reads.

    1. Author is the number one thing. I don't even have to think about it, if it's by one of my go-to authors.

  7. How in the world did I neglect to include go-to author in my list? Gah! That's a huge one! Pretty covers and romance? Yep, yep! And I'm almost always on board for a good companion novel. Awesome list, Sam!

    1. That is weighted the heaviest by me. It's a no-brainer to read new books by authors I love. The only thing that may make me hem and haw is if it's in a different genre. The new Jenn Bennett is a historical fantasy. I love Bennett's contemporaries, but not sure if her next book is for me.

  8. I find myself in your reasons Sam! Add to it a book being controversial and my curiosity is picked! Sophie@bewareofthereader

    1. I initially fun from the controversial books, but might give them a peek further down the road, when the dust had settled.

  9. covers do catch me first....most of the time. great post.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. A BIG factor for me, and I feel bad, because I know I skim past books with crummy covers, and maybe they are great, but there's a lot of competition out there. I would give a book like that a try if it came with lots of recommendations.

  10. OOoh nice reasons! I admit to falling for hype at times too. Though I've been burned by hype probably 50% of the time too!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. Hype was lowest on my list, but I know I have read a few books because of that and all the accompanying FOMO

  11. REcommendations are huge for me now, as a blogger, and a good cover- yup I always fall for those! :) Also genre and favorite authors. It's amazing how many factors go into our book buying (or reading) decisions!

    1. Genre has gained a lot more importance for me lately. I guess I was disappointed by too many other genres lately

  12. I agree with all of these, but I tend to need a combination in order to really make a decision. The strongest factor is genre and romance. If you tell me it's cute contemporary with an adorable romance, or mention enemies to lovers, or any other trope like that, you immediately have my attention. But I need to think the synopsis is something I'll enjoy, even if every other element sounds perfect. I have a pretty low tolerance for dark or sad books, so I carefully read through synopses before coming to a final decision.

    1. Other than author, more than one of the other factors must be present, but for an author I love, I don't need a cover, don't need to read the synopsis and I will still read it

  13. I have a few authors that are auto-reads, some even auto-buys for me. I'm a total cover-ho, too!

    1. So far, my auto-read are still auto-reads, and I will keep wanting to read their books

  14. Pretty covers and auto-buy authors, definitely. Some people are surprised that authors don't have control over their covers, but my thought is... I'm not a cover designer, I'd rather have someone that knows what they're doing design my cover. It's so important.

    And enough recommendations from bloggers with an interesting synopsis... I'm more likely to eventually read that book.

    1. I put blogger love in the hype column. There are only a small number of people, who I trust to match me with the perfect book

  15. I legit have no idea what makes me pick up a book. I am hella indecisive, so usually I read whatever is next in my ARC lineup. It's why I still review books I think? 😂 As for what makes me add them to my list? Your guess is as good as mine. I'm going to go with "3 year old Publisher's Weekly blurb", if I had to.

    1. I think a pile of review books would influence me as well, but I am a requestor of ARCs, not a receiver, so I am somewhat aware of my reasons

  16. It's interesting that you mention finding debuts appealing. Sometimes I feel the opposite since they're a total unknown. It's always fun to discover a new author, but sometimes I'm hesitant to take the step in the dark.

    Happy TTT!

    1. I like going in with a clean slate. I think because I read so much, I don't mind taking a chance

  17. Hype used to make me pick up books XD I feel like after I got burned one too many times that is no longer the case
    Yes for go to authors. There are authors that I love and want to read everything they ever write.

    1. Hype is lowest on my hierarchy, but still has nudged me to read a few books

  18. I forgot to include them on my list but HYPE and my go-to authors will definitely entice me to pick up a book.

    1. It's the FOMO. I don't want to be left behind . That's how the hype monster gets me

  19. Premise and go-to-author are my main reasons too to choose a book! And yes, it's n agonizing decision! And yes, I also have to confess to cave into hype all the time :)

    1. Author is the biggest factor for me, but a combination of a few others rates high too

  20. Well designed covers get me every time :) Great list!

  21. Yay for the Psych gif! Sometimes great covers really do draw me in, but I have to like the premise of it too, or have heard good things. I get a lot of rec's from bloggers and I love it.


    1. I miss Psych so much. It was the best! I will admit, I have read books based solely on the covers. I know. It's crazy.

  22. I can't resist a pretty book covers. It's the first step for me getting a book (the second being finding the synopsis intriguing).

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Synopsis definitely plays a role for me, but other than author, everything else is considered in combination with other factors.

  23. Yes, yes, yes to everything that you said!

    1. I was really impressed with other people's lists, because they were so much more specific than I was, but these are the top reasons.

  24. I too am a cover ho. Covers have a huge impact on me.
    Somekind of romance is also a must or I get grumpy. :)

    This is a good list. I didn't make one as I couldn't quite work out what makes me pick one up.

    1. *high five* I sometimes feel like I am alone in wanting romance in my books. I always see people complaining that they cannot find books without romance, and I'm like - why would you want that?

  25. It's always exciting when a favourite author is bringing out a new book that sounds great. I don't generally go for hyped books but that is more because they are generally in genres I don't read!

    1. Really? I always feel like there is hype everywhere. For YA, it seems like fantasies are getting the most hype lately, but maybe I just think these things, because I spend a lot of time on book Twitter and visiting blogs.

  26. I don't think I have go to authors? I have authors I really like but I am quickly realising that there are few authors whose works I have read many of even though I intend to! I think synopsis, recommendations and covers get me quite a lot. And I like to read diversely so knowing there is something diverse or unique about it makes me pick it up. Reviews too! Oh, and I read alot of genres as well.

    1. I have few people, who really understand my reading style, but there are few whose recommendations carry a lot of weight for me.

  27. I am not sure ours are in the same order but yes to all of them. Go-to's and covers are mostly my things. If I find a lot of bloggers reading the same book - I am more likely to pick it up. I am usually all over the place with Genre's so that can be more mood reading for me.


    1. Mood plays a huge role in WHEN I will read something, but doesn't necessarily figure into the IF.
