
Sunday, April 21, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

A happy and blessed Easter to all those who celebrate. We are doing something different this year for the holiday. Normally, we go to my sister's, and watch her cook and clean the entire time we are there. This year, we are going out to eat, which should allow the whole family (minus my daughter) to spend some time together. At least this time, I know there will be cake.

Another rather uneventful week. We had our Panera breakfast, which was awesome, and a baked goods snack on Thursday, which was a nice treat. Now all the goodies stop since tax season is over. *sob*, but I still have an awesome co-worker, who loves to bake, and randomly brings us stuff.

My business follows the stock market holiday schedule, so I had Friday off *yeah*. I got my hair cut and finally got my progressives. Yes, I am that old. I was tired on not being able to see everything at work, and taking my reading glasses on and off was just burdensome. In about a week and a half, I should be able to see everything at work. Still not sure, if that's a good or a bad thing.

Speaking of work, for some reason, they posted this sign in the stairwell, and we all are still scratching our heads about it.

Something that made me giggle...

My daughter (and co-blogger), Kiersten
Some good advice...
Something that made me smile...
Something that surprised me...
Let's Discuss!
  • Genesis confesses that she sometimes feels her reviews aren't good enough
  • Tania asks: is this novel young adult?
  • Becky wants to know what you do when a blog post flops
On the Blog:
  • Monday: #AmReading - Somewhere Only We Know 
  • Tuesday: TTT - Rainy Day Reads
  • Wednesday: CWW - I Wanna Be Where You Are & The Rest of the Story
  • Thursday: Isn't It Romantic? - The Austen Playbook & Fumbled
  • Friday: TMST - Got Books?

What I Read Last Week

Lots of good reading this week. My favorite of the week was Love From A to Z by S.K. Ali. I was a fan of her debut, and I am a fan of her sophomore effort. I always appreciate how much of her own experiences she shares with us in her books, and she handles difficult topics in a way, which I think people will listen to. The book was also a sweet and swoon romance, and the ending was fabulous!


What I Am Currently Reading

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Grease...prequel? I'm not sure how to feel about that. XD I'm so jealous of your daughter's picture on the Iron Throne, too. Happy Easter!

    1. It seems a lot of people have reservations about a Grease prequel, but part of me wants to see those summer days, where Sandy and Danny fell in love.

  2. Your SP are always entertaining LOL. You seem to find all the funny things to post.

    Happy adjusting to the new glasses! I'm 52 and I've been using reading glasses when dealing with very small print for 3 or 4 years now...but now it's also less small print and thin/grayish fonts...I never noticed there were so many books using them before. Sigh.

    1. Oops, and I forgot - Happy Easter!

    2. Glad I could give you a little giggle. I hate my reading glasses, and only have to wear them when reading the paper (in which the print keeps getting smaller and smaller), a physical book (which I try to avoid), or those darn PDF ARCs. I need to be able to look up and down and still see small print at work, so I gave in to progressives.

  3. I got How To Build A Heart, too, and I really like the sound of it! I hope we'll both enjoy it, Sam.
    My progressive glasses are life savers! I've only had them for a few months, but it's so nice to not have to squint all the time - I love them.
    Happy Easter :)
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookworms

    1. I had been sent info from the publisher about How to Build a Heart, so when I saw it for download, I couldn't resist clicking. It's a long way off for me with a 2020 release, but I am looking forward to reading it. It was time for progressives. I couldn't do the on and off thing at my job, because I look up and down too often, so I think I made the right choice, and I got a great deal on the frames too.

  4. Dry Paint? OK that's a new one on me! Why would there be a warning for that-seems weird! I'm wary of this Grease prequel-won't be the same with a different cast and after what they did with Grease 2, I'm certainly worried!

    1. We have no idea why that sign was posted. Grease has such a legacy for me, but color me intrigued with the idea of seeing how Danny and Sandy met. I am in the minority, but I liked Grease 2. "A cool, cool, cool, cool rider"

  5. I got a haircut too! My hair is about half the length it was before. I love the Iron Throne photo. I think she’d do a better job than most of the contenders for the throne.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. My hair wasn't long to start with, but it's probably about half the length now too (hits the bottom of my ears). I laughed when I saw that pic of the kid. She amuses me.

