
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Sundays with Sam - The Sunday Post

Sundays with Sam is a combination of Sunday Post hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Stacking the Shelves hosted by Tynga's Reviews.

My Week in Review

It's lovely outside as I write this, so I am in a pretty good mood, though, I am counting down to the next holiday, because I could use a day off.

Today is theatre day. It's another premiere - Benny & Joon the Musical. I have not seen the film in many years, and am super interested in hearing the songs. I don't know about you, but I am hoping they included this one.

What's a Sunday Post without a dose of cute....
Let's Discuss!
  • Elgee discusses the different types of unreliable narrators
  • Sophie asks if we should give those 5-star ratings
  • The Literary Apothecary talks about replacing fictional characters
On the Blog:
  • Monday: #Am Reading YA - Killing November, Tin Hearts
  • Tuesday: TTT - I Choose You!
  • Wednesday: CWW - Hope and Other Punchlines, Other Words for Home
  • Thursday: Blog Tour - In the Neighborhood of True by Susan Kaplan Carlton
  • Friday: Discussion - They Killed the Dog...AGAIN!


What I Read Last Week

I would like to report, that Serious Moonlight was worth suffering through the pdf for. As always, Bennett packed the story with great characters, fabulous banter, and plenty of feels. I also really adored How Not to Ask a Boy to Prom. I had loved Goslee's debut, and I declare, she wowed me again.



What I Am Currently Reading

If you're not reading Lucy Parker's books, you are missing out, because they are all so good. I loved the set up for The Austen Playbook, and we got a great grumpy hero too.

What I Plan to Read

How was your week?
Let us know in the comments!


  1. Oh I love that song! Benny & Joon- how awesome!

    So glad to see that Serious Moonlight was good! I really need to read Jenn Bennett soon.

    1. And now the song will be stuck in your head all day, right? I can never stop saying it enough you cannot go wrong with a Jenn Bennett book.

  2. Yeah the nicer weather is getting closer! We keep getting nice days then back to cold or just meh days. We're getting there...but then that means so is the heat. Bleh.

    Nice new reads too! New to me ones but I hope you will enjoy them all!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

    1. I don't like it too cold or too hot. That's why nice weather this time of year is so crucial for me. I am all about the moderate temps - 50 to 70 is my sweet spot.

  3. We have had some beautiful weather here as well. I wish it could just stay like this. I get Good Friday off of work so that is coming up soon. I don't really understand though since we don't even get Christmas Eve off but I just take the day and not ask too many questions. Glad that the Bennett book was worth the hassle. Enjoy all of your new books and have a great week.

    1. We get Good Friday off, because the stock market is closed, and I work for a brokerage firm. The market is open on Christmas Eve, but closes early. Maybe your company also follows the market? Everyone knew I was lying about not reading that ARC, because it was a PDF. I love Bennett too much.

  4. I love that song! I preordered Earth To Charlie, but now I’m nervous because it hasn’t been getting great reviews. Have a good week!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Earth to Charlie wasn't bad. It had some really good moments, but there were a few things the author started and didn't finished, which bugged me.

  5. The weather is just gorgeous and I'm mad that I'm going to miss out on the sunshine since it's raining in Birmingham! UGH!
    I'm thinking of re-reading The Austen Playbook this week! I was just thinking about the book earlier! :)

    1. I am love The Austen Playbook. Heck! I loved all the books in the series. More people should really be reading it.

  6. I hope you have a great time at the theater and yes, I'd be disappointed if they didn't include that Proclaimers song.

    I'm so excited to see you enjoyed Jenn Bennett's latest too. The .pdf was a pain but totally worth it for me as well. :)

    1. We will know in about an hour if the iconic song made the cut. The PDF killed me. It made reading that book take forever, but it was very good.

  7. I remember seeing your comment about PDF's--I agree that they're annoying. I have to read them on my iPad because otherwise I just can't stand them.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. My iPad died a while back, and I never really used it, so I didn't replace it. It's really large for reading on during my commute too. I wish NG specified available formats, because I would never request a book, if I knew it was only available in PDF.

  8. Benny & Joon the musical? That sounds so good I hope it's good. How weird I read Serious Moonlight too. It was such a good read and I'm glad I did one of my favourites of the year so far. I still need to start The Austen Playbook what if I don't like it? I am excited to start it hopefully this week depending how my reading goes.

    1. I liked the movie, and so far, all the plays this season have been wonderful. Bennett can do no wrong by me. Her books always leave me happy. OMG, as if you won't like a Lucy Parker book.

  9. I love Benny & Joon - I'd love to see a musical of it. :)

    Check out my Friday post and my current giveaway

    1. It was really well done. All the actors were fantastic, and it really did a nice job capturing the movie.

  10. A Benny & Joon musical... what fun! That was such a good movie... I liked all three of the main actors. What ever happened to Mary Stuart Masterson, I wonder? I loved her. So awesome that you got an arc of K.A. Tucker's latest! She's one of my faves.

    1. The musical was great. They did a nice job with it. I was shocked Atria approved me (finally). They usually just reject me.

  11. It's finally spring here but rained most of the week. Everything is green and growing. Enjoy the beautiful day and all of those wonderful books.

    My Sunday Post

    1. We have been having decent afternoons, and YES! All the green is a wonderful thing (other than the allergies)

  12. Benny and Joon the musical, huh? Can't wait to hear about it!!


    1. It was really good. They included a lot of the best parts of the movie too.

  13. I just started Serious Moonlight and I'm already feeling the magic! Beard Science was such a fun audio! I loved the female narrator's performance!

    Glad you're having nice weather. It's gorgeous here, too, although it's more beautiful in Northern California. Back in So Cal were already getting some of the brown back with a mini-heat wave. :/

    1. I am not a fan of any extreme temps, so this weather is sort of perfect for me right now. I was really excited when Hoopla got the Winston Brothers books. I actually own a few (unread, of course) and am happy to have the opportunity to listen to the audio. Bennett's books just always work for me. I hope you love Serious Moonlight.

  14. I must be the only person in Scotland who hates 500 miles!

    1. I remember, when it was really popular and overplayed, it started getting on my nerves, but I haven't heard it in such a long time, and I have a lot of nostalgia for the song.

  15. I love The Proclaimers. Not just 500 miles but a bunch of their other songs. They're fun to sing along with!

    1. Definitely a lot of fun to sing along with. Sadly, all the songs in the play were originals, but it was nice thinking about this song again.

  16. Benny and Joon THE MUSICAL??? What? I need to see this! I was obsessed with that movie as a teenager! XD

    1. It was good. The actors did a fabulous job capturing the most memorable parts of the film - the bread dance, rollerskating cleaning, ironing grilled cheese, and the actress, who played Joon was amazing.

  17. Thank you for the shoutout Sam!!! And sorry to reply so late but ... RARE Paris LOL. Enjoy your haul! I also got Say you Still Love me!

    1. It's all good. We knew where you were, and I hope you had the most incredible, amazing time. I was shocked I got the Tucker book. They have rejected me for every book until now. Yeah!

  18. Yay for good weather! And I hope you enjoyed going to see the musical. Hopefully a holiday is on the horizon for you soon <3

    1. I enjoyed Benny and Joon. It was well done - fun and emotional.

  19. I loved Benny and Joon and watched it again about 2 years ago just to remember it. It was totally cute. I am interested to know what the play was like. I hope you enjoy it and all the new books!


    1. I haven't seen it in ages, which made the play even more fun to watch. This subscription season had a lot of nostalgia woven into it.
