
Friday, April 26, 2019

Discussion: Take a Chance on Me

This Week’s Topic: Take a Chance on Me

A few weeks ago, the Top Ten Tuesday topic had us talking about why we pick up a book, and I listed my number one reason as the author. Yes, I am always eager to read books by authors who have delighted me, time and time again, but I am also really willing to take a chance on a new author.

That had me thinking about WHY I am so willing to give a new author a go, and though my list is short, it's somewhat meaningful.
  1. I read A LOT of books. I have already read over 140 books this year, and because I get through such a large number, I don't mind taking a chance on something or someone new. I believe that if I read less books, I would want them all to be AMAZING, and I would want my book of choice to come with more of a guarantee that it will deliver that level of excellence. An author, who I have never read before, would not meet that criteria, as far as I am concerned, but, like I said, I read a ton of books and can afford to take a chance. 
  2. Most of my books are free. I have access to a wealth of free books via my public library, and am also very lucky when it comes to getting approvals on NetGalley and Edelweiss. Believe me you, if I was paying for every book I read, I would be doing some FBI level research before forking over my cash. It's a much bigger decision, when money is involved. 
  3. I have been really lucky, when it comes to taking these chances. I think the biggest bet we all take is when we read debuts, because there is only the one work to base our decision upon. However, I am taking a chance on established authors too, when I have yet to sample their catalog. 
  4. I like having a lot of choices, and the more authors I sample, the greater the chance of me finding new ones to add to my go-to list. 
Now it's your turn!

Are you willing to take a chance on new-to-you authors? 
Let us know in the comments!


  1. You're way wiser about book-buying than I am. I used to buy books for all sorts of reasons and then, sometimes, when I actually sat down to read them, they turned out to be duds. I've toned down a lot with my book purchases though--I still purchase a few every now and then, and really, there's no reason for me to buy so many when I work in a library. :D Great post!

    1. I am not wiser, just super cheap, and that makes me think a lot harder about if I really want to take the chance on the book. I use the library a LOT, because I am lucky enough to have it, and as I don't re-read or collect books, I am good with borrowing.

  2. I'm much more willing to take chances on nonfiction authors. When it comes to fiction, I'm pickier- the blurb really has to draw me in before I open the cover. I also usually put fiction on my TBR list after it's been recommended by another blogger first. I'm going to need to think about why I'm so picky when it comes to fiction, especially since, like you, most of my reading material comes from the library and I don't have to pay for it outright!

    1. Just because you don't pay for the book, doesn't mean there is no investment. Your time to read said book is valuable, and I can understand being a little picky about how you spend that time.

  3. I take chances on new authors! Usually I trade for those books or get them from the library. If I’m going to buy a brand new book, I have to be very sure I’ll like it.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I am renown for being cheap, and I will only part with my pennies for a sure thing.

  4. I actually very rarely read the same author more than once, I have done it a few times though. I pretty much just pick up whatever book catches my eye!

    1. Wow! There are some authors I have read upwards of 20 of their books. Once I find someone, who entertains me, I will try to read all their books.

  5. I have many auto-read authors, but I read new-to-me authors a lot too. This is actually a category I track. So far this year I've read 22 books by authors I've read before, six by authors I'd heard of multiple books from but had never read before, and 34 by authors I'd never read or heard of before this book.

    1. That's a lot of new-to-you authors. I should add that column to my spreadsheet. Thanks for the inspiration.

  6. The great thing about new authors (both debut and new to me) is the thought of finding something new and intersting. Whilst a favourite author you expect something good, I think the excitement of maybe finding someone new to add into the fold is brilliant. Also, every author was new once, to disregard them simply because I don't know them is silly. I mostly read books because they sound interesting, not because I know like the author (except the books I buy because I knows I like the author... but that really ruins the impact of my argument, doesn't it?).

    1. TRUTH! I liked finding someone new to shower with my love and affection, and I have gotten really lucky with some new-to-me authors, and have went back and devoured their backlists.

  7. 140 books already Sam????? I just fell from my chair! But I agree with you and I try to discover new authors too. That's important as it helps me to avoid being bored honestly. And some have become my favorites like Brandon Sanderson as I just finished Skyward today!

    1. I told you, I read a lot. The best is finding a new-to-me author, who just clicks, and makes me want to run out and buy their backlist. That happened to me with Robin Benway. I actually own her older books.

  8. 140....OMG that takes me at least 2 years or more to do. =) I do try to discover new authors and usually rely on bloggers to get me to read the book by their review. So yes, I value book bloggers because I spend my hard earned cash on books. =)


    1. Believe me you, if I was spending my own money, I would be less caviler with my choices.

  9. I don't have a lot of reading time, so I'm hesitant to take a chance but recently I've been doing it more than I have a couple of years ago. You're right, debut is more risky because the author's ratings are based on one piece of work and I find that early on the book is usually rated highly. It's only after it's released that you start seeing more realistic ratings come through. So far I've been pretty lucky with the debuts I've picked up. Plus, if I have trouble getting into a book I'll just DNF and move on. Great topic here, Sam! :)

    1. So true! I feel like a good portion of early reviews come from friends, family, and give-away winners, and maybe they tend to overstate their love for the book. Stuff gets real after the release. I have noticed that too. I approve of DNFing when not enjoying a book, and did that recently, as a matter of fact.