  6. Sounds like a nice week! I took Friday off myself just to give myself a break from the chaos my office has turned into. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, that's for sure! Lol. And omg, that sign...was it a delayed April Fool's prank? Lol.

    Nice new reads too! They are all new to me ones but I hope you will enjoy each and every one of them!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I don't know what the motivation behind the dry paint sign was, but things have not been the same since the building got a new management company.

  7. Going out to dinner sounds like the way to go! It's much easier and everyone gets to enjoy as opposed to some people slaving away in the kitchen. All of these new books you got with the exception of I Love You So Mochi are new to me. They all look so pretty! I hope you have a good week ahead.

    1. Going out is the best. No dishes! And, since it's a buffet, more choices too.

  8. I'm curious about the Grease prequel. Wonder who is go starring in it. And dining out sounds easy and lovely. Happy Easter! And that sign has me stumped too. LOL

    1. It didn't sound like it was too far along, but I wouldn't mind learning more about those summer days/nights.

  9. I had Friday off from work as well and it was wonderful. I think that the need for bifocals has been one of the worst things about getting older. I wore contacts for over 30 years but the bifocal ones just give me a headache. I did pick up my new glasses last week and am really thrilled by them. It's the little things :) I am glad that we now know who ends up on the iron throne :) Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    1. I really wish the workweek was 4 on, 3 off. That extra day really makes a difference. I had Lasik when I was in my 20s, so my distance vision is still pretty good (I was 20/250 at one point), but a few years ago, my old eyes came in, and it's just becoming a problem at work lately. My glasses are really pretty though, and I will only need them at work.

  10. Our goodies go away too now that tax season is over. Probably good for my waistline, but I'll still miss them.

    Looks like you've got some great reads coming up this week. Love from A to Z was a favorite recent read for me too. It was such a powerful and emotional read.

    1. Definitely good for my waistline. I never eat stuff like that, when I am at work. I like Ali. I think she has a lot to say, and I like the way she says it.

  11. I'm going to be doing a lot of baking and cleaning up later today :( Going to a restaurant for Easter dinner sounds like an AMAZING idea!

    1. I am sure all your baked goodies will be amazing! Hopefully, after you present your family with such delectable treats, they will let you rest, and take care of you.

  12. Love the Easter pics, Sam!:) I hope the lunch out is a good one. Easter is kind of a non-holiday for us but I'm still giving a small nod to my childhood Easter dinners and making a tiny ham (actually it's just ham slices) with potato salad and green bean casserole. I should invite my mom over... it feels very retro. LOL My husband works for a financial company and they close on stock market holidays so he was off on Friday. I was so jealous. I'm not sure how I feel about the Grease prequel. I'm curious but I also feel like You Don't Mess With Grease. LOL I'm so interested to see what you think of Again But Better. I've followed Christine for years on YouTube. I hope her debut is worthy!

    1. I'm in, if there's green bean casserole. These northerners never make anything like that. --sigh-- I have been seeing some uncomplimentary things about Riccio's debut, but I feel like that's not unusual when blogger/booktubers write books. I am going to check it out for myself, and hope for the best. My daughter followed her, and we bumped into her one year at BookCon, and she was very nice and gracious with the WLABBers as we waited in the parking garage for our cars.

  13. Happy Easter, Sam! I hope you and your family have a lovely lunch. :) Food goodies on work should be something permanent. =P I've heard about the Grease prequel and most people I heard aren't happy about it.

    Awww, thank you for sharing my post. <3

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. Permanent food goodies would be nice, but I will settle for them reinstating the paper cups in the break room (don't get me started on that!). I am open to the prequel, and interesting in learning Sandy and Danny's "origin story"

  14. Good call on going out to eat for Easter instead of watching your sister exhaust herself working. I hope you made the most of the food over tax season at least. The cover for COnstellation of Roses is so pretty! I don't even know what the book is about and I want it. And I didn't know Francesca Zappia had another book coming out, I will add that to my TBR. I hope you have a good week.