  10. I'm always trying new authors in my favourite genres if the blurb sounds good, there are no tropes I hate and the reviews are useful. I use reviews on Goodreads to see what negatives are given about the book as they are usually the most helpful in me reaching a decision!

    1. I have to really know the reviewer and what they tend to like/dislike to buy into their reviews as far as if a book will work for me. Everyone has something that is important to them, and pet peeves that ruin a book for them.

  11. I can't believe you read SO many books already, this is amazing! I'm trying my best to try out new authors , because there are just so many authors out there and so many possibilities to read incredible books. I'm still thinking a whole lot though before jumping in, since I don't have easy access to books, I either have to buy it or get lucky on NetGalley which rarely happens, to read a book. I'm always willing to try new things and discover amazing authors and books but... I'm thinking a lot before doing so ahah :)
    Lovely discussion :)

    1. Free books definitely give me a freedom, that I know everyone does not have. I totally understand being more discriminate, when you have to buy all/most of your books.

  12. I agree Sam! If we don't take a chance on new authors, there are so many great books we won't discover. I usually just stick to the same authors that are my tried and true favorites, but then I kept hearing about The Kiss Quotient by Helen Hoang, dos I took a chance on it, and it was amazing. I ended up reading, The Bride Test and am suffering a major book hangover. If I hadn't taken a chance on this debut author, I would have been seriously missing out! Excellent post Sam. I'm going to feature your blog discussion on my Sunday Post.

    Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    1. It's the best feeling to find a new go-to when you take a chance, and Hoang was well worth it, because she has brought something special to the romance genre. Oh, thanks for including me in your post XOXO

  13. I'm always willing to take a chance on a new author. There are really only a few authors that I will follow and read every single book of theirs. So a lot of the books I read are from new-to-me authors.

    1. I have so many go-tos, it's ridiculous! I have a lot I am trying to work through their backlist, because I took the chance and enjoyed them so much too. I am inspired by Wendy to add a few columns to my spreadsheet and track new-to-me authors.

  14. Replies
    1. Same. I have found many favorites by random chance.

  15. Okay I am going to need to know HOW you read so many books. Holy crap dude. But yeah, I find I am not that picky with new authors, now that I think about it? I mean- I am more worried if it is an author that I read and didn't love, you know? I'll pretty much always take a chance on a new author- be it a debut, or just new to me. That said, like you, I am pickier with books I actually buy- because if I am spending the money I want to be a little confident that I'll like it? Though if it's a Kindle deal or a cheap HC or whatever, then I am definitely more likely to take that chance! I am looking at the books I bought in April, and 3 are new to me, and 2 are authors I love, so I guess it's an even split- though I did only buy the latter at full price!

    1. Contemporary books are shorter? I read on my commute and listen to audio books too. I actually struggle with going back to an author, who I didn't click with. I mean, I guess maybe it was the book, and everyone else cannot be wrong, but I am ruthless, and don't seem to give second chances. The exchange of cash would change my situation drastically. I am impressed with how many new-to-you authors you plunked down your own money for. That's a lot of confidence in them, even if the books were on sale (I am really cheap)

  16. I love reading debut authors. I love finding new authors and it is always nice when you have been with them from the beginning. I do read a lot of books from authors I love but I am not afraid to take chances either.

    1. I have always been open to debuts, but I am trying a lot of new-to-me as well. When someone has written multiple books, there must be a reason they can get them published, right?

  17. Great topic. I love taking chances on new-to-me authors. I think if I didn't, I would spend a lot of my time sitting around waiting for my go-to authors to write and wishing they would write faster, lol.

    1. I guess, because I read romance, there is never a shortage of books from some of my go-tos (romance writers are machines!), but I bet you wait longer for that epic fantasy or tightly plotted mystery/thriller

  18. I used to take more chances but then I got burned a lot or after a conference I have too many books (although I do try to grab books by new to me authors).

    I haven't read a lot at all this year because of the move but now that I'm settled I can get back to it. I'll mostly be doing library reads too so I hope to discover new ones.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. It's such a delicate balance of having to pay for the book and the time to read it. Got to a conference, grab a free book. No money exchanged hands, but now you have to invest valuable free time. I can understand giving it a bit of consideration before jumping in.

  19. I'm the opposite of you in that the author is low on my list of reasons why I pick up a book. I'm not so much an author person. I might be a little more inclined to try something I might've passed on, but it's still gotta sound like my kinda book. So I love taking chances on new authors!

    1. I guess I need to have some sort of trust in the author, before I give them any of my time, because it's such a valuable resource for me. I am pretty good at knowing the kind of book I will enjoy, but knowing a trusted author created it bumps up its credibility a bit

  20. I love giving new authors an opportunity, but it can be difficult since I usually pay for most of the books I read (Netgalley is my main source of new authors). Most times, I stick with the authors I know. However, I always take a chance on retellings from authors I know nothing about. I just can't resist to new retellings. =P

    Happy readings! ;)
    Tânia @MyLovelySecret

    1. If I was buying all my books, I would not be as cavalier with my choices. I like a good retelling too, though, there aren't as many when it comes to contemporaries. They all seem to be P&P retellings. Ha!

  21. I LOVE that ABBA song. And I am someone who actually has favourite books over favourite authors so I tend to not really care who wrote it? I am more so wanting to know what genre it is, what the themes are, and am busy checking reviews. But I do want to do better at trying to pick up more books by authors I have previously liked before as well.

    1. Genre is important to me as well, since I burned out on SFF books