    1. We are here waiting for my sister, and the spread is ah-mazing. I am excited for new Zappia. Love her books 😍

  15. Happy Easter!! Going out is so much easier. Glad you got things done on Friday. I love when I have a productive day like that. Oh man all the prettiest. You always get the best books. Enjoy! Have a great week!

    1. I got a lot of stuff done, but did't realize stores would be closed today. There went my Target run. I was overwhelmed with the books I got this week, because there were many highly anticipated reads approved.

  16. Sometimes going out to eat for a holiday is actually really fun. No one has to stress!

    1. It was so much nicer, and we are thinking about having Thanksgiving catered now.

  17. Happy Easter! We went out to eat too and it was glorious- no cooking! Also, I love Panera!

    1. Everyone enjoyed our first holiday out, and we are already planning the next. Much more relaxing.

  18. I got progressives and didn't end up using them much because the magnifying part was too low. I need to go back and get another pair. It's just such a hassle and expensive if you chose anything other than there small selection of frames. I use readers and am constantly taking them on and off. Nice that your sister didn't have to cook this year!

    I've enjoyed Kate Meader. I need to pick up more by her. :)

    1. I just finished the last book in the newest Meader series and I really liked it. Second chance romances are my favorite and Grant was a fantastic hero. I am finally finishing her last series. I had an eARC, but didn't realize there was a problem with the download until after it was archived. I was able to get the book on sale, and now I wrap that series up too. Her books have been solid for me, and I think I will circle back to one of her earlier books I happen to have.

  19. Yay for a three-day weekend. Monday came all too soon! I hope you had a lovely Easter. I love the pictures you shared. Enjoy your new books!

    1. Thank you! Those are some of my favorite Easter pics, especially the one with my Oma.

  20. I hope you had a lovely Easter with lots of good food and chocolate. It sounded fun to do something new! And yay for getting the new Francesca Zappia book! I can't wait to see what you think of them. And also, I really love the cute title to I Love You So Mocchi. <3

    1. I don't really eat chocolate, but the food was great, and someone brought in their leftover Italian rainbow cookie cake on Monday, and it was incredible. Zappia books are soooo good, and I am really excited to read it. I was pretty overwhelmed by how may of my anticipated books I was lucky enough to get.

  21. WOW SAM!! I can't believe you read so many books this week. It sounds like your Easter was most excellent and I love that Game of Thrones pic!! ❤️

    1. I need to ask the kid where she was for the picture. I thought it was awesome too.

  22. Bwahahaha yes I don't understand why Dry paint should be a danger! I hope you had a great long weekend Sam! For unknown reasons I could not find your blog anymore! But now that's fixed and I saved you in my favorites. So here I will begin commenting on your other posts!

    1. And to this day, that sign is still hanging up in the hallway as a little FYI. Maybe they don't want us to worry that it's wet? I can't believe I was lost to you. Glad you were able to find me again.

  23. Sorry that the goodies stop...That is sad. =)
    I don't care they will never be able to replicate Grease. It's one of a kind and bringing/remaking or a sequel will not be the same. It's a classic. Glad your Easter was good!


    1. My waistline will thank the company for curtailing the treats. XD I have seen some remakes I thought were great, though doing a prequel is smart, rather then redoing what was already done so well.

  24. Aww thank you so much for sharing my post!
    And confession, I've never been to Panera.
    My goodness, did you base your reading on amazing book covers? Because I'm not lying when I say that I love every single book cover on your read, received, and reading lists! 😍 😍 And now I'm going to have to check all of them out because those are so pretty!
    Sunflowers end up facing the sun, but they go through a lot of dirt to find their way there.Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    1. Funny, I actually used to like Panera more before they went all "clean", because when they did that, they eliminated a bunch of my favorite menu items. Covers are critical for me. I am really shallow, I guess.
